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Gurdy (Japanese ガーディ) is a rider within Laqua Vigilante Unit.


Gurdy is a man with brown eyes and short and spiky pale pink hair. He wears Jaggi Blademaster set without the helmet on. His Kinship Stone is on the badge on his left chest.

He wields a Jaggi Sword and Shield.


He is hot-blooded, has an unusually strong sense of justice, and hates prejudicing.


A rider affiliate with the vigilante unit of the Central City, Laqua.

He is a hot-blooded man, has an unusually strong sense of justice, and hates prejudicing.

He is chasing after the Phantom Thief Nargatail, who seeks creating disturbant in mankind, but he's always missed her.

He falls in love with bargirl Melissa, and always goes to the bar to meet her.

However, he is not very good at women, so he never makes a move.

A few years ago, the vigilante unit had arrested a bandit and seized a savage looking weapon. However, letting this weapon rot in the warehouse will do no good. So it was added to the vigilante's armaments. It's a weapon with thunder element that makes opponents tremble with its spiky appearance.

At first, Gurdi was reluctant to use it, but after Grat told him that the monstie of his nemesis, Nargatail, the Nargacuga, is weak to thunder element, he instantly picked up the weapon.

Weapon Change[]

Gurdy [Thunder Spiked Club][]

[Thunder Spiked Club] is a weapon change form of Gurdy, he wields a Rajang Sword and Shield. His element is now Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon Thunder, and he is now an Attack type instead of Recovery type.


Element Type Affiliation Rarity
Gurdy MHR-Element Type Null Icon 001 None MHR-Rider Type Recovery Icon 001 Recovery MHR-Laqua Village Icon Laqua ★3/★4/★5
[Thunder Spiked Club] Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon Thunder MHR-Rider Type Attack Icon 001 Attack MHR-Laqua Village Icon Laqua ★5


Max Status (Lv.70)
HP Attack Defense Wisdom Speed
1030 513 448 592 580

All Rarity

Care Yell Power: 15 SP: 30
Recovery Skill None Restores HP to all allies
Unlock at: By default

Sunlight Yell
(Healing Yell in below ★5)
Power: 30 SP: 40
Recovery Skill None Restores HP to all allies
Unlock at: Lv.10

Force Shield Power: 0 SP: 45
Buffing Skill None Increases an ally's Defense level by 1 rank(3 turns)
Unlock at: Lv.30

★5 Exclusive

Starlight Yell Power: 65 SP: 70
Recovery Skill None Restores HP to all allies
Unlock at: Lv.60

Bravers Shield Power: 0 SP: 70
Buffing Skill None Increases all allies's Defense level by 1 rank(3 turns)
Unlock at: Lv.67

Tag Traits

Tag-Rider Trait Tag Attack Boost
Note: Tag Trait is activated when both the Rider and Monstie have the same Tag Trait
MHR-Tag Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases damage dealt by 3%
Unlock at: By default

Tag-Rider Trait Tag Defense Boost - Ice
Note: Tag Trait is activated when both the Rider and Monstie have the same Tag Trait
MHR-Tag Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Decreases damage taken from Ice Element moves by 5%
Unlock at: Lv.7

Rider Traits

Rider Trait Paralysis Promotion [Safe]
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: When self's HP is higher than 50%
Effects: Increases the chance of inflicting Paralyzed by (Level)%
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 4% By default
Rank +1 6% Lv.20
Rank +2 8% Lv.40 (★4)
Rank +3 10% Lv.55 (★5)

Rider Trait Recovery Power [Active]
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: When self's HP is lower than 75%
Effects: Increases amount of HP restoration done by (Level)%
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 8% Lv.5
Rank +1 12% Lv.25
Rank +2 16% Lv.45 (★4)
Rank +3 20% Lv.65 (★5)

Rider Trait Paralysis Resistance [Cavalry]
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases Paralysis resistance by (Level)%
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 5% Lv.15
Rank +1 12% Lv.35
Rank +2 20% Lv.50 (★4)
Rank +3 30% Lv.70 (★5)


Max Status (Lv.80)
HP Attack Defense Wisdom Speed
1355 821 695 714 596

Sting Knock Power: 190 SP: 40
Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks an enemy
Unlock at: By default

Thorny Attack - Thunder Power: 340 SP: 65
Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks an enemy
Unlock at: Lv.10

Soul Yell Power: 40 SP: 60
Recovery Skill None Restores HP to all allies
Unlock at: Lv.30

Thorny Attack - Thunderclap Power: 600 SP: 75
Recovery Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks an enemy and restores 15 SP to all allies
Unlock at: Lv.60

Brave Yell Power: 50 SP: 60
Recovery Skill None Restores HP to all allies
Unlock at: Lv.67

Thorny Attack - Lightning Lion Power: 600 SP: 75
Recovery Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks an enemy and restores 40 SP to all allies 1/Battle
Unlock at: Lv.75

Tag Traits

Tag-Rider Trait Tag Attack Boost - Thunder
Note: Tag Trait is activated when both the Rider and Monstie have the same Tag Trait
MHR-Tag Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases damage of Thunder Element moves by 5%
Unlock at: By default

Tag-Rider Trait Tag Defense Boost - Water
Note: Tag Trait is activated when both the Rider and Monstie have the same Tag Trait
MHR-Tag Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Decreases damage taken from Water Element moves by 5%
Unlock at: Lv.7

Rider Traits

Rider Trait Poison - Bleeding Resistance [Cavalry]
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases Poison and Bleeding resistance by (Level)%
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 5% By default
Rank +1 12% Lv.20
Rank +2 20% Lv.40
Rank +3 30% Lv.55

Rider Trait Aggression Maintaining
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: When self's HP is lower than (Level)%
Effects: Extends the duration of Attack Rank Up received by 1 turn
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 20% Lv.5
Rank +1 30% Lv.25
Rank +2 40% Lv.45
Rank +3 50% Lv.65

Rider Trait Aggression Heighten [Focused]
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: At the start of a turn, (Level)% chance to increase Attack level by 1 rank(3 turns)
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 3% Lv.15
Rank +1 5% Lv.35
Rank +2 7% Lv.50
Rank +3 10% Lv.70
Rank +4 15% Lv.80

Rider Trait Recommended Strength SP Increase
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases SP recovered at the start of the turn by 20%
Note: Recommended Strength will activate when your party strength is higher than the recommended strength
Unlock at: By default


