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Weapon Types:
Sword and Shield Icon WhiteDual Blades Icon WhiteGreat Sword Icon WhiteLong Sword Icon WhiteHammer Icon WhiteHunting Horn Icon WhiteLance Icon WhiteGunlance Icon WhiteSwitch Axe Icon White
Charge Blade Icon WhiteInsect Glaive Icon WhiteTonfa Icon WhiteMagnet Spike Icon WhiteAccel Axe Icon WhiteLight Bowgun Icon WhiteMedium Bowgun Icon WhiteHeavy Bowgun Icon WhiteBow Icon White

Insect Glaive Weapon Trees:

Weapon Overview[]

MHW-Insect Glaive Equipment Render 001

The Insect Glaive (操虫棍 Sōchūkon, Lit: Insect Taming Staff) is a technical weapon first introduced in Monster Hunter 4. Like all weapons in the Monster Hunter series, it takes time to master the versatility Insect Glaive could provide.

The Insect Glaive is a double-ended rod is capable of quick and fluid attacks. It also allows the hunter to pole vault at any time, allowing Jumping Attacks to be performed at will.

Coming with the rod is a giant insect called the Kinsect, which can be sent out to attack monsters, draining out an "essence" upon hitting and give it to the hunter upon returning. The hunter can either freely send out the Kinsect on a direct flight, or first shoot out a pheromone bullet at the monster that works as a "lock on" for the Kinsect to home in.

The Insect Glaive, while having multi-hitting attacks that work well with the Elemental playstyle, also have high-power attacks that also fit the raw damage playstyle.

Weapon Traits[]

General Traits[]

Main Damage Type MHRise Item Icon-Great Sword White Cutting
Other Damage Type MHRise Item Icon-Hammer White Impact / Neutral Type
Guard? Cannot
Counter Moves? No
Yes: MHRise-Advancing Roundslash
Stamina Usage Low / Medium

Special Traits[]

1) Kinsects

Literally the other half of this weapon. Kinsects assist the users of Insect Glaive in various way, either by gathering Extracts to buff the user or assisting in dealing additional damage. Their utility increases as the series progresses.

They can be send out to attack, either directly from the direction the hunter is facing or through aiming mode not unlike that of Ranged Weapons, or through the use of "Pheromone Marking" from certain attacks that act as a spot for the Kinsect to home in.

When sent out and successfully attacking a monster, the Kinsect will drain an Extract from the monster, and upon returning to the hunter, provide them with buff based on the color of the Extract.

Like the weapon, Kinsects can be upgraded and evolved to strengthen them as the player progress through the game, increasing their damage output, flying speed, or stamina regeneration rate. There are also two type of Kinsects; Cutting and Impact.

Kinsects possess the following stats:

  • Power = The damage of the Kinsect.
  • Stamina = The stamina of the Kinsect.
  • Speed = The speed of the Kinsect.
  • Elemental = The elemental damage of the Kinsect corresponds to that element.
2) Extracts

Also known as "Essence", Extracts are a type of buff unique to Insect Glaive receives by sending out Kinsect to attack a monster and call it back.

There are four (three in MHRise) types of Essence that Kinsects can extract from a monsters:

  • Red: The offensive Extract and the most important Extract. Red Extract not only increases the attack power of the user, but also change the move set, granting access to the most powerful attack of the Insect Glaive. Should be maintained at all cost. Often found on the monster parts used for attacking, such as head, and tail of certain monsters.
  • White: The mobility Extract. White Extract grants the user increased movement speed and higher aerial mobility. Can be combined with the Red or Orange Extract to strengthen the buff of those Extract and activate certain buff, known as Double Buff. Often found on the monster parts related to movement, such as legs or wings.
  • Orange: The defensive Extract. Orange Extract grants the user increased defensive power, and when combined with White Extract, can grant the user resistance to disables such as Roar, Wind Pressure, or Tremor. Often found on the monster parts related to defense, such as the body or the back.
  • Green: The healing Extract. This extract, instead of giving buff, will heal the user upon the Kinsect returning. It also does not interact with other Extracts. Often found on parts that is generally not used in fight, such as arms of Brute Wyvern. This Extract is absent in MHRise.

Take note that the location of Extracts varies from monster to monster.

When all three types of Extracts, Red, White, and Orange, are present on the hunter at the same time, they combine into the even stronger "Triple Buff". Triple Buff provides a stronger boost to the Attack and Defense stats compare to the Single or Double Buff. However, once activated, its duration can not be reset. The Extracts must be re-gathered once the Triple Buff run out.

3) Vaulting

The Insect Glaive's attacking style is based on the art of Bōjutsu, where the wielder employs various long-ranged techniques like thrusting, sweeping, and spinning. The techniques are not limited to just attacking, however, as the rod can also be used to perform tricky maneuvers like pole vaulting to gain a high-ground advantage, or for evasive purposes.

Vaulting grants hunters access to Aerial Attacks at anytime they want. Repeated use of Aerial Attacks can lead to mounting the monster. If the mount is success, the monster is left vulnerable to attacks on the ground for several seconds.

Vaulting can also be used as evasive maneuver to get out of the way from incoming attacks, as well as repositioning or chasing after moved-faraway monsters. However, the vaulting initiation, as well as when the hunter is in the air, grants no invulnerable frame (I-frame) the way "true evasion" does.

Vaulting also eases in travelling vertically more quickly without needing to sheathe the weapon nor climb sluggishly.

In 5th Gen, the aerial capability of the weapon has been increased significantly. The hunter is now able to perform Aerial Evade while midair to avoid attacks or to close gaps between the monster. The aerial moveset has been expanded as well, allowing for an aerial dance attack where the hunter will bounce back with the successful hit of the last strike, referred to as Vaulting Dance. The Vaulting Dances can be done up to five times in MHW and MHWI, and up to three times in MHRise and MHRS. Also, in MHRise and MHRS, every time a Vaulting Dance is performed, it will power up the next aerial attack according to the number of the vaults done.


Garuuhel enhance menu
Zameel Beetle enhance menu

Like enhancing the weapon itself, the Kinsects' statistics can be enhanced to allow them to evolve (in Monster Hunter terms). Their upgrading process requires Nectars, which enhance's the Kinsect's stats. Once enough nectar is fed, they can be leveled up, and eventually evolve into a different type of insect, such as the speed-type Garuuhel (ガルーヘルビートル Garūheru Beetle) and the power-type Zameel Beetle (ザミールビートル Zamīru Bītoru) in the Bone Glaive (ボーングレイブ Bōn Gureibu), shown in the images beside.

However, the enhancing process itself is extremely far more complex compared to other weapons, as the Kinsect needs to be upgraded multiple times before the Glaive itself can be upgraded.

In MHW and MHWI, Kinsect Nectar system was replaced by an upgrade system similar to how you would upgrade a weapon.

In MHRise and MHRS, however, Kinsect can no longer be upgraded. Each one can now be purchased directly from the smith, and their stats are now correspond with Kinsect Level stats of the Glaive they are being equipped with.


Insect Glaive is the eleventh type of melee weapon in Monster Hunter. As the series progresses on, its upgrade system becomes more and more simple.

General Notes

  • Insect Glaive is the eleventh "Blademaster" weapon type in Monster Hunter series, introduced alongside the Charge Blade in Monster Hunter 4
  • The Insect Glaive gameplays revolve around sending out the Kinsect to extract a buff for the hunter, boosting their offensive capability and utilizing the buff uptime to deal large amount of damage. Insect Glaive also grants the user access to the Aerial Attacks at any time they want.

Monster Hunter: World

Insect Glaive

  • When mounting a monster, when the hunter move across the monster body, instead of only jumping like other weapons, the hunter will use the Glaive to attack the monster during the jump as well, dealing additional damage.


  • In 5th Gen, Kinsects gained the ability to release a cloud of powder which has various effect depends on the Kinsect.

Monster Hunter Rise


  • Kinsects system has become even more simple in MHRise. Instead of upgrading them through a tree in a similar manner to a Weapon Tree, each individual Kinsect can now be purchase directly, erasing the need of upgrading them.
  • Kinsect's performances are now tied to the Kinsect Level present in each Glaive. This stat determines the stats of the Kinsect when equipped on that Glaive.
  • The Cutting and Blunt Kinsects are still present for hunters to choose. Each of these damage types have their own properties:
    • The Cutting type Kinsect deals sever damage that can cut monsters' tail and automatically registers your equipped Glaive's base element, if any.
    • The Blunt type Kinsect deals impact damage that could stun monsters with enough hits on their head, but cannot deal elemental damage regardless if you're equipping elemental Glaive or not.
  • There are now 4 types of Kinsects. These typing affects the behavior of the Kinsects. Kinsect Types are as following:
    • Normal: Present only in the two starting Kinsects. Normal Kinsects' behavior are pretty much the "original Kinsect" back in MH4. They can be sent out and recalled, home on to the pheromone mark, with no special behavior.
      • This Kinsect type always has Kinsect Bonus: Bonus Heal , which grants healing akin to the Green Extract when the Kinsect returned with any Extract.
    • Assist: Present in high Power Kinsects. Assist Kinsects' behavior are similar to that of the "Valor Style Insect Glaive" in MHGU. In addition to the normal behavior, when the Triple Buff is active and the Kinsect is resting on the hunter, it will perform attacks in unison to the hunter in certain moves if it has enough stamina.
      • This Kinsect type has the Kinsect Bonus: Dual Color. Similar to the Kinsect in the powered up state in MHWI, Kinsect with this Bonus can drain 2 Extracts at once. However, unlike in MHWI, both Extracts are drain at the same time, and one of them are always the one listed on the Bonus. This also changes the Extract patterns on the monsters.
      • Introduced in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is the new Assist Type Kinsect with a different effect: Boosted Powder Extract. Unlike the Dual Color Assist Kinsects, this Kinsect can only draw out one extract at a time like all other Kinsects. However, hitting the monster enough time with the Kinsect's joint attacks will produce a cloud Boosted Powder Extract. This process can be done by having the Kinsect perform the joint attacks near monster's body part marked with pheromones. Stepping into this Boosted Powder Extract allows hunters to instantly get the Triple Up Buff or extend the Triple Up duration if it is still active. Multiple Boosted Powders can be produced and there's no limit on how many can exist at a time, however, the powder cloud will disappear over time or after the hunter step into it twice.
    • Powder: Present in high Stamina Kinsects. Powder Kinsects' behavior are similar to that of Kinsect in MHW. In addition to the normal behavior, when a pheromone is marked on the monster, the Kinsect will take off and constantly attacking the monster, leaving a Kinsect Powder each time, which can be attacked to activate the effect. What type of Powder the Kinsect will leave is listed on the Kinsect Type. There are 4 types of Powder; Poison, Paralysis, Blast, and Heal.
      • This Kinsect type has Kinsect Bonus related to making their attacking uptime more efficient; Stamina Use Slowed, Auto-attack Frequency Up, and Idle Stamina Recovery Up
    • Speed: Present in high Speed Kinsect. Speed Kinsects' behavior are similar to the "Kinsect Charging" in the 4th Gen. In addition to the normal behavior, the Kinsect can be charged. However, the Kinsect will finish charging up by itself after the Kinsect has rested for a while, no input is required. When Charged, the glowing parts of both the Kinsect and the Glaive will turn blue, signifying the charged state. Charged Kinsect will have significant boost to the attack power for that one attack when sent out.
      • This Kinsect type has Kinsect Bonus related to the Charged Kinsect Attacks; Charged Chain Attack or Fast Charge, or increases the duration of the Triple Up Time.
  • Green Extract was removed from the possible extracts on all monsters.


Stationary Attacks:
X = Vertical Slash
X・X = Vertical Slash / Diagonal Slash
X・X・X = Vertical Slash / Diagonal Slash / Roundhouse Slash
A = Side Slash
A・A = Slide Slash / Frontal Slam
X・A = Vertical Slash / Frontal Slam

Mobile Attacks (With a combination of analog control in any directions):
X = Stab
X・X = Stab / Diagonal Slash
X・X・X = Stab / Diagonal Slash / Roundhouse Slash
A・A = Front Flip Slash / Frontal Slam (can chain into the infinite combo)
X・A (whilst holding backwards) = Stab / Back Flip Slash
X・X・A (whilst holding backwards) = Stab / Diagonal Slash / Back Flip Slash

Attack Up Mode & Full Power Mode:
X・X・X = Double Vertical Slashes / Double Diagonal Slashes / Double Roundhouse Slashes
A・A = Diagonal Slash / Leaping Roundhouse Slash
A (whilst holding forwards)・A  = Frontal Slam / Leaping Roundhouse Slash
X (midair) = Do a double downward slash that can stagger monster (equivalent to the leap-attack off the ledges).

X・X・A・X・X・A・X・X・A... = Vertical Slash / Diagonal Slash / Side Slash /  Vertical Slash / Diagonal Slash / Side Slash /... (infinite combo, requires red essence)

Other Insect Glaive Functions:
R = Make your Insect Glaive shoot out a pheromone bullet that lets your Kinsect home in where the shot lands. Very useful for draining the essence from hard to reach spots.
R (after any attacks) = Strike with the end-tip of the rod for an "Impact" type damage that also leave a pheromone mark where the hit lands.
R (hold) = Control the aiming reticule for the pheromone bullet shooting mode.
R + X = Send your insect out in a direct path.
R + X (hold and release after charge) = Charge up a bug release that does more damage than normal.
R + A = Call your insect back instantly.
R + B = Do a forward pole vault-jump
R + B (whilst holding backwards)  = Do a backward pole vault-jump
X (midair) = Do a downward slash that can stagger monster.
A (midair) = Shoot a pheromone bullet in midair. Since the firing's recoil pushes the players backward, this move can be use as an evasive maneuver when the players sense an attack coming from the monsters in front.



  • Has great speed and power.
  • Has a jump move that can be used for a mounting attack or evasive actions.
  • Can receive various buffs in speed, attack, and defense and even earplugs.
  • Long range attacks via Kinsect.
  • Attack speed similar to the Sword and Shield, with similar fluidity between the attacks as a Long Sword.


  • The leaps made by the Insect Glaive can be dangerous if not used properly.
  • Guarding is not possible with the Insect Glaive.
  • Obtaining different extracts from monsters and maintaining the effects can be really difficult; especially when the wielder is facing agile or multiple monsters.
  • Compared to the Hunting Horn's, the buffs from the Kinsects are shorter in duration and are personal only.
  • Extremely complex upgrading process, requiring a large amount of materials and zenny to upgrade an Insect Glaive to its fullest potential, thereby making it the least cost-effective weapon. This process was simplified in Monster Hunter Generations onwards since Kinsect upgrade and Weapon upgrade are now separate.


Title MH4G/MH4U Insect Glaive Tutorial
by gaijin hunter
Title MH4U Insect Glaive Tutorial
by Arekkz Gaming


  • The Insect Glaive's initial designs depicted it as either a spiked club or a musical instrument.
  • The initial designs also show that the hunter can control a swarm of small Neopterons, like giant hornets, instead of a single large one.
  • Early scrapped armor designs for earlier games included using large bugs as shields and a suit of armor that resembles a beekeeping suit, which is covered in countless pill bugs. The wearer seems to be able to send out the pill bugs to roll and ram the enemies. Though these ideas were scrapped, the pill bugs live on in the form of the Insect Glaive and the Konchu.
  • In each upgrade tier, the Kinsect must be fully fed before the Insect Glaive itself can be upgraded further.
  • Depending on what the player feeds the Kinsect, the player may be able to make a weapon with multiple elements, even of opposing ones like Fire and Water, on top of the Insect Glaive's abnormal status property.
  • The Kinsect's wings' color changes depending on the element it's tied to. For example, if the Kinsect's element is fire, the color will be red.  If it has multiple elements, the color will be based on the one with the highest value.
  • When calling the Kinsect back, the process can be cancelled by sending it out to attack again. If the player repeats this multiple times it seems to confuse the Kinsect, which flies wildly for a while, ignoring any further commands.



Main Articles:

External Links[]

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate: Localization & Bugs Bugs Bugs!
