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Elderfrost Gammoth are Deviants of Gammoth, introduced in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.


All Elderfrost Gammoth are females and the male counterpart are not seen. Elderfrost Gammoth appears to have a more bluish fur than regular Gammoth. The portions of red fur on her back have also turned silvery-white, although the reason for this is unknown. The bony plate on her scalp is also slightly different in shape: the plating on the sides of her head are now asymmetrical, and there is a large crack in the center of her scalp. Elderfrost Gammoth also appears to have larger, sharper tusks than a regular Gammoth.


Unlike the regular Gammoth the Elderfrost Gammoth is able to coat its legs with ice and not snow, it can also now cover its trunk with ice. The snowballs it throws are also larger than those of a regular Gammoth.


Like normal Gammoth, Elderfrost Gammoth is highly territorial and can be quite dangerous in certain places. This beast is said to able be to cause blizzards and avalanches in snowy regions from its immense strength alone. Due to this, hunters are required to have a special permit in order to hunt the Elderfrost Gammoth.

Game Appearances[]

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In-Game Description[]

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
MHGU-Elderfrost Gammoth Icon A Gammoth so gargantuan, ancient and strong that it may be mistaken for the foot of a mountain. Its great age and mountain home have given it the nickname "Elderfrost". Very few people have ever seen it fight, but it sometimes causes wild blizzards that race down the mountain and ravage the plains. Requires special permission to hunt.
Threat Level (危é™ŗåŗ¦): ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin
MHST2-Elderfrost Gammoth Icon These Gammoth Deviants have grown so immense that their silvery backs could be mistaken for the foot of a mountain. Vast plains frost over where they tread, and blizzards follow in their wake. The superstitious believe they are mountains themselves that have come alive.


General Notes

  • Elderfrost Gammoth is one of the few G-rank exclusive Deviants.
  • Gammoth's trunk, front legs can be wounded, and the head can be wounded twice.
    • Unlike Gammoth, Elderfrost Gammoth's back legs can't be wounded.
  • Elderfrost Gammoth is able to cover its trunk and front legs in spiky ice.
  • Elderfrost Gammoth was voted 133rd place in the Hunters' Choice for Top Monster during Monster Hunter's 20th Anniversary.[1]

Monster Hunter Stories 2

  • Elderfrost Gammoth was added in a Free Title Update on September 2rd 2021 alongside Soulseer Mizutsune and Oroshi Kirin.
  • Elderfrost Gammoth primarily uses power attacks throughout the fight.

  • ā–· Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (edit)
    Herbivore MHGen-Anteka Icon Anteka MH4U-Apceros Icon Apceros MH4U-Aptonoth Icon Aptonoth MH4U-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MHGen-Larinoth Icon Larinoth MHGen-Moofah Icon Moofah MHGen-Mosswine Icon Mosswine MH4U-Popo Icon Popo MH4U-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MH4U-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
    Amphibian MH4U-Zamite Icon Zamite
    MH4U-Tetsucabra Icon Tetsucabra MHGen-Drilltusk Tetsucabra Icon Drilltusk Tetsucabra MH4U-Zamtrios Icon Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast MHGen-Blango Icon Blango MHGen-Bullfango Icon Bullfango MH4U-Conga Icon Conga
    MHGen-Arzuros Icon Arzuros MHGen-Redhelm Arzuros Icon Redhelm Arzuros MHGen-Blangonga Icon Blangonga MHGen-Bulldrome Icon Bulldrome MH4U-Congalala Icon Congalala MHGen-Gammoth Icon Gammoth MHGU-Elderfrost Gammoth Icon Elderfrost Gammoth MH4U-Kecha Wacha Icon Kecha Wacha MH4U-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MHGen-Snowbaron Lagombi Icon Snowbaron Lagombi MH4U-Rajang Icon Rajang MH4U-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang MHGen-Volvidon Icon Volvidon
    Lynian MH4U-Felyne Icon Felyne MH4U-Melynx Icon Melynx
    Carapaceon MHGen-Ceanataur Icon Ceanataur MH4U-Hermitaur Icon Hermitaur
    MH4U-Daimyo Hermitaur Icon Daimyo Hermitaur MHGen-Stonefist Hermitaur Icon Stonefist Hermitaur MHGen-Shogun Ceanataur Icon Shogun Ceanataur MHGU-Rustrazor Ceanataur Icon Rustrazor Ceanataur
    Temnoceran MH4U-Nerscylla Icon Nerscylla
    Neopteron MH4U-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MH4U-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra MHGU-Great Thunderbug Icon Great Thunderbug MHGen-Hornetaur Icon Hornetaur MH4U-Konchu Icon Konchu MHGen-Vespoid Icon Vespoid
    MHGU-Ahtal-Ka Icon Ahtal-Ka MH4U-Seltas Icon Seltas MH4U-Seltas Queen Icon Seltas Queen
    Bird Wyvern MH4U-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MH4U-Genprey Icon Genprey MHGen-Giaprey Icon Giaprey MH4U-Ioprey Icon Ioprey MH4U-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MH4U-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MHGen-Maccao Icon Maccao MH4U-Velociprey Icon Velociprey
    MH4U-Gendrome Icon Gendrome MHGen-Great Maccao Icon Great Maccao MH4U-Gypceros Icon Gypceros MH4U-Iodrome Icon Iodrome MHGen-Malfestio Icon Malfestio MHGU-Nightcloak Malfestio Icon Nightcloak Malfestio MH4U-Velocidrome Icon Velocidrome MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon Yian Garuga MHGen-Deadeye Yian Garuga Icon Deadeye Yian Garuga MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern MHGU-Barroth Icon Barroth MH4U-Brachydios Icon Brachydios MH4U-Raging Brachydios Icon Raging Brachydios MH4U-Deviljho Icon Deviljho MH4U-Savage Deviljho Icon Savage Deviljho MHGen-Duramboros Icon Duramboros MHGen-Glavenus Icon Glavenus MHGen-Hellblade Glavenus Icon Hellblade Glavenus MHGen-Uragaan Icon Uragaan MHGen-Crystalbeard Uragaan Icon Crystalbeard Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern MH4U-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MHGen-Thunderlord Zinogre Icon Thunderlord Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern MH4U-Cephalos Icon Cephalos
    MH4U-Cephadrome Icon Cephadrome MHGen-Lavasioth Icon Lavasioth MHGen-Plesioth Icon Plesioth
    Leviathan MHGen-Ludroth Icon Ludroth MHGen-Uroktor Icon Uroktor
    MHGen-Agnaktor Icon Agnaktor MHGen-Lagiacrus Icon Lagiacrus MHGen-Nibelsnarf Icon Nibelsnarf MHGen-Mizutsune Icon Mizutsune MHGU-Soulseer Mizutsune Icon Soulseer Mizutsune MHGen-Royal Ludroth Icon Royal Ludroth
    Snake Wyvern MH4U-Remobra Icon Remobra
    MH4U-Najarala Icon Najarala
    Flying Wyvern MH4U-Akantor Icon Akantor MHGen-Astalos Icon Astalos MHGU-Boltreaver Astalos Icon Boltreaver Astalos MHGU-Barioth Icon Barioth MH4U-Basarios Icon Basarios MH4U-Diablos Icon Diablos MHGU-Bloodbath Diablos Icon Bloodbath Diablos MH4U-Khezu Icon Khezu MHGen-Nargacuga Icon Nargacuga MHGen-Silverwind Nargacuga Icon Silverwind Nargacuga MH4U-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MHGen-Dreadking Rathalos Icon Dreadking Rathalos MH4U-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MH4U-Rathian Icon Rathian MHGen-Dreadqueen Rathian Icon Dreadqueen Rathian MH4U-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian MH4U-Seregios Icon Seregios MH4U-Tigrex Icon Tigrex MHGen-Grimclaw Tigrex Icon Grimclaw Tigrex MH4U-Ukanlos Icon Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon MH4U-Unknown Icon Alatreon MHGen-Amatsu Icon Amatsu MH4U-Chameleos Icon Chameleos MH4U-Unknown Icon Fatalis MH4U-Unknown Icon Crimson Fatalis MH4U-Unknown Icon White Fatalis MH4U-Kirin Icon Kirin MH4U-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MHGU-Lao-Shan Lung Icon Lao-Shan Lung MHGen-Nakarkos Icon Nakarkos MH4U-Shagaru Magala Icon Shagaru Magala MH4U-Teostra Icon Teostra MHGU-Valstrax Icon Valstrax
    ??? MH4U-Gore Magala Icon Gore Magala MH4U-Chaotic Gore Magala Icon Chaotic Gore Magala