This Article is about the material list. For the weapon, see Bone
Sm Monster Bone
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Sm Monster Bone | A very useful material, indispensable for both hunting and daily life. | Craft Weapons or Armor. Combine with Net to make Bugnet | 10z | 3 |
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item
- Guild LV★ Quest, A True Foe - The Giadrome! (Giadrome)
- Guild LV★★ Quest, Gypceros: Venomous Terror (Gypceros)
- Guild LV★★ Quest, Slay the Great Kut-Ku! (Yian Kut-Ku)
- Guild LV★★★ Quest, Giadrome Assault (Giadrome)
- Guild LV★★★ Quest, Slay the Giaprey!
- Guild LV★★★ Quest, Cunning Raiders
- Guild LV★★★ Quest, Hunt the Gendrome! (Gendrome)
- Village chief LV ★★★ Quest, Slay The Great Kut-Ku! (Yian Kut-Ku)
- Carved from:
Med Monster Bone
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Med Monster Bone | Has more uses than small bone. Usually carved to make an item. | Craft Weapons or Armor. Combine with Net to make Mega Bugnet | 210z | 4 |
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item
- Guild LV★★ Quest, The Shadow in the Mountains (Khezu)
- Guild LV★★ Quest, Gypceros: Venomous Terror (Gypceros)
- Guild LV★★ Quest, Supreme Ruler of the Swamp (Shogun Ceanataur)
- Guild LV★★ Quest, Slay the Great Kut-Ku! (Yian Kut-Ku)
- Village chief LV ★★★ Quest, Slay the Great Kut-Ku! (Yian Kut-Ku)
- Carved from:
- Apceros (Low Rank)
- Shogun Ceanataur (Low Rank)
- Yian Kut-Ku
- Giadrome
Lg Monster Bone
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Lg Monster Bone | Indispensable for crafting one-piece items. Bone can be connected to shell | Used to make weapons and armor. | 440z | 5 |
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item
- Guild LV★ Quest, The Land Shark (Cephadrome)
- Guild LV★ Quest, The Lady Gourmet
- Guild LV★★ Quest, The Shadow in the Mountains (Khezu)
- Guild LV★★ Quest, Water Wyvern in the Desert (Plesioth)
- Guild LV★★★★ Quest, Red Shadow in the Snow (Red Khezu)
- Carved from:
- Plesioth (Low Rank)
- Daimyo Hermitaur
Monster Bone+
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Monster Bone+ | Top quality monster bone. Hard to find but a nearly unbreakable material | Used to make weapons and armor. | 560z | 5 |
Monster Bone+ Redirects here. For MH3's Monster Bone+, go to MH3: Item List.
Where to Obtain
- Rarely obtained from a Felyne Chef
- Given as Reward Item
Quests that can give Monster Bone+ as a Reward: | ||||
- Carved from:
Hrd Monster Bone
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Hrd Monster Bone | A monster's most unique bone. Priceless strength, but difficult to work. | Used to make weapons and armor. | 660z | 5 |
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item. High Rank and G-Lvl exclusive.
- Nargacuga
- Daimyo Hermitaur
- Rathian
- Gold Rathian
- Diablos
- Guild LV★★★★★★ Quest, Pursuit of the Sand Wyvern (Cephadrome)
- Guild LV★★★★★★★ Quest, The Poison Gas (Gypceros, Purple Gypceros)
- Carved from:
- Basarios (High Rank)
- Daimyo Hermitaur (G-Lvl)
- Monoblos (Nekoht) (Tail Carve)
- White Monoblos (Nekoht) (Tail Carve)
- Black Gravios (High Rank) (Tail Carve)
Hvy Monster Bone
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Hvy Monster Bone | Strong bone from only the toughest of wyverns. It's very thick and heavy. | Used to make weapons and armor. | 1320z | 5 |
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item. G-Lvl exclusive.
- G★★ Quest, The Cherry Blossom Rathian (Pink Rathian)
- Plum Daimyo Hermitaur
- Terra Shogun Ceanataur
- Diablos
- Carved from:
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Bone | Just a bone. So worn and weathered, it's unidentifiable. | Used to make armor, weapons, and all pickaxes. | 15z | 1 |
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item
- Guild LV★ Quest, A Pack of Blangos
- Guild LV★ Quest, Rarest of the Rare Beasts (Congalala)
- On area gathering quests.
- Gather from piles of bones on certain areas.
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
RobustWyvernBone | A bird wyvern's robust bone. It's easy to work with and is very durable. | Used to make armor and weapons. | 800z | 5 |
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item. G-Lvl exclusive.
- Carved from:
Brute Bone
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Brute Bone | The stout bone of a brutish monster. An easy to work with material | Used to make weapons and armor. | 20z | 3 |
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item
Quests that can give Brute Bone as a Reward: |
Guild |
- Trenya
- Carved from:
Giant Bone
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Giant Bone | A fat, large bone. Can be cut in the workshop to make crafting material. | Used to make armor and weapons. | 150z | 4 |
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item
- Guild LV★ Quest, The Giant Enemy Crab (Daimyo Hermitaur)
- Guild LV★★ Quest, The King of the Mountains (Blangonga)
- Guild LV★★★ Quest, The Mountain Roughrider (Bulldrome)
- Guild LV★★★ Quest, The Lurking Desert Giant (Daimyo Hermitaur)
- Carved from:
- Bulldrome (Low Rank)
- Congalala
- Daimyo Hermitaur
Stout Bone
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Stout Bone | The stout, hard bone of a brute. Rigid, it is priceless for crafting. | Used to make weapons and armor. | 600z | 5 |
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item. High Rank and G-Lvl exclusive.
- Bulldrome
- Rajang
- Blangonga
- G★★ Quest, Copper Sands (Copper Blangonga)
- G★★ Quest, Wild Monk of the Dunes (Copper Blangonga)
- Carved from:
Massive Bone
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Massive Bone | An especially strong bone from a brute, Possesses an invaluable strength. | Used to make weapons and armor. | 1200z | 5 |
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item. G-Lvl exclusive.
- G★★ Quest, Copper Sands (Copper Blangonga)
- G★★ Quest, Wild Monk of the Dunes (Copper Blangonga)
- Carved from:
Unknown Skull
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Unknown Skull | Animal Skull. So worn and weathered, it's unidentifiable. | Used to make weapons and armor. | 120z | 4 |
Where to Obtain
- Gather from piles of bones in all areas.
- Gather from Felyne spots.
Master's Skull
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Master's Skull | The remains of a top hunter who once let his guard down. | Used to make weapons and armor. | 1250z | 5 |
Where to Obtain
- Gather from piles of bones in all areas. High Rank and G-Lvl exclusive.
- Gather from Felyne spots.
- Send Trenya to desert for 1000 points.
Mystery Bone
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Mystery Bone | A well-worn bone. Not sturdy enough to use in combination. | Craft Weapons and Armor. Combine with Net to make an Old Bugnet. | 1z | 1 |
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item on area gathering quests.
- Gather from piles of bones in all areas.
Sm Bone Husk
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Sm Bone Husk | Bone ammunition casing. Stronger than a Huskberry ammunition casing. | Used to make lower level ammo. | 3z | 2 |
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item.
- Guild LV★ Quest, Reckless Bulldrome Hunter (Bulldrome)
- Guild LV★★★ Quest, The Mountain Roughrider (Bulldrome)
- Gather from piles of bones in all areas.
Lg Bone Husk
Name | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Lg Bone Husk | Bone ammunition casing that can withstand powerful explosions. | Used to make high level ammo. | 5z | 3 |
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item
- Nekoht LV★★★★★★★★ Quest, Secret Request: 2 Monoblos! (Monoblos, White Monoblos)
- Nargacuga
- Diablos
Elder Dragon Bone
Where to Obtain
- Given as reward item on Elder Dragon Quests.
- Carved from:
- All Elder Dragons (except Kirin).
- Shen Gaoren
Big Elder Dragon Bone
BigEDragonBone | Description | Use | Sell Price | Rarity |
Big Elder Dragon Bone | Top-notch bone from a large dragon. Feels like it could last forever. | Used to make weapons or armor. | 2200z | 5 |
Where to Obtain
- Rewards from Elder Dragon Quests
- Can be carved from some G-Lvl Elder Dragons.