Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki
Great Sword Icon White Long Sword Icon White Sword and Shield Icon White Dual Blades Icon White Hammer Icon White Hunting Horn Icon White Lance Icon White Gunlance Icon White
GS LS SnS DB Hammer HH Lance GL
Switch Axe Icon White Charge Blade Icon White Insect Glaive Icon White MH4-Kinsect Cutting Icon White MH4-Kinsect Blunt Icon White Light Bowgun Icon White Heavy Bowgun Icon White Bow Icon White
SA CB IG Kinsect LBG HBG Bow

Rarity Legend:
Heavy Bowgun Icon White Rare 1 Heavy Bowgun Icon Purple Rare 2 Heavy Bowgun Icon Yellow Rare 3 Heavy Bowgun Icon Pink Rare 4 Heavy Bowgun Icon Green Rare 5
Heavy Bowgun Icon Blue Rare 6 Heavy Bowgun Icon Red Rare 7 Heavy Bowgun Icon Light Blue Rare 8 Heavy Bowgun Icon Orange Rare 9 Heavy Bowgun Icon Magenta Rare 10

Heavy Bowguns by Ammo Type:
ItemIcon033 Normal S Lv1 / Lv2 / Lv3 ItemIcon033h Recov S Lv1 / Lv2 ItemIcon033i Flaming S ItemIcon033b Water S ItemIcon033f Thunder S
ItemIcon033 Pierce S Lv1 / Lv2 / Lv3 ItemIcon033g Poison S Lv1 / Lv2 ItemIcon033e Freeze S ItemIcon033i Dragon S ItemIcon033d Blast S
ItemIcon033 Pellet S Lv1 / Lv2 / Lv3 ItemIcon033f Para S Lv1 / Lv2 ItemIcon033i Tranq S ItemIcon033c Paint S ItemIcon033i Demon S
ItemIcon033 Crag S Lv1 / Lv2 / Lv3 ItemIcon033b Sleep S Lv1 / Lv2 ItemIcon033d Armor S ItemIcon033 Slicing S ItemIcon033i WyvernFire
ItemIcon033 Clust S Lv1 / Lv2 / Lv3 ItemIcon033e Exhaust S Lv1 / Lv2


  • Weapon Names in bold are the final upgrade/s to that Weapon's path.
  • Click on the Weapon's Name for a more detailed information about the Weapon, including Creation / Upgrade Materials, Costs, and Japanese Name Equivalents.
  • Loading Information can be viewed by clicking each individual Heavy Bowgun page, by the Categories above, or by hovering over the names.
  • Numbers under the "Attack" column represent the base and upgraded Attack stats under certain conditions:

    Indent Base ( Power Barrel Attached / Limiter Removed / Both ) Indent

    • Power Barrel Attached - is the Base Attack multiplied by 1.1 and the resulting product rounded down.
    • Limiter Removed - is the Base Attack added to 13.3% of the Base Attack, and the resulting sum rounded off to the nearest ones digit. Only Rare 6 and above Heavy Bowguns have access to this feature.
    • Both - is the Base Attack added to 24.4% of the Base Attack, and the resulting sum rounded off to the nearest ones digit. Only Rare 6 and 7 Heavy Bowguns have access to this feature.

Bone Shooter Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 1 Bone Shooter 120(132) Average Average None --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Rare 1 Bone Shooter+ 150(165) Average Average None --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 2 Straw Drumcannon 180(198) Average Average None O-- 0% +5
IndentIndentIndent02 Rare 3 Shirabeo 210(231) Average Average None O-- 0% +15
IndentIndentIndent03Indent01 Rare 4 Ratatat Drumcannon 270(297) Average Average None OO- 0% +25
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01 Rare 8 Tetsu Pyrotechnus 390(429/442/486) Average Average None OO- 0% +40
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Tetsu Pyropinnacle 435(478/493/542) Average Average None OO- 0% +40
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 2 Queen's Longfire 195(214) Bel.Avg Average None OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 3 Queen's Farflier 225(247) Bel.Avg Average None OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 5 Queen's Scionfire 270(297) Bel.Avg Average None OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 8 Empress's Blossom 360(396/408/448) Bel.Avg Average None OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Empress's Flower 390(429/442/486) Bel.Avg Average None OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 10 Empress's Doublefleur 450(495/510/561) Bel.Avg Average None OOO 0% N/A
Arzuros Gun Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 2 Arzuros Gun 165(181) Average Average None --- 0% +5
Indent01 Rare 2 Arzuros Gun+ 180(198) Average Average None --- 0% +10
IndentIndent02 Rare 2 Power Stinger 210(231) Bel.Avg Average Right: Severe O-- 0% +15
IndentIndent03Indent01 Rare 3 Power Stinger+ 240(264) Bel.Avg Average Right: Severe O-- 0% +15
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01 Rare 4 Wild Stinger 270(297) Bel.Avg Average Right: Severe O-- 0% +15
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 8 Burst Stinker 345(379/391/430) Bel.Avg Average Right: Severe O-- 0% +15
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 8 Fatal Stinker 390(429/442/486) Bel.Avg Average Right: Severe O-- 0% +20
IndentIndent01 Rare 2 Ner Bustergun 195(214) Abv.Avg Some Right: Mild --- 15% N/A
IndentIndentIndent02 Rare 3 Ner Bustergun+ 210(231) Abv.Avg Some Right: Mild O-- 25% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent01 Rare 4 Buster Blaster 240(264) Abv.Avg Some Right: Mild OO- 40% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01 Rare 8 Buster Blaster+ 315(346/357/392) Abv.Avg Some Right: Mild OO- 40% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Nightfall Blaster 345(379/391/430) Abv.Avg Some Right: Mild OO- 40% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Vampyr Blaster 390(429/442/486) Abv.Avg Some Right: Mild OO- 40% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 3 Gravios Howl 225(247) Slow Average Right: Severe --- 0% +15
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 5 Gravios Gigahowl 255(280) Slow Average Right: Severe O-- 0% +20
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 6 Gravios Roar 270(297/306/336) Slow Average Right: Severe O-- 0% +25
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 6 Gravios Gigaroar 315(346/357/392) Slow Average Right: Severe O-- 0% +30
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Gravios Gigacannon 480(528/544/598) Slow Average Right: Severe O-- 0% +40
Pressurized Plaser Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 2 Pressurized Plaser 225(247) Abv.Avg Some None --- 5% +10
Indent01 Rare 4 Pressurized Plaser+ 270(297) Abv.Avg Some None O-- 10% +10
IndentIndent01 Rare 5 Pluripotent Plaser 285(313) Abv.Avg Some None O-- 10% +15
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 8 Verdant Washbuckler 360(396/408/448) Abv.Avg Some None O-- 15% +20
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Captain Verde 405(445/459/504) Abv.Avg Some None O-- 15% +25
Mightning Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 3 Mightning 255(280) Average Average None O-- 10% N/A
Indent01 Rare 5 Loyal Thunder 285(313) Average Average None OO- 20% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 9 Oppressor's Wedge 390(429/442/486) Average Average None OO- 20% N/A
IndentIndentIndent02 Rare 9 Orcus Quarcus 420(462/476/523) Average Average None OO- 20% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Brimstren Drakemouth 420(/462/476/523) Abv.Avg Average None OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Stygian Humilitas 450(/495/510/561) Abv.Avg Average None OO- 0% N/A
Tigrex Howl Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 3 Tigrex Howl 270(297) Bel.Avg High Right: Severe --- -10% N/A
Indent01 Rare 4 Tigrex Skull 285(313) Bel.Avg High Right: Severe --- -10% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 5 Accursed Roar 300(330) Bel.Avg High Right: Severe --- -15% N/A
IndentIndentIndent02 Rare 5 Accursed Bellow 330(363) Bel.Avg High Right: Severe O-- -15% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent01 Rare 9 Accursed Bellow+ 465(511/527/579) Bel.Avg High Right: Severe O-- -20% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 6 Gravecannon 315(346/357/392) Average Low None --- 5% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 7 Furious Gravecannon 330(363/374/411) Average Low None --- 10% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Furious Gravecannon+ 405(445/459/504) Average Low None --- 10% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 10 Livid Griscannon 465(511/527/579) Average Low None --- 15% N/A
Dios Cannon Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 4 Dios Cannon 225(247) Average Some None O-- 0% N/A
Indent01 Rare 6 Dios Cannon+ 255(280/289/317) Average Some None O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 6 Demolition Cannon 300(330/340/374) Average Some None O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Haize Demolisher 390(429/442/486) Average Some None O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 10 Lightbreak Cannon 435((?)) Average Some None O-- 0% N/A
Dual Threat Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 4 Dual Threat 285(313) Slow Average Left/Right: Severe --- -25% N/A
Indent01 Rare 6 Diablazooka 330(363/374/411) Slow Average Left/Right: Severe --- -30% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 9 Nero's Blazooka 450(495/510/561) Slow Average Left/Right: Severe --- -30% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Griffon Blazooka 510(561/578/635) Slow Average Left/Right: Severe --- -30% N/A
Peerless Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 4 Peerless 255(280) Bel.Avg Average None --- 15% +30
Indent01 Rare 5 Masterless 270(297) Bel.Avg Average None --- 15% +30
IndentIndent01 Rare 7 Arahabaki 300(330/340/374) Bel.Avg Average None --- 20% +30
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Utsurowazaru 420(462/476/523) Bel.Avg Average None --- 30% +40
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 10 Eigoh 435((?)) Bel.Avg Average None --- 30% +50
Bone Buster Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 4 Bone Buster 225(247) Bel.Avg Average None O-- 10% +10
Indent02 Rare 5 Bone Blaster 255(280) Bel.Avg Average None OO- 15% +20
Indent03Indent02 Rare 8 Bone Blaster+ 330(363/374/411) Bel.Avg Average None OO- 15% +25
Indent03Indent03Indent01 Rare 9 Cartilage Blaster 375(412/425/467) Bel.Avg Average None OO- 20% +30
Indent03Indent01 Rare 8 Crab Buster 345(379/391/430) Bel.Avg Average None OO- 0% +30
Indent03IndentIndent01 Rare 8 Heavy Crab Buster 360(396/408/448) Bel.Avg Average None OO- 0% +40
Indent03IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Violet Punisher 390(429/442/486) Bel.Avg Average None OO- 0% +50
Indent02 Rare 6 Agnablaster 270(297/306/336) Slow Some None O-- 0% +10
Indent03Indent01 Rare 6 Agna Hellblazer 300(330/340/374) Slow Some None O-- 0% +10
Indent03IndentIndent01 Rare 9 Agna Magnum 390(429/442/486) Slow Some None O-- 0% +10
Indent03IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Agna Scorpion 450(495/510/561) Slow Some None O-- 0% +20
Indent01 Rare 5 Bear Barrel 240(264) Average Average None OO- 0% +15
IndentIndent01 Rare 6 Arbearalest 255(280/289/317) Average Average None OOO 0% +20
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 8 Arzuros Ozeki 360(396/408/448) Average Average None OOO 0% +20
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Arzuros Yokozuna 420(462/476/523) Average Average None OOO 0% +30
Tropeco Gun Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 4 Tropeco Gun 255(280) Bel.Avg Some Right: Mild O-- 0% N/A
Indent01 Rare 6 Pecopious Gun 270(297/306/336) Bel.Avg Some Right: Mild OO- 5% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 8 Pecopious Thunder 345(379/391/430) Bel.Avg Some Right: Mild OO- 10% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 8 Precision Pico Peco 390(429/442/486) Bel.Avg Some Right: Mild OO- 10% N/A
Tödlicher Abzug Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 5 Tödlicher Abzug 225(247) Average Average None O-- 20% N/A
Indent01 Rare 7 Le Désastre 300(330/340/374) Average Average None O-- 30% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 9 La Foi 360(396/408/448) Average Average None O-- 30% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 10 Le Déluge 405(445/459/504) Average Average None O-- 30% N/A
Bite Blaster Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 5 Bite Blaster 270(297) Abv.Avg Some None OO- 0% +10
Indent01 Rare 6 Biting Blast 300(330/340/374) Abv.Avg Some None OOO 0% +10
IndentIndent02 Rare 8 Ravager Blast 375((?)) Abv.Avg Some None OOO 0% +20
IndentIndent03Indent01 Rare 9 Yellow Buster 420((?)) Abv.Avg Some None OOO 0% +25
IndentIndent01 Rare 8 Azure Blast 360(396/408/448) Abv.Avg Low None OOO 20% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 9 Azure Buster 405((?)) Abv.Avg Low None OOO 20% N/A
Monodevilcaster Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 5 Monodevilcaster 285(313) Fast Average None --- 0% N/A
Indent01 Rare 6 Monodevilcaster+ 360(396/408/448) Fast Average None --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 9 Monodevilblaster 435(478/493/542) Fast Average None --- 0% N/A
Sayyad Cannon Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 6 Sayyad Cannon 270(297/306/336) Abv.Avg High None O-- 10% N/A
Indent01 Rare 7 Sayyad Cannon+ 315(346/357/392) Abv.Avg High None O-- 10% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 9 Seditious Cannon 390(429/442/486) Abv.Avg High None O-- 10% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 10 Furia Sedition 450(495/510/561) Abv.Avg High None O-- 10% N/A
Daora's Delphinidae Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 6 Daora's Delphinidae 270(297/306/336) Abv.Avg Average Left: Mild O-- 10% N/A
Indent01 Rare 7 Daora Grande 285(313/323/355) Abv.Avg Average Left: Mild O-- 15% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 10 Daora's Ceti 420(462/476/523) Abv.Avg Average Left: Mild O-- 20% N/A
Teostra's Artillery Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 6 Teostra's Artillery 285(313/323/355) Bel.Avg Average Right: Severe --- 5% N/A
Indent01 Rare 7 Teostra's Flames 300(330/340/374) Bel.Avg Average Right: Severe O-- 10% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 10 Teostra's Firestorm 435(478/493/542) Bel.Avg Average Right: Severe O-- 15% N/A
Lunastra's Cannon Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 6 Lunastra's Cannon 270(297/306/336) Average Some None O-- 0% +15
Indent01 Rare 7 Lunastra's Flames 285(313/323/355) Average Some None OO- 0% +15
IndentIndent01 Rare 10 Lunastra's Firestorm 420(462/476/523) Average Some None OO- 0% +25
Caudalbone Crook Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 6 Caudalbone Crook 315(346/357/392) Bel.Avg High None OO- 0% +30
Indent01 Rare 7 The Omnipotent Blast 330(363/374/411) Bel.Avg High None OOO 0% +40
IndentIndent01 Rare 9 Robert the Vortex 435(478/493/542) Bel.Avg High None OOO 0% +45
IndentIndentIndent01 Rare 10 Dalamadur Cannon 465((?)) Bel.Avg High None OOO 0% +50
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Rare 10 Militant Dalamadur 480((?)) Bel.Avg High None OOO 0% +55
Chaos Wing Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 6 Chaos Wing 285(313/323/355) Bel.Avg Average None --- 10% N/A
Indent01 Rare 7 Albadash 315(346/357/392) Bel.Avg Average None --- 10% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 10 Altheos Aetheria 450(495/510/561) Bel.Avg Average None --- 10% N/A
Vor Cannon Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 6 Vor Cannon 345(379/390/429) Slow Average Left: Severe O-- -20% N/A
Indent01 Rare 7 Vor Buster 360(396/407/447) Slow Average Left: Severe O-- -30% N/A
IndentIndent01 Rare 10 Vor Blaster 510((?)) Slow Average Left: Severe OO- -30% N/A
Akantor Cannon Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 7 Akantor Cannon 285(313/323/355) Bel.Avg Average Left: Mild --- 40% N/A
Indent01 Rare 10 Akantor Skysounder 420(462/476/523) Bel.Avg Average Left: Mild --- 40% N/A
Ukanlos Cannon Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 7 Ukanlos Cannon 390(429/442/486) Bel.Avg Some Left/Right: Mild O-- -30% +20
Indent01 Rare 9 Ukanlos Skyblaster 525(577/595/654) Bel.Avg Some Left/Right: Mild O-- -30% +20
Verrat/Foi Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 9 Verrat/Foi 465(511/527/579) Bel.Avg Some Right: Severe OO- -30/20% N/A
Kamaeleon Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 10 Kamaeleon 435(478/493/542) Abv.Avg Average Left/Right: Mild OO- 0% +30
Eldaora's Delphinidae Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 10 Eldaora's Delphinidae 540((?)) Average Average None --- -50% N/A
Trembling Lordship Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 10 Trembling Lordship 465(511/527/579) Average Average None O-- -15% N/A
Destiny's Arm Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 10 Destiny's Arm 480(528/544/598) Abv.Avg Average None OO- -15% N/A
Fatalis Enslaver Path
Weapon Name Attack Reload Spd Recoil Steadiness Slots Affinity DEF
Rare 10 Fatalis Enslaver 480(528/544/598) Average Average Right: Severe O-- 0% +20