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Bow Icon Pink Rare 4
Kelbi Strongshot / 鹿角ノ剛弾弓

MH4-Bow Render 035

Level: Attack: Special: Affinity: Slots: Defense:
LV1 190 N/A 0% OO- N/A
LV2 220 N/A 0% OO- N/A
LV3 250 N/A 0% OO- N/A

Level: Charge Level 1: Charge Level 2: Charge Level 3: Charge Level 4:
LV1 Spread L2 Heavy L3 Rapid L3 (Rapid L4)
LV2 Spread L2 Heavy L4 Rapid L4 (Rapid L4)
LV3 Spread L2 Heavy L4 Rapid L4 (Rapid L4)

Coating Boost: None
Arc Shot: Blast
Description: The final upgrade for the Kelbi Stingshot. A dynamic Bow, its steel pellets can rip enemies to shreds.

Acquirement and Upgrade Method:
Buy-able from Store: No Buying Cost: N/A
Creation Materials: Upgrade Materials:

Prized Pelt / 極上の毛皮 x6
Commendation G / 勇気の証G x5
Rubbery Finehide / ゴム質の特上皮 x2
Kelbi Horn / ケルビの角x10

Commendation G / 勇気の証G x1
Kelbi Horn / ケルビの角x10
High-quality Pelt / 上質な毛皮 x6
Kirin Azure Horn / キリンの蒼角 x2

Creation Cost: Upgrade Cost:
54000z 27000z
Creation Byproduct: Upgrade Byproduct:

Level Upgrades:
Level: Materials: Cost:
LV2 Prized Pelt / 極上の毛皮 x1, Kelbi Horn / ケルビの角 x2, Rubbery Finehide / ゴム質の特上皮 x6, Massive Bone / 重厚な骨 x1 38700z
LV3 Congalala Hardclaw / 桃毛獣の剛爪 x3, GR Herbivore Materials x10 50400z

Power Coating/ 強撃ビン Power Coating Lv1 Element Coating / 属撃ビン Element Coating Lv1 Poison Coating / 毒ビン Poison Coating Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Para Coating
Power Coating/ 強撃ビン Power Coating Lv2 Element Coating / 属撃ビン Element Coating Lv2 Sleep Coating / 睡眠ビン Sleep Coating Exhaust Coating / 減気ビン Exhaust Coating
C C.Range Coating Paint Coating / ペイントビン Paint Coating Blast Coating / 爆破ビン Blast Coating

Weapon Path:
Upgraded From: >> Kelbi Strongshot >> Upgrades Into:
Rare 4 Kelbi Stingshot (Level 2) Rare 4 Great Kelbi Deershot (Level 3)
MHGU: Bow Weapon Tree
