Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki
MHRise Item Icon-Question Mark Red Unofficial Japanese Translations
Some names in this Article may use unofficial translations, these are obtained through different means, official localizations from other games in the series take precedent over fan translations where possible, otherwise the Staff will provide temporary translations.

Logo-MH4 JP
Great Sword Icon White Long Sword Icon White Sword and Shield Icon White Dual Blades Icon White Hammer Icon White Hunting Horn Icon White Lance Icon White Gunlance Icon White
GS LS SnS DB Hammer HH Lance GL
Switch Axe Icon White Charge Blade Icon White Insect Glaive Icon White MH4-Kinsect Cutting Icon White MH4-Kinsect Blunt Icon White Light Bowgun Icon White Heavy Bowgun Icon White Bow Icon White
SA CB IG Kinsect LBG HBG Bow

Rarity Legend:
Light Bowgun Icon White Rare 1 Light Bowgun Icon Purple Rare 2 Light Bowgun Icon Yellow Rare 3 Light Bowgun Icon Pink Rare 4 Light Bowgun Icon Green Rare 5 Light Bowgun Icon Blue Rare 6 Light Bowgun Icon Red Rare 7

Light Bowguns by Ammo Type:
ItemIcon033 Normal S Lv1 / Lv2 / Lv3 ItemIcon033h Recov S Lv1 / Lv2 ItemIcon033i Flaming S ItemIcon033b Water S ItemIcon033f Thunder S
ItemIcon033 Pierce S Lv1 / Lv2 / Lv3 ItemIcon033g Poison S Lv1 / Lv2 ItemIcon033e Freeze S ItemIcon033i Dragon S ItemIcon033d Blast S
ItemIcon033 Pellet S Lv1 / Lv2 / Lv3 ItemIcon033f Para S Lv1 / Lv2 ItemIcon033i Tranq S ItemIcon033c Paint S ItemIcon033i Demon S
ItemIcon033 Crag S Lv1 / Lv2 / Lv3 ItemIcon033b Sleep S Lv1 / Lv2 ItemIcon033d Armor S ItemIcon033 Slicing S
ItemIcon033 Clust S Lv1 / Lv2 / Lv3 ItemIcon033e Exhaust S Lv1 / Lv2


  • Weapon Names in bold are the final upgrade/s to that Weapon's path.
  • Click on the Weapon's Name for a more detailed information about the Weapon, including Creation / Upgrade Materials, Costs, and Japanese Name Equivalents.
  • Loading Information can be viewed by clicking each individual Light Bowgun page, by the Categories above, or by hovering over the names.

Cross Bowgun Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 1 Cross Bowgun 104 Average More None --- 0% N/A
Indent02 Rare 1 Cross Bowgun+ 130 Average More None --- 0% N/A
Indent03Indent01 Rare 2 Grenade Launcher 156 Fast Average None --- 0% N/A
Indent03IndentIndent02 Rare 3 Grenade Launcher+ 182 Fast Average None O-- 0% N/A
Indent03IndentIndent03Indent01 Rare 4 Grenade Revolver 234 Fast Average None OO- 0% N/A
Indent03IndentIndent01 Rare 3 Rathling Gun 195 Average Average None --- 0% N/A
Indent03IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 4 Rathling Doombringer 234 Average Average None --- 0% N/A
Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 5 Rathling Phoenix 247 Average Average None --- 0% N/A
Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 6 Azurathling Skysear 260 Average Average None O-- 0% N/A
Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02 Rare 6 Azurathling Sunsear 286 Average Average None O-- 0% N/A
Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 7 Blossomayhem 273 Average Average None OOO 0% N/A
Indent01 Rare 1 Jaggid Fire 143 Average Average Left: Low O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 2 Bandit Fire 169 Average Average Left: Low O-- 10% N/A
IndentIndentIndent02 Rare 4 Bandit's Rage 208 Average Average Left: Low O-- 10% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 3 Usurper's Crime 208 Average Average None O-- 10% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 4 Usurper's Crime+ 221 Average Average None O-- 10% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 5 Despot's Wildfire 234 Average Average None O-- 10% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 6 Hellgun Ryuushin 247 Average Average None O-- 10% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 7 Hellgun Ryuuzetsu 273 Average Average None O-- 10% N/A
Cross Blitz Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 4 Cross Blitz 195 Average Average None --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Rare 5 Cross Blitzer 208 Average Average None O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 6 Shotgun (Azure) 221 Abv.Avg Average None OO- 20% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 6 Blue Shooter 234 Abv.Avg Average None OOO 20% N/A
Shotgun Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 1 Shotgun 143 Abv.Avg Average None O-- 0% N/A
Indent02 Rare 2 Shotgun+ 169 Abv.Avg Average None O-- 0% N/A
Indent03Indent01 Rare 3 Shotgun (Blood) 182 Abv.Avg Average None OO- 0% N/A
Indent03IndentIndent01 Rare 4 Crimson Blade Shower 221 Abv.Avg Average None OO- 0% +10
Indent03IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 5 Rouge Shooter 234 Abv.Avg Average None OOO 0% +20
Indent01 Rare 2 Shotgun (Green) 156 Abv.Avg Average None OO- 0% +10
IndentIndent01 Rare 2 Green Blade Shower 169 Abv.Avg Average None OOO 10% +10
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 4 Veil Shooter 208 Abv.Avg Average None OOO 20% +10
Shell Barrel Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 1 Shell Barrel 130 Average Average Right: High --- 0% N/A
Indent02 Rare 3 Shell Gatling 195 Average Average Right: High --- 0% +10
Indent03Indent01 Rare 4 Insect Vulcan 221 Average Average Right: High --- 0% +20
Indent03IndentIndent01 Rare 5 Honeycomb Revolvulcan 247 Average Average Right: High --- 0% +30
Indent01 Rare 2 Ronnakupushika 156 Average Average None O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 2 Ronnakupushika+ 169 Average Average None O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent02 Rare 4 Ronberusario 195 Average Average None OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent01 Rare 5 Ronberuchakario 234 Average Average None OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 3 Ray of Weiss 182 Average Average None O-- 20% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 4 Ray of Insanity 195 Average Average None O-- 25% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 5 Ray of Shambala 221 Average Average None O-- 30% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 6 The Oracle 234 Average Average None OO- 35% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 7 The Punisher 247 Average Average None OO- 40% N/A
Dios Blaster Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 4 Dios Blaster 221 Abv.Avg Average Left: Low O-- 0% N/A
Indent01 Rare 5 Dios Blaster+ 234 Abv.Avg Average Left: Low O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 6 Demolition Gun 273 Abv.Avg Average Left: Low O-- 0% +10
Khezu Head Syringe Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 2 Khezu Head Syringe 169 Fast Average None --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Rare 3 Khezumyi Syringe 208 Fast Average None O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 5 Sadi Khezu Syringe 247 Fast Average None OO- 0% N/A
Kut-Ku Anger Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 1 Kut-Ku Anger 156 Bel.Avg Average None --- 0% +8
Indent02 Rare 3 Kut-Ku Anger+ 182 Bel.Avg Average None O-- 0% +8
Indent03Indent01 Rare 4 Kut-Ku Counterattack 208 Bel.Avg Average None O-- 0% +12
Indent03IndentIndent01 Rare 4 Kut-Ku Rage 221 Bel.Avg Average None OO- 5% +12
Indent03IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 5 Kut-Ku Barrage 234 Bel.Avg Average None OO- 5% +12
Indent01 Rare 3 Raven Do 195 Average Average None --- 5% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 4 Wolf Do 221 Average Average None O-- 10% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 6 Crow Do 247 Average Average None O-- 15% N/A
Royal Launcher Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 2 Royal Launcher 169 Average Average None --- 0% +10
Indent01 Rare 2 Royal Torrent 182 Average Average None O-- 0% +20
IndentIndent01 Rare 4 Royal Inundation 221 Average Average None O-- 0% +30
Barro Barrel Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 2 Barro Barrel 182 Slow Average Left/Right: Low --- 0% +10
Indent01 Rare 3 Barro Barrel+ 208 Slow Average Left/Right: Low --- 0% +12
IndentIndent01 Rare 5 Barrozooka 260 Slow Average Left/Right: Low --- 0% +14
Thundacrus Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 6 Thundacrus 221 Average Some Left: Low OO- 10% N/A
Indent01 Rare 7 Thundacrus Rex 234 Average Some Left: Low OO- 15% N/A
Blizzard Cannon Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 5 Blizzard Cannon 221 Abv.Avg Average None --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Rare 6 Tabula Blizzara 260 Fast Average None --- 0% N/A
Felyne Helldoll Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 5 Felyne Helldoll 208 Fast Average Left: High OOO 0% N/A
Black Parasol Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 7 Black Parasol 221 Abv.Avg Average Left/Right: Low O-- 0% +10
Hi Thunder Gun Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 4 Hi Thunder Gun 195 Average Low None O-- 0% +30
Indent01 Rare 7 Hi Thunder Gun 'Kirin' 221 Average Low None OO- 0% +50
Hi Ice Gun Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 6 Hi Ice Gun 208 Abv.Avg Low None O-- 0% +30
Indent01 Rare 7 Hi Ice Gun 'Kirin' 234 Abv.Avg Low None O-- 0% +40
Devil's Grin Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 4 Devil's Grin 247 Slow Low Left: High --- -10% N/A
Indent01 Rare 6 Devil's Madness 273 Slow Low Left: High --- -10% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 7 Diregun "Dementia" 299 Slow Low Left: High --- -15% N/A
Rajang Barrage Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 6 Rajang Barrage 273 Average Average Left/Right: High --- -15% N/A
Indent01 Rare 7 Ten-Thousand Volts 312 Average Average Left/Right: High --- -25% N/A
Demon's Isle Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 2 Demon's Isle 195 Average Some None O-- 0% N/A
Indent01 Rare 5 Demon's Island 221 Average Some None O-- 0% N/A
God's Isle Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 5 God's Isle 208 Fast Some None OO- 0% N/A
Indent01 Rare 6 God's Island 247 Fast Some None OO- 0% N/A