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Pervasive flying insects that attack invaders with paralyzing venom and lay eggs in carrion along with a fluid that hastens decomposition. It is best to kill them with poison so that their parts are left ripe for the carving.

Bnahabra are Neopterons introduced in Monster Hunter 3.


Bnahabra are similar to the Vespoid from previous generations. Bnahabra fly in a similar fashion and can also cause paralysis with their stingers. There are various subspecies of the Bnahabra which vary between the regions, each with distinctly colored wings. Bnahabra are often seen attached to the sides of the walls seemingly lifeless, until a hunter is close enough - then they fly away or attack.


Unlike the Vespoid, Bnahabra can shoot a corrosive liquid which will reduce a hunter's elemental resistance to Fire, Water, Ice, or Thunder depending on the region.

Game Appearances

In-Game Description

Monster Hunter 3
MH3-Bnahabra Icon Flying insects that inhabit most environments. They attack invaders with a paralyzing poison and lay eggs in carrion together with a bodily fluid that hastens decomposition. Attracted to light, they will gather around any fire.
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
MHP3-Bnahabra Icon あらゆる環境に生息する “飛甲虫” 。麻痺性の毒を持ちテリトリーに入ってくる者を襲ってくる。死体に卵を産みつけ繁殖する事でも知られ、耐性を下げる特殊な体液で腐食を促進させるようだ。この飛甲虫の素材を手に入れるためには毒を用いるのがベスト。
Threat Level (危険度): ★★
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
MH3U-Bnahabra Icon Flying insects that inhabit most environments. They attack invaders with a paralyzing venom, and lay eggs in carrion together with a bodily fluid that hastens decomposition. As their bodies are easily destroyed, poison is ideal for harvesting their parts.
Threat Level (危険度): ★★
Monster Hunter 4
MH4U-Bnahabra Icon あらゆる環境に生息する”飛甲虫”。 麻痺性の針を持ちテリトリーに入ってくる者を襲ってくる。 死体に卵を産みつけ繁殖する事でも知られ、耐性を下げる特殊な体液で腐食を促進させるようだ。 この飛甲虫の素材を手に入れるためには毒を用いるのがベスト。
Threat Level (危険度): ★★
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
MH4U-Bnahabra Icon Pervasive flying insects that attack invaders with paralyzing venom and lay eggs in carrion along with a fluid that hastens decomposition. It is best to kill them with poison so that their parts are left ripe for the carving.
Threat Level (危険度): ★★
Monster Hunter Generations
MH4U-Bnahabra Icon Pervasive flying insects that attack invaders with paralyzing venom and lay eggs in carrion along with a fluid that hastens decomposition. It is best to kill them with poison so that their parts are left ripe for the carving.
Threat Level (危険度): ★★
Monster Hunter Rise
MHRise-Bnahabra Icon Pervasive flying insects that attack invaders with paralyzing venom and lay eggs in carrion along with a fluid that hastens decomposition. It is best to kill them with poison so that their parts are left ripe for the carving.
Monster Hunter Stories
MHST-Bnahabra Icon Versatile Neopterons whose coloration and abilities differ according to habitat. This one is a hardy green/ a sturdy brown/ a lively red/ a deep blue.
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin
MHST2-Bnahabra Icon Versatile Neopterons whose coloration and abilities differ according to habitat. This one is a hardy green/ a sturdy brown/ a lively red/ a deep blue.

Monster Materials

Monster Hunter Rise

Name Rarity Value Description
MHRise Item Icon-Bug Light Yellow
Bnahabra Shell
4 100z Just as useful as sturdy wyvern shell in the hands of a clever craftsman.
MHRise Item Icon-Webbing Light Yellow
Bnahabra Wing
4 120z Difficult to forge with - the results vary depending on which surface you use.
MHRise Item Icon-Claw Light Yellow
Bnahabra Stinger
4 160z A Bnahabra stinger. It's actually a hollow tube that houses paralytic secretions.
MHRise Item Icon-Chemical Blue
Monster Fluid
4 200z A liquid bugs suck from monsters. Mixes with insect fluids to form adhesives.


General Notes

  • Bnahabra's spit attack effect differs depending on the environment. In the Volcano, it causes -30 fire resistance. In the Tundra, it causes -30 ice resistance. In the Sandy Plains, it causes -30 Water resistance.
  • Bnahabra are attracted to torches.
  • Like other Neopterons, Bnahabra will usually break apart if killed, but if they die from poison they will leave a carve-able body. However, it is possible to kill them with a weapon and leave a carve-able corpse but this is very rare.
  • Bnahabra can be stunned, but this happens rarely. 
  • Bnahabra will commonly cause damage to large monsters. It is hard to notice their small bodies on a large monster, but they commonly attack large monsters in the area. It is unknown if they can paralyze a monster.

Monster Hunter 3

  • Players can obtain a 1* Rare Trade (called a "Queen's Needle") item by killing enough large Bnahabra in Moga Woods.
  • Bnahabra can be found in every area.

  • Monster Hunter Stories

  • The game make a division about the different types of Bnahabra (Green, Brown, Red, Blue), each of them has its own number and description in the Monsterpedia. The description are the same with the exception of the described colour.
  • Monster Hunter Stories 2

  • Like most small monsters, Bnahabras cannot be Monsties.
  • All variations of Bnahabra are Technical type monsters.

  • Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter 3 (edit)
    Herbivore MH3-Aptonoth Icon Aptonoth MH3-Epioth Icon Epioth MH3-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MH3-Popo Icon Popo MH3-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos
    Fish MH3-Fish Icon Fish
    Lynian MH3-Felyne Icon Felyne MH3-Melynx Icon Melynx MHFU-Shakalaka Icon Shakalaka
    Neopteron MH3-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MH3-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra
    Bird Wyvern MH3-Baggi Icon Baggi MH3-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MH3-Jaggia Icon Jaggia
    MH3-Great Baggi Icon Great Baggi MH3-Great Jaggi Icon Great Jaggi MH3-Qurupeco Icon Qurupeco
    Brute Wyvern MH3-Barroth Icon Barroth MH3-Deviljho Icon Deviljho MH3-Uragaan Icon Uragaan
    Piscine Wyvern MH3-Delex Icon Delex
    Leviathan MH3-Ludroth Icon Ludroth MH3-Uroktor Icon Uroktor
    MH3-Agnaktor Icon Agnaktor MH3-Gobul Icon Gobul MH3-Lagiacrus Icon Lagiacrus MH3-Royal Ludroth Icon Royal Ludroth
    Flying Wyvern MH3-Giggi Icon Giggi
    MH3-Barioth Icon Barioth MH3-Diablos Icon Diablos MH3-Gigginox Icon Gigginox MH3-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MH3-Rathian Icon Rathian
    Elder Dragon MH3-Question Mark Icon Alatreon MH3-Ceadeus Icon Ceadeus MH3-Jhen Mohran Icon Jhen Mohran
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (edit)
    Herbivore MHP3-Anteka Icon Anteka MHP3-Aptonoth Icon Aptonoth MHP3-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MHP3-Popo Icon Popo MHP3-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MHP3-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
    Fanged Beast MHP3-Bullfango Icon Bullfango
    MHP3-Bulldrome Icon Bulldrome MHP3-Arzuros Icon Arzuros MHP3-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MHP3-Volvidon Icon Volvidon
    Lynian MHP3-Felyne Icon Felyne MHP3-Melynx Icon Melynx
    Neopteron MHP3-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MHP3-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra
    Bird Wyvern MHP3-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MHP3-Baggi Icon Baggi MHP3-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MHP3-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MHP3-Wroggi Icon Wroggi
    MHP3-Great Baggi Icon Great Baggi MHP3-Great Jaggi Icon Great Jaggi MHP3-Great Wroggi Icon Great Wroggi MHP3-Qurupeco Icon Qurupeco MHP3-Crimson Qurupeco Icon Crimson Qurupeco
    Brute Wyvern MHP3-Barroth Icon Barroth MHP3-Jade Barroth Icon Jade Barroth MHP3-Deviljho Icon Deviljho MHP3-Duramboros Icon Duramboros MHP3-Uragaan Icon Uragaan MHP3-Steel Uragaan Icon Steel Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern MHP3-Zinogre Icon Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern MHP3-Delex Icon Delex
    Leviathan MHP3-Ludroth Icon Ludroth MHP3-Uroktor Icon Uroktor
    MHP3-Agnaktor Icon Agnaktor MHP3-Glacial Agnaktor Icon Glacial Agnaktor MHP3-Nibelsnarf Icon Nibelsnarf MHP3-Royal Ludroth Icon Royal Ludroth MHP3-Purple Ludroth Icon Purple Ludroth
    Flying Wyvern MHP3-Giggi Icon Giggi
    MHP3-Akantor Icon Akantor MHP3-Barioth Icon Barioth MHP3-Sand Barioth Icon Sand Barioth MHP3-Diablos Icon Diablos MHP3-Black Diablos Icon Black Diablos MHP3-Gigginox Icon Gigginox MHP3-Baleful Gigginox Icon Baleful Gigginox MHP3-Nargacuga Icon Nargacuga MHP3-Green Nargacuga Icon Green Nargacuga MHP3-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MHP3-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MHP3-Rathian Icon Rathian MHP3-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian MHP3-Tigrex Icon Tigrex MHP3-Brute Tigrex Icon Brute Tigrex MHP3-Ukanlos Icon Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon MHP3-Question Mark Icon Alatreon MHGen-Amatsu Icon Amatsu MHP3-Jhen Mohran Icon Jhen Mohran
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (edit)
    Herbivore MH3U-Anteka Icon Anteka MH3U-Aptonoth Icon Aptonoth MH3U-Epioth Icon Epioth MH3U-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MH3U-Popo Icon Popo MH3U-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MH3U-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
    Fish MH3U-Fish Icon Fish
    Fanged Beast MH3U-Bullfango Icon Bullfango
    MH3U-Arzuros Icon Arzuros MH3U-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MH3U-Volvidon Icon Volvidon
    Lynian MH3U-Felyne Icon Felyne MH3U-Melynx Icon Melynx
    Neopteron MH3U-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MH3U-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra
    Bird Wyvern MH3U-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MH3U-Baggi Icon Baggi MH3U-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MH3U-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MH3U-Wroggi Icon Wroggi
    MH3U-Great Baggi Icon Great Baggi MH3U-Great Jaggi Icon Great Jaggi MH3U-Great Wroggi Icon Great Wroggi MH3U-Qurupeco Icon Qurupeco MH3U-Crimson Qurupeco Icon Crimson Qurupeco
    Brute Wyvern MH3U-Barroth Icon Barroth MH3U-Jade Barroth Icon Jade Barroth MH3U-Brachydios Icon Brachydios MH3U-Deviljho Icon Deviljho MH3U-Savage Deviljho Icon Savage Deviljho MH3U-Duramboros Icon Duramboros MH3U-Rust Duramboros Icon Rust Duramboros MH3U-Uragaan Icon Uragaan MH3U-Steel Uragaan Icon Steel Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern MH3U-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MH3U-Stygian Zinogre Icon Stygian Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern MH3U-Delex Icon Delex
    MH3U-Plesioth Icon Plesioth MH3U-Green Plesioth Icon Green Plesioth
    Leviathan MH3U-Ludroth Icon Ludroth MH3U-Uroktor Icon Uroktor
    MH3U-Agnaktor Icon Agnaktor MH3U-Glacial Agnaktor Icon Glacial Agnaktor MH3U-Gobul Icon Gobul MH3U-Lagiacrus Icon Lagiacrus MH3U-Ivory Lagiacrus Icon Ivory Lagiacrus MH3U-Abyssal Lagiacrus Icon Abyssal Lagiacrus MH3U-Nibelsnarf Icon Nibelsnarf MH3U-Royal Ludroth Icon Royal Ludroth MH3U-Purple Ludroth Icon Purple Ludroth
    Flying Wyvern MH3U-Giggi Icon Giggi
    MH3U-Barioth Icon Barioth MH3U-Sand Barioth Icon Sand Barioth MH3U-Diablos Icon Diablos MH3U-Black Diablos Icon Black Diablos MH3U-Gigginox Icon Gigginox MH3U-Baleful Gigginox Icon Baleful Gigginox MH3U-Nargacuga Icon Nargacuga MH3U-Green Nargacuga Icon Green Nargacuga MH3U-Lucent Nargacuga Icon Lucent Nargacuga MH3U-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MH3U-Azure Rathalos Icon Azure Rathalos MH3U-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MH3U-Rathian Icon Rathian MH3U-Pink Rathian Icon Pink Rathian MH3U-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian
    Elder Dragon MH3U-Question Mark Icon Alatreon MH3U-Ceadeus Icon Ceadeus MH3U-Goldbeard Ceadeus Icon Goldbeard Ceadeus MH3U-Question Mark Icon Dire Miralis MH3U-Jhen Mohran Icon Jhen Mohran MH3U-Hallowed Jhen Mohran Icon Hallowed Jhen Mohran
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter 4 (edit)
    Herbivore MH4U-Aptonoth Icon Aptonoth MH4U-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MH4U-Popo Icon Popo MH4U-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MH4U-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
    Amphibian MH4U-Zamite Icon Zamite
    MH4U-Tetsucabra Icon Tetsucabra MH4U-Zamtrios Icon Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast MH4U-Conga Icon Conga
    MH4U-Congalala Icon Congalala MH4U-Emerald Congalala Icon Emerald Congalala MH4U-Kecha Wacha Icon Kecha Wacha MH4U-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MH4U-Rajang Icon Rajang MH4U-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang
    Lynian MH4U-Felyne Icon Felyne MH4U-Melynx Icon Melynx
    Neopteron MH4U-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MH4U-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra MH4U-Konchu Icon Konchu
    MH4U-Seltas Icon Seltas MH4U-Seltas Queen Icon Seltas Queen
    Temnoceran MH4U-Nerscylla Icon Nerscylla
    Bird Wyvern MH4U-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MH4U-Genprey Icon Genprey MH4U-Ioprey Icon Ioprey MH4U-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MH4U-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MH4U-Velociprey Icon Velociprey
    MH4U-Gendrome Icon Gendrome MH4U-Great Jaggi Icon Great Jaggi MH4U-Gypceros Icon Gypceros MH4U-Purple Gypceros Icon Purple Gypceros MH4U-Iodrome Icon Iodrome MH4U-Velocidrome Icon Velocidrome MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon Yian Garuga MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon Yian Kut-Ku MH4U-Blue Yian Kut-Ku Icon Blue Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern MH4U-Brachydios Icon Brachydios MH4U-Deviljho Icon Deviljho MH4U-Savage Deviljho Icon Savage Deviljho
    Fanged Wyvern MH4U-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MH4U-Stygian Zinogre Icon Stygian Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern MH4U-Delex Icon Delex
    Snake Wyvern MH4U-Remobra Icon Remobra
    MH4U-Najarala Icon Najarala
    Flying Wyvern MH4U-Akantor Icon Akantor MH4U-Basarios Icon Basarios MH4U-Ruby Basarios Icon Ruby Basarios MH4U-Gravios Icon Gravios MH4U-Black Gravios Icon Black Gravios MH4U-Khezu Icon Khezu MH4U-Red Khezu Icon Red KhezuMH4U-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MH4U-Azure Rathalos Icon Azure Rathalos MH4U-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MH4U-Rathian Icon Rathian MH4U-Pink Rathian Icon Pink Rathian MH4U-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian MH4U-Tigrex Icon Tigrex MH4U-Brute Tigrex Icon Brute Tigrex MH4U-Molten Tigrex Icon Molten Tigrex
    Elder Dragon MH4U-Dalamadur-Head Icon Dalamadur MH4U-Dah'ren Mohran Icon Dah'ren Mohran MH4U-Unknown Icon Fatalis MH4U-Unknown Icon Crimson Fatalis MH4U-Kirin Icon Kirin MH4U-Oroshi Kirin Icon Oroshi Kirin MH4U-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MH4U-Shagaru Magala Icon Shagaru Magala MH4U-Teostra Icon Teostra
    ??? MH4U-Gore Magala Icon Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (edit)
    Herbivore MH4U-Apceros Icon Apceros MH4U-Aptonoth Icon Aptonoth MH4U-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MH4U-Popo Icon Popo MH4U-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MH4U-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
    Amphibian MH4U-Zamite Icon Zamite
    MH4U-Tetsucabra Icon Tetsucabra MH4U-Berserk Tetsucabra Icon Berserk Tetsucabra MH4U-Zamtrios Icon Zamtrios MH4U-Tigerstripe Zamtrios Icon Tigerstripe Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast MH4U-Conga Icon Conga
    MH4U-Congalala Icon Congalala MH4U-Emerald Congalala Icon Emerald Congalala MH4U-Kecha Wacha Icon Kecha Wacha MH4U-Ash Kecha Wacha Icon Ash Kecha Wacha MH4U-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MH4U-Rajang Icon Rajang MH4U-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang
    Lynian MH4U-Felyne Icon Felyne MH4U-Melynx Icon Melynx
    Carapaceon MH4U-Hermitaur Icon Hermitaur
    MH4U-Daimyo Hermitaur Icon Daimyo Hermitaur MH4U-Plum Daimyo Hermitaur Icon Plum Daimyo Hermitaur
    Neopteron MH4U-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MH4U-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra MH4U-Konchu Icon Konchu
    MH4U-Seltas Icon Seltas MH4U-Desert Seltas Icon Desert Seltas MH4U-Seltas Queen Icon Seltas Queen MH4U-Desert Seltas Queen Icon Desert Seltas Queen
    Temnoceran MH4U-Nerscylla Icon Nerscylla MH4U-Shrouded Nerscylla Icon Shrouded Nerscylla
    Bird Wyvern MH4U-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MH4U-Genprey Icon Genprey MH4U-Ioprey Icon Ioprey MH4U-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MH4U-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MH4U-Velociprey Icon Velociprey
    MH4U-Gendrome Icon Gendrome MH4U-Great Jaggi Icon Great Jaggi MH4U-Gypceros Icon Gypceros MH4U-Purple Gypceros Icon Purple Gypceros MH4U-Iodrome Icon Iodrome MH4U-Velocidrome Icon Velocidrome MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon Yian Garuga MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon Yian Kut-Ku MH4U-Blue Yian Kut-Ku Icon Blue Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern MH4U-Brachydios Icon Brachydios MH4U-Raging Brachydios Icon Raging Brachydios MH4U-Deviljho Icon Deviljho MH4U-Savage Deviljho Icon Savage Deviljho
    Fanged Wyvern MH4U-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MH4U-Stygian Zinogre Icon Stygian Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern MH4U-Delex Icon Delex MH4U-Cephalos Icon Cephalos
    MH4U-Cephadrome Icon Cephadrome
    Snake Wyvern MH4U-Remobra Icon Remobra
    MH4U-Najarala Icon Najarala MH4U-Tidal Najarala Icon Tidal Najarala
    Flying Wyvern MH4U-Akantor Icon Akantor MH4U-Basarios Icon Basarios MH4U-Ruby Basarios Icon Ruby Basarios MH4U-Diablos Icon Diablos MH4U-Black Diablos Icon Black Diablos MH4U-Gravios Icon Gravios MH4U-Black Gravios Icon Black Gravios MH4U-Khezu Icon Khezu MH4U-Red Khezu Icon Red Khezu MH4U-Monoblos Icon Monoblos MH4U-White Monoblos Icon White Monoblos MH4U-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MH4U-Azure Rathalos Icon Azure Rathalos MH4U-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MH4U-Rathian Icon Rathian MH4U-Pink Rathian Icon Pink Rathian MH4U-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian MH4U-Seregios Icon Seregios MH4U-Tigrex Icon Tigrex MH4U-Brute Tigrex Icon Brute Tigrex MH4U-Molten Tigrex Icon Molten Tigrex MH4U-Ukanlos Icon Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon MH4U-Chameleos Icon Chameleos MH4U-Dalamadur-Head Icon Dalamadur MH4U-Shah Dalamadur-Head Icon Shah Dalamadur MH4U-Dah'ren Mohran Icon Dah'ren Mohran MH4U-Unknown Icon Fatalis MH4U-Unknown Icon Crimson Fatalis MH4U-Unknown Icon White Fatalis MH4U-Unknown Icon Gogmazios MH4U-Kirin Icon Kirin MH4U-Oroshi Kirin Icon Oroshi Kirin MH4U-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MH4U-Rusted Kushala Daora Icon Rusted Kushala Daora MH4U-Shagaru Magala Icon Shagaru Magala MH4U-Teostra Icon Teostra
    ??? MH4U-Gore Magala Icon Gore Magala MH4U-Chaotic Gore Magala Icon Chaotic Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Generations (edit)
    Herbivore MHGen-Anteka Icon Anteka MH4U-Apceros Icon Apceros MH4U-Aptonoth Icon Aptonoth MH4U-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MHGen-Larinoth Icon Larinoth MHGen-Moofah Icon Moofah MHGen-Mosswine Icon Mosswine MH4U-Popo Icon Popo MH4U-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MH4U-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
    Amphibian MH4U-Zamite Icon Zamite
    MH4U-Tetsucabra Icon Tetsucabra MHGen-Drilltusk Tetsucabra Icon Drilltusk Tetsucabra MH4U-Zamtrios Icon Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast MHGen-Blango Icon Blango MHGen-Bullfango Icon Bullfango
    MHGen-Arzuros Icon Arzuros MHGen-Redhelm Arzuros Icon Redhelm Arzuros MHGen-Blangonga Icon Blangonga MHGen-Bulldrome Icon Bulldrome MHGen-Gammoth Icon Gammoth MH4U-Kecha Wacha Icon Kecha Wacha MH4U-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MHGen-Snowbaron Lagombi Icon Snowbaron Lagombi MH4U-Rajang Icon Rajang MH4U-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang MHGen-Volvidon Icon Volvidon
    Lynian MH4U-Felyne Icon Felyne MH4U-Melynx Icon Melynx
    Carapaceon MHGen-Ceanataur Icon Ceanataur MH4U-Hermitaur Icon Hermitaur
    MH4U-Daimyo Hermitaur Icon Daimyo Hermitaur MHGen-Stonefist Hermitaur Icon Stonefist Hermitaur MHGen-Shogun Ceanataur Icon Shogun Ceanataur
    Neopteron MH4U-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MH4U-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra MHGen-Hornetaur Icon Hornetaur MH4U-Konchu Icon Konchu MHGen-Vespoid Icon Vespoid
    MH4U-Seltas Icon Seltas MH4U-Seltas Queen Icon Seltas Queen
    Bird Wyvern MH4U-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MH4U-Genprey Icon Genprey MHGen-Giaprey Icon Giaprey MH4U-Ioprey Icon Ioprey MH4U-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MH4U-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MHGen-Maccao Icon Maccao MH4U-Velociprey Icon Velociprey
    MH4U-Gendrome Icon Gendrome MHGen-Great Maccao Icon Great Maccao MH4U-Gypceros Icon Gypceros MH4U-Iodrome Icon Iodrome MHGen-Malfestio Icon Malfestio MH4U-Velocidrome Icon Velocidrome MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon Yian Garuga MHGen-Deadeye Yian Garuga Icon Deadeye Yian Garuga MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern MH4U-Brachydios Icon Brachydios MH4U-Deviljho Icon Deviljho MH4U-Savage Deviljho Icon Savage Deviljho MHGen-Duramboros Icon Duramboros MHGen-Glavenus Icon Glavenus MHGen-Hellblade Glavenus Icon Hellblade Glavenus MHGen-Uragaan Icon Uragaan MHGen-Crystalbeard Uragaan Icon Crystalbeard Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern MH4U-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MHGen-Thunderlord Zinogre Icon Thunderlord Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern MH4U-Cephalos Icon Cephalos
    MH4U-Cephadrome Icon Cephadrome MHGen-Lavasioth Icon Lavasioth MHGen-Plesioth Icon Plesioth
    Leviathan MHGen-Ludroth Icon Ludroth MHGen-Uroktor Icon Uroktor
    MHGen-Agnaktor Icon Agnaktor MHGen-Lagiacrus Icon Lagiacrus MHGen-Nibelsnarf Icon Nibelsnarf MHGen-Mizutsune Icon Mizutsune MHGen-Royal Ludroth Icon Royal Ludroth
    Snake Wyvern MH4U-Remobra Icon Remobra
    MH4U-Najarala Icon Najarala
    Flying Wyvern MH4U-Akantor Icon Akantor MHGen-Astalos Icon Astalos MH4U-Khezu Icon Khezu MHGen-Nargacuga Icon Nargacuga MHGen-Silverwind Nargacuga Icon Silverwind Nargacuga MH4U-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MHGen-Dreadking Rathalos Icon Dreadking Rathalos MH4U-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MH4U-Rathian Icon Rathian MHGen-Dreadqueen Rathian Icon Dreadqueen Rathian MH4U-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian MH4U-Seregios Icon Seregios MH4U-Tigrex Icon Tigrex MHGen-Grimclaw Tigrex Icon Grimclaw Tigrex MH4U-Ukanlos Icon Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon MH4U-Unknown Icon Alatreon MHGen-Amatsu Icon Amatsu MH4U-Chameleos Icon Chameleos MH4U-Kirin Icon Kirin MH4U-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MHGen-Nakarkos Icon Nakarkos MH4U-Shagaru Magala Icon Shagaru Magala MH4U-Teostra Icon Teostra
    ??? MH4U-Gore Magala Icon Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (edit)
    Herbivore MHGen-Anteka Icon Anteka MH4U-Apceros Icon Apceros MH4U-Aptonoth Icon Aptonoth MH4U-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MHGen-Larinoth Icon Larinoth MHGen-Moofah Icon Moofah MHGen-Mosswine Icon Mosswine MH4U-Popo Icon Popo MH4U-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MH4U-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
    Amphibian MH4U-Zamite Icon Zamite
    MH4U-Tetsucabra Icon Tetsucabra MHGen-Drilltusk Tetsucabra Icon Drilltusk Tetsucabra MH4U-Zamtrios Icon Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast MHGen-Blango Icon Blango MHGen-Bullfango Icon Bullfango MH4U-Conga Icon Conga
    MHGen-Arzuros Icon Arzuros MHGen-Redhelm Arzuros Icon Redhelm Arzuros MHGen-Blangonga Icon Blangonga MHGen-Bulldrome Icon Bulldrome MH4U-Congalala Icon Congalala MHGen-Gammoth Icon Gammoth MHGU-Elderfrost Gammoth Icon Elderfrost Gammoth MH4U-Kecha Wacha Icon Kecha Wacha MH4U-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MHGen-Snowbaron Lagombi Icon Snowbaron Lagombi MH4U-Rajang Icon Rajang MH4U-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang MHGen-Volvidon Icon Volvidon
    Lynian MH4U-Felyne Icon Felyne MH4U-Melynx Icon Melynx
    Carapaceon MHGen-Ceanataur Icon Ceanataur MH4U-Hermitaur Icon Hermitaur
    MH4U-Daimyo Hermitaur Icon Daimyo Hermitaur MHGen-Stonefist Hermitaur Icon Stonefist Hermitaur MHGen-Shogun Ceanataur Icon Shogun Ceanataur MHGU-Rustrazor Ceanataur Icon Rustrazor Ceanataur
    Temnoceran MH4U-Nerscylla Icon Nerscylla
    Neopteron MH4U-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MH4U-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra MHGU-Great Thunderbug Icon Great Thunderbug MHGen-Hornetaur Icon Hornetaur MH4U-Konchu Icon Konchu MHGen-Vespoid Icon Vespoid
    MHGU-Ahtal-Ka Icon Ahtal-Ka MH4U-Seltas Icon Seltas MH4U-Seltas Queen Icon Seltas Queen
    Bird Wyvern MH4U-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MH4U-Genprey Icon Genprey MHGen-Giaprey Icon Giaprey MH4U-Ioprey Icon Ioprey MH4U-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MH4U-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MHGen-Maccao Icon Maccao MH4U-Velociprey Icon Velociprey
    MH4U-Gendrome Icon Gendrome MHGen-Great Maccao Icon Great Maccao MH4U-Gypceros Icon Gypceros MH4U-Iodrome Icon Iodrome MHGen-Malfestio Icon Malfestio MHGU-Nightcloak Malfestio Icon Nightcloak Malfestio MH4U-Velocidrome Icon Velocidrome MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon Yian Garuga MHGen-Deadeye Yian Garuga Icon Deadeye Yian Garuga MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern MHGU-Barroth Icon Barroth MH4U-Brachydios Icon Brachydios MH4U-Raging Brachydios Icon Raging Brachydios MH4U-Deviljho Icon Deviljho MH4U-Savage Deviljho Icon Savage Deviljho MHGen-Duramboros Icon Duramboros MHGen-Glavenus Icon Glavenus MHGen-Hellblade Glavenus Icon Hellblade Glavenus MHGen-Uragaan Icon Uragaan MHGen-Crystalbeard Uragaan Icon Crystalbeard Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern MH4U-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MHGen-Thunderlord Zinogre Icon Thunderlord Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern MH4U-Cephalos Icon Cephalos
    MH4U-Cephadrome Icon Cephadrome MHGen-Lavasioth Icon Lavasioth MHGen-Plesioth Icon Plesioth
    Leviathan MHGen-Ludroth Icon Ludroth MHGen-Uroktor Icon Uroktor
    MHGen-Agnaktor Icon Agnaktor MHGen-Lagiacrus Icon Lagiacrus MHGen-Nibelsnarf Icon Nibelsnarf MHGen-Mizutsune Icon Mizutsune MHGU-Soulseer Mizutsune Icon Soulseer Mizutsune MHGen-Royal Ludroth Icon Royal Ludroth
    Snake Wyvern MH4U-Remobra Icon Remobra
    MH4U-Najarala Icon Najarala
    Flying Wyvern MH4U-Akantor Icon Akantor MHGen-Astalos Icon Astalos MHGU-Boltreaver Astalos Icon Boltreaver Astalos MHGU-Barioth Icon Barioth MH4U-Basarios Icon Basarios MH4U-Diablos Icon Diablos MHGU-Bloodbath Diablos Icon Bloodbath Diablos MH4U-Khezu Icon Khezu MHGen-Nargacuga Icon Nargacuga MHGen-Silverwind Nargacuga Icon Silverwind Nargacuga MH4U-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MHGen-Dreadking Rathalos Icon Dreadking Rathalos MH4U-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MH4U-Rathian Icon Rathian MHGen-Dreadqueen Rathian Icon Dreadqueen Rathian MH4U-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian MH4U-Seregios Icon Seregios MH4U-Tigrex Icon Tigrex MHGen-Grimclaw Tigrex Icon Grimclaw Tigrex MH4U-Ukanlos Icon Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon MH4U-Unknown Icon Alatreon MHGen-Amatsu Icon Amatsu MH4U-Chameleos Icon Chameleos MH4U-Unknown Icon Fatalis MH4U-Unknown Icon Crimson Fatalis MH4U-Unknown Icon White Fatalis MH4U-Kirin Icon Kirin MH4U-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MHGU-Lao-Shan Lung Icon Lao-Shan Lung MHGen-Nakarkos Icon Nakarkos MH4U-Shagaru Magala Icon Shagaru Magala MH4U-Teostra Icon Teostra MHGU-Valstrax Icon Valstrax
    ??? MH4U-Gore Magala Icon Gore Magala MH4U-Chaotic Gore Magala Icon Chaotic Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Rise (edit)
    Herbivore MHRise-Anteka Icon Anteka MHRise-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MHRise-Kestodon Male Icon Kestodon MHRise-Popo Icon Popo MHRise-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MHRise-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
    Amphibian MHRise-Zamite Icon Zamite
    MHRise-Tetranadon Icon Tetranadon
    Fish MHRise-Gajau Icon Gajau
    Fanged Beast MHRise-Bombadgy Icon Bombadgy MHRise-Bullfango Icon Bullfango
    MHRise-Arzuros Icon Arzuros MHRise-Apex Arzuros Icon Apex Arzuros MHRise-Bishaten Icon Bishaten MHRise-Goss Harag Icon Goss Harag MHRise-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MHRise-Rajang Icon Rajang MHRise-Volvidon Icon Volvidon
    Lynian MHRise-Felyne Icon Felyne MHRise-Melynx Icon Melynx
    Neopteron MHRise-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MHRise-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra
    Temnoceran MHRise-Rachnoid Icon Rachnoid
    MHRise-Rakna-Kadaki Icon Rakna-Kadaki
    Bird Wyvern MHRise-Baggi Icon Baggi MHRise-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MHRise-Izuchi Icon Izuchi MHRise-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MHRise-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MHRise-Wroggi Icon Wroggi
    MHRise-Aknosom Icon Aknosom MHRise-Great Baggi Icon Great Baggi MHRise-Great Izuchi Icon Great Izuchi MHRise-Great Wroggi Icon Great Wroggi MHRise-Kulu-Ya-Ku Icon Kulu-Ya-Ku MHRise-Pukei-Pukei Icon Pukei-Pukei
    Brute Wyvern MHRise-Anjanath Icon Anjanath MHRise-Barroth Icon Barroth
    Fanged Wyvern MHRise-Jagras Icon Jagras
    MHRise-Magnamalo Icon Magnamalo MHRise-Tobi-Kadachi Icon Tobi-Kadachi MHRise-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MHRise-Apex Zinogre Icon Apex Zinogre
    Leviathan MHRise-Ludroth Icon Ludroth
    MHRise-Almudron Icon Almudron MHRise-Mizutsune Icon Mizutsune MHRise-Apex Mizutsune Icon Apex Mizutsune MHRise-Royal Ludroth Icon Royal Ludroth MHRise-Somnacanth Icon Somnacanth
    Piscine Wyvern MHRise-Delex Icon Delex
    MHRise-Jyuratodus Icon Jyuratodus
    Snake Wyvern MHRise-Remobra Icon Remobra
    Flying Wyvern MHRise-Barioth Icon Barioth MHRise-Basarios Icon Basarios MHRise-Bazelgeuse Icon Bazelgeuse MHRise-Diablos Icon Diablos MHRise-Apex Diablos Icon Apex Diablos MHRise-Khezu Icon Khezu MHRise-Nargacuga Icon Nargacuga MHRise-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MHRise-Apex Rathalos Icon Apex Rathalos MHRise-Rathian Icon Rathian MHRise-Apex Rathian Icon Apex Rathian MHRise-Tigrex Icon Tigrex
    Elder Dragon MHRise-Chameleos Icon Chameleos MHRise-Crimson Glow Valstrax Icon Crimson Glow Valstrax MHRise-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MHRise-Teostra Icon Teostra MHRise-Thunder Serpent Narwa Icon Thunder Serpent Narwa MHRise-Narwa the Allmother Icon Narwa the Allmother MHRise-Wind Serpent Ibushi Icon Wind Serpent Ibushi
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (edit)
    Herbivore MHRise-Anteka Icon Anteka MHRS-Gowngoat Icon Gowngoat MHRise-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MHRise-Kestodon Male Icon Kestodon MHRise-Popo Icon Popo MHRise-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MHRise-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
    Amphibian MHRise-Zamite Icon Zamite
    MHRise-Tetranadon Icon Tetranadon
    Fish MHRise-Gajau Icon Gajau
    Fanged Beast MHRise-Bombadgy Icon Bombadgy MHRise-Bullfango Icon Bullfango
    MHRise-Arzuros Icon Arzuros MHRise-Apex Arzuros Icon Apex Arzuros MHRise-Bishaten Icon Bishaten MHRS-Blood Orange Bishaten Icon Blood Orange Bishaten MHRS-Garangolm Icon Garangolm MHRise-Goss Harag Icon Goss Harag MHRise-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MHRise-Rajang Icon Rajang MHRS-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang MHRise-Volvidon Icon Volvidon
    Lynian MHRise-Felyne Icon Felyne MHRise-Melynx Icon Melynx
    Carapaceon MHRS-Ceanataur Icon Ceanataur MHRS-Hermitaur Icon Hermitaur
    MHRS-Daimyo Hermitaur Icon Daimyo Hermitaur MHRS-Shogun Ceanataur Icon Shogun Ceanataur
    Neopteron MHRise-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MHRise-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra MHRS-Hornetaur Icon Hornetaur MHRS-Vespoid Icon Vespoid
    Temnoceran MHRS-Pyrantula Icon Pyrantula MHRise-Rachnoid Icon Rachnoid
    MHRise-Rakna-Kadaki Icon Rakna-Kadaki MHRS-Pyre Rakna-Kadaki Icon Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
    Bird Wyvern MHRise-Baggi Icon Baggi MHRS-Boggi Icon Boggi MHRise-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MHRise-Izuchi Icon Izuchi MHRise-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MHRise-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MHRS-Velociprey Icon Velociprey MHRise-Wroggi Icon Wroggi
    MHRise-Aknosom Icon Aknosom MHRise-Great Baggi Icon Great Baggi MHRise-Great Izuchi Icon Great Izuchi MHRise-Great Wroggi Icon Great Wroggi MHRise-Kulu-Ya-Ku Icon Kulu-Ya-Ku MHRise-Pukei-Pukei Icon Pukei-Pukei
    Brute Wyvern MHRise-Anjanath Icon Anjanath MHRise-Barroth Icon Barroth
    Fanged Wyvern MHRise-Jagras Icon Jagras
    MHRS-Lunagaron Icon Lunagaron MHRise-Magnamalo Icon Magnamalo MHRS-Scorned Magnamalo Icon Scorned Magnamalo MHRise-Tobi-Kadachi Icon Tobi-Kadachi MHRise-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MHRise-Apex Zinogre Icon Apex Zinogre
    Leviathan MHRise-Ludroth Icon Ludroth MHRise-Uroktor Icon Uroktor
    MHRise-Almudron Icon Almudron MHRS-Magma Almudron Icon Magma Almudron MHRise-Mizutsune Icon Mizutsune MHRS-Violet Mizutsune Icon Violet Mizutsune MHRise-Apex Mizutsune Icon Apex Mizutsune MHRise-Royal Ludroth Icon Royal Ludroth MHRise-Somnacanth Icon Somnacanth MHRS-Aurora Somnacanth Icon Aurora Somnacanth
    Piscine Wyvern MHRise-Delex Icon Delex
    MHRise-Jyuratodus Icon Jyuratodus
    Snake Wyvern MHRise-Remobra Icon Remobra
    Flying Wyvern MHRS-Astalos Icon Astalos MHRise-Barioth Icon Barioth MHRise-Basarios Icon Basarios MHRise-Bazelgeuse Icon Bazelgeuse MHRS-Seething Bazelgeuse Icon Seething Bazelgeuse MHRise-Diablos Icon Diablos MHRise-Apex Diablos Icon Apex Diablos MHRS-Espinas Icon Espinas MHRS-Flaming Espinas Icon Flaming Espinas MHRise-Khezu Icon Khezu MHRise-Nargacuga Icon Nargacuga MHRS-Lucent Nargacuga Icon Lucent Nargacuga MHRise-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MHRS-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MHRise-Apex Rathalos Icon Apex Rathalos MHRise-Rathian Icon Rathian MHRS-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian MHRise-Apex Rathian Icon Apex Rathian MHRS-Seregios Icon Seregios MHRise-Tigrex Icon Tigrex
    Elder Dragon MHRS-Amatsu Icon Amatsu MHRise-Chameleos Icon Chameleos MHRS-Risen Chameleos Icon Risen Chameleos MHRise-Crimson Glow Valstrax Icon Crimson Glow Valstrax MHRS-Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax Icon Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax MHRS-Gaismagorm Icon Gaismagorm MHRise-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MHRS-Risen Kushala Daora Icon Risen Kushala Daora MHRS-Malzeno Icon Malzeno MHRS-Primordial Malzeno Icon Primordial Malzeno MHRS-Shagaru Magala Icon Shagaru Magala MHRS-Risen Shagaru Magala Icon Risen Shagaru Magala MHRise-Teostra Icon Teostra MHRS-Risen Teostra Icon Risen Teostra MHRise-Thunder Serpent Narwa Icon Thunder Serpent Narwa MHRise-Narwa the Allmother Icon Narwa the Allmother MHRS-Velkhana Icon Velkhana MHRise-Wind Serpent Ibushi Icon Wind Serpent Ibushi
    ??? MHRS-Gore Magala Icon Gore Magala MHRS-Chaotic Gore Magala Icon Chaotic Gore Magala