Unofficial Japanese Translations Some names in this Article may use unofficial translations, these are obtained through different means, official localizations from other games in the series take precedent over fan translations where possible, otherwise the Staff will provide temporary translations. |
By Size
Small Monsters
Large Monsters
By Type
Bird Wyverns
Brute Wyverns
Abiorugu |
Brachydios |
Deviljho |
Savage Deviljho |
Starving Deviljho |
Gasurabazura |
Zenith Gasurabazura |
Giaorugu |
Zenith Giaorugu |
Uragaan |
Ceanataur |
Hermitaur |
Kusubami |
Akura Vashimu |
Zenith Akura Vashimu |
Akura Jebia |
Daimyo Hermitaur |
Zenith Daimyo Hermitaur |
Shen Gaoren |
Shogun Ceanataur |
Taikun Zamuza |
Zenith Taikun Zamuza |
Fanged Beasts
Bullfango |
Blango |
Conga |
Blangonga |
Zenith Blangonga |
Bulldrome |
Congalala |
Gogomoa |
Lolo Gougarf |
Ray Gougarf |
Kamu Orugaron |
Midogaron |
Zenith Midogaron |
Nono Orugaron |
Rajang |
Voljang |
Fanged Wyverns
Zinogre |
Stygian Zinogre |
Howling Zinogre |
Flying Wyverns
Anteka |
Apceros |
Aptonoth |
Burukku |
Erupe |
Kelbi |
Mosswine |
Popo |
Pokara |
Baruragaru |
Zenith Baruragaru |
Kuarusepusu |
Pokaradon |
Felyne |
Melynx |
Shakalaka |
Uruki |
Great Thunderbug |
Hornetaur |
Vespoid |
Piscine Wyverns
Cephalos |
Aruganosu |
Cephadrome |
Goruganosu |
Lavasioth |
Lavasioth Subspecies |
Plesioth |
Zenith Plesioth |
Green Plesioth |
Elder Dragons
Gore Magala |
Monster Type Not Specified
Duremudira |
Arrogant Duremudira |
Laviente |
Violent Laviente |
Berserk Laviente |
General Information
- A total of 181 Monsters are in the game; 29 Small monsters and 152 Large monsters.
- Hypnocatrice and Lavasioth were released on Frontiers debut.
- Tigrex, Akantor, Breeding Season Hypnocatrice and Lavasioth Subspecies were added during Season 1.5.
- Espinas was added during Season 2.0.
- Espinas Subspecies was added during Season 2.5.
- Akura Vashimu and Silver Hypnocatrice were added during Season 3.0.
- Akura Jebia was added during Season 3.5.
- Berukyurosu was added during Season 4.0.
- Pariapuria was added during Season 5.0.
- Espinas Rare Species was added during Season 5.5.
- Kamu Orugaron and Nono Orugaron were added during Season 6.0.
- Laviente and Yama Tsukami were added during Season 7.0.
- Dyuragaua was added during Season 8.0.
- Doragyurosu was added during Season 8.5.
- Gurenzeburu, Erupe and Burukku were added during Season 9.0.
- Rukodiora, Violent Laviente and Unknown (Black Flying Wyvern) were added during Forward 1.
- Gogomoa was added during Forward 2.
- Abiorugu and Taikun Zamuza were added during Forward 3.
- Kuarusepusu was added during Forward 4.
- Odibatorasu was added during Forward 5.
- Pokara, Pokaradon, Farunokku, Hyujikiki, Midogaron and Shantien were added during G1.
- Anorupatisu, Giaorugu, Lolo Gougarf, Ray Gougarf, Mi Ru, Disufiroa and Rebidiora were added during G2.
- Baruragaru and Zerureusu were added during G3.
- Meraginasu was added during G3.2.
- Uruki, Diorekkusu and Forokururu were added during G Genuine.
- Garuba Daora and Inagami were added during G5.
- Poborubarumu and Duremudira were added during G6.
- Varusaburosu was added during G6.1.
- Gureadomosu and Harudomerugu were added during G7.
- Deviljho, Gasurabazura, Kusubami, Yama Kurai and Zinogre were added during G8.
- Brachydios was added during G8.1.
- Berserk Laviente, Toridcless, Starving Deviljho and Barioth were added during G9.
- Howling Zinogre, Uragaan, Thirsty Pariapuria and Toa Tesukatora were added during G9.1.
- Egyurasu, Guanzorumu and Nargacuga were added during G10.
- Voljang, Ruler Guanzorumu and Stygian Zinogre were added during G10.1.
- Gore Magala, Mysterious Mi Ru, Zenaserisu, Zenith Blangonga, Zenith Espinas, Zenith Khezu, Zenith Daimyo Hermitaur, Zenith Hypnocatrice and Zenith Rathalos were added during Z.
- Keoaruboru, Zenith Akura Vashimu, Blinking Nargacuga and Zenith Tigrex were added during the second Z update.
- Shagaru Magala, Zenith Giaorugu and Zenith Hyujikiki were added during the third Z update.
- Eruzerion, Zenith Midogaron, Zenith Plesioth and Zenith Rukodiora were added during the fourth Z update.
- Amatsu, Burning Freezing Eruzerion and Zenith Inagami were added during the fifth Z update.
- Zenith Doragyurosu, Zenith Toridcless and Arrogant Duremudira were added during the sixth Z update.
- Seregios, Zenith Anorupatisu and Zenith Gasurabazura were added during the seventh Z update.
- Bogabadorumu, Zenith Baruragaru and Zenith Gravios were added during Z Zenith.
- Zenith Harudomerugu and Zenith Taikun Zamuza were added during the second Z Zenith update.