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MH3U-Hammer Equipment Render 001
Low Rank Blademaster
MH3U-Long Sword Equipment Render 001
High Rank Blademaster
MH3U-Switch Axe Equipment Render 001
G Rank Blademaster
MH3U-Light Bowgun Equipment Render 001
Low Rank Gunner
MH3U-Bow Equipment Render 001
High Rank Gunner
MH3U-Heavy Bowgun Equipment Render 001
G Rank Gunner
||Armor Skills || Armor Combinations|| Miscellaneous/Event Armors||

RARE 8[]

Bnahabra X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active


Status 3 2 4 3 3 15 Status Atk+2
Sheathing 2 1 3 2 2 10 Quick Sheathe
Paralysis 2 2 1 2 3 10 Negate Paralysis
Attack -3 -2 -2 -2 -1 -10 Attack Down (S)
FreeElement 2 0 0 0 3 5 -
Fencing 0 2 2 0 0 4 -
Crit Draw 0 0 0 3 0 3 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 68-112 Bnahabra Hat X O-- Bnahabra Cutwing x2, Bnahabra Carapace x3, Monster Essence x2, Emperor Hopper x2 11700z
MH3icon-Plate 68-112 Bnahabra Suit X O-- Bnahabra Cutwing x2, Bnahabra Carapace x3, Monster Essence x2, Emperor Hopper x2 11700z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 68-112 Bnahabra Gloves X O-- Bnahabra Cutwing x2, Bnahabra Wing x5, Prized Stomach x2, Monster Essence x3 11700z
MH3icon-Waist 68-112 Bnahabra Coil X O-- Bnahabra Cutwing x2, Bnahabra Wing x5, Monster Essencex1, Fluttefly x1 11700z
MH3icon-Leggings 68-112 Bnahabra Boots X O-- Bnahabra Cutwing x2, Bnahabra Wing x3, Prized Stomach x1, Monster Essence x3 11700z

Rhenoplos X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Current Res 2 1 2 1 4 10 Current Res (Lo)
Artillery 2 1 2 3 2 10 Artillery Novice
KO 3 2 1 3 1 10 Knockout King
FastCharge 2 2 2 3 1 10 Focus
FreeElement 0 2 0 0 0 2 -
Guts 0 0 0 0 3 3 -
Crit Draw 2 0 0 1 0 3 -
Handicraft 0 0 2 0 0 2 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 68-112 Rhenoplos Helm X O Rhenoplos Bone x2, Massive Bone x3, Gracium x4 11700z
MH3icon-Plate 68-112 Rhenoplos Mail X O Rhenoplos Bonex2, Monster Bone L x3, Eltalite Ore x4, 11700z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 68-112 Rhenoplos Braces X OO Rhenoplos Bone x3, Avian Stoutbone x6, Gracium x4 11700z
MH3icon-Waist 68-112 Rhenoplos Coil X O Rhenoplos Bone x1, Massive Bone x4, Gracium x4 11700z
MH3icon-Leggings 68-112 Rhenoplos Greaves X O Rhenoplos Bone x3, Monster Bone L x8, Eltalite Ore x2 11700z

Slagtoth X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Combination 7 8 15 Combination+45
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 68-112 Slagtoth Hood X OOO Supple Piel x4, Slagtoth Hide+ x3, Prized Pelt x2 11700z
MH3icon-Plate 68-112 Slagtoth Cloak X O Supple Piel x2, Slagtoth Hide+ x5, Prized Pelt x2, 11700z

Jaggi X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Stun 2 1 3 4 3 13 Halve Stun
Carnivore 2 2 2 1 3 10 Meat Lover
Rec Speed 3 3 2 1 1 10 Rec Speed+1
Attack 2 2 2 2 2 10 Attack Up (S)
FreeElement 1 1 3 5
Fate 2 3 5
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 72-114 Jaggi Helm X OO Imperial Frill x2, G.Jaggi Claw+ x2, Jaggi Scale+ x2, Eltalite Ore x3 12300z
MH3icon-Plate 72-114 Jaggi Mail X O G.Jaggi Piel x4, G.Jaggi Hide+ x4, Avian Stoutbone x3, Fucium Ore x2 12300z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 72-114 Jaggi Braces X O Fey Wyvern Gem x1, G.Jaggi Claw+ x5, G.Jaggi Head x1, Eltalite Ore x3 12300z
MH3icon-Waist 72-114 Jaggi Faulds X OO G.Jaggi Piel x4, Imperial Frill x2, Jaggi Scale+ x4, Eltalite Ore x5 12300z
MH3icon-Leggings 72-114 Jaggi Greaves X O G.Jaggi Piel x3, G.Jaggi Hide+ x4, Avian Stoutbone x3, Fucium Ore x5 12300z

Baggi X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Team Leader 2 2 2 1 3 10 Shakalaka Cheer
Ice Atk 2 2 3 2 1 10 Ice Atk+1
Cold Res 2 2 2 2 2 10 Cold Cancel
Rec Speed 1 2 2 2 3 10 Rec Speed+1
Evasion 2 1 2 5
Handicraft 1 2 3
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 72-114 Baggi Helm X O Imperial Crest x2, G.Baggi Claw+ x2, G.Baggi Hide+ x2, Gracium x3 12300z
MH3icon-Plate 72-114 Baggi Mail X O G.Baggi Piel x4, G.Baggi Hide+ x4, Avian Stoutbone x3, Emperor Hopper x2 12300z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 72-114 Baggi Braces X OO Fey Wyvern Gem x1, G.Baggi Claw+ x5, Coma Sac x1, Gracium x3 12300z
MH3icon-Waist 72-114 Baggi Faulds X OO G.Baggi Piel x4, Imperial Crest x2, Baggi Scale+ x4, Gracium x5 12300z
MH3icon-Leggings 72-114 Baggi Greaves X O G.Baggi Piel x3, G.Baggi Hide+ x4, Avian Stoutbone x4, Emperor Hopper x5 12300z

Wroggi X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Team Player 3 1 1 3 2 10 Shakalaka Rally
Eating 2 2 1 3 2 10 Speed Eating+1
Sharpness 2 1 5 1 1 10 Razor Sharp
Def Lock 2 2 2 2 2 10 Iron Skin
Fencing 1 3 4
PunishDraw 3 3
Handicraft 1 2 3
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 72-114 Wroggi Helm X OO Imperial Beak x2, G.Wroggi Brace+ x2, Wroggi Scale+ x2, Bathycite Ore x3 12300z
MH3icon-Plate 72-114 Wroggi Mail X OO G.Wroggi Piel x4, G.Wroggi Hide+ x4, Avian Stoutbone x3, Meldspar Ore x2 12300z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 72-114 Wroggi Braces X O Fey Wyvern Gem x1, G.Wroggi Brace+ x5, Toxin Sac x1, Bathcycite Ore x3 12300z
MH3icon-Waist 72-114 Wroggi Faulds X O G.Wroggi Piel x3, King's Beak x2, Wroggi Scale+ x2, Bathycite Ore x5 12300z
MH3icon-Leggings 72-114 Wroggi Greaves X OO G.Wroggi Piel x2, G.Wroggi Hide+ x4, Avian Stoutbone x4, Meldspar x2 12300z

Arzuros X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Honey 3 1 3 2 10 Honey Hunter
Spd Gather 3 1 3 2 10 Speed Gatherer
Gluttony 1 2 3 2 10 Gourmand
Charmer 2 2 2 6
Whim 3 6
Torso Up E
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 72-114 Arzuros Helm X OO Arzuros Cortex x3, Massive Bone x2, Arzuros Pelt+ x3, Eltalite Ore x6 12300z
MH3icon-Plate 72-114 Arzuros Mail X OO Arzuros Allbrace x2, Arzuros Cortex x2, Bnahabra Cutwing x3, Emperor Hopper x4 12300z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 72-114 Arzuros Braces X O Arzuros Cortex x3, Arzuros Allbrace x3, Arzuros Pelt+ x3, Prized Stomach x2 12300z
MH3icon-Waist 72-114 Arzuros Faulds X OOO Arzuros Allbrace x2, Massive Bone x2, Arzuros Carapace x3, Eltalite Ore x6 12300z
MH3icon-Leggings 72-114 Arzuros Greaves X Arzuros Allbrace x2, Crushing Fang x2, Bnaha Carapace x3, Emperor Hopper x4 12300z

Lagombi X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Dive Dist 2 2 1 2 3 10 Dive Enhancer
Stam Recov 2 2 2 2 2 10 Stam Recov Up
Sheathing 1 1 4 3 1 10 Quick Sheath
Mud/Snow 3 1 2 2 2 10 Negate Mud/Snow
Guts 2 2 4
Unscathed 1 2 3
Handicraft 3 3
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 72-114 Lagombi Helm X O Lagombi Auricle x2, Lagombi Fur x2, G.Baggi Piel+ x4, Flutterfly x1 12300z
MH3icon-Plate 72-114 Lagombi Mail X O Lagombi Fur x3, Lagom Plastron+ x3, Imperial Crest x4, Emperor Hopper x3 12300z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 72-114 Lagombi Braces X O Lagombi Auricle x1, Lagombi Fur x2, Crushing Fang x2, Supple Piel x6 12300z
MH3icon-Waist 72-114 Lagombi Faulds X O Lagombi Fur x3, Lagombi Claw+ x1, Stoutbone x2, Emperor Hopper x3 12300z
MH3icon-Leggings 72-114 Lagombi Greaves X O Lagombi Fur x3, Lagom Plastron+ x4, Lagombi Claw+ x3, Eltalite Ore x8 12300z

Volvidon X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Evasion 1 2 2 3 10 Evasion+1
Tremor Res 1 2 3 2 10 Tremor Resistance
Biology 3 1 4 1 10 Bio Master
FreeElement 2 4
Fencing 2 2 4
Torso Up E
Water Res -2 -1 -2 -2 -8
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 72-114 Volvidon Helm X OOO Volvidon Talon x3, Volvidon Cortex x3, Monster Essence x3, Firecell Stone x2 12300z
MH3icon-Plate 72-114 Volvidon Mail X O Volvidon Cortex x3, G.Wroggi Piel x3, Massive Bone x2, Firecell Stone x3 12300z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 72-114 Volvidon Braces X Volvidon Talon x3, Omniplegia Sac x6, Monster Essence x3, Eltalite Ore x5 12300z
MH3icon-Waist 72-114 Volvidon Faulds X OO Volvidon Cortex x3, Volvi Rickrack x5, Massive Bone x3, Firecell Stone x2 12300z
MH3icon-Leggings 72-114 Volvidon Greaves X Volvidon Talon x3, Volvidon Cortex x3, Crushing Fang x2, Eltalite Ore x2 12300z

Ingot X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill

Thunder Atk

4 3 3 1 4 15

Thunder Atk +2

Guard Up 2 2 1 3 2 10 Guard Boost
Sheathing 3 1 3 2 1 10 Quick Sheathe
Whim -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Spectre's Whim
Handicraft 1 - 1 - 1 3 -
Crit Draw - 1 - 1 - 2 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 76-112 Ingot Helm X O-- Allfire Stone x2, Gracium x2, Eltalite Ore x2, Carbalite Ore x5 12600z
MH3icon-Plate 76-112 Ingot Mail X O-- Allfire Stone x3, Firecell Stone x3, Eltalite Ore x2, Carbalite Ore x5 12600z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 76-112 Ingot Vambraces X OO- Allfire Stone x2, Gracium x4, Eltalite Ore x2, Lava Nugget x2 12600z
MH3icon-Waist 76-112 Ingot Coil X OO- Allfire Stone x2, Firecell Stone x3, Eltalite Ore x2, Lava Nugget x2 12600z
MH3icon-Leggings 76-112 Ingot Greaves X O-- Allfire Stone x3, Gracium x2, Eltalite Ore x1, Carbalite Ore x5 12600z

Qurupeco X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Wide-Range 5 3 5 5 2 20 Wide-Range+2
Perception 3 2 1 1 3 10 Capture Guru
Ice Res -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Ice Res -20
Maestro 3 1 2 2 - 8 -
FreeElement 1 1 2 - - 4 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 76-115 Qurupeco Helm X --- Alluring Beak x2, Peco Fellwing x2, Avian Stoutbone x3, Emperor Hopper x3 12600z
MH3icon-Plate 76-115 Qurupeco Mail X O-- Qurupeco Shard x3, Lustrous Feather x2, Avian Stoutbone x3, Flutterfly x1 12600z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 76-115 Qurupeco Vambraces X O-- Qurupeco Shard x3, Quality Flint x1, Lustrous Feather x4, Flutterfly x1 12600z
MH3icon-Waist 76-115 Qurupeco Coil X O-- Peco Fellwing x2, Qurupeco Shard x3, Massive Bone x2, King Scarab x5 12600z
MH3icon-Leggings 76-115 Qurupeco Greaves X OOO Peco Fellwing x2, Qurupeco Shard x3, Lustrous Feather x2, Emperor Hopper x3 12600z

Ludroth X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Water Atk 4 2 5 2 2 15 Water Atk+2
Stamina 1 2 1 3 3 10 Marathon Runner
Thunder Atk -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Thunder Atk Down
Hearing 1 2 1 2 2 8 -
Fate - 2 - 1 - 3 -
Eating 1 - 1 - 1 3 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 78-115 Ludroth Helm X --- Chic Crest x2, R.Ludroth Shard x3, R.Ludroth Lash x1, Flood Sac x2 12800z
MH3icon-Plate 78-115 Ludroth Mail X O-- Spongy Piel x3, Supple Piel x4, Hydro Hide+ x6, Flutterfly x1 12800z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 78-115 Ludroth Vambraces X O-- R.Ludroth Talon x3, R.Ludroth Shard x4, Spongy Piel x2, Emperor Hopper x5 12800z
MH3icon-Waist 78-115 Ludroth Faulds X OO- R.Ludroth Shard x4, Supple Piel x6, Massive Bone x2, R.Ludroth Lash x1 12800z
MH3icon-Leggings 78-115 Ludroth Greaves X OO- R.Ludroth Talon x2, R.Ludroth Shard x3, Spongy Hide+ x3, Emperor Hopper x5 12800z

Plesioth X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Tranquilzr 3 3 5 - 4 15 Capture Master
SpeedSetup 4 1 4 - 1 10 Trap Master
Fencing 3 3 1 - 3 10 Mind's Eye
FreeElement - - 1 - - 1 -
PunishDraw 1 - - - - 1 -
Handicraft - - - - 1 1 -
Hearing - 1 - - - 1 -
Constitution -1 -1 -1 - -1 -4 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 83-116 Plesioth Helm X O-- Plesioth Shard x3, Fine Plesio Fin x2, Hvy Plesio Fang x2, Monster Essence x3 13300z
MH3icon-Plate 83-116 Plesioth Mail X O-- Fine Plesio Fin x3, Plesioth Shard x2, Hrd Ples Webbing x2, Supple Piel x2 13300z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 83-116 Plesioth Vambraces X O-- Plesioth Shard x1, Fine Plesio Fin x3, Uber Plesio Head x1, Emperor Hopper x3 13300z
MH3icon-Leggings 83-116 Plesioth Greaves X OO- Plesioth Shard x4, Fine Plesio Fin x2, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1, Eltalite Ore x2 13300z

Rathian X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill


5 1 5 2 2 15

Health +50

Fire Atk 2 1 3 3 4 13 Fire Atk +1
Water Atk -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Water Atk Down
Rec Level 2 2 1 2 3 10 Recovery Up
FreeElemnt 1 1 1 - - 3 -
Fate - - - 1 1 2 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 80-113 Rathian Helm X O-- Rathian Surspike x2, Rathian Cortex x4, Rathian Ruby x1, Conflagrant Sac x3 13300z
MH3icon-Plate 80-113 Rathian Mail X OO- Rathian Shard x4, Rathian Ruby x1, Rath Medulla x1, Firecell Stone x2 13300z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 80-113 Rathian Vambraces X O-- Rathian Cortex x4, Rath Ripper x3, Rathian Spike+ x2, Firecell Stone x2 13300z
MH3icon-Waist 80-113 Rathian Faulds X OO- Rathian Shard x3, Rath Ripper x3, Rathian Mantle x1, Eltalite Ore x4 13300z
MH3icon-Leggings 80-113 Rathian Greaves X O-- Rathian Cortex x4, Rathian Shard x4, Monster Slogbone x3, Eltalite Ore x4 13300z
Total 400-565 Rathian mantle x3, Rathian Cortex x12, Rathian Ruby x1, Conflagrant Sac x3, Rathian Shard x11, Rathian Ruby x1, Rath Medulla x1, Firecell Stone x4, Rath Ripper x6, Rathian Spike+ x2, Eltalite Ore x8, Monster SLogbone x3 66500z

Barioth X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Constitution 3 1 4 4 3 15 Constitution+2
Ice Atk 2 3 2 3 2 12 Ice Atk+1
Evasion 1 2 3 3 1 10 Evasion+1
Stam Recov -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Stam Recov Down
Crit Draw - 1 1 2 - 4 -
Handicraft 2 - - - 2 4 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 81-114 Barioth Helm X OO- Hvy Amber Tusks x2, Barioth Fur x5, Barioth Cortex x4, Cyro Sac x3 13500z
MH3icon-Plate 81-114 Barioth Mail X O-- Barioth Cortex x4, Barioth Lash x1, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1, Lagombi Fur x6 13500z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 81-114 Barioth Vambraces X O-- Barioth Talon 2, Barioth Cortex x3, Monster Slogbone x3, Cryo Sac x3 13500z
MH3icon-Waist 81-114 Barioth Faulds X --- Hvy Amber Tusks x2, Barioth Lash x4, Barioth Fur x4, Lagombi Auricle x4 13500z
MH3icon-Leggings 81-114 Barioth Greaves X OO-- Barioth Fur x5, Barioth Cortex x3, Barioth Talon x2, Crushing Fang x2 13500z

Barroth X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Attack 3 1 3 3 3 13 Attack Up (S)
Guard 2 1 1 3 3 10 Guard+1
Constitution 2 1 2 2 3 10 Constitution+1
Hunger -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Raise Hunger
FreeElement 1 - 2 - - 3 -
Stamina - 2 - - - 2 -
Fencing - - - 1 1 2 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 82-115 Barroth Helm X O-- Barroth Chine x4, Barroth Cortex x2, Barroth Crown x1, Avian Stoutbone x2 13800z
MH3icon-Plate 82-115 Barroth Mail X OO- Barroth Chine x4, Barroth Crown x3, Barroth Talon x2, Prized Pelt x3 13800z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 82-115 Barroth Vambraces X OO- Barroth Talon x4, Barroth Cortex x2, Monster Slogbone x2, Avian Stoutbone x2 13800z
MH3icon-Waist 82-115 Barroth Faulds X O-- Barroth Cortex x2, Barroth Chine x3, Monster Slogbone x2, Prized Pelt x3 13800z
MH3icon-Leggings 82-115 Barroth Greaves X --- Barroth Cortex x3, Barroth Lash x1 Massive Bone x3, G.Jaggi Piel x2 13800z

Gobul X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Expert 5 2 3 3 2 15 Critical Eye+2
Swimming 2 2 4 - 2 10 Olympic Swimmer
Eating 3 3 1 2 2 10 Speed Eating+1
Rec Speed -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Recovery Spd-1
Fencing - - 2 - 2 4 -
Evade Dist 2 1 - 1 - 4 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 82-115 Gobul Helm X --- Gobul Surspike x2, Gobul Piel x6, Gobul Kingwhiskr x4, Monster Slogbone x3 13800z
MH3icon-Plate 82-115 Gobul Mail X O-- Fine Gobul Fin x2, Gobul Surspike x3, Gobul Piel x4, Fey Wyvern Gem x2 13800z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 82-115 Gobul Vambraces X O-- Gobul Piel x4, Gobul Surspike x3, Gobul Spike+ x4, Avian Stoutbone x4 13800z
MH3icon-Waist 82-115 Gobul Faulds X OOO Gobul Piel x6, Fine Gobul Fin x2, Gobul Kingwhiskr x3, Omniplegia x5 13800z
MH3icon-Leggings 82-115 Gobul Greaves X OO- Gobul Surspike x8, Gobul Piel x6 Fine Gobul Fin x4, Gobul Beacon x1 13800z

Nibelsnarf X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Eating 5 3 2 - 5 15 Speed Eating+2
PunishDraw 3 1 2 1 3 10 Punishing Draw
Sheathing 2 1 3 3 1 10 Quick Sheathe
Thunder Atk -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Thunder Atk Down
Expert 2 2 - - - 4 -
FreeElement - - 1 2 - 3 -
Handicraft - - - - 3 3 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 83-116 Nibelsnarf Helm X --- Nibel Cortex x4, Nibelsnarf Talon x2, Nibelsnarf Piel x2, Giant Fin x2 13800z
MH3icon-Plate 83-116 Nibelsnarf Mail X O-- Nibelsnarf Piel x4, Nibel Cortex x4, Dazzling Fluid x4, Avian Stoutbone x2 13800z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 83-116 Nibelsnarf Braces X OO- Nibelsnarf Talon x3, Nibel Cortex x3, Dazzling Fluid x4, G.Wroggi Hide+ x3 13800z
MH3icon-Waist 83-116 Nibelsnarf Faulds X OOO Nibelsnarf Talon x2, Nibelsnarf Piel x3, Billiant Fluid x4, Imperial Beak x2 13800z
MH3icon-Leggings 83-116 Nibelsnarf Greaves X --- Nibel Cortex x4, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1 Monster Slogbone x3, G.Wroggi Piel x4 13800z

Gigginox X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Status 2 2 4 3 4 15 Status Atk+2
FreeElement 3 2 2 2 1 10 Awaken
Sharpness 2 2 3 3 - 10 Razor Sharp
Elemental -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Element Atk Down
Evasion - 1 - 1 1 3 -
Unscathed 1 - 1 - - 2 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 83-116 Gigginox Helm X OO- Revolting Piel x3, Nightmarish Maw x1, Gigginox Piel x5, Toxin Sac x5 13800z
MH3icon-Plate 83-116 Gigginox Mail X O-- Gigginox Talon x2, Gigginox Piel x4, Foul Venom Gland x3, Pure Crystal x1 13800z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 83-116 Gigginox Vambraces X O-- Gigginox Piel x4, Gigginox Talon x2, Gigginox Claw+ x2, Fey Wyvern Gem x1 13800z
MH3icon-Waist 83-116 Gigginox Faulds X O-- Gigginox Piel x4, Foul Venom Gland x3, Revolting Piel x2, Monster Essence x6 13800z
MH3icon-Leggings 83-116 Gigginox Greaves X OOO Foul Venom Gland x3, Gigginox Piel x2 Nightmarish Maw x2, G.Baggi Piel x4 13800z

Duramboros X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Survivor 3 1 3 1 2 10 Fortify
PunishDraw 3 1 4 - 2 10 Punishing Draw
Stam Drain 1 1 3 2 3 10 Stamina Thief
Expert -3 -2 -2 -2 -1 -10 Critical Eye-1
FreeElement - - - 3 - 3 -
Handicraft 1 - - - 2 3 -
Fencing - - 2 - - 2 -
Destroyer - 2 - - - 2 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 84-117 Duramboros Helm X O-- Duram Hardhorn x2, Duram Cortex x6, Duram Sacrum x1, Eltalite Ore x5 13800z
MH3icon-Plate 84-117 Duramboros Mail X OO- Duram Hardhorn x2, Marbled Hump x4, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1, Prized Pelt x3 13800z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 84-117 Duramboros Braces X --- Duram Cortex x6, Duram Hardtail x2, Hard Mossplate x5, Massive Bone x5 13800z
MH3icon-Waist 84-117 Duramboros Faulds X OOO Heavy Mossplate x4, Duram Cortex x6, Durambolite x1, Arzuros Cortex x3 13800z
MH3icon-Leggings 84-117 Duramboros Greaves X OO- Duram Cortex x3, Heavy Mossplate x5, Marbled Hump x4, Rhenoplos Bone x3 13800z

Helios X Armor and Selene X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Hearing 4 3 1 3 4 15 HG Earplugs
FreeElement 2 1 3 2 2 10 Awaken
Destroyer 2 1 3 2 2 10 Partbreaker
Protection -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Demonic Blessing
Handicraft - - 1 1 2 4 -
Fencing 1 2 - - - 3 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 85-117 Helios /Selene Helm X O-- Crooked Hardhorn x2, Crooked Horn x4, Deep Dragongem x1, Conqueror's Seal x1 14250z
MH3icon-Plate 85-117 Helios / Selene Mail X O-- G.Ceadeus Fur x5, Ceadeus Fur x6, Earth Dragongem x5, Conqueror's Seal x1 14250z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 85-117 Helios / Selene Vambraces X OO- G.Ceadeus Fur x3, Ceadeus Hide x6, Luminous Organ x5, Conqueror's Seal x1 14250z
MH3icon-Waist 85-117 Helios / Selene Coil X OO- Dark Dragongem x1, Ceadeus Tail x3, Lagia Sapphire x2, Conqueror's Seal x1 14250z
MH3icon-Leggings 85-117 Helios / Selene Greaves X O-- G.Ceadeus Fur x5, Ceadeus Scale x7, ElderDragonBlood x4, Conqueror's Seal x1 14250z

Nargacuga X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Evasion 2 3 4 1 5 15 Evasion+2
Sense 4 1 1 2 2 10 Sneak
Evade Dist 2 1 2 2 3 10 Evade Extender
Stamina -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Short Sprinter
Handicraft 1 2 - - - 3 -
Tenderizer - - 1 - 2 3 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 85-113 Nargacuga Helm X O-- Narga Tailspear x2, Nargacuga Fur x3, Narga Razor+ x2, Arzuros Cortex x4 14500z
MH3icon-Plate 85-113 Nargacuga Mail X O-- Nargacuga Shard x3, Hvy Narga Fang x4, Nargacuga Fur x3, G.Jaggi Piel x3 14500z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 85-113 Nargacuga Braces X OO- Narga Razor+ x3, Nargacuga Mantle x1, Narga Medulla x3, Arzuros Allbrace x5 14500z
MH3icon-Waist 85-113 Nargacuga Faulds X OOO Nargacuga Fur x3, Nargacuga Lash x1, Nargacuga Mantle x1, Flutterfly x3 14500z
MH3icon-Leggings 85-113 Nargacuga Greaves X --- Hvy Narga Fang x6, Nargacuga Shard x3, Narga Tailspear x2, Emperor Hopper x6 14500z

Rathalos X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Attack 4 2 5 4 3 18 Attack Up (M)
Sharpener 3 1 2 4 - 10 Speed Sharpening
Fire Atk 3 1 3 2 1 10 Fire Atk+1
Rec Level -3 -2 -3 -2 -3 -13 Recovery Down
Tenderizer - - 1 1 1 3 -
Crit Draw 1 1 - - 2 2 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 85-113 Rathalos Helm X --- Rathalos Shard x4, Rathalos Mantle x1, Conflagrant Sac x3, Monster Slogbone x3 14750z
MH3icon-Plate 85-113 Rathalos Mail X OO- Rathalos Shard x5, Rathalos Cortex x4, Rathalos Fellwing x2, Meldspar Ore x2 14750z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 85-113 Rathalos Vambraces X --- Rathalos Shard x4, Rath Ripper x2, Rathalos Lash x1, Allfire Stone x2 14750z
MH3icon-Waist 85-113 Rathalos Faulds X --- Rathalos Cortex x6, Rathalos Fellwing x4, Rath Medulla x1, Meldspar Ore x2 14750z
MH3icon-Leggings 85-113 Rathalos Greaves X OOO Rathalos Cortex x6, Rathalos Ruby x2, Rathalos Shard x6, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1 14750z

Diablos X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Crit Draw 3 2 3 2 - 10 Critical Draw
Tremor Res 1 2 3 3 1 10 Tremor Resistance
Sheathing 2 1 3 3 1 10 Quick Sheathe
Sharpener -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Slow Sharpening
Handicraft 2 2 - - - 4 -
Eating - - 3 - - 3 -
PunishDraw - - - 3 - 3 -
Fencing - - - - 3 3 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 89-117 Diablos Helm X OO- Diablos Cortex x5, Diablos Hardhorn x1, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1, G.Wroggi Piel x4 15100z
MH3icon-Plate 89-117 Diablos Mail X O-- Diablos Chine x5, Diablos Hardhorn x1, Diablos Ridge+ x3, Volvidon Cortex x4 15100z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 89-117 Diablos Vambraces X --- Diablos Cortex x6, Diablos Chine x5, Diablos Carapace x6, G.Jaggi Piel x3 15100z
MH3icon-Waist 89-117 Diablos Faulds X --- Diablos Chine x6, Diablos Hardtail x6, Diablos Medulla x3, Rhenoplos Bone x4 15100z
MH3icon-Leggings 89-117 Diablos Greaves X OOO Diablox Cortex x6, Stout Horn x5, Monster Slogbone x3, Diablos Hardtail x1 15100z

Lagiacrus X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
FreeElement 3 1 3 - 3 10 Awaken
Tenderizer 1 2 3 2 2 10 Weakness Exploit
FastCharge 1 2 3 1 3 10 Focus
Status -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Status Atk Down
Handicraft - 2 1 - - 3 -
Stam Drain - - - 1 2 3 -
Crit Draw 2 - - - - 2 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 90-116 Lagiacrus Helm X O-- Lagia Hardhorn x2, Lagiacrus Piel x5, Lagia Sapphire x1, R.Ludroth Shard x6 15600z
MH3icon-Plate 90-116 Lagiacrus Mail X O-- Lagiacrus Piel x4, Lagiacrus Mantle x1, Lagiacrus Flail x1, Barioth Fur x4 15600z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 90-116 Lagiacrus Braces X O-- Lagiacrus Talon x3, Deathy Shocker x4, Lagiacrus Shard x4, Lightning Sac x5 15600z
MH3icon-Waist 90-116 Lagiacrus Faulds X OOO Deathly Shocker x4, Lagiacrus Shard x5, Lagia Sapphire x1, Lagiacrus Flail x2 15600z
MH3icon-Leggings 90-116 Lagiacrus Greaves X O-- Lagiacrus Shard x5, Lagiacrus Piel x4, Lagiacrus Talon x3, Purecrystal x1 15600z

Agnaktor X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Fire Atk 4 2 2 1 2 12 Fire Atk+1
Flame Aura 2 3 1 2 2 10 Flame Aura
Sharpness 4 2 2 - 2 10 Razor Sharp
Constitution 3 2 - 3 2 10 Constitution+1
FreeElement 1 - - 2 - 3 -
Fencing - - 3 - - 3 -
Handicraft - 2 - - 1 3 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 90-116 Agnaktor Helm X --- Agnaktor Cortex x5, Agnaktor Beak x3, Agnaktor Piel x4, Agnaktor Talon x2 15600z
MH3icon-Plate 90-116 Agnaktor Mail X --- Agnaktor Piel x4, Fine Agnak Fin x2, Agnaktor Cortex x5, Allfire Stone x2 15600z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 90-116 Agnaktor Vambraces X OOO Agnaktor Talon x3, Agnaktor Cortex x3, Agnaktor Tail x2, Monster Slogbone x4 15600z
MH3icon-Waist 90-116 Agnaktor Faulds X OOO Fine Agnak Fin x3, Scorching Pleura x4, Supple Piel x5, Fey Wyvern Gem x1 15600z
MH3icon-Leggings 90-116 Agnaktor Greaves X OO- Scorching Pleura x5, Agnaktor Piel x4, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1, G.Wroggi Piel x3 15600z

Uragaan X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Defense 3 5 3 4 - 20 Defense Up (L)
PunishDraw 3 1 2 3 - 10 Punishing Draw
FastCharge - 2 4 2 - 10 Focus
Swimming -2 -2 -2 -2 - -10 Doggy Paddler
Bomb Boost - 1 1 1 - 4 -
Torso Up - - - - E - -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 91-117 Uragaan Helm X OOO Uragaan Cortex x4, Uragaan Ruby x1, Lava Nugget x8, Uragaan Scute+ x3 20000z
MH3icon-Plate 91-117 Uragaan Mail X --- Uragaan Cortex x5, Uragaan Jaw+ x1, Uragaan Marrow x6, Allfire Stone x2 20000z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 91-117 Uragaan Vambraces X O-- Uragaan Shard x5, Uragaan Scute+ x2, Monster Slogbone x3, Meldspar Ore x3 20000z
MH3icon-Waist 91-117 Uragaan Faulds X O-- Uragaan Shard x6, Uragaan Pallium x1, Uragaan Cortex x1, Volvidon Cortex x4 20000z
MH3icon-Leggings 91-117 Uragaan Greaves X --- Uragaan Cortex x5, Uragaan Shard x3, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1, Crushing Fang x3 20000z

Brachydios X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Spirit 2 3 3 4 3 15 Challenger+2
Potential 2 1 3 2 2 10 Adrenaline+1
Bomb Boost 2 2 3 1 2 10 Bombardier
Evasion -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Evasion Down
Crit Draw 1 1 1 - - 3 -
Evade Dist - - - 1 1 2 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 90-118 Brachydios Helm X OO- Brach Ebonshell+ x3, Brach Scalp+ x2, Glowing Slime x3, Allfire Stone x4 15600z
MH3icon-Plate 90-118 Brachydios Mail X O-- Brach Cortex x4, Brach Ebonshell+ x3, Brachydios Gem x2, Monster Slogbone x2 15600z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 90-118 Brachydios Braces X O-- Brach Ebonshell+ x3, Brach Pounder+ x1, Glowing Slime x3, Purecrystal x1 15600z
MH3icon-Waist 90-118 Brachydios Faulds X OO- Brach Pounder+ x2, Brachydios Tail x1, Brach Pallium x1, Brach Cortex x4 15600z
MH3icon-Leggings 90-118 Brachydios Greaves X OO- Brach Cortex x4, Brach Ebonshell+ x2, Brach Pounder+ x2, Meldspar Ore x3 15600z

Zinogre X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Gloves Off 2 1 5 3 4 15 Latent Power+2
Sharpness 3 - 3 2 2 10 Razor Sharp
Thunder Atk 2 1 3 1 3 10 Thunder Atk+1
Sense -2 -1 -2 -2 -3 -10 Taunt
Unscathed - 2 - - - 2 -
Handicraft - - - - 2 2 -
Guts 1 - - - - 1 -
Fencing - - 1 - - 1 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 92-116 Zinogre Helm X OO- Zingore Hardhorn x2, Zin D-Shocker x2, Zingore Cortex x2, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1 16100z
MH3icon-Plate 92-116 Zinogre Mail X OOO Zin Electrofur+ x4, Zinogre Cortex x3, Zin Skymerald x1, Fulgurbug x10 16100z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 92-116 Zinogre Vambraces X --- Zinogre Talon x3, Zin D-Shocker x2, Zin Electrofur+ x2, Prized Pelt x3 16100z
MH3icon-Waist 92-116 Zinogre Coil X OOO Zinogre Cortex x3, Zin Electrofur+ x2, Zinogre Lash x1, Zin Skymerald x1 16100z
MH3icon-Leggings 92-116 Zinogre Greaves X --- Zinogre Cortex x3, Zinogre Talon x3, Zin D-Shocker x3, Lightning Sac x3 16100z

Rare 9[]

Qurupeco Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Wind Res 5 2 2 3 3 15 Windproof (Hi)
Def Lock 3 3 1 2 1 10 Iron Skin
Expert 2 1 4 2 1 10 Critical Eye +1
Wide-Range 2 1 3 1 3 10 Wide-Range +1
Sleep -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Double Sleep
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 76-115 Qurupeco Helm Z O C.Peco Fellwing x1, Alluring Beak x3, Avian Stoutbone x2, Flutterfly x1 12600 z
MH3icon-Plate 76-115 Qurupeco Mail Z O C.Peco Shard x3, Lustrous Feather x2, Massive Bone x1, Flutterfly x1 12600 z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 76-115 Qurupeco Vambraces Z O High Voltstone x3, C.Peco Shard x3, Lustrous Feather x2, Emperor Hopper x3 12600 z
MH3icon-Waist 76-115 Qurupeco Coil Z OO C.Peco Fellwing x3, C.Peco Shard x3, Monster Slogbone x1, Emperor Hopper x3 12600 z
MH3icon-Leggings 76-115 Qurupeco Greaves Z OO C.Peco Shard x3, C.Peco Fellwing x2, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1, Hercudrome x5 12600 z

Ludroth Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Poison 3 3 1 2 1 10 Negate Poison
Stamina 2 1 3 2 2 10 Marathon Runner
Status 2 1 4 2 4 13 Status Atk +1
Hunger 4 3 3 3 2 15 Negate Hunger
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 78-115 Ludroth Helm Z O P. Ludroth Shard x3, Chic Crest x2, R. Ludroth Lash x1, Emperor Hopper x5 12800z
MH3icon-Plate 78-115 Ludroth Mail Z O Plum Spongy Piel x3, Supple Piel x4, Hydro Hide+ x6, R. Ludroth Lash x1 12800z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 78-115 Ludroth Vambraces Z O P. Ludroth Talon x4, Plum Spongy Piel x2, P. Ludroth Shard x2, Flood Sac x2 12800z
MH3icon-Waist 78-115 Ludroth Faulds Z OO Plum Spongy Piel x3, Supple Piel x6, Massive Bone x2, Flutterfly x1 12800z
MH3icon-Leggings 78-115 Ludroth Greaves Z OO P. Ludroth Talon x3, P. Ludroth Shard x3, Spongy Hide+ x3, Eltalite Ore x5 12800z

Dianthus Weal Armor[]

Armor Stats

Fire 0
Water 0
Ice 0
Thunder 0
Dragon 0
Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Wide-Range 4 4 3 4 5 15 Wide-Range +2
Perception 4 1 1 2 2 10 Capture Guru
Psychic 1 1 4 5 4 15 Autotracker
Poison -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Double Poison
Evasion 1 1 - - - 2 -
FreeElement - - - 1 1 2 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 76-110 Dianthus Wealcap O-- Meldspar Ore x3, Gloamgrass Bud x1, Rusted Fragment, x10, Bumblepumpkin x3 12600z


Dianthus Wealcoat O-- Meldspar Ore x2, Gloamgrass Bud x1, Blue Cutthroat x3, Large Fragment x4 12600z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 76-110 Dianthus Wealcuffs OO- Meldspar Ore x3, Gloamgrass Bud x1, Humspun Conch x3, Slender Fragment x4 12600z
MH3icon-Waist 76-110 Dianthus Wealskirt --- Meldspar Ore x2, Gloamgrass Bud x1, Chum-Chum Ticket x3, Gourmet Voucher x3 12600z
MH3icon-Leggings 76-110 Dianthus Wealpants --- Meldspar Ore x3, Gloamgrass Bud x1, Bindshroom x2, Long Fragment x4 12600z

Aelucanth X Armor[]

Armor Stats

Fire -25
Water 0
Ice -5
Thunder 20
Dragon 5
Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Hearing 3 3 1 3 5 15 HG Earplugs
Dragon Atk 1 2 3 2 2 10 Dragon Atk +1
Honey 2 3 - 2 3 10 Honey Hunter
Protection -3 -1 -3 -2 -1 -10 Demonic Blessing
FreeElement - 1 1 1 - 3 -
Fencing 1 - - - 1 2 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 86-114 Aelucanth Vertex X O-- Maiden Butterfly x1, Flutterfly x1, Dracophage Bug x6, Godbug x20 14250z
MH3icon-Plate 86-114 Aelucanth Thorax X --- Maiden Butterfly x2, Flutterfly x1, Emperor Hopper x8, Carpenterbug x20 14250z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 86-114 Aelucanth Brachia X OOO Maiden Butterfly x1, Flutterfly x1, Bnahabra Cutwing x4, Bitterbug x20 14250z
MH3icon-Waist 86-114 Aelucanth Elytra X OO- Maiden Butterfly x2, Flutterfly x1, Prized Stomach x4, Stinkhopper x20 14250z
MH3icon-Leggings 86-114 Aelucanth Crura X --- Maiden Butterfly x1, Flutterfly x1, Monster Essence x3, Snakebee Larva x20 14250z

Rhopessa X Armor[]

Armor Stats

Fire -25
Water 0
Ice -5
Thunder 20
Dragon 5
Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Hearing 3 3 1 3 5 15 HG Earplugs
Dragon Atk 1 1 4 2 2 10 Dragon Atk +1
Honey 2 3 - 2 3 10 Honey Hunter
Protection -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10

Demonic Blessing

FreeElement - 1 1 1 - 3 -
Fencing 1 - - - 1 2 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 86-114 Rhopessa Vertex X O-- Maiden Butterfly x1, Flutterfly x1, Dracophage Bug x6, Godbug x20 14250z
MH3icon-Plate 86-114 Rhopessa Thorax X --- Maiden Butterfly x2, Flutterfly x1, Emperor Hopper x8, Carpenterbug x20 14250z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 86-114 Rhopessa Brachia X OOO Maiden Butterfly x1, Flutterfly x1, Bnahabra Cutwing x4, Bitterbug x20 14250z
MH3icon-Waist 86-114 Rhopessa Elytra X OO- Maiden Butterfly x2, Flutterfly x1, Prized Stomach x4, Stinkhopper x20 14250z
MH3icon-Leggings 86-114 Rhopessa Crura X --- Maiden Butterfly x1, Flutterfly x1, Monster Essence x3, Snakebee Larva x20 14250z

Barroth Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active


Defense 3 2 1 2 2 10 Defense Up (S)
Hearing 1 1 1 3 4 10 Earplugs
Fire Atk -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Fire Attack down
Ice Atk 3 2 5 3 2 15 Ice Attack +2
Potential 1 2 1 3 3 10 Adrenaline +1
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 82-115 Barroth Helm Z O-- J. Barroth Chine x5, J. Barroth Cortex x3, Frozen Glob x5, Lagombi Fur x5 13800z
MH3icon-Plate 82-115 Barroth Mail Z O-- J. Barroth Crown x3, J. Barroth Chine x4, J. Barroth Talon x2, Lagombi Auricle x2 13800z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 82-115 Barroth Vambraces Z OO- J. Barroth Talon x4, J. Barroth Cortex x2, Monster Slogbone x2, Prized Pelt x3 13800z
MH3icon-Waist 82-115 Barroth Faulds Z --- J. Barroth Cortex x3, J. Barroth Chine x4, Massive Bone x2, Lagombi Fur x4 13800z
MH3icon-Leggings 82-115 Barroth Greaves Z --- J. Barroth Cortex x3, J. Barroth Lash x1, J. Barroth Talon x3, Prized Pelt x3 13800z

Mosgharl X Armor[]

Armor Stats

Fire -25
Water 5
Ice 20
Thunder 0
Dragon 0
Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Combo Plus 2 2 2 2 2 10 Combination Pro
Combination 5 3 1 1 1 10 Combination+20%
FastCharge 1 1 3 2 3 10 Focus
Rec. Speed 2 1 3 3 1 10

Rec. Speed+1

FreeElement 2 - - - - 2 -
Destroyer - 1 2 1 - 4 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 72-114 Mosgharl Vizor X O-- Heavy Mossplate x1, Bumblepumpkin x4, Ancient Potion x2, Felvine x20 12600z
MH3icon-Plate 72-114 Mosgharl Ribplate X OO- Heavy Mossplate x1, Bumblepumpkin x4, Gloamgrass Bud x1, Cactus Flower x20 12600z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 72-114 Mosgharl Creeper X O-- Heavy Mossplate x1, Bumblepumpkin x5, Monster Essence x4, Hot Pepper x20 12600z
MH3icon-Waist 72-114 Mosgharl Folia X OO- Heavy Mossplate x1, Bumblepumpkin x5, Bnahabra Cutwing x4, Fire Herb x20 12600z
MH3icon-Leggings 72-114 Mosgharl Roots X OO- Heavy Mossplate x1, Bumblepumpkin x4, Prized Stomach x3, Sleep Herb x20 12600z

Gigginox Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active


ThunderAtk 2 3 4 2 4 15 Thunder Atk +2
FastCharge 2 1 2 3 2 10 Focus
Stam Drain 1 1 3 2 3 10 Stamina Thief
Ice Atk -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Ice Atk down
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 83-116 Gigginox Helm Z OO- B.Giggi Piel x4, Revolting Piel x2, Pale Extract x7, Great Baggi Piel x4 13800z
MH3icon-Plate 83-116 Gigginox Mail Z OO- B.Giggi Talon x2, B.Giggi Piel x4, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1, Avian Stoutbone x5 13800z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 83-116 Gigginox Vambraces Z O- B.Giggi Talon x1, Nightmarish Maw x2, Monster Slogbone x2, Lightning Sac x2 13800z
MH3icon-Waist 83-116 Gigginox Faulds Z OO- B.Giggi Piel x4, B.Giggi Talon x1, Lightning Sac x4, Gracium x6 13800z
MH3icon-Leggings 83-116 Gigginox Greaves Z O-- B.Giggi Piel x4, Revolting Piel x2, Monster Slogbone x2, Purecrystal x1 13800z

Plesioth Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active


Tenderizer 1 2 3 - 4 10 Weakness Exploit
Constitutn -2 -2 -2 - -2 -8 -
Stamina 3 3 1 - 3 10 Marathon Runner
Sea Legs 3 2 2 - 3 10 Ocean's Blessing
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 82-115 Plesioth Helm Z OO- G.Plesio Shard x3, Fine G.Plesi Fin x2, Hvy Plesio Fang x2, Fey Wyvern Gem x1 13800z
MH3icon-Plate 82-115 Plesioth Mail Z O-- Fine G.Plesi Fin x3, G.Plesio Shard x2, Hrd Ples Webbing x2, Emperor Hopper x10 13300z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 82-115 Plesioth Vambraces Z OOO G.Plesio Shard x1, Fine G.Plesi Fin x3, Uber Plesio Head x1, Monster Essence x5 13300z
MH3icon-Leggings 82-115 Plesioth Greaves Z O-- G.Plesio Shard x4, Fine G.Plesi Fin x2, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1, Meldspar Ore x3 13300z

Barioth Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Attack 3 2 5 3 2 15 Attack Up (M)
Heat Res 3 2 2 2 1 10 Heat Cancel
Evade Dist 2 1 3 2 2 10 Evade Extender
Evasion -2 -1 -2 -2 -3 -10 Evasion Down
Stam Recov 2 1 1 4
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 86-114 Barioth Helm Z O Hvy Indigo Tusks x2, S.Barioth Fur x3, S.Barioth Cortex x2, Arzuros Cortex x3 13500 z
MH3icon-Plate 86-114 Barioth Mail Z OO S.Barioth Cortex x3, S.Barioth Lash x1, Monster Slogbone x3, Emperor Hopper x2 13500 z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 86-114 Barioth Braces Z O S.Barioth Talon x2, S.Barioth Cortex x3, S.Barioth Fur x3, Crushing Fang x3 13500 z
MH3icon-Waist 86-114 Barioth Faulds Z OO Hvy Indigo Tusks x2, Rugged Pleura+ x4, Lrg Wyvern Ston x1, S.Barioth Talon x2 13500 z
MH3icon-Leggings 86-114 Barioth Greaves Z OOO S.Barioth Fur x4, S.Barioth Cortex x3, Hvy Indigo Tusks x1, Arzuros Allbrace x3 13500 z

Nargacuga Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Evasion 4 3 3 2 3 15 Evasion+2
Stam Recov 2 1 1 4 2 10 Stam Recov Up
FastCharge 1 3 3 1 2 10 Focus
Constitutn -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Constitution-1
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 87-115 Nargacuga Helm Z OO G. Narga Dapples x6, G. Narga Razor+ x3, Narga Medulla x4, Supple Piel x4 14500 z
MH3icon-Plate 87-115 Nargacuga Mail Z O G. Narga Shard x5, Hvy G. Narga Fang x5, Nargacuga Mantle x1, Crushing Fang x3 14500 z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 87-115 Nargacuga Braces Z OO G. Narga Razor+ x4, G. Narga Shard x5, G. Narga Tailspear x4, Fey Wyvern Gem x2 14500 z
MH3icon-Waist 87-115 Nargacuga Faulds Z OO G. Narga Dapples x6, G. Narga Tailspear x5, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1, Pure Crystal x1 14500 z
MH3icon-Leggings 87-115 Nargacuga Greaves Z OO Hvy G. Narga Fang x5, G. Narga Shard x5, Nargacuga Lash x1, Monster Slogbone x3 14500 z

Guild Bard X Armor / Scholar X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Waist Total Skill Activated
Charmer 3 1 2 3 - 10 Charm Chaser
Psychic 2 1 4 2 - 10 Detect
Fate 1 3 1 2 - 10 Good Luck
Health 2 3 1 1 - 10 Health+20
Sense -2 -2 -2 -2 - -10 Taunt
Torso Up - - - - E E Torso Up
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 80-114 Guild Bard Lobos X O-- Hunter King Coin x2, Pinnacle Coin x4, Fine G. Agnak Fin x3, Conqueror's Seal x1 13300z
MH3icon-Plate 80-114 Guild Bard Bolero X --- Hunter King Coin x2, Flying Coin x3, B. Giggi Talon x3, Conqueror's Seal x1 13300z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 80-114 Guild Bard Braces X O-- Hunter King Coin x2, Leviathan Coin x4, P. Ludroth Talon x3, Conqueror's Seal x1 13300z
MH3icon-Waist 80-114 Guild Bard Coil X O-- Hunter King Coin x2, Piscine Coin x3, High Voltstone x3, Conqueror's Seal x1 13300z
MH3icon-Leggings 80-114 Guild Bard Boots X --- Hunter King Coin x2, Brute Coin x4, B. Diablos Chine x3, Conqueror's Seal x1 13300z
Total 400-570 Hunter King Coin x10, Pinnacle Coin x4, Flying Coin x3, Leviathan Coin x4, Piscine Coin x3, Brute Coin x4, Fine G. Agnak Fin x3, B. Giggi Talon x3, P. Ludroth Talon x3, High Voltstone x3, B. Diablos Chine x3, Conqueror's Seal x5 66500z

Lagiacrus Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active


Attack 3 1 5 2 4 15 Attack Up (M)
Destroyer 2 1 2 2 3 10 Part Breaker
Blight Res 2 1 2 2 3 10 Blights Negated
Stamina -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Short Sprinter
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 92-116 Lagiacrus Helm Z O-- I. Lagi Hardhorn x2,  I.Lagi Piel x4, Lagiacrus Mantle x1, Lagiacrus Plate x3 15600z
MH3icon-Plate 92-116 Lagiacrus Mail Z OOO I.Lagi Piel x4, Lagiacrus Talon x1, Lagia Sapphire x1, S.Barioth Fur x5 15600z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 92-116 Lagiacrus Braces Z O-- I.Lagi Shard x5, Lagiacrus Talon x3, I.Lagi D-Shocker x4, High Voltstone x3 15600z
MH3icon-Waist 92-116 Lagiacrus Faulds Z OO- I.Lagi D-Shocker x4, I.Lagi Shard x5, Lagia Sapphire x1, Lagiacrus Flail x1 15600z
MH3icon-Leggings 92-116 Lagiacrus Greaves Z O-- I.Lagi Shard x5, I.Lagi Piel x4, Lagiacrus Talon x3, Meldspar Ore x3 15600z

Rathalos Soul Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active


Expert 2 3 6 5 4 20 Critical Eye +3
Hearing 2 1 1 4 2 10 Earplugs
Fencing 1 1 3 3 2 10 Mind's Eye
Health -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Health -10
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 90-116 Rath Soul Helm Z OOO A.Rathalos Shard x2, Rathalos Fellwing x2, Rathalos Mantle x1, Flutterfly x2 14750z
MH3icon-Plate 90-116 Rath Soul Mail Z OO- A.Rathalos Shard x3, A.Rath Cortex x3, Conflagrent Sac x3, Monster Slogbone x3 14750z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 90-116 Rath Soul Braces Z O-- A.Rath Cortex x2, A.Rathalos Lash x2, Monster Slogbone x3, Eltalite Ore x5 14750z
MH3icon-Waist 90-116 Rath Soul Coil Z --- A.Rath Cortex x2, A.Rathalos Shard x4, Eltalite Ore x5, Conflagrant Sac x2 14750z
MH3icon-Leggings 90-116 Rath Soul Greaves Z OO- A.Rath Cortex x2, A.Rathalos Shard x3, Rathalos Mantle x1, Purecrystal x1 14750z

Zinogre Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active


Fastcharge 2 3 1 3 1 10 Focus
Evasion 2 1 1 3 3 10 Evasion +1
Dragon Atk 1 2 2 3 2 10 Dragon Atk +1
Unscathed 1 1 3 2 3 10 Peak Performance
Rec Level -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Recovery Down
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 94-116 Zinogre Helm Z OO- S.Zin Hardhorn x3, S.Zin Cortex x4, S.Zin Dragonhair x3, ElderDragonBlood x3 16100z
MH3icon-Plate 94-116 Zinogre Mail Z O-- S.Zin Cortex x4, S.Zin Dragnshell x3, Zin Skymerald x1, Dracophage Bug x5 16100z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 94-116 Zinogre Vambraces Z OO- S.Zinogre Talon x5, S.Zin Dragnshell x4, S.Zin Dragonhair x3, Bnahabra Cutwing x3 16100z
MH3icon-Waist 94-116 Zinogre Coil Z --- S.Zin Cortex x4, S.Zinogre Lash x1, S.Zin Dragonhair x4, S.Zin Skymerald x1 16100z
MH3icon-Leggings 94-116 Zinogre Greaves Z O-- S.Zinogre Talon x4, S.Zin Cortex x4, S.Zin Dragnshell x5, Dracophage Bug x5 16100z

Duramboros Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill


1 1 4 1 3 10

Attack Up (S)

Evasion -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Evasion Down
Free Element 2 2 2 1 3 10 Awaken
Guts 2 3 1 2 2 10 Guts
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 86-117 Duramboros Helm Z OOO Duram Hardhorn x2, R.Duram Shell x6, Duram Sacrum x1, Purecrystal x1 13,800z
MH3icon-Plate 86-117 Duramboros Mail Z O-- Duram Hardhorn x2, Marbled Hump x4, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1, Prized Stomach x3 13,800z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 86-117 Duramboros Braces Z O-- R.Duram Shell x6, R.Duram Hardtail x2, Hard Mossplate x5, Crushing Fang x3 13,800z
MH3icon-Waist 86-117 Duramboros Faulds Z OOO R.Duram Plate x4, R.Duram Shell x6, Durambolite x1, Arzuros Allbrace x3 13,800z
MH3icon-Leggings 86-117 Duramboros Greaves Z O-- R.Duram Plate x3, R.Duram Shell x5, Marbled Hump x4, Monster Slogbone x3 13,800z

Dober X Armor[]

MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total

Active Skill

Tremor Res 2 3 2 1 2 10 Tremor Resistance
Evasion 0 2 3 3 2 10 Evasion +1
Dragon Attack 2 2 5 5 1 15 Dragon Atk +2
Hunger -2 -2 -1 -2 -3 -10 Raise Hunger
Unscathed 0 2 0 1 0 3 N/A
Critical Draw 2 0 1 0 0 3 N/A
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 92-114 Dober Helm X OOO Elder Dragonbone x3, Duram Hardhorn x1, Monster Slogbone x4, Elder Dragonblood x3 21,000z
MH3icon-Plate 92-114 Dober Mail X --- Elder Dragonbone x3, Blackcurl Horn+ x2, Avian Stoutbone x5, Crushing Fang x5 21,000z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 92-114 Dober Vambraces X O-- Elder Dragonbone x3, ILagi Scale+ x2, Rhenoplos Bone x5, Lrg Wyvern Stone x2 21,000z
MH3icon-Waist 92-114 Dober Coil X O-- Elder Dragonbone x3, S.Zinogre Talon x3, Monster Slogbone x3, Fey Wyvern Gem x3 21,000z
MH3icon-Leggings 92-114 Dober Greaves X OOO Elder Dragonbone x3, G.Agnak Talon x2, Avian Stoutbone x5, Massive Bone x10 21,000z

Diablos Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active


Tenderizer 2 2 3 2 1 10 Weakness Exploit
KO 4 1 1 2 2 10 Knockout King
Stam Drain 2 1 4 2 1 10 Stamina Thief
Dragon Atk -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Dragon Attack Down
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 89-117 Diablos Helm Z O-- B.Diablos Cortex x4, Diablos Hardhorn x2, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1, Prized Stomach x3 15100z
MH3icon-Plate 89-117 Diablos Mail Z OO- Blackcurl Horn+ x2, B.Diablos Chine x5, Diablos Medulla x2, Imperial Frill x2 15100z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 89-117 Diablos Vambraces Z O-- B.Diablos Cortex x4, Blackcurl Horn+ x5, B.Diablos Chine x3, Fey Wyvern Gem x1 15100z
MH3icon-Waist 89-117 Diablos Coil Z OO- B.Diablos Chine x6, B.Diablos Cortex x5, Blackcurl Horn+ x1, Purecrystal x1 15100z
MH3icon-Leggings 89-117 Diablos Greaves Z OOO B.Diablos Cortex x5, Diablos Hardtail x2, Monster Slogbone x4, Rhenoplos Bone x2 15100z

Uragaan Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Biology 2 3 1 2 2 10 Bio Master
Guard 4 2 1 2 1 10 Guard Boost
Artillery 4 1 2 5 3 15 Artillery Master
Fencing 2 2 4 2 0 10 Mind's Eye
Swimming -2 -1 -2 -3 -2 10 Doggy Paddler
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 91-117 Uragaan Helm Z --- S.Uragaan Cortex x5, Uragaan Ruby x2, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1, Flutterfly x2 20000z
MH3icon-Plate 91-117 Uragaan Mail Z O-- S.Uragaan Jaw+ x2, S.Uragaan Scute x2, S.Uragaan Shard x5, Meldspar Ore x3 20000z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 91-117 Uragaan Vambraces Z OO- S.Uragaan Shard x4, Uragaan Pallium x1, S.Uragaan Cortex x5, Volvidon Talon x3 20000z
MH3icon-Waist 91-117 Uragaan Faulds Z --- S.Uragaan Scute+ x3, S.Uragaan Shard x4, S.Uragaan Cortex x4, Allfire Stone x2 20000z
MH3icon-Leggings 91-117 Uragaan Greaves Z OOO S.Uragaan Cortex x5, S.Uragaan Shard x4, S.Uragaan Jaw+ x1, Purecrystal x1 20000z

Artian X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Guard Up - 4 3 - 3 10 Guard Boost
FreeElement - 1 4 - 5 10 Awaken
Handicraft - - - - 3 3 -
Crit Draw - 2 2 - - 4 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Plate 80-114 Artian Mail X OO- Eltalite Ore x5, Rusted Fragment x5, Large Fragment x3, Purecrystal x4 13300z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 80-114 Artian Vambraces X OO- Eltalite Ore x5, Rusted Fragment x5, Slender Fragment x3, Fucium Ore x8 13300z
MH3icon-Leggings 80-114 Artian Greaves X O-- Eltalite Ore x5, Rusted Fragment x5, Long Fragment x3, Meldspar Ore x4 13300z

Rath Heart Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill

Wind Res

2 3 2 4 4 15 Windproof (HI)
Sense -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -5 -
Fire Atk 2 1 3 3 4 13 Fire ATK +1
Lasting Pwr 1 2 2 3 2 10 Item Use Up
Potential 2 2 2 3 1 10 Adrenaline +1
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 80-113 Rath Heart Helm Z OO- P.Rathian Cortex x2, P.Rathian Shard x3, Monster Slogbone x2, Rathian Surspike x2 13300z
MH3icon-Plate 80-113 Rath Heart Mail Z O-- P.Rathian Shard x3, P.Rathian Cortex x2, Eltalit Ore x4, Rathian Mantle x1 13300z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 80-113 Rath Heart Braces Z OO- P.Rathian Cortex x2, P.Rathian Shard x4, Monster Slogbone x3, Rath Medulla x1 13300z
MH3icon-Waist 80-113 Rath Heart Coil Z --- P.Rathian Shard x3, P.Rath Cortex x2, Conflagrant Sac x2, Rathian Ruby x1 13300z
MH3icon-Leggings 80-113 Rath Heart Greaves Z O-- P.Rathian Cortex x2, P.Rathian Shard x4, Monster Slogbone x3, Purecrystal x1 13300z

Agnaktor Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill


3 3 2 3 4 15

Guard +2

Fencing 2 1 3 1 3 10

Mind's Eye

Guard Up 2 2 1 2 3 10 Guard Up
Constitution -3 -1 -3 -3 -3 -13 Constitution -1
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 90-118 Agnaktor Helm Z O-- G.Agnak Cortex x5, G.Agnak Beak x3, G.Agnak Piel x3, Monster Essence x6 15,600z
MH3icon-Plate 86-118 Agnaktor Mail Z OO- G.Agnak Piel x4, Fine G.Agnak Fin x3, G.Agnak Cortex x5, Frozen Glob x4 15,600z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 86-118 Agnaktor Vambraces Z OO- G.Agnak Talon x3, G.Agnak Cortex x5, Lrg Wyvern Stone x1, Imperial Crest x2 15,600z
MH3icon-Waist 86-118 Agnaktor Faulds Z OO- Fine G.Agnak Fin x2, G.Agnak Tail x2, G.Agnak Piel x4, Lagombi Fur x5 15,600z
MH3icon-Leggings 86-118 Agnaktor Greaves Z --- Drenched Pleura x5, Fine G.Agnak Fin x2, G.Agnak Talon x3, Great Baggi Piel x2 15,600z

Strider Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill


2 3 5 2 3 15

Carving  Master

Guts 4 2 2 1 1 10


Rec Level 1 3 3 2 1 10 Recovory Up
Sense -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Taunt
Fencing 1 0 0 0 1 2 N/A
Free Element 0 0 0 3 0 3 N/A
Handicraft 0 1 2 0 0 3 N/A
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 80-114 Strider's Headgea OO- Hunter King Coin x3, Flying Coin x2, J.Barroth Crown x3, Conqueror's Seal x1 13,300z
MH3icon-Plate 80-114 Strider's Girdle --- Hunter King Coin x3, Leviathan Coin x3, Fine G.Plesi Fin x3, Conqueror's Seal x1 13,300z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 80-114 Strider's Gauntlets --- Hunter King Coin x3, Brute Coin x3, G.Narga Razor+ x3, Conqueror's Seal x1 13,300z
MH3icon-Waist 80-114 Strider's Sash OO- Hunter King Coin x3, Piscine Coin x3, S.Barioth Lash x3, Conqueror's Seal x1 13,300z
MH3icon-Leggings 80-114 Strider's Espadriles OO- Hunter King Coin x3, Flying Coin x2, R.Duram Hardtail x3, Conqueror's Seal x1 13,300z

Sailor Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill


-3 -1 -3 -2 -10


Torso Up E E Torso Up
Wide-Range +3 +4 +4 +5 20 Wide Range +2
Fate +1 +2 +3 +2 10 Good Luck
Oxygen +3 +2 +2 +1 10 Endless Oxygen
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 76-? Sailor Hat O-- Hunter King Coin x3, Pinnacle Coin x5, Purecrystal x5, Conqueror's Seal x3 12,600z
MH3icon-Plate 76-? Sailor Suit O-- Hunter King Coin x3, Flying Coin x5, Flutterfly x5, Conqueror's Seal x3 12,600z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 76-? Sailor Gloves O-- Hunter King Coin x3, Leviathan Coin x5, Allfire Stone x8, Conqueror's Seal x3 12,600z
MH3icon-Waist 76-? Sailor Skirt OO- Hunter King Coin x3, Brute Coin x5, Etalite Ore x8, Conqueror's Seal x3 12,600z
MH3icon-Leggings 76-? Salior Socks --- Hunter King Coin x3, Piscine Coin x5, Meldspar Ore x4, Conqueror's Seal x3 12,600z

Helios Z Armor and Selene Z Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill


3 4 3 2 3 15 HG Earplugs
Handicraft 2 1 3 1 3 10

Sharpness +1

Water Atk 1 2 3 2 2 10 Water ATK +1
Sharpness -2 -1 -2 -3 -2 -10 Blunt Edge
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 86-118 Helios Helm Z OOO Crooked Hardhorn x2, G.Ceadeus Shard x2, Dark Dragongem x1, Conqueror's Seal x1 14250z
MH3icon-Plate 86-118 Helios Mail Z --- G.Ceadeus Furx4, G.Ceadeus Coatx5, Crooked Hardhorn x2, Conqueror's Seal x1 14250z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 86-118 Helios Vambraces Z O-- G.Ceadeus Coatx5, Crooked Hardhorn x2, ElderDragonsBlood x4, Conqueror's Seal x1 14250z
MH3icon-Waist 86-118 Helios Faulds Z OOO G.Ceadeus Shardx4, G.Ceadeus Furx5, Dark Dragongem x1,Conqueror's Seal x1 14250z
MH3icon-Leggings 86-118 Helios Greaves Z O-- G.Ceadeus Shardx5, G.Ceadeus Coat x5, Luminous Organ x6, Conqueror's Seal x1 14250z

Chakra Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
None 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 40 Chakra Earring OOO Eltalite Ore x3, Pure Crystal x2 11000z
MH3icon-Plate 40 Chakra Necklace OOO Eltalite Ore x3, Pure Crystal x2 11000z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 40 Chakra Bracelet OOO Eltalite Ore x3, Pure Crystal x2 11000z
MH3icon-Waist 40 Chakra Waistlet OOO Eltalite Ore x3, Pure Crystal x2 11000z
MH3icon-Leggings 40 Chakra Anklet OOO Eltalite Ore x3, Pure Crystal x2 11000z

Vangis X Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Sharpness -1 -2 -3 -2 -2 -10 Blunt Edge
Handicraft 2 1 3 1 3 10 Sharpness +1
Eating 5 4 2 1 3 15 Speed Eating +2
Fury 1 1 2 4 2 10 Wrath Awoken
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 96-116 Vangis Helm X OO- Deviljho Shard x2, Deviljho Coat x4, Deviljho Scalp x2, Hvy Amber Tusks x2 16100z
MH3icon-Plate 96-116 Vangis Mail X O-- Vile Fang x2, Deviljho Ripper x4, Deviljho Coat x5, Zin Skymerald x1 16100z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 96-116 Vangis Vambraces X OO- Deviljho Shard x6, Vile Fang x2, Deviljho Crook x1, Nargacuga Lash x2 16100z
MH3icon-Waist 120-136 Vangis Coil X OOO Deviljho Coat x4, Black Blood x4, Deviljho Flail x2, Duram Sacrum x2 16100z
MH3icon-Leggings 96-116 Vangis Greaves X OO- Deviljho Ripper x4, Deviljho Shard x6, Deviljho Coat x2, Uragaan Ruby x1 16100z

Rare 10[]

Nether Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Current Res 5 2 0 4 4 15 Current Resistance (Hi)
Edgemaster 1 2 3 3 1 10 Honed Blade
Stam Recov 2 2 1 3 2 10 Stam Recov Up
Expert -4 -3 -4 -2 -2 -15 Critical Eye -2
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 106-120 Nether Helm --- A.Lagi Hardhorn x2, A.Lagi Shard x4, A.Lagi Dynamo x1, Lagiacrus Mantle x1 66,666z
MH3icon-Plate 106-120 Nether Mail O-- A.Lagi Piel x4, A.Lagi Hardhorn x3, Lagiacrus Flail x2, Earth Drgnsphire x1 66,666z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 106-120 Nether Vambraces OOO A.Lagi Shard x5, Lagiacrus Talon x3, A.Lagi Dynamo x1, Zin Skymerald x1 66,666z
MH3icon-Waist 106-120 Nether Faulds --- A.Lagi Piel x4, A.Lagi D-Shocker x4, Lagiacrus Flail x2, Dark Dragongem x1 66,666z
MH3icon-Leggings 106-120 Nether Greaves OO- A.Lagi Shard x5, A.Lagi D-Shocker x2, Ghostly Quartz x1, Cloudy Moonshard x1 66,666z

Escadora X Armor[]

Armor Stats

Fire 0
Water -10
Ice 0
Thunder 0
Dragon -10
Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill

Evade Dist

2 1 1 3 3 10

Evade Extender

Elemental 2 1 3 2 2 10

Element Atk Up

Unscathed 2 1 3 1 3 10 Peak Performance
FreeElemnt 3 1 3 1 2 10 Awaken
Stun -3 -3 -2 -3 -2 -13 Double Stun
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm  108-120 Escadora Wisdom X O-- Skyswayer x2, Skypiercer x3, Alatreon Mantle x6, Rathian Mantle x1 66,666z
MH3icon-Plate 108-120 Escadora Soul X OO- Alatreon Pallium x6, Alatreon Ripper x6, Skypiercer x3, Rathalos Mantle x1 66,666z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 108-120 Escadora Arms X O-- Alatreon Ripper x6, Alatreon Pallium x6, ElderDragonBlood x2, Uragaan Pallium x1 66,666z
MH3icon-Waist 108-120 Escadora Might X OO- Alatreon Direwing x2, Alatreon Diretail x1, Alatreon Mantle x5, Lagiacrus Mantle x1 66,666z
MH3icon-Leggings 108-120 Escadora Scale X O-- Alatreon Mantle x6, Alatreon Pallium x6, Azure Drgnsphire x1, Deviljho Crook x1 66,666z

Golden Lune Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Fate 2 2 4 3 4 15 Great Luck
Destroyer 1 1 4 2 2 10 Part Breaker
Protection 1 2 2 1 4 10 Divine Blessing
Thunder Res -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Thunder Res -20
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 100-118 Golden Lunehelm OOO G.Rath Surspike x3, G.Rathian Cortex x5, Rath Gleem x3, Conflagrant Sac x3 31,500z
MH3icon-Plate 100-118 Golden Lunemail OO- G.Rathian Shard x5, Rath Medulla x5, Rathian Ruby x2, Meldspar Ore x4 31,500z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 100-118 Golden Lunebraces O-- G.Rathian Cortex x5, Rath Ripper x4, Rathian Mantle x1, Firecell Stone x4 31,500z
MH3icon-Waist 100-118 Golden Lunecoil OOO G.Rathian Shard x5, Rathian Mantle x1, Rath Gleem x3, Allfire Stone x3 31,500z
MH3icon-Leggings 100-118 Golden Lunegreaves O-- G.Rathian Cortex x5, G.Rathian Shard x4, Monster Slogbone x5, Lrg Wyvern Stone x2 31,500z

Silver Sol Armor[]

Armor Stats

Fire 10
Water -35
Ice 0
Thunder -20
Dragon 20
Skill MH3icon-Helm  MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill


2 1 2 2 3 10 Weakness Exploit
Sharpness 3 2 1 1 3 10 Razor Sharp
Fire Atk 3 0 4 4 4 15 Fire ATK +2
Rec Level -3 -2 -3 -3 -3 -14 Recovery Level Down

Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm  100-118 Silver Solhelm O-- S.Rathalos Shard x5, Rathalos Mantle x1, Rath Gleem x3, Purecrystal x1 31500z
MH3icon-Plate 100-118 Silver Solmail OOO S.Rath Cortex x5, S Rathalos Shard x6, Rathalos Fellwing x3, Monster Slogbone x3 31500z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 100-118 Silver Solbraces OO- S Rathalos Lash x1Rath Medulla x2, Rath Ripper x4, Allfire Stone x3 31500z
MH3icon-Waist 100-118 Silver Solcoil OO- S.Rath Cortex x5, Rathlos Fellwing x3, Rathalos Ruby x2, Conflagrant Sac x3 31500z
MH3icon-Leggings 100-118 Silver Solgreaves --- S.Rath Cortex x5, S.Rathalos Shard x5, Rath Gleem x4, Purecrystal x1 31500z

Damascus X Armor[]

Armor Stats

Fire -15
Water 10
Ice 15
Thunder -20
Dragon -5
Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill


3 1 3 2 4 13

Thunder Atk +1

Handicraft 2 2 3 2 1 10 Sharpness +1
Sharpener 2 1 2 2 3 10 Speed Sharpening
Fencing 0 0 0 1 1 2 N/A
PunishDraw 1 1 1 0 0 3 N/A
Sharpness -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -10 Blunt Edge
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm  95-117 Damascus Helm X OO- H.Jhen Shard x4, P.Rathian Shard x4, Rathian Surspike x2,Mohran Carapace x3 24,000z
MH3icon-Plate 95-117 Damascus Mail X OO- Deific Fang x2, A.Rath Cortex x3, Deviljho Saliva x2, Mohran Scale+ x4 24,000z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 95-117 Damascus Vambraces X O-- H.Jhen Shard x4, A.Rathalos Shard x4, Deviljho Shard x3, Mohran Carapace x3 24,000z
MH3icon-Waist 95-117 Damascus Coil X OO- H.Jhen Rockskin x3, P.Rathian Shard x4, A.Rathalos Shard x4, Sturdy Fang+ x2 24,000z
MH3icon-Leggings 95-117 Damascus Greaves X O-- H.Jhen Rockskin x3, P.Rathian Cortex x3, A.Rathalos Lash x2, Mohran Scale+ x4 24,000z

Miralis Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Attack 4 3 6 3 4 20 Attack Up (L)
Gloves Off 2 2 1 3 2 10 Latent Power +1
Unshakable 2 1 2 2 3 10 Rock Steady
Stamina -2 -1 -1 -3 -3 -10 Short Sprinter
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 106-120 Miralis Diadem OO- Miralis Fireback x4, Miralis Evil Eye x2, Gushing Magma x4, Diablos Hardhorn x1 66,666z
MH3icon-Plate 106-120 Miralis Breastplate OO- Miralis Scale x5, Immortal Heart x3, Miralis Hellwing x2, Brach Pallium x1 66,666z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 106-120 Miralis Grievers OO- Miralis Fireback x4, Miralis Smelter x4, Dire Dragongem x1, A. Rath Cortex x10 66,666z
MH3icon-Waist 106-120 Miralis Barbs O-- Miralis Scale x5, Miralis Fireback x4, Miralis Fireclaw x2, Lrg Wyvern Stone x5 66,666z
MH3icon-Leggings 106-120 Miralis Drogues O-- Miralis Fireback x4, Miralis Fireclaw x3, Dire Dragongem x1, P. Rathian Cortex x10 66,666z

Lambent Armor[]

Skill MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total Active Skill
Carving 4 2 4 2 3 15 Carving Master
Handicraft 2 2 1 2 3 10 Sharpness +1
Spirit 3 1 1 2 3 10 Challenger +1
Status Res 2 4 1 0 3 10 Wellness
Fate -3 -2 -3 -2 -2 -12 Bad Luck
Defense Name Slots Crafting Materials Cost
MH3icon-Helm 100-118 Lambent Casque --- Hvy L.Narga Fang x3, L.Narga Dapples x3, Cloudy Moonshard x1, Ghostly Quartz x2 31,500z
MH3icon-Plate 100-118 Lambent Hauberk --- L.Narga Shard x4, L.Narga Razor x4, L.Narga Dapples x3, Nargacuga Mantle x2 31,500z
MH3icon-Gauntlets 100-118 Lambent Wristrays OO- L.Narga Dapples x6, L.Narg Tailspear x4, L.Narga Razor x4, Purecrystal x4 31,500z
MH3icon-Waist 100-118 Lambent Sash OOO L.Narga Shard x3, Hvy L.Narga Fang x3, Nargacuga Lash x2, Durambolite x1 31,500z
MH3icon-Leggings 100-118 Lambent Gaiters --- L.Narga Shard x2, L.Narg Tailspear x4,Cloudy Moonshard x1, Flutterfly x5 31,500z

Yamato Prime Armor and Hyuga Prime Armor[]
