In-Game Information[]
Gobul has strong camouflage skills and powerful neurotoxins. Being poor swimmers, they conceal themselves and lure prey by imitating plants with their barbles. Gobul swallow their food whole without any chewing. Gobul can swallow Epioth whole and love frogs.
- Order: Leviathan
- Suborder: Bottom Feet Wyvern
- Infraorder: Light Fish Wyvern
- Family: Gobul
- Species: Gobul
Gobul is a frog fish-like Leviathan found to be closely related to Nibelsnarf.
Habitat Range[]
Gobul is found in the Flooded Forest and the Deserted Island. When they reach their adult form, Gobul move to the deep depths of the sea.
Ecological Niche[]
Gobul is high up in the food chain of the Flooded Forest despite its clumsy locomotion on both land and water. Gobul prey on Epioth, Fish, Frogs, and Ludroth. The only known aquatic threats to Gobul are Lagiacrus and Plesioth.
Biological Adaptations[]
Its tail and spikes contains powerful neurotoxins, which can paralyze both predator and prey. The Gobul doesn't produce these toxins, but receives them through its food. Gobul has a display of whiskers, mimicking air weeds. It leaves these whiskers to flow in the water to both hide itself and draw prey in. This camouflage is enhanced further by Gobul's ability to change the color of its skin, like a chameleon. Gobul can create a flash with its 'lure' to dazzle all creatures around it. Similar to Ceadeus, the lantern has the luminous bacteria inside of it, making the powerful glow. Gobul also have lungs to breath air.
Gobul isn't particularly aggressive, preferring to hide in the sediment at the bottom of the river. However, when drawn from its hiding place by hunger or agitated, it shows a surprising ability to fend off foes, outmaneuvering them in the water and sucking them into its mouth. It will even attempt to fight predators on land, where it is at a disadvantage, before retreating back to the water. It seems to be enemies with Royal Ludroth, for hunters have seen the two attack each other for territory and/or food.
Despite the Guild knowing about young Gobuls, they know very little about the adults. The only real thing known about the adults, is that they live in the deepest, darkest parts of the sea.
Hunter's Encyclopedia[]
The following information is a rough translation from the Hunter's Encyclopedia 3.
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Gobul uses mimicry to hide and feed itself by posing its whiskers as a sea plant. Gobul then patiently waits for an Epioth or other large fishes to swim by. It has sharp teeth to hold onto its prey should they manage to escape the vacuum inhalation. Gobul's lantern light can be used to stun its prey, but it can also attract other predators.
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A Gobul is able to alter its skin color. It is theorized that this feature is just simply Gobul reflecting the color of the seabed to match the colors of its skin.
- "ćć£ćć¬ćć«ćÆćē¹ę®ć®ęęćå “ęćŖć©äøęćŖē¹ćå¤ććććę°“ę²”ęć§ćÆ大ććŖ åä½ćč§£ä½ćć¦ć”ćēę®åØå®ćŖć©ćęŖēŗéć§ę§å„ćå¤ęäøč½ćććéå»ć«ęµ·ć§ęē² ćććććØćććććć®åä½ćÆåµęØćēŗéćć¦ććććØććäŗå®ćććęµ·ćøåŗć¦ ē¹ę®č”åććć¦ććć®ć§ćÆćŖćććØęØęø¬ććć¦ćććć ććå¹¼ä½ćēŗč¦ćććć ćØćÆćŖćććęµ·ć®ć©ććć§ę¬ę ćć¦ććććč¦ć¤ćććŖććććØććčŖ¬ććęä½ćØćÆ å Øćē°ćŖćå½¢ę ććć¦ććććć«å¤å„ć§ćć¦ććŖćććØććčŖ¬ćŖć©ćęē¢ŗćŖē ē©¶ ēµęćåŗććć¦ććććē¾åØćčŖæę»ćé²ćććć¦ććć"
There are many things unknown about Gobul, such as where and when it breeds. It is speculated that it travels out to sea to breed based on the fact that "even if large individuals are dissected in the Flooded Forest, their reproductive organs and other organs are undeveloped and their sex cannot be determined" and that "in the past, it has been caught in the sea and that individual had well-developed ovaries." However, no juveniles have ever been found, and there are many theories such as "we cannot find them because they mimic something else in the ocean" and "we cannot identify them becaue they have a completely different morphology from adults". No definitive results have been obtained, and investigations are still ongoing.
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Gobul's neurotoxin is not something that is body produces itself, but is obtained by their feedings. The neurotoxin exists in the ecosystem in small quantities and gets concentrated to the top of the food chain. Gobul uses this toxin mainly for self-defense, but they will sometimes use it to paralyze its prey during mimicry.
- "é éØććēććęå¹»ć®äøć«ēŗå å¾®ēē©ćå¹é¤ćć¦ćććęēÆćęÆćććØć§å¾®ēē© ć«åŗęæćäøćć¦ēŗå ćć¦ćććØčØććć¦ććććć ćä»ēē©ć®ä½å ć«å ±ēćć¦ć ćå¾®ēē©ć«ćććć»ć©å¼·ēćŖå ćēŗććēØ®ćććŖćććØććć귱굷éć«č¦ććć ćć®ćØćÆē°ćŖćēØ®ć ćØęććććć¾ććēŗå ćććććć«ęēÆćęÆć仄å¤ćÆ(å¤ éØććęēÆć«åŗęæćäøćć¦ć)ēŗå ććŖćććØćććēŗå ćććéć«ććÆććŖć¢ ćę“»ę§åćććē¹ę®ćŖåå¦ē©č³Ŗćåę³ćć¦ććåÆč½ę§ćčćććć¦ććć"
Luminescent micro-organisms are cultured in Gobul's lantern sphere, and are stimulated by shaking. It could be said that the microbial organisms that are emitting the intense light have a symbiotic relationship with the Gobul. Another theory suggests that by shaking its lantern, Gobul secretes a substance that causes a chemical reaction with the microbes to cause the flash.