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Blackveil Vaal Hazak is a Variant of Vaal Hazak, first introduced in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.


Blackveil Vaal Hazak is similar to its counterpart in terms of general appearance but the main difference is that it's covered in strange moss-like pustules that emit Effluvium constantly. These pustules even go as far to cover its head, rendering it blind. Should they be removed/broken however, it is able to see again. Contrasting regular Vaal Hazak's dark red and silver coloring, Blackveil has a green and milky-white coloring.

Behaviour and Abilities

Blackveil Vaal Hazak is a passive monster, that only attacks when provoked. Like its counterpart, it mainly uses its Effluvium as a form of attack, but also as a form of finding prey and infecting other monsters. The moss that grows on its body can be spread about to infect not just monsters but its surrounding area as well, transforming the environment into its ideal area of operation. The pustules seemed to have changed its breath from the stream of concentrated Effluvium into a smog-like gas that can adhere to the ground temporarily.

Game Appearances

In-Game Description

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
MHWI-Blackveil Vaal Hazak Icon A Vaal Hazak variant encrusted with spores that spew a torrent of toxic effluvium at any who draw close.