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Pages 1-5

P# No. Japanese Name Item 1 Item 2 Success QTY
P1 1 回復薬 Potion Herb Blue Mushroom 95% 1
P1 2 回復薬グレート Mega Potion Potion Honey 90% 1
P1 3 栄養剤 Nutrients Godbug Blue Mushroom 90% 1
P1 4 栄養剤グレート Mega Nutrients Honey Nutrients 75% 1
P1 5 解毒薬 Antidote Antidote Herb Blue Mushroom 95% 1
P1 6 漢方薬 Herbal Medicine Cactus Flower Bitterbug 90% 1
P1 7 秘薬 Max Potion Mega Nutrients Dragon Toadstool 65% 1
P1 8 いにしえの秘薬 Ancient Potion Immunizer Kelbi Horn 55% 1
P2 9 酸素玉 Oxygen Supply Airweed Bomb Casing 90% 1
P2 10 増息薬 Air Philter Airweed Catalyst 75% 1
P2 11 増息薬グレート Mega Air Philter Airweed Dash Extract 65% 1
P2 12 増強剤 Catalyst Bitterbug Honey 75% 1
P2 13 活力剤 Immunizer Dragon Toadstool Catalyst 75% 1
P2 14 消散剤 Cleanser Popfish Catalyst 90% 1
P2 15 消散剤 Cleanser Hot Pepper Burst Arowana 75% 1~3
P2 16 強走薬 Dash Juice Rare Steak Catalyst 75% 1
P3 17 強走薬グレート Mega Dash Juice Well-done Steak Dash Extract 65% 1
P3 18 元気ドリンコ Energy Drink Honey Nitroshroom 65% 1
P3 19 元気ドリンコ Energy Drink Hot Pepper Sleepyfish 75% 1
P3 20 鬼人薬 Demondrug Might Seed Catalyst 65% 1
P3 21 鬼人薬グレート Mega Demondrug Demondrug Pale Extract 55% 1
P3 22 怪力の丸薬 Might Pill Might Seed Immunizer 75% 1
P3 23 硬化薬 Armorskin Adamant Seed Catalyst 65% 1
P3 24 硬化薬グレート Mega Armorskin Armorskin Pale Extract 55% 1
P4 25 忍耐の丸薬 Adamant Pill Adamant Seed Immunizer 75% 1
P4 26 ホットドリンク Hot Drink Bitterbug Hot Pepper 90% 1
P4 27 ホットミート Hot Meat Well-done Steak Hot Pepper 95% 1
P4 28 クーラードリンク Cool Drink Ice Crystal Bitterbug 90% 1
P4 29 クーラーミート Chilled Meat Well-done Steak Ice Crystal 95% 1
P4 30 毒生肉 Poisoned Meat Raw Meat Toadstool 90% 1
P4 31 シビレ生肉 Tinged Meat Raw Meat Parashroom 90% 1
P4 32 眠り生肉 Drugged Meat Raw Meat Sleep Herb 90% 1
P5 33 素材玉 Bomb Casing Stone Sap Plant  95% 1
P5 34 素材玉 Bomb Casing Iron Ore Sap Plant  95% 1~2
P5 35 けむり玉 Smoke Bomb Ivy Bomb Casing  75% 1
P5 36 毒けむり玉 Poison Smoke Bmb Bomb Casing Toadstool  75% 1
P5 37 毒けむり玉 Poison Smoke Bmb Bomb Casing Poison Sac  90% 1~3
P5 38 閃光玉 Flash Bomb Flashbug Bomb Casing  75% 1
P5 39 こやし玉 Dung Bomb Dung Bomb Casing  75% 1
P5 40 こやし玉 Dung Bomb Dung Bomb Sac  75% 1~2

Pages 6-10

P# No. Japanese Name Item 1 Item 2 Success QTY
P6 41 ペイントボール Paintball Sap Plant Paintberry 95% 1
P6 42 モドリ玉 Farcaster Exciteshroom Bomb Casing 95% 1
P6 43 爆薬 Gunpowder Fire Herb Nitroshroom 95% 1
P6 44 小タル爆弾 Barrel Bomb S Fire Herb Small Barrel 90% 1
P6 45 小タル爆弾G Barrel Bomb S+ Barrel Bomb S Burst Arowana 75% 1
P6 46 大タル爆弾 Barrel Bomb L Large Barrel Gunpowder 75% 1
P6 47 大タル爆弾G Barrel Bomb L+ Barrel Bomb L Scatterfish 55% 1
P6 48 打上げタル爆弾 Bounce Bomb Barrel Bomb S Bnahabra Wing 55% 1
P7 49 打上げタル爆弾G Bounce Bomb+ Bomb Arowana Bounce Bomb 55% 1
P7 50 音爆弾 Sonic Bomb Screamer Gunpowder 75% 1
P7 51 マタタビ爆弾 Felvine Bomb Barrel Bomb S Felvine 90% 1
P7 52 ネット Net Ivy Spider Web 90% 1
P7 53 落とし穴 Pitfall Trap Net Trap Tool 65% 1
P7 54 シビレ罠 Shock Trap Thunderbug Trap Tool 90% 1
P7 55 マグダンゴ Tuna Bait Worm Yambug 95% 1
P7 56 アロダンゴ Arowana Bait Cricket Bughopper 95% 1
P8 57 黄金ダンゴ Goldenfish Bait Firefly Snakebee Larva 90% 1
P8 58 サシミダンゴ Sushi Bait Mega Fishing Fly Yambug 95% 1~2
P8 59 キレダンゴ Whetfish Bait Mega Fishing Fly Bughopper 90% 1~2
P8 60 ボロピッケル Old Pickaxe Stone Bone 95% 1
P8 61 ボロピッケル Old Pickaxe Stone Mystery Bone 75% 1
P8 62 ピッケル Iron Pickaxe Iron Ore Bone 75% 1
P8 63 ピッケルグレート Mega Pickaxe Machalite Ore Bone 95% 1
P8 64 ボロ虫あみ Old Bug Net Net Mystery Bone 95% 1
P9 65 虫あみ Bug Net Monster Bone S Net 75% 1
P9 66 虫あみグレート Mega Bug Net Monster Bone M Net 95% 1
P9 67 漁獲モリ Fishing Harpoon Broken Shell Mystery Bone 95% 1
P9 68 抗菌石 Antiseptic Stone Earth Crystal Bitterbug 75% 1
P9 69 生命の粉 Lifecrystals Godbug Wyvern Fang 90% 1
P9 70 生命の粉塵 Lifepowder Lifecrystals Wyvern Claw 65% 1
P9 71 回復笛 Health Horn Lifecrystals Hunting Horn 65% 1
P9 72 解毒笛 Antidote Horn Antiseptic Stone Hunting Horn 65% 1
P10 73 鬼人笛 Demon Horn Mega Demondrug Monster Bone M 55% 1
P10 74 硬化笛 Armor Horn Mega Armorskin Monster Bone M 55% 1
P10 75 毒投げナイフ Poison Knife Throwing Knife Toadstool 65% 1
P10 76 眠り投げナイフ Sleep Knife Throwing Knife Sleep Herb 65% 1
P10 77 麻痺投げナイフ Paralysis Knife Throwing Knife Parashroom 65% 1
P10 78 力の爪 Powertalon Deviljho Talon Powercharm 95% 1
P10 79 守りの爪 Armortalon Deviljho Talon Armorcharm 95% 1
P10 80 LV2 通常弾 Normal S Lv2 Needleberry Huskberry 95% 2~4

Pages 11-17

P# No. Japanese Name Item 1 Item 2 Success QTY
P11 81 LV3 通常弾 Normal S Lv3 Huskberry Popfish 95% 2~4
P11 82 LV1 貫通弾 Pierce S Lv1 Huskberry Bird Wyvern Fang 90% 1~3
P11 83 LV2 貫通弾 Pierce S Lv2 Huskberry Pin Tuna 75% 1~3
P11 84 LV3 貫通弾 Pierce S Lv3 Bone Husk S Pin Tuna 75% 1~2
P11 85 LV1 散弾 Pellet S Lv1 Huskberry Scatternut 90% 1~3
P11 86 LV2 散弾 Pellet S Lv2 Huskberry Wyvern Fang 75% 1~3
P11 87 LV3 散弾 Pellet S Lv3 Bone Husk S Wyvern Fang 75% 1~3
P11 88 LV1 徹甲榴弾 Crag S Lv1 Huskberry Burst Arowana 90% 1
P12 89 LV2 徹甲榴弾 Crag S Lv2 Bone Husk S Burst Arowana 90% 1
P12 90 LV3 徹甲榴弾 Crag S Lv3 Bone Husk L Bomb Arowana 75% 1
P12 91 LV1 拡散弾 Clust S Lv1 Huskberry Bomberry 90% 1
P12 92 LV2 拡散弾 Clust S Lv2 Bone Husk S Wyvern Claw 75% 1
P12 93 LV3 拡散弾 Clust S Lv3 Bone Husk L Scatterfish 75% 1
P12 94 火炎弾 Flaming S Huskberry Fire Herb 90% 1
P12 95 水冷弾 Water S Huskberry Whetfish 75% 1~3
P12 96 氷結弾 Freeze S Huskberry Ice Crystal 75% 1~3
P13 97 電撃弾 Thunder S Huskberry Flashbug 75% 2~4
P13 98 滅龍弾 Dragon S Bone Husk L Dragonfell Berry 75% 1
P13 99 LV1 回復弾 Recover S Lv1 Huskberry Herb 90% 1
P13 100 LV2 回復弾 Recover S Lv2 Huskberry Potion 90% 1
P13 101 LV1 毒弾 Poison S Lv1 Huskberry Toadstool 90% 1
P13 102 LV2 毒弾 Poison S Lv2 Bone Husk S Toadstool 75% 1
P13 103 LV1 麻痺弾 Para S Lv1 Huskberry Parashroom 90% 1
P13 104 LV2 麻痺弾 Para S Lv2 Bone Husk S Parashroom 90% 1
P14 105 LV1 睡眠弾 Sleep S Lv1 Huskberry Sleep Herb 90% 1
P14 106 LV2 睡眠弾 Sleep S Lv2 Bone Husk S Sleepyfish 75% 1
P14 107 ペイント弾 Paint S Huskberry Paintberry 90% 1
P14 108 鬼人強化弾Ⅰ Demon S I Bone Husk L Might Seed 75% 1
P14 109 鬼人強化弾Ⅱ Demon S II Bone Husk S Might Pill 65% 1
P14 110 硬化防風弾Ⅰ Armor S I Bone Husk L Adamant Seed 75% 1
P14 111 硬化防風弾Ⅱ Armor S II Bone Husk S Adamant Pill 75% 1
P14 112 LV1 水中弾 Sub S Lv1 Huskberry Sharpened Fang 75% 1~3
P15 113 LV2 水中弾 Sub S Lv2 Bone Husk S Sharpened Fang 65% 1~3
P15 114 減気弾 Exhaust S Bone Husk S Dung 75% 1
P15 115 斬裂弾 Slicing S Bone Husk S Whetstone 75% 1
P15 116 斬裂弾 Slicing S Bone Husk S Whetfish 75%   1~3
P15 117 LV1 竜撃弾 WyvernFire Lv1 Huskberry Nitroshroom 65% 1
P15 118 LV2 竜撃弾 WyvernFire Lv2 Bone Husk S Bomberry 65% 1
P15 119 LV3 竜撃弾 WyvernFire Lv3 Bone Husk L Burst Arowana 65% 1
P15 120 捕獲用麻酔薬 Tranquilizer Sleep Herb Parashroom 65% 1
P16 121 捕獲用麻酔ナイフ Tranq Knife Throwing Knife Tranquilizer 65% 1
P16 122 捕獲用麻酔玉 Tranq Bomb Bomb Casing Tranquilizer 75% 1
P16 123 捕獲用麻酔弾 Tranq S Bone Husk S Tranquilizer 90% 1
P16 124 鎧玉 Armor Sphere Machalite Ore Armor Stone 95% 1
P16 125 鎧玉 Armor Sphere Killer Beetle Armor Stone 95% 1
P16 126 上鎧玉 Armor Sphere+ Dragonite Ore Armor Stone 95% 1
P16 127 上鎧玉 Armor Sphere+ Rare Scarab Armor Stone 95% 1
P16 128 尖鎧玉 Adv Armor Sphere Carbalite Ore Armor Stone 95% 1
P17 129 尖鎧玉 Adv Armor Sphere Firestone Armor Stone 95% 1
P17 130 堅鎧玉 Hrd Armor Sphere Gracium Armor Stone 95% 1
P17 131 光り輝く王冠 Dazzling Crown Incomplete Crown Crown's Gemstone 100% 1


  • Where to get "Throwing Knife" for Items #75, 76, 77, & 121:
    • Offline: Slay Felynes in the Moga Woods. Throwing Knife can be picked up as a shiny item on the ground. A 50% chance drop.
    • Online: In the ★1 quest, Harvest 'Shroom, complete Subquest B by delivering 2 Choice Mushrooms. 5 Throwing Knifes will then appear in the supply box.
  • Dazzling Crown; there is no use for this item other than selling for 6000z
  • You can get Incomplete Crown and Crown's Gemstone by sending the Hunting Fleet to seek the Treasure areas: Moga Strait (★★), Abyssal Volcano (★★★), and Pirate's Tomb (★★★★).