Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki
Great Sword Icon White Long Sword Icon White Sword and Shield Icon White Dual Blades Icon White Hammer Icon White Hunting Horn Icon White Lance Icon White Gunlance Icon White
GS LS SnS DB Hammer HH Lance GL
Switch Axe Icon White Charge Blade Icon White Insect Glaive Icon White MH4-Kinsect Cutting Icon White MH4-Kinsect Blunt Icon White Light Bowgun Icon White Heavy Bowgun Icon White Bow Icon White
SA CB IG Kinsect LBG HBG Bow
Element and Status Effect Legend:
Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon Fire Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon Water Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon Thunder Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon Ice Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon Dragon
Paralysis Paralysis Poison Poison Sleep Sleep Blastblight Blastblight

Rarity Legend:
Rare 1 Rare 1 Rare 2 Rare 2 Rare 3 Rare 3 Rare 4 Rare 4 Rare 5 Rare 5
Charge Blade Icon Blue Rare 6 Rare 7 Rare 7 Rare 8 Rare 8 Rare 9 Rare 9 Rare 10 Rare 10


  • Weapon Names in bold are the final upgrade(s) to that Weapon's path.
  • Weapon Names in italics can be crafted from the Forge Weapons menu.
  • Click on the Weapon's Name for more detailed information about the Weapon, including Creation / Upgrade Materials, Costs, and Japanese Name Equivalents.
  • Sharpness:
    • RD = Red, OR = Orange, YL = Yellow, GR = Green, BL = Blue, WT = White, PR = Purple
    • If only one Sharpness level is listed, that means the Sharpness Gauge is maxed out and the Handicraft Skill will not have any effect.
Petrified Tree
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Phial DEF
Rare 1 Petrified Strongarm (Lv 1) 60 N/A YL/YL/YL --- 0% Impact N/A
Indent01Rare 1 Petrified Strongarm (Lv 2) 80 N/A YL/YL/YL --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentRare 1 Petrified Strongarm (Lv3) 90 N/A YL/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent02Rare 1 Petrified Strongarm (Lv 4) 100 N/A GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent02Rare 1 Petrified Strongarm (Lv 5) 110 N/A GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent02Rare 1 Petrified Strongarm (Lv 6) 130 N/A GR/BL/BL O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent02Rare 1 Petrified Strongarm (Lv 7) 160 N/A BL/BL/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent03Indent01Rare 1 Scholarly Strongarm (Lv 1) 200 N/A BL/BL/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 1 Scholarly Strongarm (Lv 2) 230 N/A BL/BL/WT OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Scholarly Strongarm (Lv 3) 280 N/A WT/WT/WT OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Charge Blade Icon White Sophos Strongarm 320 N/A WT/WT/WT OOO 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent01Rare 5 Lava's Veil (Lv 1) 170 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon12 BL/BL/BL O-- -10% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 5 Lava's Veil (Lv 2) 200 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon14 BL/BL/BL O-- -10% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Crater Blade (Lv 1) 230 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon16 BL/BL/WT OO- -10% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Crater Blade (Lv 2) 280 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon18 WT/WT/WT OO- -10% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Volclatero Axe 340 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon20 WT/WT/PR OO- -10% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent02Rare 3 Obsidian Strongarm (Lv 1) 140 N/A GR/BL/BL --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent01Rare 3 Obsidian Strongarm (Lv 2) 150 N/A BL/BL/WT --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Obsidian Strongarm (Lv 3) 160 N/A BL/BL/WT --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Obsidian Strongarm (Lv 4) 180 N/A BL/BL/WT --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Obsidian Strongarm (Lv 5) 200 N/A BL/WT/WT --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Relic Blade (Lv 1) 220 N/A BL/WT/WT --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Relic Blade (Lv 2) 280 N/A WT/WT/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Ethereal Statera 330 N/A WT/PR/PR OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Rare 3 Dios Strongarm (Lv 1) 130 Blastblight16 GR/GR/GR O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Dios Strongarm (Lv 2) 140 Blastblight17 GR/GR/BL O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Dios Strongarm (Lv 3) 160 Blastblight18 GR/BL/BL O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 3 Dios Strongarm (Lv 4) 180 Blastblight18 BL/WT/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 3 Volatile Blade (Lv 1) 200 Blastblight20 BL/WT/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Volatile Blade (Lv 2) 290 Blastblight22 BL/WT/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Explosive Blade 330 Blastblight24 BL/WT/PR O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 Demolition Blade (Lv 1) 150 Blastblight22 BL/BL/BL OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 Demolition Blade (Lv 2) 160 Blastblight24 BL/BL/WT OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 Fulgent Demolisher (Lv 1) 180 Blastblight26 BL/BL/WT OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 6 Fulgent Demolisher (Lv 2) 260 Blastblight27 WT/WT/WT OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 6 Fulgent Demolisher (Lv 3) 280 Blastblight28 WT/WT/PR OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 6 Fulgent Annihilator 310 Blastblight30 WT/PR/PR OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 10 Lightbreak C. Blade 260 Blastblight34 WT/WT/WT OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 10 Lightbreak Vent 280 Blastblight37 WT/WT/PR OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 10 Lightbreak Unleasher 300 Blastblight40 WT/PR/PR OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 2 Type 31 Wyvernslayer (Lv 1) 90 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon10 GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact +10
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 2 Type 31 Wyvernslayer (Lv 2) 100 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon14 GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact +12
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Type 31 Wyvernslayer (Lv 3) 120 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon16 GR/BL/BL --- 0% Impact +14
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Type 31 Wyvernslayer (Lv 4) 140 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon17 BL/BL/BL --- 0% Impact +15
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Type 31 Wyvernslayer (Lv 5) 190 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon18 BL/BL/BL --- 0% Impact +16
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Reactive Border (Lv 1) 220 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon20 BL/WT/WT --- 0% Impact +18
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Reactive Border (Lv 2) 270 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon22 WT/WT/WT --- 0% Impact +22
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Composite Border 330 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon24 WT/PR/PR --- 0% Impact +25
IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Poison Blade (Lv 1) 90 Poison12 GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Poison Blade (Lv 2) 100 Poison16 GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Poison Blade (Lv 3) 120 Poison20 GR/GR/BL O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Poison Blade (Lv 4) 140 Poison24 BL/BL/BL O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Poison Blade (Lv 5) 160 Poison26 BL/BL/BL O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Venom's Kiss (Lv 1) 190 Poison28 BL/BL/WT OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Venom's Kiss (Lv 2) 210 Poison30 BL/WT/WT OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Venom's Kiss (Lv 3) 240 Poison32 WT/WT/WT OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Hell Venom Blade 300 Poison35 WT/WT/PR OO- 0% Impact N/A
Iron Tree
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Phial DEF
Rare 1 Elite Blade (Lv 1) 70 N/A YL/YL/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
Indent01Rare 1 Elite Blade (Lv 2) 80 N/A GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent02Rare 1 Elite Blade (Lv 3) 100 N/A GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent02Rare 1 Elite Blade (Lv 4) 120 N/A GR/GR/BL --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Rare 1 Elite Blade (Lv 5) 130 N/A GR/GR/BL --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 1 Elite Blade (Lv 6) 150 N/A GR/GR/BL --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent02Rare 1 Elite Blade (Lv 7) 180 N/A GR/BL/BL --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 1 Kaiser Blade (Lv 1) 230 N/A GR/BL/BL --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 1 Kaiser Blade (Lv 2) 250 N/A BL/WT/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Kaiser Blade (Lv 3) 310 N/A BL/WT/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Kaiser Kommandant 340 N/A WT/WT/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Guardsqual (Lv 1) 160 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon25 GR/BL/BL O-- -20% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Guardsqual (Lv 2) 170 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon27 GR/BL/BL O-- -20% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 4 Guardsqual (Lv 3) 190 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon30 BL/BL/WT O-- -20% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 4 Squaliarma (Lv 1) 220 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon32 BL/WT/WT O-- -15% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 4 Squaliarma (Lv 2) 280 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon34 BL/WT/WT O-- -15% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Squaliarmada 340 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon37 BL/WT/WT O-- -15% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Serrated Glace (Lv 1) 170 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon34 BL/BL/WT OO- -10% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Serrated Glace (Lv 2) 180 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon35 BL/BL/WT OO- -10% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Trios Tristesse (Lv 1) 200 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon36 BL/BL/WT OO- -10% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Trios Tristesse (Lv 2) 260 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon39 WT/WT/WT OOO -10% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Tristesse Durera 290 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon42 WT/PR/PR OOO -10% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent02Rare 2 Blackguard (Lv 1) 100 N/A GR/GR/GR O-- 0% Impact +10
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Rare 2 Blackguard (Lv 2) 120 N/A GR/GR/BL O-- 0% Impact +12
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent02Rare 2 Blackguard (Lv 3) 130 N/A GR/BL/BL O-- 0% Impact +14
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent02Rare 2 Blackguard (Lv 4) 140 N/A BL/BL/WT OO- 0% Impact +16
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Rare 2 Blackguard (Lv 5) 160 N/A BL/BL/WT OO- 0% Impact +18
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 2 Full Blackguard (Lv 1) 200 N/A BL/WT/WT OOO 0% Impact +20
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Full Blackguard (Lv 2) 250 N/A BL/WT/PR OOO 0% Impact +25
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Schwarzschild 310 N/A WT/PR/PR OOO 0% Impact +25
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03Indent01Rare 4 Sentinel Blade (Lv 1) 130 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon24 GR/BL/BL O-- 5% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 4 Sentinel Blade (Lv 2) 150 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon26 GR/BL/BL O-- 5% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent02Rare 4 Sentinel Blade (Lv 3) 180 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon28 GR/BL/WT O-- 5% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 4 Noblest of Lieges (Lv 1) 210 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon30 BL/WT/WT O-- 5% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 4 Noblest of Lieges (Lv 2) 260 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon32 BL/WT/WT O-- 10% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Noblest of Victories 310 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon34 WT/PR/PR O-- 10% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 K. Captain's Blade (Lv 1) 150 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon34 BL/BL/BL OO- 15% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 K. Captain's Blade (Lv 2) 160 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon35 BL/BL/WT OO- 15% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Die Walküre (Lv 1) 180 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon37 BL/BL/WT OO- 15% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Die Walküre (Lv 2) 260 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon39 WT/WT/WT OO- 15% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 5 Tristan and Isolde 280 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon40 Purple OOO 15% Element N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Tigrex Divide (Lv 1) 140 N/A BL/BL/BL --- -25% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Tigrex Divide (Lv 2) 180 N/A BL/BL/BL --- -20% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Tigrex Divide (Lv 3) 200 N/A BL/BL/WT O-- -20% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Tigrex Blade (Lv 1) 220 N/A WT/WT/WT O-- -15% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Tigrex Blade (Lv 2) 280 N/A White O-- -15% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Tigrex Blade (Lv 3) 320 N/A White O-- -15% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Huge Tigrex Blade 340 N/A Purple O-- -15% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01Rare 3 Dear Lutemis (Lv 1) 90 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon15 GR/GR/GR --- 0% Element N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Dear Lutemis (Lv 2) 110 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon22 GR/GR/GR O-- 0% Element N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Dear Lutemis (Lv 3) 130 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon25 GR/GR/BL O-- 0% Element N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Dear Lutemis (Lv 4) 160 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon28 BL/BL/WT O-- 0% Element N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 3 Dear Lutemia (Lv 1) 210 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon30 BL/WT/WT O-- 0% Element N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 3 Dear Lutemia (Lv 2) 260 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon32 BL/WT/WT O-- 0% Element N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Dear Lutemia (Lv 3) 280 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon36 WT/WT/WT O-- 0% Element N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Dear Lutemineva 320 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon40 WT/PR/PR O-- 0% Element N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 7 Luna Eostre (Lv 1) 160 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon34 BL/BL/WT OO- 0% Element N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 7 Luna Eostre (Lv 2) 170 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon35 BL/WT/WT OO- 0% Element N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 7 Glimmering Eostre (Lv 1) 180 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon36 BL/WT/WT OO- 0% Element N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 7 Glimmering Eostre (Lv 2) 270 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon39 WT/WT/WT OO- 0% Element N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 7 Luna Crucible 290 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon42 WT/WT/PR OOO 0% Element N/A
IndentIndent01Rare 1 Rogue Axe (Lv 1) 80 N/A GR/GR/GR O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent02Rare 1 Rogue Axe (Lv 2) 90 N/A GR/GR/GR O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent02Rare 1 Rogue Axe (Lv 3) 100 N/A GR/GR/GR OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Rare 1 Rogue Axe (Lv 4) 130 N/A GR/GR/GR OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 1 Rogue Axe (Lv 5) 150 N/A GR/GR/GR OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Rogue Axe (Lv 6) 190 N/A BL/BL/BL OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Dashing Rogue (Lv 1) 210 N/A BL/BL/WT OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Dashing Rogue (Lv 2) 240 N/A BL/WT/WT OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Dashing Rogue (Lv 3) 270 N/A WT/WT/WT OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Dashing Bandit 330 N/A WT/WT/PR OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 2 Horror Zofar (Lv 1) 90 Sleep8 GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 2 Horror Zofar (Lv 2) 110 Sleep10 GR/GR/GR O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Horror Zofar (Lv 3) 120 Sleep11 GR/GR/BL O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 2 Horror Zofar (Lv 4) 140 Sleep12 BL/BL/BL O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 2 Horror Zofar (Lv 5) 160 Sleep14 BL/BL/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 2 Dormant Wings (Lv 1) 180 Sleep15 BL/BL/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Dormant Wings (Lv 2) 240 Sleep17 WT/WT/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Dormant Wings (Lv 3) 270 Sleep19 WT/WT/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Zofar Wings 310 Sleep22 WT/PR/PR O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Barroth Anchor (Lv 1) 180 N/A GR/BL/BL O-- -15% Impact +5
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Barroth Anchor (Lv 2) 200 N/A GR/BL/BL O-- -15% Impact +10
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Rugged Anchor (Lv 1) 230 N/A BL/BL/BL O-- -15% Impact +10
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Rugged Anchor (Lv 2) 280 N/A BL/WT/WT OO- -15% Impact +15
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Rugged Anchor (Lv 3) 310 N/A BL/WT/WT OO- -15% Impact +15
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Barroth Reanchor 360 N/A BL/WT/WT OO- -15% Impact +20
IndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Snowy Veil (Lv 1) 80 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon14 YL/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Snowy Veil (Lv 2) 100 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon16 GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Snowy Veil (Lv 3) 130 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon18 GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Snowy Veil (Lv 4) 150 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon20 GR/GR/BL --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Snowy Veil (Lv 5) 170 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon22 BL/BL/WT --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Frosted Veil (Lv 1) 210 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon24 BL/BL/WT --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Frosted Veil (Lv 2) 240 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon26 BL/BL/WT --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Pure Veil 330 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon29 WT/PR/PR --- 0% Impact N/A
Bone Tree
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Phial DEF
Rare 1 Bone Blade (Lv 1) 80 N/A YL/YL/YL --- 0% Impact N/A
Indent01Rare 1 Bone Blade (Lv 2) 100 N/A YL/YL/YL --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent02Rare 1 Bone Blade (Lv 3) 110 N/A YL/YL/YL --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent02Rare 1 Bone Blade (Lv 4) 130 N/A YL/YL/YL --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent02Rare 1 Bone Blade (Lv 5) 140 N/A GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent02Rare 1 Bone Blade (Lv 6) 170 N/A GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent03Indent01Rare 1 Bone Blade (Lv 7) 210 N/A GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 1 Bonesilt Veil (Lv 1) 240 N/A GR/GR/BL --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Bonesilt Veil (Lv 2) 270 N/A BL/BL/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Bonesilt Veil (Lv 3) 320 N/A BL/BL/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 1 Bonebreaker Veil 350 N/A BL/WT/PR OO- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent01Rare 3 Poisonous Veil (Lv 1) 130 Poison8 GR/GR/GR --- -5% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Poisonous Veil (Lv 2) 150 Poison10 GR/GR/GR --- -5% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Poisonous Veil (Lv 3) 170 Poison12 GR/GR/BR --- -10% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Poisonous Veil (Lv 4) 190 Poison14 BL/BL/WT --- -10% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Infected Veil (Lv 1) 220 Poison15 BL/WT/WT --- -10% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Infected Veil (Lv 2) 280 Poison17 BL/WT/WT --- -10% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Malefico Veil 330 Poison20 BL/WT/WT --- -10% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent02Rare 3 Axelion Blade (Lv 1) 130 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon10 GR/GR/GR --- 5% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent01Rare 3 Axelion Blade (Lv 2) 140 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon12 GR/GR/BL --- 5% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Axelion Blade (Lv 3) 170 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon15 GR/BL/BL --- 5% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent02Rare 3 Axelion Blade (Lv 4) 180 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon17 BL/BL/BL --- 10% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 3 Bardichion Blade (Lv 1) 200 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon20 BL/WT/WT --- 10% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Bardichion Blade (Lv 2) 280 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon21 BL/WT/WT --- 10% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Bardichion Blade (Lv 3) 300 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon22 WT/WT/WT --- 10% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Amgalion Blade 330 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon24 WT/PR/PR --- 10% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 7 Hellsire Blade (Lv 1) 170 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon22 BL/BL/WT --- 15% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 7 Hellsire Blade (Lv 2) 180 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon23 WT/WT/WT --- 15% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 7 Hellspawn Blade (Lv 1) 190 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon24 WT/WT/WT --- 15% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 7 Hellspawn Blade (Lv 2) 290 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon27 WT/WT/WT O-- 15% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 7 Rathflame Ubernova 310 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon30 WT/PR/PR OO- 20% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 10 Blossomauler 270 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon17 WT/WT/WT --- 20% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 10 Propensity 280 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon20 PR/PR/PR --- 20% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 10 Cornucopia 290 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon22 PR/PR/PR --- 25% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Rare 3 Lagia Storm (Lv 1) 130 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon12 GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Lagia Storm (Lv 2) 140 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon14 GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Lagia Storm (Lv 3) 150 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon15 GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 3 Lagia Storm (Lv 4) 190 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon17 BL/BL/WT --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 3 Vankrom Blade (Lv 1) 220 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon18 BL/WT/WT --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 3 Vankrom Blade (Lv 2) 300 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon19 WT/WT/WT --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Vankrom Blade (Lv 3) 320 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon20 WT/WT/PR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 3 Vankrom Voltblade 340 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon22 WT/PR/PR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Arachnoscale (Lv 1) 140 Poison16 WT/WT/WT O-- 20% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Arachnoscale (Lv 2) 160 Poison18 WT/WT/WT O-- 20% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Arachnoscythe (Lv 1) 190 Poison20 WT/WT/WT O-- 20% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Arachnoscythe (Lv 2) 220 Poison23 WT/WT/WT O-- 20% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Arachnoscythe (Lv 3) 250 Poison25 WT/WT/PR O-- 20% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Belobog's Scythe 280 Poison28 WT/PR/PR O-- 25% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01Rare 2 Guardian Blade (Lv 1) 110 N/A GR/GR/GR --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 2 Guardian Blade (Lv 2) 120 N/A BL/BL/BL --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Guardian Blade (Lv 3) 130 N/A BL/BL/WT --- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 2 Guardian Blade (Lv 4) 170 N/A BL/BL/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 2 Guardian Blade (Lv 5) 190 N/A BL/BL/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 2 Nadegiri (Lv 1) 210 N/A BL/WT/WT O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Nadegiri (Lv 2) 270 N/A WT/WT/PR O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 2 Ceanataur Nadegiri 330 N/A WT/PR/PR O-- 0% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Schildsect (Lv 1) 140 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon21 GR/BL/BL --- 0% Element +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Schildsect (Lv 2) 160 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon23 GR/BL/BL --- 0% Element +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 4 Schildsect (Lv 3) 180 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon24 BL/BL/BL --- 0% Element +25
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 4 Galvanisect (Lv 1) 210 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon25 BL/WT/WT --- 0% Element +25
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 4 Galvanisect (Lv 2) 240 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon27 BL/WT/WT --- 0% Element +25
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Galvanisect (Lv 3) 270 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon29 BL/WT/WT O-- 0% Element +25
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 4 Excelsisect 330 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon31 WT/WT/WT O-- 0% Element +25
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Rare 6 Dominisect (Lv 1) 160 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon30 BL/BL/WT O-- 0% Element +40
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Rare 6 Dominisect (Lv 2) 170 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon32 BL/BL/WT O-- 0% Element +40
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Rare 6 Maximinsect (Lv 1) 180 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon35 BL/BL/WT O-- 0% Element +40
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 Maximinsect (Lv 2) 260 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon38 WT/WT/WT OO- 0% Element +40
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 Apex Predator 290 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon40 WT/PR/PR OO- 0% Element +40
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 Diablos Strongarm 220 N/A BL/BL/WT O-- -20% Impact N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Rare 6 Cera Strongarm (Lv 1) 240 N/A BL/WT/WT O-- -20% Impact N/A