Monster Hunter Wiki

Jagdtechniken sind spektakuläre Aktionen, son denen du während der Jagd Gebrauch machst. Dazu gehören mächtige Angriffe und Gegenangriffe sowie Möglichkeiten zur Heilung, auch anderer Jäger. Du aktivierst sie in der Objektbox in deinem Haus oder im Vorbereitungsgebiet.

Um Jagdtechniken zu verwenden, musst du zuerst den Technikbalken füllen. Dazu musst du Monster angreifen & treffen. Sobald der Balken gefüllt ist, kannst du die Jagdtechnik einsetzen. Die für Jagdtechniken benötigten Knöpfe lassen sich unter "Steuerungstyp" in den Optionen festlegen. Mehr Informationen findest du in den Jägernotizen unter "Steuerungstyp".

Wie viele Jagdtechniken du auswählen kannst, richtet sich nach deinem Jagdstil. Triff deine Wahl also mit Bedacht.

SP-Jagdtechniken helfen Jagdkameraden sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen. Wenn jemand eine SP-Jagdtechnik einsetzt, geraten andere Jäger, Pirscher und Ass-Kameraden im gleichen Gebiet in den SP-Zustand, der ihnen verschiedene vorteilhafte Effekte beschert.

Jäger im SP-Zustand profitieren von einer Stärkung ihres Jagdstils. Alle verfügbaren Jagdtechniken können als SP-Jagdtechnik ausgerüstet werden. Das funktioniert wie bei normalen Jagdtechniken, ganz einfach in der Objektbox. Für die meisten Stile kann nur eine SP-Jagdtechnik ausgerüstet werden. Nur für den Alchemiestil können drei ausgerüstet werden. SP-Jagdtechniken werden so verwendet wie normale Techniken und sind gleich stark. Zu beachten ist lediglich, dass die notwendige Füllung des Technikbalkens etwas höher liegt als bei normalen Techniken.

MHXX-Charge Blade Equipment Render 001

Allgemeine Techniken[]

Jagdtechnik Beschreibung Freischaltbar durch
Absolutes Ausweichen Nimmt ein gedrehtes Ausweichmanöver vor, mit dem der Jäger jeder Gefahr entkommen kann. Bietet längere Unverwundbarkeitsdauer. Sobald die Fähigkeit ausgelöst wird, wird die Waffe automatisch weggesteckt. Von Anfang an verfügbar
Absolute Bereitschaft Nimmt ein gedrehtes Ausweichmanöver vor, das längere Unverwundbarkeitsdauer bietet und Schärfe wiederherstellt, Kugeln nachlädt und Beschichtungen anwendet. Bei Auslösen wird die Waffe automatisch gezogen. Jägerlager 3★ Wyvern-Sandläufer
Heilungszuwachs Durch die Konzentration auf die Heilfähigkeiten wird die Gesundheitserholung für kurze Zeit effektiver, temporärer Schaden im Kampf wird schneller regeneriert. Dorf 3★ Hauer-Heuler oder

Jägerlager 3★ Schockierender Schurke

Wegläufer Dein Ausdauerverbrauch wird temporär angehalten, wenn du ein Objekt trägst und von einem starken Monster wegläufst. Weil das Ganze recht aufregend ist, kannst du es nicht lange durchhalten. Von Anfang an verfügbar.
Jägeroase Legt ein Gerät auf den Boden, das ein Nebel aussprüht, der deine Gesundheit wiederherstellt. Du musst nahe dran bleiben, damit es wirkt. Je länger du bleibst, desto mehr Gesundheit stellst du wieder her. Erledige 5 Bherna Quests.
Massen-Kombinierer Von einem berühmten Schützen erfunden, verbessert Effizienz und Erfolgsrate bei Kombinationen von Objekten, so dass mehr Objekte in kurzer Zeit hergestellt werden. Sehr anstrengend, also nur kurze Zeit nutzbar. Erledige 5 Pokke Quests.
Rasereifieber Und wieder geht die Wissenschaft einen Schritt zu weit... Dieses Virus versetzt in Raserei. Gibt bestimmt irgendeinen Deppen, der sowas nutzen würde... Oh nein, du willst es doch wohl nicht probieren, oder? Jägerlager 6★ Unendliche Weiten
Burgmauern Eine besondere Medizin, die den Körper hart wie Stahl macht und die Verteidigung stärkt. Während der Nutzung ist eingehender Schaden reduziert und Rückschlagschutz aktiv, dafür ist aber Sprinten nicht möglich. Erledige 5 Yukumo Quests
Festungsmauern Besondere Medizin, macht den Körper hart wie Diamant und hebt die Verteidigung stark an. Sie reduziert eingehenden Schaden und macht immun gegen anormalen Status und Rückschlag; Sprinten und Ausweichen sind nicht möglich. Jägerlager 5★ Der Zorn des Vulkans
Phönix aus der Asche Reinigt den Körper und stellt ihn wieder her. Gut oder Böse spielt keine Rolle - Alle Statuseffekte werden entfernt und die Gesundheit entsprechend der Menge entfernter Effekte geheilt. Erledige 5 Kokoto Quests

Waffenspezifische Techniken[]


Hunter Art Name Hunter Art Description Unlock Conditions
Bodenhieb I Eine raffinierte Technik, in der du dein Großschwert über den Boden schleifst, dann nach vorne stürmst und eine Druckwelle loslässt. Sowohl der erste Schlag als auch der Druck treffen den Gegner mit massiven Schaden. Von Anfang an verfügbar.
Bodenhieb II Erzeugt eine größere Druckwelle als Bodenhieb I und kann mehrere Gegner treffen. Dorfquest 4★ Der Verzauberer der Nacht oder

Jägerlager 3★ Schockierender Schurke

Bodenhieb III Erzeugt eine größere Druckwelle als die Vorstufen, kann mehrere Gegner zurückwerfen. Jägerlager 6★ Jenseits des Sands und rede anschließend mit den Hell Hunters in Kokoto
Löwenrachen I Schwingt das Großschwert mit blutdürstiger Wut herum und steigert den Angriff für den nächsten Schlag. Dieser höllische Angriff bringt ein teuflisches Glühen in die Augen des Jägers, während er Leichen hinter sich lässt. Dorfquest 2★ Springender Schurke


Jägerlager 2★ Der neue Nachbar

Löwenrachen II Schwingt das Großschwert mit blutdürstiger Wut herum und steigert den Angriff für den nächsten Schlag mehr als in der vorgehenden Stufe. Bringe einen Pirscher/Kameraden auf Level 25 oder höher.
Löwenrachen III Schwingt das Großschwert mit blutdürstiger Wut herum und steigert den Angriff für den nächsten Schlag noch mehr als in beiden Vorstufen. Jägerlager 7★ Schockierende Erkenntnis
Schwefelhieb I Baut Wut auf, um einen erschütternden Schlag in eine beliebige Richtung loszulassen. Wenn der Jäger während dieses Angriffs angegriffen wird, wird der Treffer absorbiert und direkt ein tödlicher Gegenangriff ausgeführt Dorfquest 3★ Hauer-Heuler oder

Jägerlager 3★ Schockierender Schurke

Schwefelhieb II Baut mehr Wut als in der vorangehenden Stufe auf, um einen erschütternden Schlag loszulassen. Dorfquest 6★ Die sengende Klinge
Schwefelhieb III Baut noch mehr Wut als in den vorangehenden Stufen auf, um einen erschütternden Schlag loszulassen. Jägerlager 7★ Zeig mir deine Shaka-Kraft
Mondbrecher I Du springst in die Luft und verdrehst deinen Körper, um alle Kraft in einen Hieb nach unten zu legen. Das Gewicht des Schwerts ermöglicht es, Körperteile zu brechen. Dorfquest 7★ Vorhut auf der Hut oder

Jägerlager 7★ Bist du so gut, wie alle sagen?

Mondbrecher II Jägerlager G2★ 鎌蟹の狩猟をさせてやるぜ!
Mondbrecher III Jägerlager G4★ 巨獣の進攻


Hunter Art Name Hunter Art Description Unlock Conditions
Sakura-Hieb I Ein schneller Sprung zurück gibt Schwung für zwei fegende Hiebe; so schnell, dass die Wunde erst kurz danach aufbricht. Wenn der Angriff trifft, steigert das den Elanbalken um eine Stufe Von Anfang an verfügbar.
Sakura-Hieb II Stärker als der Sakura-Hieb I. Dorf 4★ Der Verzauberer der Nacht oder

Jägerlager 3★ Schockierender Schurke

Sakura-Hieb III Stärker als der Sakura-Hieb II Jägerlager 7★ Drachenältester des Nebels
Elan-Entladung I Konzentriert die spirituelle Energie auf eine explosionsartige Entladung, während das Schwert geschwungen wird. Bei Aktivierung wird der Elanbalken temporär gefüllt und kein mehr verbraucht, auch nicht für Elanklinge. Dorf 3★ Hauer-Heuler oder

Jägerlager 3★ Schockierender Schurke

Elan-Entladung II Bietet längere Dauer als die vorangehende Stufe Jägerlager 3★ Tigrex am Schwanz packen
Elan-Entladung III Bietet längere Dauer als die beiden vorangehenden Stufen Jägerlager 6★ Stürze den Monarchen und rede anschließend mit den Argosy-Käptain in Kokoto.
Kritischer Moment I Traditionelle Technik aus dem Fernen Osten. Der Jäger bringt absolute Ruhe in sein Inneres und findet den perfekten Zeitpunkt, um einen zernichtenden Gegenangriff zu starten, sobald das Monster zuschlägt. Dorfquest 2★ Springender Schurke oder

Jägerlager 2★ Der neue Nachbar

Kritischer Moment II Traditionelle Technik aus dem Fernen Osten. Der Jäger bringt absolute Ruhe in sein Inneres und findet den perfekten Zeitpunkt, um einen tödlichen Gegenangriff zu starten, sobald das Monster zuschlägt. Sammle 400 oder mehr Punkte in Yukumo durch erfüllen von Anfragen.
Kritischer Moment III Traditionelle Technik aus dem Fernen Osten. Der Jäger bringt absolute Ruhe in sein Inneres und findet den perfekten Zeitpunkt, um einen vernichtenden Gegenangriff zu starten, sobald das Monster zuschlägt. Jägerlager 7★ Die Jägerspiele
Hungriger Dämon I Erhöht vorübergehend deine Angriffskraft. Solange die Wirkung anhält, verlierst du allerdings an Gesundheit. Lande Treffer, um Gesundheit wiederherzustellen. ~Der Preis des Dämonen für diesen Pakt ist Lebenskraft. Du musst jagen, damit er sie dir nicht raubt.~ Dorfquest 7★ Vorhut auf der Hut oder

Jägerlager 7★ Bist du so gut, wie alle sagen?

Hungriger Dämon II Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "空の家族・空路を守るッス".
Hungriger Dämon III Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "風薫る密林".

Schwert & Schild[]

Hunter Art Name Hunter Art Description Unlock Conditions
Sword Dance I
Slashes your sword five times in a graceful, dance-like sequence. This Art is useful for dealing elemental damage to hard body parts, as you may continue attacking even if a hit is repelled. Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Sword Dance II
Tier II allows you to slash a total of seven times. Complete the 5★ Village Quest "Kut-Ku Earbreaker", or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "Two-headed Carcass".
Sword Dance III
Tier III allows you to slash a total of nine times. Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "沼地酔夢譚".
Round Force I
A spin attack that slashes all targets surrounding you. During execution, you'll be invulnerable to monster attacks, making it an effective evasive technique as well. Unlocked from the beginning.
Round Force II
Tier II has a wider-ranging spin attack. Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Round Force III
Tier III has the same range as Tier II, but also lifts your allies into the air. After completing the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Hunt, Sweat, and Tears", talk to the Ace Cadet in Bherna.
Shoryugeki I
After landing a slice attack, you thrust your shield into the air in an uppercut motion. A popular fighting move, the follow-up attack with your shield is strong enough to even Stun monsters. Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenant".
Shoryugeki II
Tier II adds an extra hit to the shield bash, turning it into a strong two-hit combo. Gain 400 or more points in Kokoto Village.
Shoryugeki III
Tier III adds another extra hit to the shield bash, turning it into a fierce three-hit combo. Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Three Hour Tour".
Chaos Oil I
Charges forward and coats your blade in a special mixture that ignites on friction with your shield. Combines the effects of all other oils, purely because some lazy hunter didn't want to apply them one by one. Can be used in combination with the existing oils.
Chaos Oil II
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "密林のナルガクルガと対峙せよ".
Chaos Oil III
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "金と銀がもたらす悲哀".


Hunter Art Name Hunter Art Description Unlock Conditions
Blood Wind I
With Dual Blades twirling, advance to slice through targets. You can change direction during execution twice. Unlocked from the beginning.
Blood Wind II
In Tier II, you're able to change direction three times. Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Blood Wind III
In Tier III, you're able to change direction four times and the attack is more powerful than Tier II. After completing the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Hunt, Sweat, and Tears", talk to the Ace Cadet in Bherna.
Aerial Slam I
Rush off a ledge to perform a spinning attack. If the hit lands, you can follow up with an aerial drop attack. Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenant".
Aerial Slam II
In Tier II, landing a hit allows you to fly higher in the air for a follow-up drop attack. Get a Palico to Level 20 or higher.
Aerial Slam III
In Tier III, landing a hit allows you to fly even higher in the air for a follow-up drop attack. Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "At the Slayground".
Wolf's Maw I
A technique that has you succumb to a raw, animalistic rage, allowing you to deal two hits with a single swing. Requires the utmost trust in your skills. Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Wolf's Maw II
Tier II allows you to channel this rage for a longer period of time than Tier I. Hunt a Deviljho
Wolf's Maw III
Tier III allows you to channel this rage for a longer period of time than Tier II. Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "憤怒の雄叫び".
Spiral Slice I
Leap forward in a corkscrew motion, blades ripping at a monster's soft parts. It takes more than technique and a well-trained body to perform this Hunter Art.
Spiral Slice II
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "密林のナルガクルガと対峙せよ".
Spiral Slice III
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "焦電".


Hunter Art Name Hunter Art Description Unlock Conditions
Spinning Meteor I
The powers of gravity and centrifugal force combine in a series of powerful, spinning Hammer attacks. The final blow is the most powerful, so time it carefully to land a hit right between a monster's eyes. Unlocked from the beginning.
Spinning Meteor II
Tier II features more power behind each of the Hammer blows. Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Spinning Meteor III
Tier III features even more force behind each of the Hammer blows than in Tier II. Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "For Whom the Gong Tolls".
Provoke I
A taunt where you make yourself known by raising your weapon up in the air, momentarily upping the likelihood of monsters targeting you. The effect will wear off early if you leave the area. Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenant".
Provoke II
The Taunt effect lasts longer in Tier II. Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Nargacuga Throwdown".
Provoke III
The Taunt effect lasts just as long as in Tier II, but you also get a boost to your Defense. Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Hunter Games".
Typhoon Trigger I
A spinning Hammer attack that takes a few swings to get going. Press the X Button while spinning to unleash a sharp uppercut. Forget to press the X Button and you will stumble. Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Typhoon Trigger II
Tier II's final uppercut smash is stronger than in Tier I. Complete the 5★ Village Quest "The Unwavering Colossus".
Typhoon Trigger III
Tier III's final uppercut smash is even stronger than in Tier II. Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Fanged Beasts".
Impact Press I
Adds a shockwave to Charged Attacks by focusing your spirit. The shockwave is formed when air rushes into the vacuum created by raising the hammer quickly after the moment of impact.
Impact Press II
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "……欲するならば資格を示して".
Impact Press III
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "砂漠の死闘と未来".


Hunter Art Name Hunter Art Description Unlock Conditions
Euphony I
Triggers the effects of all playable Melodies. As this Art relies on a unique music scale in order to work, the effects bestowed from this Art will only apply to you. Unlocked from the beginning.
Euphony II
In Tier II, the execution time is faster than Tier I, however, effects are still only applied to yourself. Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Euphony III
Tier III has a faster execution time than Tier II, however, effects are still only applied to yourself. After completing the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Topple the Monarch", talk to the Argosy Captain in Kokoto.
Sonic Smash I
Perform a double-spin combo that ends in a smashing blow, emitting a soundwave. Ideal as a defensive tactic, too. Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Sonic Smash II
Tier II ends in a more powerful soundwave than Tier I. Complete the Arena Quest "Grudge Match: Najarala".
Sonic Smash III
Tier III gets an upgraded combo and has a more powerful soundwave than Tier II. Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "試練の帰結点".
Harmonize I
A new type of Melody that affects the Hunting Horn itself, rather than the hunter. Notes are doubled for a limited time, even when an attack misses. Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenant".
Harmonize II
In Tier II, the period in which Notes are doubled lasts longer than in Tier I. Complete the 4★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Land Sharq".
Harmonize III
In Tier III, the period in which Notes are doubled lasts even longer than in Tier II. Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Status: Effected".
Invigoration I
Transforms your entire performance with the spirit of the hunt. While this Art is active, your Performances and Encores will begin with a quick dodge, with a small window of invulnerability.
Invigoration II
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "……欲するならば資格を示して".
Invigoration III
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "狩魂よ砂中に眠れ".


Hunter Art Name Hunter Art Description Unlock Conditions
Shield Assault I
A powerful charging shield attack that serves to defend even as you rush forward. Use this Art to close the distance between you and the monster, or to evade. Can be chained into other thrust attacks as well. Unlocked from the beginning.
Shield Assault II
Tier II allows you to charge a longer distance. Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Shield Assault III
Tier III allows you to charge even farther than in Tier II. After completing the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Serpentine Samba", talk to the Ace Lancer in Bherna.
Corkscrew Jab I
Focuses your energy into a powerful drilling Lance attack. While you're defenseless during the charge up phase, the power dealt -- if you manage to connect -- is considerable. Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Corkscrew Jab II
Tier II takes longer to charge, but the power of the thrust is proportionately stronger. Gain 400 or more points in Pokke Village.
Corkscrew Jab III
Tier III takes longer to charge than in Tier II, but the power of the thrust is even stronger. Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Frozen Dictator".
Enraged Guard I
Raises your shield to block an incoming attack. When doing so, the power of the hit will be absorbed, raising your Attack. Risky to use, but the more powerful the blow, the more your Attack will increase. Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenant".
Enraged Guard II
Upon a successful block, Tier II raises your Attack higher than in Tier I. Complete the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Shogun's Encampment".
Enraged Guard III
Upon a successful block, Tier III raises your Attack even higher than in Tier II. Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Bugging Out".
Healing Shield I
An Art inspired by Oils and Healing Phials. Coats the Shield with a medicinal balm; when an attack is blocked, the medicine is scattered, restoring your Health and that of nearby allies.
Healing Shield II
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "依頼委託:火山の岩竜".
Healing Shield III
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "シャル・ウィ・ダンス?".


Hunter Art Name Hunter Art Description Unlock Conditions
Dragon Blast I
Expels a superhot vortex of twisting flames. Takes time to charge, but the explosive payoff is well worth it. Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenant".
Dragon Blast II
In Tier II, the effects are more potent and it takes less time to charge than in Tier I. Complete the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "Emperor of Flame".
Dragon Blast III
In Tier III, the effects are more potent and it takes less time to charge than in Tier II. Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Beasts of Brawn".
Blast Dash I
An innovative Art that uses shelling recoil to propel you forward, allowing you to close any gaps between you and your target. Capable of finishing with an Overhead Smash after you land. Unlocked from the beginning.
Blast Dash II
Tier II is capable of propelling you farther ahead than Tier I. Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Blast Dash III
Tier III is capable of propelling you farther ahead than Tier II, as well as allowing you to finish with an Overhead Smash in midair. After completing the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Serpentine Samba", talk to the Ace Lancer in Bherna.
Dragon Breath I
Quickly builds up heat within using the Wyvern's Fire mechanism. Once activated, the Heat Gauge remains high, making shelling attacks stronger, though it's not a method craftsmen are likely to be thrilled about. Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Dragon Breath II
In Tier II, the heat built up in the Gunlance lasts longer than in Tier I. Complete the 5★ Village Quest "Island Heat".
Dragon Breath III
In Tier III, the heat built up in the Gunlance lasts longer than in Tier II. Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Flames of War".
AA Flare I
Combats aerial targets with great firepower using the installed anti-air module. Begins by unloading a full volley into the air, and quickly follows up with Wyvern's Fire if the Gunlance hasn't Overheated.
AA Flare II
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "依頼委託:火山の岩竜".
AA Flare III
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "死神は鎧をまとう".


Hunter Art Name Hunter Art Description Unlock Conditions
Trance Slash I
You switch repeatedly from axe to sword, delivering a furious combo ending with an Element Discharge. You can reorient yourself mid-combo, and you also retain the effects of Demon Riot, if it is active. Unlocked from the beginning.
Trance Slash II
In Tier II, each attack in the combo is stronger than in Tier I. Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Trance Slash III
In Tier III, each attack in the combo does even fiercer damage than in Tier II. Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "For Whom the Gong Tolls".
Demon Riot I
Takes the elemental energy within a Switch Axe and rather than unleashing it, keeps it sealed and pent up to a dangerous degree. Sword Mode attacks are stronger, but the Switch Gauge depletes over time. Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenant".
Demon Riot II
In Tier II, Sword Mode attacks are even stronger, and the effect lasts longer, though the Switch Gauge still depletes over time. Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Walls Have Eyes".
Demon Riot III
In Tier III, Sword Mode attacks are strongest, and the effect lasts longer than even in Tier II, though the Switch Gauge still depletes over time. Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "Child of Destruction".
Energy Charge I
An Art invented by an eccentric Hunter looking for a way to quickly Reload. It allows for a fast Reload of the Switch Axe's Phial in either Mode, finishing with a horizontal swipe in Sword Mode. Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Energy Charge II
In addition to the quick Reload and horizontal sweep, Tier II also slightly raises your Affinity. Complete the 5★ Village Quest "Double Vision.
Energy Charge III
In addition to the quick Reload and horizontal sweep, Tier II substantially raises your Affinity. Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Firefight to the Finish!".
Tempest Axe I
By masterfully gauging the axe's weight, this Hunter Art allows a lightness of motion that borders on the impossible. It also adds a vertical slash to your repertoire, which utilizes the rapid swing momentum.
Tempest Axe II
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "二人で特訓、成果は山分け".
Tempest Axe III
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "騎士と氷海の決闘".


Hunter Art Name Hunter Art Description Unlock Conditions
Energy Blade I
Converts the energy outputted from an Element Discharge into a blade of light. The number of charged phials affects both the length of the blade and its overall power. Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Energy Blade II
In Tier II, the energy output from the Element Discharge is higher than in Tier I. Slay a Kirin.
Energy Blade III
In Tier III, the energy output from the Element Discharge is higher than in Tier II. Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Winged Wyverns".
Limit Breaker I
Raises the phial charge limit from the standard five units to seven, giving you more flexibility with moves that rely on them. Unlocked from the beginning.
Limit Breaker II
Tier II raises the phial charge limit from the standard five units to nine, giving you more flexibility with moves that rely on them. Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Limit Breaker III
Tier III raises the phial charge limit from the standard five units to ten, giving you more flexibility with moves that rely on them. Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Status: Effected".
Healing Phial I
A Hunter Art that sees a Charge Blade gaining healing functionality. The energy stored in your phials is temporarily used to heal your Health, which can be done with an Elemental Boosted Roundslash. Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenant".
Healing Phial II
In Tier II, the energy stored in your phials is temporarily used to heal your Health, as well as that of any allies who are very close by. Gain 400 or more points in Bherna Village.
Healing Phial III
In Tier III, the energy stored in your phials is temporarily used to heal your Health, as well as that of any allies who are relatively close by. Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Dances with Wyverns".
Ripper Shield I
The shield attaches to the blade to form a high-speed cutting disk that mangles foes. The multi-stage shield attack greatly boosts blade attack energy, then uses that energy to replenish phials. Press the R Button to do a Shield Charge.
Ripper Shield II
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "二人で特訓、成果は山分け".
Ripper Shield III
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "無心にて森羅万象を断つ".


Hunter Art Name Hunter Art Description Unlock Conditions
Extract Hunter I
Hurls your Kinsect with lightning speed towards a monster. The Kinsect will harvest all three Extracts: Red, White, and Orange. Note that the duration of Extract effects is short for this Art. Unlocked from the beginning.
Extract Hunter II
In Tier II, Extract effects last longer than Tier I, improving ease of use. Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Extract Hunter III
In Tier III, Extract effects last longer than Tier II, improving ease of use. After completing the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "From Beyond the Sands", talk to the Hell Hunters (The two men sitting at the table in Kokoto).
Swarm I
Summons a swarm of protective insects that take position around you, attacking any and all things that dare to get close to you. Be careful using it around allies. Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenant".
Swarm II
In Tier II, the insect swarm glows yellow and has a greater attack power than in Tier I. Complete the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "Topple the Monarch".
Swarm III
In Tier III, the insect swarm glows red and has a greater attack power than in Tier II. Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "まだ見ぬ秘湯をもとめて".
Bug Blow I
Performs a vault after pulling off a combo attack to unleash an Overhead Smash from midair. Especially potent when used in tandem with the Swarm Art, as the insects are concentrated for a hard blow. Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Bug Blow II
Tier II has a higher jump height than Tier I, allowing you to hit hard-to-reach targets. Complete the 4★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Powerful Team".
Bug Blow III
Tier III has a higher jump height than Tier II, allowing you to hit hard-to-reach targets. Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Marshlands Rag".
Bug Majeure I
A support art that calls forth a unique species of bug to awaken your Kinsect. This symbiosis grants more precise movement in exchange for your Kinsect's stamina, and adds an additional high-speed spin to your Kinsect Spin Attacks.
Bug Majeure II
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "鎌蟹の狩猟をさせてやるぜ!".
Bug Majeure III
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "天を廻りて、冥界に堕つ".

Leichtes Bogengewehr[]

Hunter Art Name Hunter Art Description Unlock Conditions
Bullet Geyser I
After an initial backstep, fires a timed explosive onto the ground, the discharge sending you even further back. This Art works both as an attack and evasive technique. Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Bullet Geyser II
Tier II features a higher number of explosions than in Tier I. Complete the 5★ Village Quest "The Thunderclaw Wyvern".
Bullet Geyser III
Tier III features an even higher number of explosions than in Tier II. Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "森丘の黒い霧".
Full House I
An Art passed down by a Gunner from a certain region. Reloads all the ammo you have on you, save for Specialized Rapid Fire ammo, in a single motion. Unlocked from the beginning.
Full House II
Tier II allows you to reload in an even shorter amount of time. Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Full House III
Tier III reloads in the same amount of time as Tier II, but also reloads Rapid Fire ammo. Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Status: Effected".
Rapid Fire Rain I
An Art that relies on special bullets that split up inside your weapon, giving you unprecedented rapid firing speeds. Autofires until the chamber empties, or you press the B Button to cancel. Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenant".
Rapid Fire Rain II
Tier II allows you to fire more ammo. Complete the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "Stop the Wheel".
Rapid Fire Rain III
Tier III allows you to fire even more ammo than in Tier II. Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "住めば都の闘技場暮らし".
Charge Shot I
Charges up the power of Normal S Lv1 ammo. Special gunpowder used in the Light Bowgun's chamber catalyzes with the rounds, resulting in a controlled increase in attack power. There are three levels of charge and up to five rounds can be fired.
Charge Shot II
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "閃きへの1ピースを求めて".
Charge Shot III
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "溶岩島で爆ぜる砕光".

Schweres Bogengewehr[]

Hunter Art Name Hunter Art Description Unlock Conditions
Super Nova I
An attack that uses specialized piercing ammo which travels a short distance before exploding midair. The blast is quite powerful, but if the ammo hits a wall or floor, it won't explode. Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenant".
Super Nova II
Tier II has a more powerful explosion, but takes more time to fire. Complete the 6★ Village Quest "Break the Brachydios".
Super Nova III
Tier III has an even more powerful explosion than Tier II, but takes a longer time to fire. Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "Emperor of Flame".
Guns Blazing I
A revolutionary technique that fires a canister above your head that showers you with a special stimulant. Boosts your movement and reload speeds, and also reduces recoil. Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Guns Blazing II
In Tier II, the movement speed, reload speed, and recoil effects last longer. Complete the 5★ Village Quest "The Entrancing Water Dancer".
Guns Blazing III
In Tier III, the movement speed, reload speed, and recoil effects last even longer than in Tier II. Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Insomnia? Meet Hypnotism x 2".
Gunpowder Infusion I
Loads special gunpowder into your Bowgun, increasing the power of your ammo for a set number of shots. Discovered by accident when a newbie Hunter loaded some lava rocks into their weapon... Unlocked from the beginning.
Gunpowder Infusion II
Tier II loads more gunpowder, allowing for more empowered shots. Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Gunpowder Infusion III
Tier III loads more gunpowder than in Tier II, allowing for an even higher number of empowered shots. Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Hollow Defense".
Void Piercer I
Shoots an iron spike from the Heavy Bowgun. By igniting gunpowder, the resulting pressure launches the red-hot loading pin, which rips through the air and dealing Cutting damage. Firing becomes safer if a shield is attached.
Void Piercer II
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "空の家族・空路を守るッス".
Void Piercer III
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "戦慄の遺群嶺".


Hunter Art Name Hunter Art Description Unlock Conditions
Triple Volley I
Fire off arrows in groups of three, with the final shot being the strongest. Fires in the direction you were facing upon activation. Unlocked from the beginning.
Triple Volley II
In Tier II, the final shot takes longer to fire, yet is stronger than in Tier I. Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Triple Volley III
In Tier III, the final shot takes longer to fire, yet is stronger than in Tier II. Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "奇奇怪怪のハードビーク".
Haste Rain I
A revolutionary technique that fires an arrow above your head that showers you with a special stimulant. Temporarily raises movement and charge speed. Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel".
Haste Rain II
In Tier II, the effect from the stimulant lasts longer than in Tier I. Complete the Arena Quest "Grudge Match: Kecha Wacha".
Haste Rain III
In Tier III, the effect from the stimulant lasts longer than in Tier II. Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Insomnia? Meet Hypnotism x 2".
Blade Wire I
Binds two arrows together with wire to create a flying blade when fired. All non-Arc Shot and Power Shot charged arrows are swapped temporarily for cutting wire. Cannot be coated, but can sever a monster's tail. Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenant".
Blade Wire II
In Tier II, all non-Arc Shot and Power Shot charged arrows are swapped for cutting wire for a longer period than Tier I. Complete 6★ Village Quest "青と緑の波状包囲網" or the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Plesioth in the Misty Peaks".
Blade Wire III
In Tier III, all non-Arc Shot and Power Shot charged arrows are swapped for cutting wire for a longer period than Tier II. Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Wild Gunman".
Tactical Retreat I
This dual-purpose Art lets you dodge while drawing the bowstring and shooting behind you. Hold down the Charged Attack button to keep the bowstring drawn and save your attack for later. The shot is unaffected by distance.
Tactical Retreat II
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "閃きへの1ピースを求めて".
Tactical Retreat III
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "金色超巨星".