Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki
MHRise Item Icon-Question Mark Red Unofficial Japanese Translations
Some names in this Article may use unofficial translations, these are obtained through different means, official localizations from other games in the series take precedent over fan translations where possible, otherwise the Staff will provide temporary translations.

Logo-MH4 JP

Menu Button-Armor Menu Button-Weapons Menu Button-Caravan Quests Menu Button-Gathering Hall Menu Button-Event Quests Menu Button-Locations Menu Button-Monsters Menu Button-Items Menu Button-Wyporium Menu Button-Armor Skills Menu Button-Palicoes Menu Button-Palico Weapons Menu Button-Palico Armor Menu Button-Arena Quests Menu Button-Canteen Menu Button-Monster Carves Menu Button-Combination List Menu Button-Awards


  • Weapon Names in bold are the final upgrade/s to that Weapon's path.
  • Click on the Weapon's Name for a more detailed information about the Weapon, including Creation / Upgrade Materials, Costs, and Japanese Name Equivalents.
  • When a value under the heading "Special" is in parentheses, this is the value of the Element/Ailment when the Armor Skill "Awakening" in in effect.


MH4-Great Sword Equipment Render 001
MH4-Long Sword Equipment Render 001
MH4-Sword and Shield Equipment Render 001
Great Sword
Weapon TreeImages
Long Sword
Weapon TreeImages
Sword and Shield
Weapon TreeImages

MH4-Dual Blades Equipment Render 001
MH4-Hammer Equipment Render 001
MH4-Hunting Horn Equipment Render 001
Dual Blades
Weapon TreeImages
Weapon TreeImages
Hunting Horn
Weapon TreeImages
Horn Melodies

MH4-Lance Equipment Render 001
MH4-Gunlance Equipment Render 001
MH4-Switch Axe Equipment Render 001
Weapon TreeImages
Weapon TreeImages
Switch Axe
Weapon TreeImages

MH4-Charge Blade Equipment Render 001
MH4-Insect Glaive Equipment Render 001
Charge Blade
Weapon TreeImages
Insect Glaive
Weapon TreeImages
Kinsect TreeKinsect Images


MH4-Light Bowgun Equipment Render 001
MH4-Heavy Bowgun Equipment Render 001
MH4-Bow Equipment Render 001
Light Bowgun
Weapon TreeImages
Heavy Bowgun
Weapon TreeImages
Weapon TreeImages

General Information[]
