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Hilda (Japanese ヒルダ) or Ramarsh (Japanese ラマーシュ) is a rider and the current chief of Central City, Laqua as well as a former member of the Black Apostle.


Hilda is a woman with red eyes and long blonde hair with darker highlight at the end. She wears customized Rathian Blademaster Armor consisted of the chest armor that has the top plate removed and decorated with a light blue bow tie, the waist armor with modified light blue clothes as the second layer instead of the normal dark green color. Instead of a Rathian helmet, she wears a tiara with Rathian shells on both side and a crystal at the front, other than that she wears normal Rathian arms and legs armors. Her Kinship Stone is on the bow tie on her chest.

She wields a Rathian Gunlance.


Not much is known about Hilda's personality, but is seen as perfect by others, though she has a hard time coordinating with other city chiefs. She thinks of Mary as her real little sister, and cherishes her more than anything.


A rider who is the chief of the Central City, Laqua and the acting riders guild master.

She is a daughter of the former chief Marc, who died of illness, whom she took the position of city chief from a young age.

She is very talented in education since young age, along with plentiful knowledge and high performance as a rider.

Even though she looks perfect, Hilda has a hard time coordinating with other city chiefs.

She think of Mary as her real little sister, and cherish her more than anything.

As Ramarsh, she is known as the [Furious Lightning Ramarsh], the lead executive of the Black Apostle. She assisted "that man" as the adjutant, coordinating with other members of the Black Apostle.

This ego is very ruthless and brutal, showing no mercy to her enemies even if they are women or children. She also obeyed the orders of "that man" without any hesitation, even willing sacrifice her own life for the sake of it.

She always wore a full-face mask to hide her real face, which shrouds everything other than that she is a woman in mysteries.

After her mask is destroyed and her true face ir revealed, it is revealed that "Ramarsh" is not a false figure. Both Hilda and Ramarsh are her real selves.

However, she is now abandoned by the Black King Nero, and her fragile heart now seeks a new refuge. The more she cherished Mary, the greater her feeling of guilt and regret become, eventually that distortion turns her bond into a shackle.



Ramarsh is an alter ego of Hilda working for Black King Nero as the lead executive of the Black Apostle.

Being the same person, she has the same physical appearaces as Hilda. As Ramarsh, she wears Astalos Blademaster set consists of typical Astalos Blademaster armor pieces, with her long hair comes out at the back of her helmet. Her Kinship Stone is on her chest armor.

As Ramarsh, she wields an Astalos Lance.

Miserable Flower Ramarsh[]

[Miserable Flower] is the current state of Hilda after she was abandoned by the Black King Nero.

She has exactly the same appearance as Ramarsh, albeit with the helmet destroyed, revealing her real face. She now has a single strand of hair sticking out at the front.

She wields the same Astalos Lance as she used to back when she was under Black King Nero's command.

Furisode Hilda[]

[Furisode] is an alternate form of Hilda. She is now a Recovery type instead of Attack type.

As [Furisode], Hilda wears a completely new outfit consists of a red kimono with a cranes and clouds motif. The kimono has two-layered sleeves, with the outer one having short sleeves and a thick wool collar while the inner one has wrist-long sleeves, however, the lower part of the kimono consists of four strands instead of being a single piece. Under the kimono is pale white ankle-long pants. Clothing with the same fabric also presents under the sleeves. She wears a golden yellow obi that ties into a large bow at back with a purple rope over the obi. Her hair is tied into a ponytail with a red and white rope. Her tiara now has four other smaller gems, two on each side, decorated with a white flower on each side. She wears a pair of white socks and a pair of sandals.

As [Furisode], instead of a gunlance, she wields a pair of handheld fan dual blades. The fan consists of two brown frames with three golden sakura flowers design tied together by a purple rope with several slats holding a white feathery body that turns into yellow at the edge.

A rider who is the chief of the Central City, Laqua and the acting riders guild master.

With the bright red clothes chosen by Mary, she wishes for luck during the hatsumōde at the famous Monhan Temple.

Along with a pair of huge, folding fan-like dual blades custom-made to match the kimono.

Hilda's prayers are that this year is a peaceful year, and that her mentor, Ryuga, will return safely.

Spirit of Earth Hilda[]

[Spirit of Earth] is an alternate form of Hilda, created in collaboration with mobile game Dragon Quest of the Stars. Her costume imitates the Goddess Rubiss in the game. Her element is now Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon Dragon instead of Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon Fire, and she is now a Support type instead of Attack type.

As [Spirit of Earth], she wears the similar outfit to Rubiss in her appearance in Dragon Quest of the Stars, being a white and grey dress with golden patterns. She also wears a skin-tight dark brown pants and a pair of long, high heeled white boots. Her outfit is decorated with several curved, golden ornaments that hold some pieces of the outfit together, being the sleeves, the pieces of clothes at the back, and another skirt. She also wears an ornate golden circlet.

As [Spirit of Earth], she wields Rubiss's Sword and Shield, also from Dragon Quest of the Stars.

A rider who is the chief of the Central City, Laqua and the acting riders guild master.

With the equipments of another world's heroes given to her by Cyril, she gains the power of "Spirit of Earth, Rubiss".

Overwhelmed by the spirit's tremendous power, she strives to resolve the incidents to eliminate the wonders that threaten Felshia continent.

The weapon she wields is [Rubiss's Sword]. The sacred sword decorated with jewels and beautiful ornament, the power of raging judgment resides within the blade.


Element Type Affiliation Rarity
Hilda Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon Fire MHR-Rider Type Attack Icon 001 Attack MHR-Laqua Village Icon Laqua ★3/★4/★5
Furisode Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon Fire MHR-Rider Type Recovery Icon 001 Recovery MHR-Laqua Village Icon Laqua ★4/★5
Spirit of Earth Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon Dragon MHR-Rider Type Support Icon 001 Support MHR-Laqua Village Icon Laqua ★4/★5
Ramarsh Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon Thunder MHR-Rider Type Attack Icon 001 Attack MHR-Maha Elg Village Icon Maha Elg ★5
Miserable Flower Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon Thunder MHR-Rider Type Attack Icon 001 Attack MHR-Maha Elg Village Icon Maha Elg ★4/★5


Max Status (Lv.99)
HP Attack Defense Wisdom Speed
1634 918 889 803 757

All Rarity

Artillery Power: 160 SP: 40
Ranged Attack Fire Ranged attacsk an enemy
Unlock at: By default

Bright Ash
(Flame Burst in below ★5)
Power: 280 SP: 50
Ranged Attack Fire Ranged attacks an enemy
Unlock at: Lv.10

Divine Light Power: 0 SP: 60
Debuffing Skill None 65% chance to decrease an enemy Attack level by 1 rank(3 turns)
Unlock at: Lv.30

★5 Exclusive

Bright Strike Power: 495 SP: 80
Ranged Attack Fire Ranged attacks an enemy
Unlock at: Lv.60

Divine Blaze Power: 0 SP: 70
Debuffing Skill None 65% chance to decrease all enemies' Attack level by 1 rank(3 turns)
Unlock at: Lv.67

Chaos Strike Power: 760 SP: 85
Buffing Ranged Attack Fire Ranged attacks an enemy and applies a 4% regeneration to self(4 turns)
Unlock at: Lv.75

Judas Regret Power: 0 SP: 75
Debuffing Skill None 80% chance to decrease all enemies' Attack level by 1 rank(3 turns) 1/Battle
Unlock at: Lv.85

Emerald Strike Power: 380 SP: 60
Buffing Ranged Attack Fire Ranged attacks all enemies and applies a 20% damage reduction to all allies(2 turns) 1/Battle
Unlock at: Lv.95

Tag Traits

Tag-Rider Trait Tag Attack Boost - Fire
Note: Tag Trait is activated when both the Rider and Monstie have the same Tag Trait
MHR-Tag Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases damage of Fire Element moves by 5%
Unlock at: By default

Tag-Rider Trait Tag Defense Boost - Water
Note: Tag Trait is activated when both the Rider and Monstie have the same Tag Trait
MHR-Tag Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Decreases damage taken from Water Element moves by 5%
Unlock at: Lv.7

Rider Traits

Rider Trait Model of Offense [Potential]
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: After 5 turns
Effects: Increases Attack status by (Level)%
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 3% By default
Rank +1 5% Lv.20
Rank +2 6% Lv.40 (★4)
Rank +3 8% Lv.55 (★5)

Rider Trait Paralysis Resistance [Cavalry]
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases Paralysis resistance by (Level)%
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 5% Lv.5
Rank +1 12% Lv.25
Rank +2 20% Lv.45 (★4)
Rank +3 30% Lv.65 (★5)

Rider Trait Defense Suppress [Focused]
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: At the start of a turn, (Level)% chance to decrease a random enemy's Defense by 1 rank(3 turn)
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 2% Lv.15
Rank +1 4% Lv.35
Rank +2 6% Lv.50 (★4)
Rank +3 8% Lv.70 (★5)

Rider Trait Recommended Strength SP Increase
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases SP recovered at the start of the turn by 20%
Note: Recommended Strength will activate when your party strength is higher than the recommended strength
Unlock at: Lv.80 (★5)

Rider Trait Attack Repeat
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Attack now hits 3 times
Unlock at: Lv.90

Rider Trait Guts
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Prevents fainting if struck with a lethal blow(1 time)
Unlock at: Lv.99


Max Status (Lv.80)
HP Attack Defense Wisdom Speed
1313 740 624 768 602

All Rarity

Peace Prayer Power: 20 SP: 20
Recovery Skill None Restores HP to an ally
Unlock at: By default

Dance of Megumi
(Wind of New Year in below ★5)
Power: 55 SP: 35
Recovery Skill None Restores HP to an ally
Unlock at: Lv.10

Shining Blade of Soot-paying
(Limpid Blade of Congratulate in below ★5)
Power: 155 SP: 35
Debuffing Melee Attack Fire Melee attacks an enemy, 30% chance to inflict Burn
Unlock at: Lv.30

★5 Exclusive

Sword Fan Dance of Life Blessing Power: 0 SP: 70
Recovery Skill None Revives a fainted ally and restores 20% of its maximum HP
Unlock at: Lv.60

Flame Shining Blade of Evil Banishment Power: 170 SP: 70
Debuffing Melee Attack Fire Melee attacks an enemy(3 times), 30% chance to inflict Burn
Unlock at: Lv.67

Fan Sword Dance of Heaven Blessing Power: 0 SP: 70
Recovery Skill None Revives a fainted ally and restores 30% of its maximum HP 1/Battle
Unlock at: Lv.75 (Limit Break Required)

Tag Traits

Tag-Rider Trait Tag Attack Boost - Fire
Note: Tag Trait is activated when both the Rider and Monstie have the same Tag Trait
MHR-Tag Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases damage of Fire Element moves by 5%
Unlock at: By default

Tag-Rider Trait Tag Defense Boost - Thunder
Note: Tag Trait is activated when both the Rider and Monstie have the same Tag Trait
MHR-Tag Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Decreases damage taken from Thunder Element moves by 5%
Unlock at: Lv.7

Rider Traits

Rider Trait Model of Offense [Potential]
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: After 5 turns
Effects: Increases Attack status by (Level)%
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 3% By default
Rank +1 5% Lv.20
Rank +2 6% Lv.40
Rank +3 8% Lv.55 (★5)

Rider Trait Model of Knowledge [Potential]
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: After 5 turns
Effects: Increases Wisdom status by (Level)%
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 5% Lv.5
Rank +1 7% Lv.25
Rank +2 10% Lv.45
Rank +3 12% Lv.65 (★5)
Rank +4 15% Lv.80 (★5)

Rider Trait Burn Promotion
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases the chance of inflicting Burn by (Level)%
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 2% Lv.15
Rank +1 4% Lv.35
Rank +2 6% Lv.50
Rank +3 8% Lv.70 (★5)

Rider Trait Recommended Strength SP Increase
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases SP recovered at the start of the turn by 20%
Note: Recommended Strength will activate when your party strength is higher than the recommended strength
Unlock at: By default


Max Status (Lv.80)
HP Attack Defense Wisdom Speed
1455 750 559 750 604

All Rarity

Rubiss's Light Power: 110 SP: 20
Debuffing Ranged Attack Dragon Ranged attacks all enemies, 30% chance to inflict Blastblight
Unlock at: By default

Rubiss's Zenith Sphere Power: 300 SP: 45
Debuffing Ranged Attack Dragon Ranged attacks all enemies, 55% chance to inflict Blastblight
Unlock at: Lv.10

Insulate Power: 0 SP: 20
Buffing Skill None Applies Fire and Ice Element damage reduction(3 turns) to an ally
Unlock at: Lv.30

★5 Exclusive

Rubiss's Judgment Power: 430 SP: 55
Debuffing Ranged Attack Dragon Ranged attacks all enemies and inflict Blastblight 1/Battle
Unlock at: Lv.60

Insulatle Power: 0 SP: 50
Buffing Skill None Applies Fire and Ice Element damage reduction(3 turns) to all allies
Unlock at: Lv.67

Tag Traits

Tag-Rider Trait Tag Attack Boost - Dragon
Note: Tag Trait is activated when both the Rider and Monstie have the same Tag Trait
MHR-Tag Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases damage of Dragon Element moves by 5%
Unlock at: By default

Tag-Rider Trait Tag Defense Boost - Ice
Note: Tag Trait is activated when both the Rider and Monstie have the same Tag Trait
MHR-Tag Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Decreases damage taken from Ice Element moves by 5%
Unlock at: Lv.7

Rider Traits

Rider Trait Model of Defense [Danger]
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: When self's HP is lower than 50%
Effects: Increases Defense status by (Level)%
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 6% By default
Rank +1 8% Lv.20
Rank +2 11% Lv.40
Rank +3 14% Lv.55 (★5)

Rider Trait Cavalry Agression Heighten - Dragon
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: After using a Dragon Element Rider Move, (Level)% chance to increase Attack level by 1 rank(3 turns)
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 10% Lv.5
Rank +1 20% Lv.25
Rank +2 30% Lv.45
Rank +3 40% Lv.65 (★5)
Rank +4 60% Lv.75 (★5)

Rider Trait Blast Promotion
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases the chance of inflicting Blastblight by (Level)%
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 2% Lv.15
Rank +1 4% Lv.35
Rank +2 6% Lv.50
Rank +3 8% Lv.70 (★5)
Rank +4 10% Lv.80 (★5)

Rider Trait Recommended Strength SP Increase
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases SP recovered at the start of the turn by 20%
Note: Recommended Strength will activate when your party strength is higher than the recommended strength
Unlock at: By default

Party Trait

Party Trait Blessing of Spirit
Note: Party Trait can be unlocked by consuming Scroll of Learning Trait, the Rider or Memory Stones are not necessary.
MHR-Party Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases damage dealt to Zoma by (Level)% and increases damage dealt by (Level)%
Level Effects Unlock At
Lv.1 4%, 3% Lv.1 + Connecting Dreams Memory Stone ×1
Lv.2 6%, 3% Lv.50 + Connecting Dreams Memory Stone ×25
Lv.3 8%, 3% Lv.60 + Connecting Dreams Memory Stone ×50
Lv.4 10%, 3% Lv.65 + Connecting Dreams Memory Stone ×75
Lv.5 15%, 5% Lv.70 + Connecting Dreams Memory Stone ×100


Max Status (Lv.99)
HP Attack Defense Wisdom Speed
1594 1023 784 775 804

Spark Needle Power: 120 SP: 20
Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks an enemy
Unlock at: By default

Brightness Lord Power: 230 SP: 30
Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks an enemy
Unlock at: Lv.10

Spooky Light Power: 45 SP: 40
Debuffing Melee Attack None Melee attacks an enemy, 65% chance to inflict Paralysis
Unlock at: Lv.30

Carnage Blast Power: 160 SP: 70
Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks an enemy(4 times/Can miss)
Unlock at: Lv.60

Fear Cantera Power: 100 SP: 40
Debuffing Melee Attack None Melee attacks an enemy, 65% chance to inflict Paralysis
Unlock at: Lv.67

Dominate Blast Power: 115 SP: 70
Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks all enemies(4 times/Can miss)
Unlock at: Lv.75

Nightmare Fall Power: 200 SP: 40
Debuffing Melee Attack None Melee attacks all enemies, 65% chance to inflict Sleep
Unlock at: Lv.85

Savage Blast Power: 130 SP: 80
Debuffing Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks an enemy(6 times) and deals 5 KO damage
Unlock at: Lv.95

Tag Traits

Tag-Rider Trait Tag Attack Boost - Thunder
Note: Tag Trait is activated when both the Rider and Monstie have the same Tag Trait
MHR-Tag Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases damage of Thunder Element moves by 5%
Unlock at: By default

Tag-Rider Trait Tag Defense Boost - Dragon
Note: Tag Trait is activated when both the Rider and Monstie have the same Tag Trait
MHR-Tag Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Decreases damage taken from Dragon Element moves by 5%
Unlock at: Lv.7

Rider Traits

Rider Trait Model of Offense
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases Attack status by (Level)%
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 2% By default
Rank +1 3% Lv.20
Rank +2 4% Lv.40
Rank +3 5% Lv.55

Rider Trait Counter
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: (Level)% chance to counterattack with an Attack
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 5% Lv.5
Rank +1 12% Lv.25
Rank +2 20% Lv.45
Rank +3 30% Lv.65
Rank +4 45% Lv.80

Rider Trait Aggression Heighten [Focused]
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: At the start of a turn, (Level)% chance to increase Attack level by 1 rank(3 turns)
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 3% Lv.15
Rank +1 5% Lv.35
Rank +2 7% Lv.50
Rank +3 10% Lv.70

Rider Trait Recommended Strength SP Increase
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases SP recovered at the start of the turn by 20%
Note: Recommended Strength will activate when your party strength is higher than the recommended strength
Unlock at: By default

Rider Trait Attack Repeat
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Attack now hits 3 times
Unlock at: Lv.90

Rider Trait Guts
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Prevents fainting if struck with a lethal blow(1 time)
Unlock at: Lv.99


Max Status (Lv.99)
HP Attack Defense Wisdom Speed
1559 1105 810 918 949

All Rarity

Void Spear Power: 160 SP: 35
Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks an enemy
Unlock at: By default

Vein Slash
(Vein Blitz in below ★5)
Power: 320 SP: 50
Debuffing Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks an enemy, 25% chance to decrease Thunder Resistance level by 1 rank(3 turns)
Unlock at: Lv.10

Deadly Pierce
(Deadly Slash in below ★5)
Power: 260 SP: 40
Debuffing Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks an enemy, 15% chance to knock down it
Unlock at: Lv.30

★5 Exclusive

Nightmare Blast Power: 710 SP: 80
Debuffing Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks an enemy and decreases Thunder Resistance level by 1 rank(3 turns)
Unlock at: Lv.60

Deadly Fear Power: 340 SP: 65
Debuffing Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks all enemies, 15% chance to knock down them
Unlock at: Lv.67

Nightmare Eclipse Power: 710 SP: 55
Debuffing Melee Attack Thunder Melee attacks an emeny and decrease Thunder Resistance and Defense level by 1 rank(3 turns) 1/Battle
Unlock at: Lv.75

Tag Traits

Tag-Rider Trait Tag Attack Boost - Thunder
Note: Tag Trait is activated when both the Rider and Monstie have the same Tag Trait
MHR-Tag Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases damage of Thunder Element moves by 5%
Unlock at: By default

Tag-Rider Trait Tag Defense Boost - Dragon
Note: Tag Trait is activated when both the Rider and Monstie have the same Tag Trait
MHR-Tag Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Decreases damage taken from Dragon Element moves by 5%
Unlock at: Lv.7

Rider Traits

Rider Trait Model of Offense
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases Attack status by (Level)%
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 2% By default
Rank +1 3% Lv.20
Rank +2 4% Lv.40
Rank +3 5% Lv.55 (★5)

Rider Trait Counter
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: (Level)% chance to counterattack with an Attack
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 5% Lv.5
Rank +1 12% Lv.25
Rank +2 20% Lv.45
Rank +3 30% Lv.65 (★5)
Rank +4 45% Lv.80 (★5)

Rider Trait Aggression Heighten [Focused]
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: At the start of a turn, (Level)% chance to increase Attack level by 1 rank(3 turns)
Activation Chance/Multiplier Information
Level Effects Unlock At
Base Rank 3% Lv.15
Rank +1 5% Lv.35
Rank +2 7% Lv.50
Rank +3 10% Lv.70 (★5)

Rider Trait Recommended Strength SP Increase
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Increases SP recovered at the start of the turn by 20%
Note: Recommended Strength will activate when your party strength is higher than the recommended strength
Unlock at: By default

Rider Trait Attack Repeat
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Attack now hits 3 times
Unlock at: Lv.90

Rider Trait Guts
MHR-Rider Trait Icon Condition: None
Effects: Prevents fainting if struck with a lethal blow(1 time)
Unlock at: Lv.99



  • Hilda's headdress and bow tie each have a gem that like Kinship Stone. Since Furisode Hilda also has a headdress, it's more likely.
  • Even though it is called furisode by the character name, the kimono Hilda wore lacks the long, characteristic sleeves of an actual furisode.
  • It is reveal through the profile of Furisode Hilda that there is a famous temple named Monhan Temple, and seemingly, Mary's father and her mentor, Ryuga, had gone to do something outside of the town and hasn't returned yet.
    • The name of the temple is a pun on the Japanese abbrevation of the series name (モンハン Monhan) but is written in kanji (as 門半 Monhan "Gate Half") instead of the usual katakana form.
    • However, the canonity toward the lore of the game may be questionable.
  • Ramarsh's voice is processed and her voice actor is displayed as ?. This is to prevent her identity from being revealed in advance.
    • In one of Melissa's voicelines, it is revealed that she has seen Hilda heading northward in the middle of the night, riding an Astalos instead of a Rathian, hinting the identity of Hilda and Ramarsh.[1]

