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A Diablos so mighty, it was crowned an Apex. It is eternally possessed by wrath and terror, possibly due to the myriad wounds that cover its body. Its supremely developed horns adds to the lethality of its charge. The call of an Apex unleashes its tortured anger on nearby beasts, driving them into a frenzy.

Apex Diablos are an Apex Variant of Diablos introduced in Monster Hunter Rise.


It bears an exceptionally striking resemblance to a Bloodbath Diablos all while still keeping some similarity to a Frenzied Diablos, having red eyes and scars on his body, but keeping a darker and bloodier color scheme of the original. Its horns are much larger and more developed. When fully enraged or attacking, Apex Diablos's scars brightens up.

Behavior and Abilities[]

Apex Diablos is every bit as brutal and aggressive as the Bloodbath Diablos, if not more so, as they violently, relentlessly and ruthlessly attack anyone and anything on sight. It has far more powerful attacks than those of a regular Diablos, but it also has a corkscrew burrow and a multi-charge, similarities linked to the Bloodbath. Like its Deviant counterpart, the Apex Diablos remain in constant extreme rage throughout battle until second phase when its rage increases.

When enraged, it will do a massive charge, ending with a devastatingly damaging 180 degree spin.

Like its Deviant counterpart, Apex Diablos can charge while in the middle of roar, making the attack near impossible to dodge if you didn't block the roar first.

Like thier normal counterparts, Apex Diablos are known to fight each other.

Game Appearances[]

Main Series[]

In-Game Description[]

Monster Hunter Rise
MHRise-Apex Diablos Icon A Diablos so mighty, it was crowned an Apex. It is eternally possessed by wrath and terror, possibly due to the myriad wounds that cover its body. Its supremely developed horns adds to the lethality of its charge. The call of an Apex unleashes its tortured anger on nearby beasts, driving them into a frenzy.
Threat Level (危険度): ★★★★★★★★★★

Hunting Tips[]

An angry Apex Diablos will trigger a devastating move, launching into an unstoppable charge, bringing down everything in its path. Push on against an enraged Apex to quickly rid of its rage and steady its temper


  • It was added on April 28th with Apex Rathalos in the 2.0 Free Title update.
    • As of 3.0 Title Update, the Apex Diablos can be encountered outside of Rampage Quests in Sandy Plains (Rise).
    • Apex Diablos can be encountered in 7 Star Rampage Quests.
  • Apex Diablos was voted 178th place in the Hunters' Choice for Top Monster during Monster Hunter's 20th Anniversary.[1]

Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Rise (edit)
Herbivore MHRise-Anteka Icon Anteka MHRise-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MHRise-Kestodon Male Icon Kestodon MHRise-Popo Icon Popo MHRise-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MHRise-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
Amphibian MHRise-Zamite Icon Zamite
MHRise-Tetranadon Icon Tetranadon
Fish MHRise-Gajau Icon Gajau
Fanged Beast MHRise-Bombadgy Icon Bombadgy MHRise-Bullfango Icon Bullfango
MHRise-Arzuros Icon Arzuros MHRise-Apex Arzuros Icon Apex Arzuros MHRise-Bishaten Icon Bishaten MHRise-Goss Harag Icon Goss Harag MHRise-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MHRise-Rajang Icon Rajang MHRise-Volvidon Icon Volvidon
Lynian MHRise-Felyne Icon Felyne MHRise-Melynx Icon Melynx
Neopteron MHRise-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MHRise-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra
Temnoceran MHRise-Rachnoid Icon Rachnoid
MHRise-Rakna-Kadaki Icon Rakna-Kadaki
Bird Wyvern MHRise-Baggi Icon Baggi MHRise-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MHRise-Izuchi Icon Izuchi MHRise-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MHRise-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MHRise-Wroggi Icon Wroggi
MHRise-Aknosom Icon Aknosom MHRise-Great Baggi Icon Great Baggi MHRise-Great Izuchi Icon Great Izuchi MHRise-Great Wroggi Icon Great Wroggi MHRise-Kulu-Ya-Ku Icon Kulu-Ya-Ku MHRise-Pukei-Pukei Icon Pukei-Pukei
Brute Wyvern MHRise-Anjanath Icon Anjanath MHRise-Barroth Icon Barroth
Fanged Wyvern MHRise-Jagras Icon Jagras
MHRise-Magnamalo Icon Magnamalo MHRise-Tobi-Kadachi Icon Tobi-Kadachi MHRise-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MHRise-Apex Zinogre Icon Apex Zinogre
Leviathan MHRise-Ludroth Icon Ludroth
MHRise-Almudron Icon Almudron MHRise-Mizutsune Icon Mizutsune MHRise-Apex Mizutsune Icon Apex Mizutsune MHRise-Royal Ludroth Icon Royal Ludroth MHRise-Somnacanth Icon Somnacanth
Piscine Wyvern MHRise-Delex Icon Delex
MHRise-Jyuratodus Icon Jyuratodus
Snake Wyvern MHRise-Remobra Icon Remobra
Flying Wyvern MHRise-Barioth Icon Barioth MHRise-Basarios Icon Basarios MHRise-Bazelgeuse Icon Bazelgeuse MHRise-Diablos Icon Diablos MHRise-Apex Diablos Icon Apex Diablos MHRise-Khezu Icon Khezu MHRise-Nargacuga Icon Nargacuga MHRise-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MHRise-Apex Rathalos Icon Apex Rathalos MHRise-Rathian Icon Rathian MHRise-Apex Rathian Icon Apex Rathian MHRise-Tigrex Icon Tigrex
Elder Dragon MHRise-Chameleos Icon Chameleos MHRise-Crimson Glow Valstrax Icon Crimson Glow Valstrax MHRise-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MHRise-Teostra Icon Teostra MHRise-Thunder Serpent Narwa Icon Thunder Serpent Narwa MHRise-Narwa the Allmother Icon Narwa the Allmother MHRise-Wind Serpent Ibushi Icon Wind Serpent Ibushi
Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (edit)
Herbivore MHRise-Anteka Icon Anteka MHRS-Gowngoat Icon Gowngoat MHRise-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MHRise-Kestodon Male Icon Kestodon MHRise-Popo Icon Popo MHRise-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MHRise-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
Amphibian MHRise-Zamite Icon Zamite
MHRise-Tetranadon Icon Tetranadon
Fish MHRise-Gajau Icon Gajau
Fanged Beast MHRise-Bombadgy Icon Bombadgy MHRise-Bullfango Icon Bullfango
MHRise-Arzuros Icon Arzuros MHRise-Apex Arzuros Icon Apex Arzuros MHRise-Bishaten Icon Bishaten MHRS-Blood Orange Bishaten Icon Blood Orange Bishaten MHRS-Garangolm Icon Garangolm MHRise-Goss Harag Icon Goss Harag MHRise-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MHRise-Rajang Icon Rajang MHRS-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang MHRise-Volvidon Icon Volvidon
Lynian MHRise-Felyne Icon Felyne MHRise-Melynx Icon Melynx
Carapaceon MHRS-Ceanataur Icon Ceanataur MHRS-Hermitaur Icon Hermitaur
MHRS-Daimyo Hermitaur Icon Daimyo Hermitaur MHRS-Shogun Ceanataur Icon Shogun Ceanataur
Neopteron MHRise-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MHRise-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra MHRS-Hornetaur Icon Hornetaur MHRS-Vespoid Icon Vespoid
Temnoceran MHRS-Pyrantula Icon Pyrantula MHRise-Rachnoid Icon Rachnoid
MHRise-Rakna-Kadaki Icon Rakna-Kadaki MHRS-Pyre Rakna-Kadaki Icon Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
Bird Wyvern MHRise-Baggi Icon Baggi MHRS-Boggi Icon Boggi MHRise-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MHRise-Izuchi Icon Izuchi MHRise-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MHRise-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MHRS-Velociprey Icon Velociprey MHRise-Wroggi Icon Wroggi
MHRise-Aknosom Icon Aknosom MHRise-Great Baggi Icon Great Baggi MHRise-Great Izuchi Icon Great Izuchi MHRise-Great Wroggi Icon Great Wroggi MHRise-Kulu-Ya-Ku Icon Kulu-Ya-Ku MHRise-Pukei-Pukei Icon Pukei-Pukei
Brute Wyvern MHRise-Anjanath Icon Anjanath MHRise-Barroth Icon Barroth
Fanged Wyvern MHRise-Jagras Icon Jagras
MHRS-Lunagaron Icon Lunagaron MHRise-Magnamalo Icon Magnamalo MHRS-Scorned Magnamalo Icon Scorned Magnamalo MHRise-Tobi-Kadachi Icon Tobi-Kadachi MHRise-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MHRise-Apex Zinogre Icon Apex Zinogre
Leviathan MHRise-Ludroth Icon Ludroth MHRise-Uroktor Icon Uroktor
MHRise-Almudron Icon Almudron MHRS-Magma Almudron Icon Magma Almudron MHRise-Mizutsune Icon Mizutsune MHRS-Violet Mizutsune Icon Violet Mizutsune MHRise-Apex Mizutsune Icon Apex Mizutsune MHRise-Royal Ludroth Icon Royal Ludroth MHRise-Somnacanth Icon Somnacanth MHRS-Aurora Somnacanth Icon Aurora Somnacanth
Piscine Wyvern MHRise-Delex Icon Delex
MHRise-Jyuratodus Icon Jyuratodus
Snake Wyvern MHRise-Remobra Icon Remobra
Flying Wyvern MHRS-Astalos Icon Astalos MHRise-Barioth Icon Barioth MHRise-Basarios Icon Basarios MHRise-Bazelgeuse Icon Bazelgeuse MHRS-Seething Bazelgeuse Icon Seething Bazelgeuse MHRise-Diablos Icon Diablos MHRise-Apex Diablos Icon Apex Diablos MHRS-Espinas Icon Espinas MHRS-Flaming Espinas Icon Flaming Espinas MHRise-Khezu Icon Khezu MHRise-Nargacuga Icon Nargacuga MHRS-Lucent Nargacuga Icon Lucent Nargacuga MHRise-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MHRS-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MHRise-Apex Rathalos Icon Apex Rathalos MHRise-Rathian Icon Rathian MHRS-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian MHRise-Apex Rathian Icon Apex Rathian MHRS-Seregios Icon Seregios MHRise-Tigrex Icon Tigrex
Elder Dragon MHRS-Amatsu Icon Amatsu MHRise-Chameleos Icon Chameleos MHRS-Risen Chameleos Icon Risen Chameleos MHRise-Crimson Glow Valstrax Icon Crimson Glow Valstrax MHRS-Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax Icon Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax MHRS-Gaismagorm Icon Gaismagorm MHRise-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MHRS-Risen Kushala Daora Icon Risen Kushala Daora MHRS-Malzeno Icon Malzeno MHRS-Primordial Malzeno Icon Primordial Malzeno MHRS-Shagaru Magala Icon Shagaru Magala MHRS-Risen Shagaru Magala Icon Risen Shagaru Magala MHRise-Teostra Icon Teostra MHRS-Risen Teostra Icon Risen Teostra MHRise-Thunder Serpent Narwa Icon Thunder Serpent Narwa MHRise-Narwa the Allmother Icon Narwa the Allmother MHRS-Velkhana Icon Velkhana MHRise-Wind Serpent Ibushi Icon Wind Serpent Ibushi
??? MHRS-Gore Magala Icon Gore Magala MHRS-Chaotic Gore Magala Icon Chaotic Gore Magala