Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki
Great Sword Icon White Long Sword Icon White Sword and Shield Icon White Dual Blades Icon White Hammer Icon White Hunting Horn Icon White Lance Icon White Gunlance Icon White
GS LS SnS DB Hammer HH Lance GL
Switch Axe Icon White Charge Blade Icon White Insect Glaive Icon White MH4-Kinsect Cutting Icon White MH4-Kinsect Blunt Icon White Light Bowgun Icon White Heavy Bowgun Icon White Bow Icon White
SA CB IG Kinsect LBG HBG Bow
Element and Status Effect Legend:
Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon Fire Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon Water Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon Thunder Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon Ice Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon Dragon
Paralysis Paralysis Poison Poison Sleep Sleep Blastblight Blastblight

Rarity Legend:
Rare 1 Rare 1 Rare 2 Rare 2 Rare 3 Rare 3 Rare 4 Rare 4 Rare 5 Rare 5
Bow Icon Blue Rare 6 Rare 7 Rare 7 Rare 8 Rare 8 Rare 9 Rare 9 Rare 10 Rare 10

Charge Level Legend:
P1 = Pierce L1 P2 = Pierce L2 P3 = Pierce L3 P4 = Pierce L4 P5 = Pierce L5
R1 = Rapid L1 R2 = Rapid L2 R3 = Rapid L3 R4 = Rapid L4 R5 = Rapid L5
S1 = Spread L1 S2 = Spread L2 S3 = Spread L3 S4 = Spread L4 S5 = Spread L5
H1 = Heavy L1 H2 = Heavy L2 H3 = Heavy L3 H4 = Heavy L4 H5 = Heavy L5

Coating Legend:
Power Coating/ 強撃ビン Power Coating Element Coating / 属撃ビン Element Coating C C.Range Coating Poison Coating / 毒ビン Poison Coating Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Para Coating
Sleep Coating / 睡眠ビン Sleep Coating Exhaust Coating / 減気ビン Exhaust Coating Blast Coating / 爆破ビン Blast Coating Paint Coating / ペイントビン Paint Coating


  • Weapon Names in bold are the final upgrade(s) to that Weapon's path.
  • Weapon Names in italics can be crafted from the Forge Weapons menu.
  • Charge Levels highlighted with this color require the "Load Up" skill to unlock and use the Level.
  • Click on the Weapon's Name for more detailed information about the Weapon, including Coating Information, Creation / Upgrade Materials, Costs, and Japanese Name Equivalents.

Petrified Tree
Weapon Name ATK Special Coat Boost Arc
Charge Level Slots AFF DEF
1 2 3 4
Rare 1 Petrified Bow (Lv 1) 70 N/A N/A Focus R1 R1 R2 S2 --- 0% N/A
Indent01Rare 1 Petrified Bow (Lv 2) 80 N/A N/A Focus R1 R1 R2 S2 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent02Rare 1 Petrified Bow (Lv 3) 90 N/A N/A Focus R2 R1 R2 S2 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01Rare 1 Petrified Bow (Lv 4) 110 N/A N/A Focus R2 R2 R2 S2 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 1 Petrified Bow (Lv 5) 120 N/A N/A Focus R2 R2 R2 S2 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent02Rare 1 Petrified Bow (Lv 6) 160 N/A N/A Focus R2 R3 R3 S3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 1 Petrified Bow (Lv 7) 180 N/A N/A Focus R2 R3 R3 S3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 1 Scholarly Bow (Lv 1) 200 N/A N/A Focus R2 R3 R3 S4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Scholarly Bow (Lv 2) 230 N/A N/A Focus R2 R3 R4 S4 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Scholarly Bow (Lv 3) 290 N/A N/A Focus R2 R3 R4 S4 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Sophos Bow 320 N/A N/A Focus R3 R3 R4 S4 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent02Rare 3 Obsidian Bow (Lv 1) 140 N/A N/A Focus S2 S3 S3 R4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 3 Obsidian Bow (Lv 2) 190 N/A N/A Focus S2 S3 S3 R4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Obsidian Bow (Lv 3) 200 N/A N/A Focus S2 S3 S3 R4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Obsidian Bow (Lv 4) 210 N/A N/A Focus S2 S3 S3 R4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Ediacca Bow (Lv 1) 220 N/A N/A Focus S2 S3 S3 R4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Ediacca Bow (Lv 2) 260 N/A N/A Focus S3 S3 S4 R4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Ethereal Ediacca 320 N/A N/A Focus S3 S3 S4 R4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Usurper's Rumble (Lv 1) 130 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon14 N/A Wide R2 R3 P3 R4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Usurper's Rumble (Lv 2) 150 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon16 N/A Wide R2 R3 P3 R4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Usurper's Rumble (Lv 3) 180 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon18 N/A Wide R2 R3 P4 R4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Despot's Earlybolt (Lv 1) 200 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon20 N/A Wide R2 R3 P4 R4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 3 Despot's Earlybolt (Lv 2) 260 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon22 N/A Wide R3 R3 P4 R4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 3 Despot's Earlybolt (Lv 3) 280 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon23 N/A Wide R3 R3 P4 R4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Oppressor's Answer 300 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon24 N/A Wide R3 R3 P4 R4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 9 Despot's Shock 300 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon19 N/A Wide H3 R3 R4 P5 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 9 Oppressor's Providence 310 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon20 N/A Wide H4 R4 R4 P5 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 9 Orcus Sagittus 320 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon21 N/A Wide H4 R4 R4 P5 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent02Rare 1 Arko Nulo (Y) (Lv 1) 90 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon10 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S1 S2 P2 P3 --- 5% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent02Rare 1 Arko Nulo (Y) (Lv 2) 110 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon12 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S2 S2 P2 P3 --- 5% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Rare 1 Arko Nulo (Y) (Lv 3) 130 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon13 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S2 S3 P2 P3 --- 5% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 1 Arko Nulo (Y) (Lv 4) 150 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon25 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S2 S3 P3 P4 --- 10% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Arko Unu (Y) (Lv 1) 170 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon28 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S2 S3 P3 P4 --- 10% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Arko Unu (Y) (Lv 2) 210 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon30 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S2 S3 P4 P4 OO- 10% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Arko Unu (Y) (Lv 3) 240 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon32 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S2 S3 P4 P4 OOO 10% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Arko Du (Y) 260 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon34 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S2 S3 P4 P4 OOO 10% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01Rare 1 Arko Nulo (W) (Lv 1) 100 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon10 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S1 S2 P2 R3 --- 5% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 1 Arko Nulo (W) (Lv 2) 120 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon13 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S2 S2 P2 R3 --- 5% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Arko Nulo (W) (Lv 3) 140 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon15 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S2 S3 P3 R3 --- 5% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Arko Nulo (W) (Lv 4) 160 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon28 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S2 S3 P3 R4 --- 10% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Arko Unu (W) (Lv 1) 170 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon31 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S2 S3 P3 R4 --- 10% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Arko Unu (W) (Lv 2) 200 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon32 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S2 S3 P3 R4 OO- 10% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Arko Unu (W) (Lv 3) 220 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon32 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S2 S3 P3 R4 OOO 10% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Arko Du (W) 240 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon33 Para Coating / 麻痺ビン Focus S2 S3 P3 R4 OOO 10% N/A
IndentIndent02Rare 1 Plume Bow (Lv 1) 90 N/A N/A Blast S1 R2 P3 P3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent02Rare 1 Plume Bow (Lv 2) 100 N/A N/A Blast S2 R2 P3 P3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent02Rare 1 Plume Bow (Lv 3) 120 N/A N/A Blast S2 R3 P3 P3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent01Rare 1 Plume Bow (Lv 4) 150 N/A N/A Blast S2 R3 P4 P3 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent02Rare 1 Plume Bow (Lv 5) 180 N/A N/A Blast S2 R3 P4 P4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent01Rare 1 Grand Plume Bow (Lv 1) 190 N/A N/A Blast S2 R3 P4 P4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 1 Grand Plume Bow (Lv 2) 220 N/A N/A Blast S2 R3 P4 P5 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Grand Plume Bow (Lv 3) 270 N/A N/A Blast S2 R3 P4 P5 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Archfeather Bow 320 N/A N/A Blast S2 R3 P4 P5 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 5 Ice Crest 170 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon12 N/A Wide R2 P2 S3 P3 O-- 20% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Edelweiss (Lv 1) 190 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon14 N/A Wide R2 P3 S3 P3 O-- 20% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Edelweiss (Lv 2) 240 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon16 N/A Wide R3 P3 S3 P3 O-- 30% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Edelweiss (Lv 3) 260 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon18 N/A Wide R3 P3 S3 P3 O-- 30% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Amber Arc Valanga 270 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon20 N/A Wide R3 P3 S3 P3 O-- 30% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Rare 2 Hidden Bow (Lv 1) 120 N/A N/A Wide R2 P1 P2 P3 --- 25% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 2 Hidden Bow (Lv 2) 140 N/A N/A Wide R3 P1 P2 P3 --- 30% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Hidden Bow (Lv 3) 160 N/A N/A Wide R3 P2 P3 P3 --- 35% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Night Flight (Lv 1) 190 N/A N/A Wide R3 P2 P3 P4 --- 40% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Night Flight (Lv 2) 250 N/A N/A Wide R3 P3 P4 P4 OO- 40% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Night Flight (Lv 3) 280 N/A N/A Wide R3 P4 P4 P4 OO- 40% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Avidya Bow 310 N/A N/A Wide R3 P4 P5 P4 OO- 40% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01Rare 2 Daimyo's Warbow (Lv 1) 110 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon15 N/A Wide P1 P2 S2 S3 --- 0% +10
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 2 Daimyo's Warbow (Lv 2) 130 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon17 N/A Wide P2 P2 S2 S3 --- 0% +10
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Daimyo's Warbow (Lv 3) 150 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon19 N/A Wide P3 P2 S2 S3 --- 0% +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 2 Daimyo's Warbow (Lv 4) 180 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon21 N/A Wide P3 P3 S3 S3 --- 0% +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 2 Chelae Warbow (Lv 1) 190 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon23 N/A Wide P3 P3 S3 S4 --- 0% +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 2 Chelae Warbow (Lv 2) 210 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon24 N/A Wide P2 P4 S4 S4 O-- 0% +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Chelae Warbow (Lv 3) 240 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon25 N/A Wide P2 P4 S4 S4 O-- 0% +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Kingpincer Warbow 260 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon26 N/A Wide P2 P4 S4 S4 O-- 0% +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Bear Blade Bow (Lv 1) 160 N/A N/A Wide H2 H2 P3 P3 --- 0% +10
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Bear Blade Bow (Lv 2) 170 N/A N/A Wide H2 H3 P3 P3 --- 0% +15
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Bear Blade Bow (Lv 3) 180 N/A N/A Wide H2 H3 P3 P4 --- 0% +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Showroom Model (Lv 1) 190 N/A N/A Wide H2 H3 P3 P4 --- 0% +25
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Showroom Model (Lv 2) 270 N/A N/A Wide H3 H3 P4 P4 O-- 0% +30
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Ursa Major 340 N/A N/A Wide H3 H4 P5 P4 O-- 0% +35
IndentIndent01Rare 2 Sonic Bow (Lv 1) 100 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon10 N/A Focus R1 P2 R3 S3 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Sonic Bow (Lv 2) 110 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon17 N/A Focus R2 P2 R3 S3 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Sonic Bow (Lv 3) 130 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon19 N/A Focus R2 P3 R3 S3 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 2 Sonic Bow (Lv 4) 160 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon21 N/A Focus R2 P3 R4 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 2 Sonic Resonator (Lv 1) 180 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon23 N/A Focus R2 P3 R4 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 2 Sonic Resonator (Lv 2) 210 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon25 N/A Focus R3 P3 R4 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Sonic Resonator (Lv 3) 240 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon27 N/A Focus R3 P3 R4 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Ultrasonic 270 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon33 N/A Focus R3 P3 R4 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Heat Haze (Lv 1) 170 N/A N/A Blast P1 P2 R3 H3 --- -15% +5
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 4 Heat Haze (Lv 2) 210 N/A N/A Blast P2 P2 R3 H3 --- -15% +5
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 4 Hulking Haze (Lv 1) 220 N/A N/A Blast P2 P2 R3 H4 --- -15% +10
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 4 Hulking Haze (Lv 2) 250 N/A N/A Blast P2 P3 R3 H4 --- -15% +15
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Caraphaze 340 N/A N/A Blast P2 P3 R3 H5 --- -15% +15
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Feminine Haze (Lv 1) 190 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon10 N/A Focus H2 H2 R3 S4 --- 0% +10
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Feminine Haze (Lv 2) 200 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon12 N/A Focus H2 H2 R3 S4 --- 0% +10
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Feminine Haze (Lv 3) 210 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon14 N/A Focus H2 H3 R3 S4 --- 0% +15
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Formidable Haze (Lv 1) 220 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon16 N/A Focus H2 H3 R3 S4 --- 0% +15
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Formidable Haze (Lv 2) 280 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon17 N/A Focus H3 H3 R4 S4 O-- 0% +15
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Formidable Haze (Lv 3) 310 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon18 N/A Focus H3 H3 R4 S4 O-- 0% +15
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Absolute Deviance 330 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon18 N/A Focus H3 H3 R4 S4 O-- 0% +15
Bone Tree
Rare 1 Hunter's Bow (Lv 1) 60 N/A N/A Wide S1 R1 S2 S2 OO- 0% N/A
Indent01Rare 1 Hunter's Bow (Lv 2) 70 N/A N/A Wide S2 R1 S2 S2 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent02Rare 1 Hunter's Bow (Lv 3) 80 N/A N/A Wide S2 R2 S2 S2 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent02Rare 1 Hunter's Bow (Lv 4) 90 N/A N/A Wide S2 R2 S3 S2 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Rare 1 Hunter's Bow (Lv 5) 110 N/A N/A Wide S2 R2 S3 S3 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent02Rare 1 Hunter's Bow (Lv 6) 150 N/A N/A Wide S2 R3 S3 S4 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent02Rare 1 Hunter's Bow (Lv 7) 170 N/A N/A Wide S2 R3 S3 S4 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Rare 1 Master Hunter's Bow (Lv 1) 180 N/A N/A Wide S2 R3 S4 S4 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 1 Master Hunter's Bow (Lv 2) 210 N/A N/A Wide S2 R4 S4 S4 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Master Hunter's Bow (Lv 3) 240 N/A N/A Wide S2 R4 S4 S4 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Sharpshooter 300 N/A N/A Wide S2 R4 S5 S4 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent01Rare 6 Diablos Coilbender 250 N/A N/A Focus P1 H1 P3 P3 O-- -20% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 6 Tyrant Bow (Lv 1) 270 N/A N/A Focus P1 H2 P3 P3 O-- -20% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 Tyrant Bow (Lv 2) 330 N/A N/A Focus P2 H2 P4 P4 O-- -20% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 Tyrant Bow (Lv 3) 360 N/A N/A Focus P2 H2 P4 P4 O-- -20% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 The Terrible 390 N/A N/A Focus P2 H2 P4 P4 O-- -20% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 4 Kelbi Stingshot (Lv 1) 150 N/A N/A Blast S2 H2 R3 R4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Kelbi Stingshot (Lv 2) 180 N/A N/A Blast S2 H2 R3 R4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Kelbi Strongshot (Lv 1) 190 N/A N/A Blast S2 H3 R3 R4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Kelbi Strongshot (Lv 2) 220 N/A N/A Blast S2 H4 R4 R4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Kelbi Strongshot (Lv 3) 250 N/A N/A Blast S2 H4 R4 R4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Great Kelbi Deershot 310 N/A N/A Blast S2 H4 R4 R4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01Rare 2 Kut-Ku Stave (Lv 1) 90 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon12 N/A Wide S1 R2 S2 P3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 2 Kut-Ku Stave (Lv 2) 120 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon14 N/A Wide S2 R2 S2 P3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent02Rare 2 Kut-Ku Stave (Lv 3) 160 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon16 N/A Wide S2 R3 S2 P3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 2 Kut-Ku Stave (Lv 4) 190 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon18 N/A Wide S2 R3 S3 P3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 2 Strange Kut-Ku Stave (Lv 1) 200 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon20 N/A Wide S2 R3 S3 P4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Strange Kut-Ku Stave (Lv 2) 230 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon22 N/A Wide S2 R3 S3 P4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Strange Kut-Ku Stave (Lv 3) 250 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon24 N/A Wide S2 R3 S3 P4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Great Kut-Ku Stave 270 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon25 N/A Wide S2 R3 S3 P4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Crow Bow (Lv 1) 150 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Blast R2 R2 R3 H4 --- 10% +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Crow Bow (Lv 2) 180 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Blast R3 R3 R3 H4 --- 15% +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 3 Wolf Bow (Lv 1) 200 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Blast R3 R3 R4 H4 --- 20% +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 3 Wolf Bow (Lv 2) 290 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Blast R3 R3 R5 H4 O-- 20% +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Jinx Bow 320 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Blast R3 R3 R5 H4 O-- 20% +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 Vile Bow (Lv 1) 180 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Wide R3 R3 R3 S4 O-- 20% +30
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 Vile Bow (Lv 2) 190 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Wide R4 R4 R3 S4 O-- 25% +30
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 Garuga Greatbow (Lv 1) 200 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Wide R4 R4 R4 S5 OO- 30% +30
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 Garuga Greatbow (Lv 2) 290 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Wide R4 R4 R4 S5 OO- 30% +30
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 Garuga Ghoulbow 310 N/A Poison Coating / 毒ビン Wide R4 R4 R4 S5 OO- 30% +30
IndentIndent01Rare 1 Blango Fur Bow (Lv 1) 80 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon15 N/A Focus R1 P1 R2 S2 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent02Rare 1 Blango Fur Bow (Lv 2) 100 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon18 N/A Focus R2 P1 R2 S2 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 1 Blango Fur Bow (Lv 3) 130 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon21 N/A Focus R2 P2 R3 S3 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent02Rare 1 Blango Fur Bow (Lv 4) 160 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon24 N/A Focus R2 P3 R3 S3 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent03Indent01Rare 1 Scarfskin Bow (Lv 1) 180 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon27 N/A Focus R2 P3 R4 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 1 Scarfskin Bow (Lv 2) 210 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon30 N/A Focus R2 P3 R4 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Fullpelt Bow 260 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon32 N/A Focus R2 P3 R4 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent02Rare 5 Abominable Bow (Lv 1) 180 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon8 N/A Focus R2 P2 H3 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent03Indent01Rare 5 Abominable Bow (Lv 2) 190 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon9 N/A Focus R2 P2 H3 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 5 Abominable Bow (Lv 3) 210 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon10 N/A Focus R2 P3 H3 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Yeti Strongbow (Lv 1) 220 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon11 N/A Focus R2 P3 H4 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Yeti Strongbow (Lv 2) 260 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon12 N/A Focus R3 P3 H5 S4 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Yeti Strongbow (Lv 3) 310 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon12 N/A Focus R3 P3 H5 S4 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Snowdrift 330 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon12 N/A Focus R3 P4 H5 S4 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 4 Wild Bow (Lv 1) 150 N/A N/A Focus R1 R1 S2 P3 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent02Rare 4 Wild Bow (Lv 2) 170 N/A N/A Focus R1 R1 S2 P3 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 4 Wildwood Falde (Lv 1) 210 N/A N/A Focus R1 R2 S3 P3 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 4 Wildwood Falde (Lv 2) 240 N/A N/A Focus R2 R3 S3 P4 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Wildwood Falderol 330 N/A N/A Focus R2 R3 S3 P4 OOO 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Savage Wildbow (Lv 1) 170 N/A N/A Focus R1 R2 S3 P4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Savage Wildbow (Lv 2) 200 N/A N/A Focus R1 R2 S3 P4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Wildwood Kalifa (Lv 1) 230 N/A N/A Focus R2 R2 S3 P4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Wildwood Kalifa (Lv 2) 260 N/A N/A Focus R2 R2 S4 P4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Wildwood Kalifa (Lv 3) 320 N/A N/A Focus R2 R2 S4 P4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Wildwood Kalifabra 350 N/A N/A Focus R3 R3 S4 P4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Spongia Bow (Lv 1) 100 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon10 N/A Focus S1 P1 P2 P3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 2 Spongia Bow (Lv 2) 120 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon12 N/A Focus S2 P1 P2 P3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 2 Spongia Bow (Lv 3) 150 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon14 N/A Focus S2 P2 P3 P3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 2 Spongia Bow (Lv 4) 190 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon16 N/A Focus S2 P3 P3 P3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Porifera Bow (Lv 1) 200 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon18 N/A Focus S2 P3 P3 P4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Porifera Bow (Lv 2) 230 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon20 N/A Focus S2 P3 P4 P4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Porifera Bow (Lv 3) 260 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon22 N/A Focus S2 P3 P4 P4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Drothdymion 300 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon24 N/A Focus S2 P3 P4 P4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Voltsender (Lv 1) 130 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon7 N/A Blast P1 S2 S2 S4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Voltsender (Lv 2) 160 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon9 N/A Blast P1 S2 S2 S4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Voltsender (Lv 3) 190 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon11 N/A Blast P1 S3 S2 S4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 High Voltsender (Lv 1) 200 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon12 N/A Blast P1 S3 S3 S5 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 High Voltsender (Lv 2) 260 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon12 N/A Blast P2 S3 S4 S5 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 High Voltsender (Lv 3) 270 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon13 N/A Blast P2 S3 S4 S5 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Max Voltsender 290 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon14 N/A Blast P2 S3 S4 S5 O-- 0% N/A
Iron Tree
Rare 1 Hunter's Stoutbow (Lv 1) 90 N/A N/A Blast R1 P1 H2 S2 --- 0% N/A
Indent01Rare 1 Hunter's Stoutbow (Lv 2) 100 N/A N/A Blast R1 P1 H2 S2 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent02Rare 1 Hunter's Stoutbow (Lv 3) 110 N/A N/A Blast R2 P2 H2 S2 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent02Rare 1 Hunter's Stoutbow (Lv 4) 120 N/A N/A Blast R2 P2 H2 S3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent02Rare 1 Hunter's Stoutbow (Lv 5) 140 N/A N/A Blast R2 P2 H3 S3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent02Rare 1 Hunter's Stoutbow (Lv 6) 160 N/A N/A Blast R2 P3 H3 S3 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent03Indent01Rare 1 Hunter's Stoutbow (Lv 7) 200 N/A N/A Blast R2 P3 H3 S4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 1 Hunter's Proudbow (Lv 1) 220 N/A N/A Blast R2 P3 H3 S4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Hunter's Proudbow (Lv 2) 250 N/A N/A Blast R2 P3 H4 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Hunter's Proudbow (Lv 3) 280 N/A N/A Blast R2 P4 H4 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Hunter's Bravebow 280 N/A N/A Blast R3 P4 H4 S4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent01Rare 3 Yekla Arc (Lv 1) 150 N/A N/A Blast R2 H2 H3 P4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent02Rare 3 Yekla Arc (Lv 2) 200 N/A N/A Blast R2 H3 H3 P4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent02Rare 3 Herald's Battlebow (Lv 1) 220 N/A N/A Blast R2 H3 H3 P4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Rare 3 Herald's Battlebow (Lv 2) 250 N/A N/A Blast R2 H3 H4 P4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Herald's Battlebow (Lv 3) 320 N/A N/A Blast R2 H4 H4 P4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Harbinger's Battlebow 350 N/A N/A Blast R2 H5 H5 P4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent01Rare 4 Scylla Fist (Lv 1) 180 N/A Sleep Coating / 睡眠ビン Focus P2 R3 R3 S4 OO- 20% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 4 Scylla Fist (Lv 2) 190 N/A Sleep Coating / 睡眠ビン Focus P2 R3 R3 S4 OO- 20% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Nershock (Lv 1) 200 N/A Sleep Coating / 睡眠ビン Focus P2 R3 R4 S4 OO- 30% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 4 Nershock (Lv 2) 260 N/A Sleep Coating / 睡眠ビン Focus P2 R3 R4 S4 OO- 40% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 4 Nershock (Lv 3) 290 N/A Sleep Coating / 睡眠ビン Focus P2 R4 R4 S4 OO- 40% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 4 Shadow Nerscope 310 N/A Sleep Coating / 睡眠ビン Focus P2 R5 R4 S4 OO- 40% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 8 Scylla Weave 300 N/A Sleep Coating / 睡眠ビン Focus P3 R4 R5 S3 O-- 30% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 8 Scylla Shredder 310 N/A Sleep Coating / 睡眠ビン Focus P3 R4 R5 S3 O-- 30% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 8 Scylla Webdart 320 N/A Sleep Coating / 睡眠ビン Focus P3 R5 R5 S3 O-- 30% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 4 Demon Helm Bow (Lv 1) 160 N/A N/A Blast S2 S2 H3 H4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Demon Helm Bow (Lv 2) 200 N/A N/A Blast S2 S3 H3 H4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Archfiend's Roar (Lv 1) 210 N/A N/A Blast S2 S3 H3 H4 --- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Archfiend's Roar (Lv 2) 240 N/A N/A Blast S3 S3 H4 H4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Archfiend's Roar (Lv 3) 270 N/A N/A Blast S3 S3 H5 H4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Gehenna's Roar 330 N/A N/A Blast S3 S3 H5 H4 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Rare 3 Prominence Bow (Lv 1) 130 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon10 N/A Focus R1 S1 P3 P3 O-- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Prominence Bow (Lv 2) 150 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon12 N/A Focus R3 S2 P3 P3 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Prominence Bow (Lv 3) 200 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon14 N/A Focus R3 S2 P4 P3 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Dark Filament (Lv 1) 210 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon16 N/A Focus R3 S2 P4 P4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Dark Filament (Lv 2) 260 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon18 N/A Focus R3 S3 P4 P4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Dark Filament (Lv 3) 280 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon20 N/A Focus R3 S3 P4 P4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Rubescent Saule 300 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon22 N/A Focus R3 S3 P4 P4 OO- 0% N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01Rare 2 Queen Blaster (Lv 1) 140 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon8 Poison Coating / 毒ビン Focus P2 P2 S3 R3 O-- 0% N/A