Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki
Great Sword Icon White Long Sword Icon White Sword and Shield Icon White Dual Blades Icon White Hammer Icon White Hunting Horn Icon White Lance Icon White Gunlance Icon White
GS LS SnS DB Hammer HH Lance GL
Switch Axe Icon White Charge Blade Icon White Insect Glaive Icon White MH4-Kinsect Cutting Icon White MH4-Kinsect Blunt Icon White Light Bowgun Icon White Heavy Bowgun Icon White Bow Icon White
SA CB IG Kinsect LBG HBG Bow

Element and Status Effect Legend:
Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon Fire Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon Water Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon Thunder Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon Ice Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon Dragon
Paralysis Paralysis Poison Poison Sleep Sleep Blastblight Blastblight

Rarity Legend:
Bow Icon White Rare 1 Bow Icon Purple Rare 2 Bow Icon Yellow Rare 3 Bow Icon Pink Rare 4 Bow Icon Green Rare 5
Bow Icon Blue Rare 6 Bow Icon Red Rare 7 Bow Icon Light Blue Rare 8 Bow Icon Orange Rare 9 Bow Icon Magenta Rare 10

Charge Level Legend:
P1 = Pierce L1 P2 = Pierce L2 P3 = Pierce L3 P4 = Pierce L4 P5 = Pierce L5
R1 = Rapid L1 R2 = Rapid L2 R3 = Rapid L3 R4 = Rapid L4 R5 = Rapid L5
S1 = Scatter L1 S2 = Scatter L2 S3 = Scatter L3 S4 = Scatter L4 S5 = Scatter L5

Bows by Coating Type:
ItemIcon040e Power Coating ItemIcon040 C.Range Coating ItemIcon040b Poison Coating ItemIcon040a Para Coating
ItemIcon040c Sleep Coating ItemIcon040g Exhaust Coating ItemIcon040f Blast Coating ItemIcon040d Paint Coating


  • Weapon Names in bold are the final upgrade/s to that Weapon's path.
  • Click on the Weapon's Name for a more detailed information about the Weapon, including Creation / Upgrade Materials, Costs, and Japanese Name Equivalents.
  • When a value under the heading "Special" is in parentheses, this is the value of the Element/Ailment when the Armor Skill "Awakening" in in effect.
  • Charge Levels highlighted with this color will require the "Load Up" skill in order to be able to unlock and use the Level.

Hunter's Bow I Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon White Hunter's Bow I 72 N/A N/A Wide R1 R1 R2 S2 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon White Hunter's Bow II 84 N/A N/A Wide R1 R1 R2 S2 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon White Hunter's Bow III 96 N/A N/A Wide R1 R1 R3 S3 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Purple Hunter's Stoutbow I 120 N/A N/A Wide R1 R1 R3 S3 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent02 Bow Icon Purple Hunter's Stoutbow II 144 N/A N/A Wide R1 R2 R3 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01 Bow Icon Yellow Hunter's Stoutbow III 156 N/A N/A Wide R2 R2 R3 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent02 Bow Icon Pink Icicle Bow I 168 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 140 N/A Wide S2 S3 S3 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent03Indent01 Bow Icon Green Icicle Bow II 180 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 190 N/A Wide S2 S3 S4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Light Blue Icicle Bow III 252 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 210 N/A Wide S3 S3 S4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange NΓ©vΓ© Bow 300 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 230 N/A Wide S3 S4 S5 R5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Pink Dios Flier 180 Blastblight 100 N/A Blast R2 R3 S3 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Green Dios Flier+ 204 Blastblight 140 N/A Blast R2 R3 S4 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Blue Demolition Bow 228 Blastblight 190 N/A Blast R3 R3 S4 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Warflare Demolisher 300 Blastblight 210 N/A Blast R3 R3 S4 P5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Magenta Lightbreak Bow 324 Blastblight 230 N/A Blast R3 R3 S5 P5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Purple Queen Blaster I 156 N/A N/A Focus P1 P2 S3 R4 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Yellow Queen Blaster II 168 N/A N/A Focus P2 P2 S3 R4 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Green Heartshot Bow I 192 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 160 N/A Focus P2 P2 S4 R4 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Blue Heartshot Bow II 204 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 200 N/A Focus P2 P3 S4 R4 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Red Selene Moonbroken 228 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 240 N/A Focus P3 P3 S4 R4 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Light Blue Selene Moonbroken+ 252 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 260 N/A Focus P3 P3 S4 R5 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Magenta Artemis Moonmaker 312 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 290 N/A Focus P3 P3 S5 R5 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Heat Haze Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon White Heat Haze 144 N/A N/A Blast P2 P1 R1 S3 CSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- -15% +5
Indent01 Bow Icon Purple Hulking Haze 168 N/A N/A Blast P2 P1 R2 S3 CSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- -10% +5
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Yellow Feminine Haze 192 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 50 N/A Focus P3 P2 R3 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% +10
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Green Formidable Haze 216 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 90 N/A Focus P3 P2 R4 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% +10
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Blue Absolute Deviance 228 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 120 N/A Focus P3 P3 R4 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% +15
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Gold Popillia 312 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 160 N/A Focus P3 P3 R4 S5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% +30
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Golden Ray 336 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 190 N/A Focus P3 P3 R5 S5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% +50
Kut-Ku Stave I Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon White Kut-Ku Stave I 84 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 90 N/A Wide S1 R1 S2 P3 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Purple Kut-Ku Stave II 108 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 120 N/A Wide S1 R1 S3 P3 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent02 Bow Icon Yellow Kut-Ku Stave III 132 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 190 N/A Wide S1 R2 S3 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01 Bow Icon Pink Blue Kut-Ku Stave I 156 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 220 N/A Wide S2 R2 S3 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Green Blue Kut-Ku Stave II 168 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 260 N/A Wide S2 R2 S4 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Light Blue Blue Kut-Ku Stave III 204 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 290 N/A Wide S2 R3 S4 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Blue Kut-Ku Stave IV 252 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 320 N/A Wide S2 R3 S5 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Yellow Crow Bow 204 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Wide R2 R3 R3 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 20% +20
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Green Wolf Bow 228 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Wide R3 R3 R4 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 25% +20
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Blue Jinx Bow 252 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Wide R3 R4 R4 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 35% +30
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Light Blue Pox Bow 300 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Wide R3 R4 R4 S5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 35% +35
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Garuga Oyumi 336 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Wide R4 R4 R4 S5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 40% +40
Wild Bow Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Purple Wild Bow 144 N/A N/A Blast R1 R1 S2 P3 Poison Coating / 毒ビンCPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Purple Wild Power Bow I 156 N/A N/A Blast R1 R2 S2 P3 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 5% N/A
IndentIndent02 Bow Icon Yellow Wild Power Bow II 168 N/A N/A Blast R1 R2 S3 P4 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 10% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01 Bow Icon Pink Jungle Bow I 192 (Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 100) N/A Blast R1 R2 S4 P4 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 10% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Blue Jungle Bow II 216 (Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 180) N/A Blast R2 R2 S4 P4 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 10% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Light Blue Jungle Bow III 264 (Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 200) N/A Blast R2 R3 S4 P4 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 10% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Jungle Bow IV 300 (Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 210) N/A Blast R2 R3 S4 P4 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 10% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Yellow Tigrex Archer 228 N/A Exhaust Coating / 減気ビン Blast R2 R2 R3 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- -25% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Green Tigrex Whisker 264 N/A Exhaust Coating / 減気ビン Blast R2 R2 R4 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- -25% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Blue Accursed Bow 276 N/A Exhaust Coating / 減気ビン Blast R2 R2 R5 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- -20% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Red Piercing Gravebow 300 N/A Exhaust Coating / 減気ビン Blast R3 R3 R5 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- -15% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Piercing Gravebow+ 360 N/A Exhaust Coating / 減気ビン Blast R4 R4 R5 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- -10% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Magenta Soaring Grisbow 408 N/A Exhaust Coating / 減気ビン Blast R4 R4 R5 S5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- -10% N/A
Blue Alighter I Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Purple Blue Alighter I 168 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 60 N/A Blast P2 S2 R2 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Yellow Blue Alighter II 180 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 80 N/A Blast P2 S2 R3 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Green Ice Cold Alighter 216 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 100 N/A Blast P3 S2 R3 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Blue Freezing Alighter 228 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 140 N/A Blast P3 S2 R4 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent02 Bow Icon Light Blue Freezing Alighter+ 288 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 170 N/A Blast P3 S2 R4 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01 Bow Icon Orange Hailstorm 336 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 200 N/A Blast P3 S3 R4 S5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Light Blue Quartzlight 312 N/A Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Blast S3 S4 R4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Crystal Lode 348 N/A Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Blast S4 S5 R4 R5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% N/A
Khezu Bow I Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Purple Khezu Bow I 120 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 100 N/A Blast S1 R2 S3 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Yellow Khezu Bow II 144 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 130 N/A Blast S2 R2 S3 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Pink Khezu Bow III 168 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 160 N/A Blast S2 R3 S4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Green Bloodcurdler 192 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 200 N/A Blast S2 R3 S4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Light Blue Bloodcurdler+ 264 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 240 N/A Blast S3 R4 S4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Splattika 300 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 300 N/A Blast S3 R4 S5 R5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
Scylla Fist I Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Purple Scylla Fist I 120 N/A Sleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³ Power P2 R3 R2 S3 Poison Coating / 毒ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 20% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Yellow Scylla Fist II 144 N/A Sleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³ Power P2 R3 R3 S4 Poison Coating / 毒ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 30% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Pink Scylla Weave I 168 (Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 70) Sleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³ Power P2 R4 R3 S4 Poison Coating / 毒ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 30% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Green Scylla Weave II 192 (Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 100) Sleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³ Power P2 R4 R4 S4 Poison Coating / 毒ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 35% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Blue Scylla Shredder 204 (Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 120) Sleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³ Power P2 R5 R4 S4 Poison Coating / 毒ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 40% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Light Blue Scylla Webdart 240 (Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 130) Sleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³ Power P3 R5 R4 S5 Poison Coating / 毒ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 40% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Weblivion 276 (Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 150) Sleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³ Power P3 R5 R4 S5 Poison Coating / 毒ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 45% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Wide Weblivion 312 (Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 170) Sleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³ Power P3 R5 R4 S5 Poison Coating / 毒ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 50% N/A
Morsel Bowfish Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Purple Morsel Bowfish 84 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 270 N/A Wide R2 S2 S3 R3 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Green Ample Bowfish 96 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 360 N/A Wide R2 S3 S4 R3 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Light Blue Viand Bowfish 144 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 480 N/A Wide R2 S3 S4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% N/A
Prominence Bow I Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Yellow Prominence Bow I 180 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 70 N/A Power R1 S2 P3 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Green Prominence Bow II 204 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 100 N/A Power R2 S2 P4 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Blue Prominence Bow III 216 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 120 N/A Power R3 S2 P4 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Red Hyperion 240 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 150 N/A Power R3 S3 P4 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Hyperion+ 288 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 180 N/A Power R3 S3 P4 P5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Magenta Uranus Herald 336 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 200 N/A Power R3 S3 P5 P5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Distant Thunder I Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Yellow Distant Thunder I 180 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 70 N/A Wide R2 R3 P3 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Green Distant Thunder II 204 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 120 N/A Wide R2 R3 P4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent02 Bow Icon Blue Despot's Earlybolt 216 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 180 N/A Wide R3 R3 P4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01 Bow Icon Orange Oppressor's Wing 288 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 210 N/A Wide R3 R3 P4 R5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Orcus Sagittus 324 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 260 N/A Wide R4 R4 P5 R5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Blue Brimstren Drakegaze 216 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 130 N/A Focus P2 R3 R4 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Blue Brimstren Drakeglare 228 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 160 N/A Focus P2 R3 R4 S4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Stygian Patientia 300 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 200 N/A Focus P2 R3 R4 S5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Charonian Patientia 324 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 220 N/A Focus P2 R3 R5 S5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
Entbehrung Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Yellow Entbehrung 144 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 100 N/A Power S1 P2 S3 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 25% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Pink Verzweiflung 156 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 110 N/A Power S1 P3 S3 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 25% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Green Untergang 180 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 120 N/A Power S1 P3 S3 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 30% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Red Le Ravisseur 204 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 130 N/A Power S2 P3 S3 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 35% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Le DΓ©sir 264 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 140 N/A Power S2 P4 S4 R5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 40% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Magenta L'Innocence 288 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 160 N/A Power S2 P4 S4 R5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 40% N/A
Kelbi Stingshot Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Yellow Kelbi Stingshot 132 (Blastblight 200) N/A Blast S1 S2 R4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Green Kelbi Strongshot 168 (Blastblight 220) N/A Blast S2 S3 R4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Light Blue Kelbi Strongshot+ 228 (Blastblight 240) N/A Blast S2 S3 R4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Great Kelbi Deershot 288 (Blastblight 270) N/A Blast S3 S4 R4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% N/A
Supplication Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Pink Supplication 144 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 260 N/A Blast R1 P2 P3 P4 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Red Tsukuyomi 192 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 300 N/A Blast R2 P3 P3 P4 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Amenokago 276 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 330 N/A Blast R3 P4 P3 P4 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Magenta Tamanoya 300 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 360 N/A Blast R3 P4 P4 P5 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
Daimyo's Warbow I Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Pink Daimyo's Warbow I 168 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 150 N/A Power S3 S3 R3 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% +20
Indent01 Bow Icon Green Daimyo's Warbow II 192 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 170 N/A Power S3 S3 R3 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% +20
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Light Blue Daimyo's Warbow III 264 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 190 N/A Power S3 S3 R3 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% +25
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Light Blue Great Purple Emperor I 288 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 210 N/A Power S3 S4 R4 P5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 10% +25
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Great Purple Emperor II 312 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 230 N/A Power S4 S4 R4 P5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 10% +30
Arca Raptora Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Pink Arca Raptora 156 (Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 120) N/A Power S1 P2 R3 P3 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Green Amnis 180 (Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 210) N/A Power S2 P2 R3 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Light Blue Fluctus 276 (Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 320) N/A Power S2 P3 R4 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% N/A
Brazencord Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Green Brazencord 228 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 90 Blast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³ Power P1 R1 R2 P2 Power Coating / 強撃ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Light Blue Gigacles 312 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 100 Blast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³ Power P1 R2 R3 P2 Power Coating / 強撃ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Gigantomachy 360 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 130 Blast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³ Power P1 R2 R3 P3 Power Coating / 強撃ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Shalya Bow Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Blue Shalya Bow 264 N/A C Power R3 R3 R4 N/A Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 15% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Red Shalya Bow+ 300 N/A C Power R3 R4 R4 N/A Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 20% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Seditious Arrow 360 N/A C Power R3 R5 R4 N/A Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 30% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Magenta Kama Sedition 384 N/A C Power R3 R5 R5 N/A Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 30% N/A
Beast Thunderbow Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Blue Beast Thunderbow 240 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 100 N/A Focus P1 R3 P4 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Red Beastking Thunderbow 252 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 130 N/A Focus P2 R3 P4 P4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Archbeast Thunderbow 336 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 150 N/A Focus P2 R3 P4 P5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Magenta Archbeast Paragon 360 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 180 N/A Focus P3 R4 P5 P5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Icesteel Bow Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Blue Icesteel Bow 204 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 140 N/A Focus R3 S3 P4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 20% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Red Daora's Sagittarii 216 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 170 N/A Focus R3 S4 P4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 20% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Magenta Daora's Toxotes 324 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 250 N/A Focus R3 S4 P4 R5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 20% N/A
Chest Shellbow Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Blue Cradlecrush Embrace 264 (Blastblight 100) Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Wide S2 S2 P4 R5 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% +10
Indent01 Bow Icon Red The Keen Stratagem 276 (Blastblight 130) Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Wide S2 S3 P4 R5 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% +20
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Orange Yoichi the Sighted 336 (Blastblight 140) Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Wide S2 S3 P5 R5 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% +30
IndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Magenta Dalamadur Bow 360 (Blastblight 160) Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Wide S3 S4 P5 R5 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% +40
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Bow Icon Magenta Enraged Dalamadur 372 (Blastblight 170) Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Wide S3 S4 P5 R5 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 0% +45
Bow of Hope & Valor Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Red Bow of Hope & Valor 216 Blastblight 140 N/A Power P1 S4 R3 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Magenta Courageous Wish 312 Blastblight 200 N/A Power P2 S4 R4 R5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Prayerful Victoria Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Red Prayerful Victoria 216 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 160 N/A Power P1 S3 S3 P4 CExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Orange Prayerful Victoria+ 312 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 220 N/A Power P2 S3 S5 P5 CExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Bow Icon Magenta Heedful Elizabeth 324 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 260 N/A Power P2 S3 S5 P5 CExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
Akantor Bow Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Red Akantor Bow 240 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 230 N/A Blast S2 P3 R4 N/A Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 25% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Magenta Akantor Chaos Bow 360 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 280 N/A Blast S3 P4 R5 N/A Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- 30% N/A
Ukanlos Bow Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Red Ukanlos Bow 324 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 80 N/A Blast P1 R1 S3 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- -30% +15
Indent01 Bow Icon Orange Ukanlos Skyflier 444 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 100 N/A Blast P1 R1 S3 R5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- -30% +25
Bow of Rack & Ruin Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Red Bow of Rack & Ruin 240 (Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 170) N/A Wide S2 S4 R3 P5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 15% +10
Indent01 Bow Icon Magenta Exterminator Bow II 372 (Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 220) N/A Wide S2 S5 R4 P5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OOO 20% +25
Diablos Coilbender Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Orange Diablos Coilbender 384 N/A N/A Focus P1 P1 P3 P4 Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- -15% +10
Indent01 Bow Icon Orange Cera Cyclord 420 N/A N/A Focus P1 P1 P4 P5 Exhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- -20% +25
Verzweiflung/DΓ©sir Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Orange Verzweiflung/DΓ©sir 360 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 120 N/A Blast S2 P4 R5 S5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンCPoison Coating / 毒ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- -20/15% N/A
Genie's Grimoire Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Magenta Genie's Grimoire 348 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Power S2 R2 R4 R5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンExhaust Coating / 減気ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ OO- 0% N/A
Eldaora's Sagittarii Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Magenta Eldaora's Sagittarii 372 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 90 N/A Power P1 P1 R2 R5 CPoison Coating / 毒ビンPara Coating / 麻痺ビンPaint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- -35% N/A
Unwelcoming Gaol Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Magenta Unwelcoming Gaol 336 N/A Sleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³ Blast S4 R4 S4 R4 Power Coating / 強撃ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Blast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- -10% N/A
Indent01 Bow Icon Magenta Calamitous Cupid 360 N/A Sleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³ Blast S4 R4 S5 R5 Power Coating / 強撃ビンSleep Coating / η‘ηœ γƒ“γƒ³Blast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ O-- -15% N/A
Red Heaven Ruiner Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Magenta Red Heaven Ruiner 324 Blastblight 210 N/A Blast P2 R5 P4 S5 CBlast Coating / ηˆ†η ΄γƒ“γƒ³Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 30% N/A
Victory and Glory Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Magenta Victory and Glory 336 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 380 N/A Power S2 P3 R4 R5 Paint Coating / γƒšγ‚€γƒ³γƒˆγƒ“γƒ³ --- 0% N/A
Event Quest Only
Bamboo Taketori Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Coating
Charge Level Coatings Slots Affinity DEF
1 2 3 4
Bow Icon Pink Bamboo Taketori 168 (Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 380)