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In-Game Info



The Ceadeus' name could be taken from Cetacea, the animal kingdom section that includes whales. This can be seen as a reference to a Ceadeus' whale-like appearance. Ceadeus can also be taken as Seadeus, or Sea God. People have observed that the head looks similar to the prehistoric Dunkleosteus. It may also refer to Cetus, the greek sea monster. Most think it comes from the Latin word caelem or heaven, and deus or god, thus being a heavengod or heavenly god. There is also a chance that it comes from the Latin word caedes, meaning bloodbath.

Habitat Range

Due to the Ceadeus Subspecies' large size, enormous size, and extreme rarity, it is a known fact that these creatures commonly live in deep sea caves and caverns. The size would greatly limit its ability to swim up lakes and rivers, so this creature is stuck in the sea as a permanant home. Unlike Lagiacrus and the Ludroth and other leviathans, Ceadeus Subspecies is the only fully aquatic large monster aside from his regular conterpart.

Ecological Niche

The Ceadeus Subspecies has never been known to interact with any other monster or creature, aside from hunters. Although, it may share its land with the regular Ceadeus and sometimes the Lagiacrus Rare Species. Their diet or place on the food chain is not yet known, and the Ceadeus Subspecies is much too large for other underwater monsters to fight. It is thought that the only monster able to fight the Ceadeus Subspecies is another Ceadeus .

Biological Adaptations

The Ceadeus Subspecies, as seen, is shown to have adapted to the enviroment very well. The remarkable tail and fins allow it to swim at high speeds when necessary. Also the glowing organs seen on the body can be used to ward off potentail enemies or to attract potential prey. Also noticed was that when the Golden Ceadeus is about to fire his beam, he looks like a god of Viking or Norse origin due to the horns looking similar to the popularly assumed (though untrue) Viking caps.

The Ceadeus Subspecies horns probably were not kept in check because they now cover both eyes leaving it blind. Other Ceadeus file their horns against rocks to keep them from growing too large and becoming blind. Even though the Gold Ceadeus is blind, he can maneuver and coordinate very well like the regular Ceadeus. It is though that is uses electric currents to track down whatever it fights. It's also possicle that it uses sonar like dolphins. It seems the Ceadeus Subspecies' eyes are vestigial and not are not necessary to live.

Due to the inability to come onto land, Ceadeus Subspecies are most likely viviparous, giving birth to live young, or oviviparous, the egg hatches in the mother and she still gives birth to live young. Every time a mother is pregnant, she gives birth to one child and the mothers are extremely protective of it. A young Ceadeus would be a very big meal for some Lagiacrus or a pack of Ludroth, so it stays with its mother until it is fully grown and can have kids of its own. During a Ceadeus Subspecies childhood, their horns grow at an extremely fast rate. But unlike the regular Ceadeus, the Ceadeus Subspecies does not file them allowing them to cover the eyes.
