Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki

Menu Button-MHGen Weapons Menu Button-MHGen Skills Menu Button-MHGen Hunting Styles Menu Button-MHGen Hunter Arts Menu Button-MHGen Palico Skills Menu Button-MHGen Items Menu Button-MHGen Monsters Menu Button-MHGen Monster Carves Menu Button-MHGen Locations Menu Button-MHGen Village Quests Menu Button-MHGen Hunters Hub Quests Menu Button-MHGen Special Permit Quests Menu Button-MHGen Event Quests


1 Low-rank Quests (1-3★)
1.1 HR1 Hunters Hub Quests
1.2 HR2 Hunters Hub Quests
1.3 HR3 Hunters Hub Quests
2 High-rank Quests (4-7★)
2.1 HR4 Hunters Hub Quests
2.2 HR5 Hunters Hub Quests
2.3 HR6 Hunters Hub Quests
2.4 HR7 Hunters Hub Quests


  • Advanced Quests are quests that will not always be on your Quest List. They will randomly cycle in and out of your quest list.
  • For a list of only Key Quests, see MHGen: Hunters Hub Key Quests.

Low-rank Quests (1-3)

HR1 Hunters Hub Quests


Tackling the Tetsucabra
Key Quest
MH4U-Tetsucabra Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Tetsucabra

Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 4200z
HR Points: 250
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 30
Contract Fee: 500z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster twice
Monsters: Rhenoplos, Maccao

Rock hard! That just about sums up what it's like to fight that thing and see your attacks bounce off those boulders it digs up... I give up! How about you, though? Up for a challenge? -Wounded Hunter

Lost in the Jurassic Frontier
Key Quest
MH4U-Gypceros Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Gypceros

Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 3600z
HR Points: 240
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 20
Contract Fee: 400z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Larinoth, Altaroth

My luck is so bad lately. First a Gypceros swipes my Book of Combos, and then a Melynx runs off with my BBQ Spit! At this rate, I'm gonna have to quit hunting! Can you help me out here!? -Compassionate Hunter

Ingredient Hunter
MH4U-Red Chest Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Deliver 20 Tropical Berries

Location: Dunes
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 1200z
HR Points: 90
Subquest Reward: 900z
Subquest HR Points: 10
Contract Fee: 200z

Subquests: Deliver 3 Piscine Livers
Monsters: Konchu, Cephalos

I can see the desire in your eyes... The desire for new ingredients, miao! If you purrcure some Tropical Berries for me, I'll paw over some of my special ingredients! -Street Cook

  • Adds Cheeko Corn to the ingredients list.

Local Threat
Key Quest
MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Yian Kut-Ku

Location: Verdant Hills (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 3000z
HR Points: 200
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 20
Contract Fee: 300z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster twice
Monsters: Kelbi, Hornetaur

Yian Kut-Ku have been going after people all over the place, and during my patrol earlier, I spotted one wandering close to town. That curious bugger must be after some Konchu. Can you get rid of it? -Foothills Guardsman

Shells of Steel
MH4U-Daimyo Hermitaur Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur

Location: Dunes
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 4200z
HR Points: 250
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 30
Contract Fee: 500z

Subquests: Break Daimyo's shell
Monsters: Hermitaur, Cephalos, Gendrome

I hate to ask hunters for help, but there's a huge Hermitaur out in the Dunes that just won't go down nicely. No matter what I do, I can't hurt it. I need you to go after it for me. -Defeated Warrior


Snow with Occasional Lagombi
Key Quest
MH4U-Lagombi Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Lagombi

Location: Arctic Ridge (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 3000z
HR Points: 140
Subquest Reward: 300z
Subquest HR Points: 10
Contract Fee: 300z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster twice
Monsters: Anteka, Blango

[REPORT BEGINS] Lagombi spotted in the Arctic Ridge [STOP] Requesting support from all qualified hunters [STOP] We are snowed in and cannot render assistance [REPORT ENDS] -Eagle-eyed Observer


The Ingredient of Legend
MHGen-Arzuros Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt an Arzuros

Location: Misty Peaks (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 2100z
HR Points: 130
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 10
Contract Fee: 300z

Subquests: Deliver 5 Royal Honeys
Monsters: Kelbi, Bullfango

I have tracked down a legendary ingredient in ze Misty Peaks! Keep ze Arzuros busy, and I will purrcure ze ingredient! Then we will be un paw de plus to a legendary dish! -Itinerant Cook


Royal Spit Take
Key Quest
MHGen-Royal Ludroth Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Royal Ludroth

Location: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 4200z
HR Points: 250
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 30
Contract Fee: 500z

Subquests: Wound Royal Ludroth's mane
Monsters: Gargwa, Ludroth

Ick! I got splattered with weird gunk that sapped my Stamina, so I couldn't even run! Luckily, a Felyne came by and saved me, but now whenever I see anything yellow...urgh! -Middle-aged Fisherman

The New Tenant
Urgent Quest
MHGen-Blangonga Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Blangonga

Location: Arctic Ridge (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 5400z
HR Points: 330
Subquest Reward: 900z
Subquest HR Points: 30
Contract Fee: 600z

Subquests: Wound Blangonga's fangs
Monsters: Popo, Blango

A Blangonga has taken up residence in the Arctic Ridge, which spells trouble for us being able to gather firewood. Hurry and take that ugly ape out before we freeze to death! -Arctic Villager

  • Must complete all 1★ Hunters Hub Key Quests to unlock.
  • Unlocks a new Lv1 Hunter Art for each weapon type.

HR2 Hunters Hub Quests


The Desert Gourmand
Key Quest
MHGen-Nibelsnarf Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Nibelsnarf

Location: Dunes
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 4500z
HR Points: 310
Subquest Reward: 900z
Subquest HR Points: 30
Contract Fee: 500z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster twice
Monsters: Apceros, Hermitaur

One minute I was rattlin' along the Dunes in me barrel buggy, mindin' me own. And then, RAAARRR! Cart goes flyin' -- and me with it! What gives!? The barrel business is s'pposed t'be safe, by gum! -Master Cooper

Noise Violation
Key Quest
MH4U-Najarala Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Najarala

Location: Verdant Hills (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 5700z
HR Points: 330
Subquest Reward: 900z
Subquest HR Points: 30
Contract Fee: 600z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster twice
Monsters: Aptonoth, Bullfango

The Najarala around the village is making some pawful sounds! Does it think it's some kind of mewsician? Hunter, make it shut up before it drives me up the wall! -Sleepless Felyne

In Search of the Yian Garuga
Key Quest
MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Yian Garuga

Location: Verdant Hills (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 6300z
HR Points: 350
Subquest Reward: 900z
Subquest HR Points: 40
Contract Fee: 700z

Subquests: Sever Yian Garuga's tail
Monsters: Mosswine, Velociprey

In researching the mysteries of the Garuga King, I've come to the theory that the Yian Garuga is the key to solving it all. Hunt me one, and your name will go down in history! Under mine, of course. -Inquisitive Historian

Finishing the Job
MH4U-Velocidrome Icon MH4U-Velocidrome Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 2 Velocidrome

Location: Verdant Hills (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 2700z
HR Points: 160
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 300z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Aptonoth, Velociprey

My appurrentice in Pokke Village is in fur a world of trouble! Can't even beat a Velociprey, and she agreed to hunt Velocidrome -- two! To avoid catastrophe, can you go hunt them instead? -Palico Armory

  • Unlocks the F Vprey Wedge, F Vprey Wedge S, the F Barrel Basher and F Barrel Basher S Palico weapons.

Fresh is Best
MHGen-Bullfango Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 20 Bullfango

Location: Verdant Hills (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 2100z
HR Points: 120
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 300z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Bullfango, Velociprey, Velocidrome

I need you to procure some groceries for me. To be specific, I want meat, and you can get plenty off some Bullfango. Think you can go to the Verdant Hills and hunt me 20 of them? -Village Grocer

  • Adds Diced Steak to the ingredients list.

Operation: Secure Specimen
Key Quest
MHGen-Nargacuga Icon

Main Objective:

Capture a Nargacuga

Location: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 7500z
HR Points: 420
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 40
Contract Fee: 800z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Gargwa, Jaggi

My boss from hell is making me write up a report on Nargacuga eating habits! No way can I do that on my own! Can you go capture one for me, Hunter? I'll... I'll get the cage ready! -Rookie Wycademy Researcher

Royal Assassination
Key Quest
MH4U-Rathian Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Rathian

Location: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 5400z
HR Points: 310
Subquest Reward: 1200z
Subquest HR Points: 30
Contract Fee: 600z

Subquests: Deliver a Wyvern Egg
Monsters: Gargwa, Jaggia

The Misty Peaks aren't safe for normal travelers now that a Rathian's built her nest there. Can you do something about her so people like me can pass through there in peace!? -Drifting Botanist


Ahoy! Royal Ludroth!
MHGen-Royal Ludroth Icon MHGen-Royal Ludroth Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 2 Royal Ludroth

Location: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 6000z
HR Points: 400
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 600z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Gargwa, Ludroth

Shimpai... I worried because no hear word from Felyne carrying Neko's luggage! If it met Royal Ludroth, all that water would... Taihen! Please shuryo them! "Shuryo" means hunt! -Argosy Captain

  • Rewards the Weapon Codex to make Rare 2 Chak Chak.

Malfestio Festival
Key Quest
MHGen-Malfestio Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Malfestio

Location: Deserted Island
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 4800z
HR Points: 280
Subquest Reward: 900z
Subquest HR Points: 30
Contract Fee: 500z

Subquests: Wound Malfestio's tail
Monsters: Aptonoth, Ludroth

selacs s'oitseflaM !gnizamA lortnoc esol uoy ekam yllaer tsum ylpmis I !ydob ruoy fo ,esaelP !selpmas erom evah !em rof emos hctef ...Though the effects seem to be short-lived. *sigh* -Somatic Researcher

A Shocking Scoundrel
Urgent Quest
MHGen-Astalos Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Astalos

Location: Verdant Hills (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 8700z
HR Points: 450
Subquest Reward: 1200z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster twice
Monsters: Vespoid, Hornetaur

Sounds like an Astalos showed up in the Verdant Hills. It may be pretty for a monster, but don't be fooled: its attacks are lethal, and it won't hold back. Go prepared. -Guild Manager

  • Must complete all 2★ Hunters Hub Key Quests to unlock.
  • Unlocks the Hunter Art "Heal Gain" and a new Lv1 Hunter Art for each weapon type. Also unlocks the Lv2 versions of each weapon Hunter Art that are unlocked from the beginning.

HR3 Hunters Hub Quests


Tigrex by the Tail
MH4U-Tigrex Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Tigrex

Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 9000z
HR Points: 430
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 40
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Bnahabra, Jaggi, Great Maccao

I've got a distress signal from a hunter in the Jurassic Frontier who's run into a Tigrex! Anyone who finds this message is requested to head there and take it down ASAP! -Guild Epistle


Dark Wings, Dark Work
Key Quest
MH4U-Gore Magala Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Gore Magala

Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 8400z
HR Points: 430
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Kelbi, Altaroth

Beneath the azure skies of the Jurassic Frontier lurks a mysterious monster cloaked in black. Writhing in pain, it glares from unseen eyes. The hunter or the hunted: Which will you be? -Black-cloaked Hunter

Fossilized Memories
MH4U-Ore Quest Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Deliver 3 Eternal Fossils

Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 6000z
HR Points: 350
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 600z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Rhenoplos, Melynx, Rathalos

Could you help me gather some Eternal Fossils for a fellow merchant in the Jurassic Frontier? If you do, I'll hook you up with a soft toy that can help you fall asleep! -Wycoon


A Thousand Scales of Dread
Key Quest
MH4U-Seregios Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Seregios

Location: Dunes
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 9000z
HR Points: 520
Subquest Reward: 1200z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Break Seregios's horn
Monsters: Hermitaur, Konchu

Breaking news from the Elder Hall: A Seregios has shown up in the Dunes! Any and all skilled hunters are asked to help hunt it as soon as possible. Beware its blades! -Elder Hall Minister

Fury Run Afoul
Key Quest
MHGen-Gammoth Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Gammoth

Location: Arctic Ridge (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 8700z
HR Points: 450
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Beast Tear
Monsters: Popo, Blango

A shortage of food has got a Gammoth goin' crazy up on the ridge. No one can sleep at night, fearin' it'll come a-chargin' through the walls! I beg ya, put it down so we can rest easy! -Village Elder

Moonlit Bubble Bath
Key Quest
MHGen-Mizutsune Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Mizutsune

Location: Misty Peaks (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 8700z
HR Points: 450
Subquest Reward: 1200z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster twice
Monsters: Bullfango, Ludroth

What a beautiful creature that Mizutsune is. And the way it uses bubbles to catch its prey... You gotta put a stop to it! What if people slip on those bubbles in the dark? Safety first! -Tepid Traveler

Topple the Monarch
MH4U-Zinogre Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Zinogre

Location: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 8100z
HR Points: 420
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 40
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Gargwa, Jaggi, Bulldrome

Many a poor soul has tried to hunt a Zinogre, only to end up being the one hunted instead. It's truly worthy of its title, "The Hunter." Isn't there anyone who can defy it? -Dejected Hunter


MHGen-Lagiacrus Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Lagiacrus

Location: Deserted Island
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 7500z
HR Points: 420
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 800z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Kelbi, Jaggi, Arzuros

The mighty Lagiacrus is feared even by the most hardened men of the sea, and one has shown up where our villagers fish and work! Please, for their safety, hunt the Lagiacrus! -Moga Chief's Son

  • Rewards the Sharqskin to make the Rare 3 Sharq Byte.
  • Must complete 4★ Village Quest "Island Menace" to unlock.
  • Unlocks the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "Isle About that Bass".

Isle About that Bass
MH4U-Brachydios Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Brachydios

Location: Deserted Island
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 9000z
HR Points: 520
Subquest Reward: 1200z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster twice
Monsters: Aptonoth, Jaggi

This time, I have a Quest for you. You hear that rumbling sound out of the Deserted Island? I want to know what's causing it. If it seems to be something dangerous, then I want you to eliminate it! -Moga Chief's Son


Heaven and Earth
Key Quest
MH4U-Rathalos Icon MH4U-Rathian Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Rathalos and a Rathian

Location: Deserted Island
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 9300z
HR Points: 580
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Aptonoth, Jaggi

A Rathalos and a Rathian appeared on the Deserted Island. Do you know just how deadly they are when they're together? And during mating season, it's suicide! Still up for the hunt? -Head of Island Guard

Fro Shizzle
MHGen-Astalos Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Astalos

Location: Marshlands
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 8700z
HR Points: 450
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Vespoid, Hornetaur

Oh baby, I just had the grooviest idea: using an Astalos's lightning to style the ultimate 'fro! That's right, so hit the Marshlands and do your thang for me, baby! -Funky Felyne

  • Rewards the Poogie costume "Fro Nest".

Bladed Glavenus
Key Quest
MHGen-Glavenus Icon

Main Objective:

Capture a Glavenus

Location: Volcano
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 11400z
HR Points: 540
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 1200z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Apceros, Ioprey

I hear there are wyverns in this land that can wield katanas... Where I'm from, no such creatures exist. How do they do it? I'd really like to see one up close. Capture it for me. -Foreign Traveler

The Shogun's Encampment
MHGen-Shogun Ceanataur Icon MHGen-Shogun Ceanataur Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 2 Shogun Ceanataur

Location: Volcano
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 7800z
HR Points: 530
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 800z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Crab Pearl
Monsters: Ceanataur, Uroktor

Did you hear that two giant Carapaceon appeared at the Volcano!? This is where you hunters leap into action, yeah? If you really are a hunter, then you'll be first in line to take out those beasts! -Hunter-in-Training


Wyvern Sand Runners
MH4U-Gendrome Icon MH4U-Seregios Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Gendrome and a Seregios

Location: Dunes
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 7800z
HR Points: 460
Subquest Reward: 1500z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 800z

Subquests: Deliver 700 Wycademy Points
Monsters: Genprey, Cephalos

On hunts, your footwork must be light, yet sturdy. That's why I always train on the sand! I also look to bird wyverns and Seregios for inspiration. Fight a few so I can study their movements! -Aspiring Hunter


Emperor of Flame
MH4U-Teostra Icon

Main Objective:

Slay a Teostra or repel it

Location: Volcano
Time Limit: 35 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 12900z
HR Points: 700
Subquest Reward: 1200z
Subquest HR Points: 70
Contract Fee: 1300z

Subquests: Wound Teostra's head
Monsters: Vespoid

I beg of you, help me in carrying out my last task. I've chased a Teostra to the Volcano. Beware its flames, for they may roast you alive if you are careless. Godspeed, Hunter! -Heroic General


Stop the Wheel
MH4U-Shagaru Magala Icon

Main Objective:

Slay Shagaru Magala

Location: Sanctuary
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 11100z
HR Points: 560
Subquest Reward: 1200z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 1200z

Subquests: Wound Shagaru Magala's wingarms
Monsters: None

I've only known the gods from their legends -- never did I expect to see one in my lifetime. Dare you attempt to halt the cycle of death and etch your own name into legend, Hunter? -Wizened Storyteller


Two-headed Carcass
Urgent Quest
MHGen-Nakarkos Icon

Main Objective:

Repel Nakarkos

Location: Wyvern's End
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 15000z
HR Points: 840
Subquest Reward: 1200z
Subquest HR Points: 80
Contract Fee: 1500z

Subquests: Break Nakarkos's outer shell
Monsters: None

Attention all hunters. Repelling Nakarkos is now the Wycademy's top priority. Combine your efforts and bring this task to fruition. May luck be with you. -Guild Manager

  • Must complete all 3★ Hunters Hub Key Quests to unlock.
  • Unlocks the Hunter Art "Sword Dance II".
  • Adds a second cart to the Trader at the Palico Ranch.

High-rank Quests (4-7)

HR4 Hunters Hub Quests


Swing into Action
Key Quest
MH4U-Kecha Wacha Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Kecha Wacha

Location: Ancestral Steppe
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 5100z
HR Points: 330
Subquest Reward: 1200z
Subquest HR Points: 30
Contract Fee: 600z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster twice
Monsters: Aptonoth, Jaggi, Great Maccao, Deviljho

That danged dirty primate, swinging all over the place, knocking over my cart, hocking up mucus everywhere! I'll be looking for a new line of work if this keeps up. Help me out, Hunter! -Distressed Merchant

  • Unlocks the Arena Quest "Grudge Match: Kecha Wacha".

Bug Appétit
Key Quest
MH4U-Seltas Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Seltas

Location: Primal Forest
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 3000z
HR Points: 160
Subquest Reward: 900z
Subquest HR Points: 20
Contract Fee: 300z

Subquests: Slay 10 Konchu
Monsters: Konchu, Genprey, Velocidrome, Deviljho

Legends tell of a faraway land where the people make bugs into burgers. I must partake in this culinary adventure! Someone saw a Seltas in the Primal Forest. Go for it! -Feckless Gourmet

Tackling the Tetsucabra
MH4U-Tetsucabra Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Tetsucabra

Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 6000z
HR Points: 350
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 40
Contract Fee: 600z

Subquests: Deliver 3 Ancient Berries
Monsters: Rhenoplos, Maccao, Seltas, Yian Kut-Ku, Deviljho

Rock hard! That just about sums up what it's like to fight that thing and see your attacks bounce off those boulders it digs up... I give up! How about you, though? Up for a challenge? -Wounded Hunter


So Notable: Great Maccao
MHGen-Great Maccao Icon MHGen-Great Maccao Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 2 Great Maccao

Location: Jurassic Frontier
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 3900z
HR Points: 220
Subquest Reward: 1200z
Subquest HR Points: 20
Contract Fee: 400z

Subquests: Wound Great Maccao's head
Monsters: Larinoth, Maccao

You've seen Great Maccao hopping around on their tails and throwing punches, right? My notebook hasn't! At least, not until you go hunt two of them for me so I can make an accurate sketch! -Guildmarm

  • Unlocks the Lecturer's Armor Set (Blademaster/Gunner), and the F Lecturer Palico Armor.
  • Unlocks the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "So Notable: Kecha Wacha".

The Land Sharq
MH4U-Cephadrome Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Cephadrome

Location: Dunes
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 3900z
HR Points: 200
Subquest Reward: 1500z
Subquest HR Points: 20
Contract Fee: 400z

Subquests: Deliver 5 Piscine Liver
Monsters: Hermitaur, Cephalos, Gendrome, Deviljho

Argh, my wagon just got marooned in the Dunes! Now, I haven't seen anything fishy out here -- yet -- but I just know there's something waiting to get at my stuff! Find it and let 'em have it! -Oasis Village Chief


Shells of Steel
Key Quest
MH4U-Daimyo Hermitaur Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur

Location: Dunes
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 6000z
HR Points: 350
Subquest Reward: 1800z
Subquest HR Points: 40
Contract Fee: 600z

Subquests: Slay 10 Hermitaurs
Monsters: Hermitaur, Cephalos, Gendrome, Deviljho

I hate to ask hunters for help, but there's a huge Hermitaur out in the Dunes that just won't go down nicely. No matter what I do, I can't hurt it. I need you to go after it for me. -Defeated Warrior

Birds of a Feather
Key Quest
MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon MH4U-Gypceros Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Yian Kut-Ku and a Gypceros

Location: Verdant Hills (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 6600z
HR Points: 490
Subquest Reward: 2700z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 700z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Kelbi, Hornetaur

The Verdant Hills are littered with fiery goo and poison. The culprits are obvious, but we can't let them roam around freely. Forgive us, Hunter, but we ask you to please eliminate these two threats. -Hunter's Guild

Delicious White Livers
MH4U-Red Chest Quest Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Deliver 3 White Livers

Location: Verdant Hills (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 2100z
HR Points: 120
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 10
Contract Fee: 300z

Subquests: Slay 6 Kelbi
Monsters: Kelbi, Velociprey, Yian Kut-Ku

There's nothing like sharing a drink with good friends... Only, I forgot to bring food to pair it with! Can you bring me some White Livers? Just remember not to bruise them with bluntified weapons! -Cathar Elder

  • Adds Cathar Flying Fish to the ingredients list.

Clash of Rivals
MHGen-Bullfango Icon MH4U-Rhenoplos Icon

Main Objective:

Slay a total of 30 Bullfango or Rhenoplos

Location: Moat Arena
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 4500z
HR Points: 150
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 500z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Bullfango, Rhenoplos

The Arena overflow with Bullfango and Rhenoplos. Too much for little Cha- Cha! And if they breaka-lake the place, Cha-Cha be in more of a pickle! Hunt-hunt them for me... Please? -Cha-Cha


A Powerful Team
MH4U-Velocidrome Icon MHGen-Great Maccao Icon MH4U-Seltas Icon MHGen-Bulldrome Icon MH4U-Gendrome Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Velocidrome, a Great Maccao, a Seltas, a Bulldrome and a Gendrome

Location: Arena
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 10200z
HR Points: 550
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 1100z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Kelbi, Hornetaur

The Grandmeowster's Trials
MH4U-Konchu Icon

Main Objective:

Slay 15 Konchu

Location: Ancestral Steppe
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 1500z
HR Points: 120
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 200z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Konchu, Jaggi

As Meowster of Moves, the time has come for me to give you the ultimate test. Muster all your strength! Show no weakness! Now go, and do me purroud! -Palico Grandmeowster

  • Prowler Only.
  • Rises the Palico level cap to 35.

A Plesioth in the Misty Peaks
Urgent Quest
MHGen-Plesioth Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Plesioth

Location: Misty Peaks (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 7500z
HR Points: 430
Subquest Reward: 1500z
Subquest HR Points: 40
Contract Fee: 800z

Subquests: Wound Plesioth's top fin
Monsters: Kelbi, Jaggi, Royal Ludroth, Deviljho
  • Must complete all 4★ Hunters Hub Key Quests to unlock.
  • Unlocks the Meownster Hunters High-rank Expeditions.
  • Adds Ancient Giant Squid to the ingredients list.
  • Adds a third cart to the Trader at the Palico Ranch.
  • Increases the maximum number of Palicos you can hire to 60.
  • Increases the level of Palicos scouted by the Palico Scouts.
  • Unlocks the Arena Quest "Grudge Match: Plesioth".

HR5 Hunters Hub Quests


So Notable: Kecha Wacha
MH4U-Kecha Wacha Icon MH4U-Kecha Wacha Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 2 Kecha Wacha

Location: Ancestral Steppe
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 7200z
HR Points: 530
Subquest Reward: 1800z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 800z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Large Beast Tear
Monsters: Aptonoth, Jaggi

When two Kecha Wacha meet, do they just carry on as usual, or do they break into the craziest dance the world has never seen? My notebook and I need to know! I'll be waiting for a full report! -Guildmarm


Dragon Lady
MH4U-Rathian Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Rathian

Location: Primal Forest
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 7500z
HR Points: 430
Subquest Reward: 1500z
Subquest HR Points: 40
Contract Fee: 800z

Subquests: Sever Rathian's tail
Monsters: Slagtoth, Genprey, Gypceros, Malfestio, Deviljho

Gah! Again my cargo is kaput. What use is guard if he guard nothing? Always, I hire guard! Always, I hear same story: monster too strong! But not immortal, yes? So, you hunt him? I reward. We understand? -Simple Fur Trader

The Intelligent Malfestio
Key Quest
MHGen-Malfestio Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Malfestio

Location: Primal Forest
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 6900z
HR Points: 400
Subquest Reward: 1500z
Subquest HR Points: 40
Contract Fee: 700z

Subquests: Wound Malfestio's head & wing
Monsters: Kelbi, Konchu, Gendrome, Gypceros, Deviljho

What a clever creature, confusing its prey before it sinks in its claws... Just like me! A quill pen made of one of its feathers would be the perfect symbol of my intelligence and class! -Merciless Woman

Serpentine Samba
Key Quest
MH4U-Najarala Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Najarala

Location: Primal Forest
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 8100z
HR Points: 470
Subquest Reward: 1500z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Wound Narjarala's back
Monsters: Slagtoth, Genprey, Iodrome, Gypceros, Deviljho

My huntin' is near as bad as my dancin', but my little sis? Best moves in the tribe! I wanna make her a costume of serpent scales for the big festival. Could ya help me bag a big snake!? -Youth of the Dancing Tribe


Spotted Beauty
MH4U-Gendrome Icon MH4U-Gendrome Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 2 Gendrome

Location: Primal Forest
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 4200z
HR Points: 290
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 500z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Kelbi, Genprey

Beasts with lovely spots roam the Primal Forest. The patterns of Gendrome... Simply breathtaking. Hunt a few so I can see them up close, and I'll reward you with this Rainbow Ore. -Weird Researcher

  • Rewards Rainbow Ore to make the EX Genprey, EX Ioprey, EX Vespoid, EX Hornetaur and EX Cephalos Armor Sets.
  • Must complete 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Twin Velocidrome" to unlock.

Fin Finder
Key Quest
MH4U-Zamtrios Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Zamtrios

Location: Frozen Seaway
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 6900z
HR Points: 400
Subquest Reward: 600z
Subquest HR Points: 40
Contract Fee: 700z

Subquests: Deliver 5 Monster Guts
Monsters: Popo, Zamite, Lagombi, Khezu, Deviljho

The uneducated masses call it a "monster Sharq." What nonsense! It's a most magnificent creature, able to shift into so many forms... I must have a specimen for my research! -Researcher in a Bind

The Walls Have Eyes
MH4U-Khezu Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Khezu

Location: Frozen Seaway
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 6300z
HR Points: 430
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 700z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Popo, Konchu, Tetsucabra, Zamtrios, Deviljho

I was in the Frozen Seaway, I was, and that's when I felt it -- like me blood turned ta ice. Somethin' was a-spyin' on me. Cross me heart and hope ta die. Mind sussin' out the creepy peeper? -Adventure-mad Hunter


Liver and Let Die
MH4U-Bone Quest Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Deliver 5 Monster Guts

Location: Frozen Seaway
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 3600z
HR Points: 180
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 400z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Melynx, Zamite, Zamtrios

Lightly grilled over charcoal, stir-fried with spicy and sweet sauce, or boiled to the perfect texture... Mmm... I'm hungry just thinking about it! Please, bring me some delicious Monster Guts! -Tanzia Sweetheart


Fight or Uragaan!
MHGen-Uragaan Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt an Uragaan

Location: Volcanic Hollow
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 9600z
HR Points: 500
Subquest Reward: 1500z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 1000z

Subquests: Slay 10 Rhenoplos
Monsters: Rhenoplos, Ioprey, Iodrome, Tetsucabra, Deviljho

Don't bother readin' any further unless you're a true hunter -- the type who loves that quiver in your guts when you're livin' on the razor's edge. Still with me? Go to the Volcano. Somethin's waitin'. -Scarred Hunter


Worst. Trip. Ever!
Key Quest
MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Yian Garuga

Location: Volcanic Hollow
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 9000z
HR Points: 500
Subquest Reward: 1500z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Wound Yian Garuga's wingtalons
Monsters: Slagtoth, Ioprey, Iodrome, Deviljho

Ugh... I think I was a little too ambitious to try climbing the Volcanic Hollow. I forgot my Cool Drinks and ran out of Stamina. Worst of all, I was attacked by a Yian Garuga. Somebody help me, please! -Greenhorn Hunter


Nargacuga Throwdown
MHGen-Nargacuga Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Nargacuga

Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 8100z
HR Points: 500
Subquest Reward: 1500z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Sever Nargacuga's tail
Monsters: Kelbi, Jaggi, Yian Gaurga, Deviljho

This is the kind of Quest that the G Rank hunters that used to come to Pokke would finish in their SLEEP! You look like you're at least half-awake, so it should be no sweat for you! Good luck! -Pokke Sweetheart


Insomnia? Meet Hypnotism x 2
MHGen-Malfestio Icon MHGen-Malfestio Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 2 Malfestio

Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 9900z
HR Points: 640
Subquest Reward: 2700z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 1000z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Kelbi, Maccao

My wife gave me a Malfestio to help me deal with insomnia, but one doesn't seem to be enough. I'm also afraid that using two at once may have some ill side effects. Could you test it out for me? -Insomniac Man


Line in the Sand
MH4U-Cephadrome Icon MH4U-Cephadrome Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 2 Cephadrome

Location: Dunes
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 5700z
HR Points: 320
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 600z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Cephalos, Bnahabra

Sandboarding! It's the latest craze! ...Or it will be, as soon as I finish inventing it. But I can't do anything with these darned Cephadrome in the way. Get rid of 'em and I'll give you some Rainbow Ore! -Bumbling Entrepreneur

  • Rewards Rainbow Ore to make the EX Genprey, EX Ioprey, EX Vespoid, EX Hornetaur and EX Cephalos Armor Sets.
  • Must complete 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Twin Velocidrome" to unlock.

Twin Velocidrome
MH4U-Velocidrome Icon MH4U-Velocidrome Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 2 Velocidrome

Location: Verdant Hills (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 3900z
HR Points: 220
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 400z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Aptonoth, Velociprey

A pair of Velocidrome is leading around a menacing pack of Velociprey. If you can take them out and help restore peace to the Hills, I'll give you this Rainbow Ore! -Regional Lord


The New Tenant
MHGen-Blangonga Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Blangonga

Location: Arctic Ridge (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 7500z
HR Points: 470
Subquest Reward: 2100z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 800z

Subquests: Slay 10 Blangos
Monsters: Bullfango, Blango, Bulldrome, Lagombi, Deviljho

A Blangonga has taken up residence in the Arctic Ridge, which spells trouble for us being able to gather firewood. Hurry and take that ugly ape out before we freeze to death! -Arctic Villager

  • Must complete 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "Fossilized Memories" to unlock.
  • Rewards the Great Ladybug to make the Rare 4 Ladybug Cannon, F Bell Rod and F Ladybug Palico Armor.

Awful Guest
MHGen-Plesioth Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Plesioth

Location: Deserted Island
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 7500z
HR Points: 430
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 800z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Kelbi, Ludroth

The Loc Lac Tourism Board will not sit idly by as this Plesioth eats into our tourism revenues. We would like you to deal with this nuisance and help our other guests return home safely. -Tourism Board Executive

  • Must complete 3★ Village Quest "The Fungus Among Us" to unlock.
  • Unlocks the Scholar's Armor Set (Blademaster/Gunner), and the F Guide's Palico Armor.

Poisonous Pair
MH4U-Iodrome Icon MH4U-Iodrome Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 2 Iodrome

Location: Marshlands
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 6000z
HR Points: 350
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 600z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Mosswine, Ioprey

Ioprey ain't nothin' I can't handle, but this pack had two bosses. I couldn't pin 'em down and they got away, but if you can take 'em down for me, I'll give you some Rainbow Ore. -Rugged Mercenary

  • Rewards Rainbow Ore to make the EX Genprey, EX Ioprey, EX Vespoid, EX Hornetaur and EX Cephalos Armor Sets.
  • Must complete 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Twin Velocidrome" to unlock.

You Caught This? I Caught This
Key Quest
MHGen-Lavasioth Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Lavasioth

Location: Volcano
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 7500z
HR Points: 470
Subquest Reward: 1500z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 800z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster twice
Monsters: Apceros, Ceanataur, Iodrome, Volvidon, Deviljho

So my brother thinks he's the best fisher in our castle. We'll see about that! Catch me a Lavasioth and I can prove him wrong! I'm a genius! Now, off you go. Don't keep me waiting! -Selfish Kid Princess

Status: Effected
MHGen-Volvidon Icon MHGen-Malfestio Icon MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Volvidon, a Malfestio, and a Yian Garuga

Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 14700z
HR Points: 800
Subquest Reward: 3000z
Subquest HR Points: 80
Contract Fee: 1500z

Subquests: Earn 1500 Wycademy Points
Monsters: Larinoth, Jaggi

For a year I researched safe hunting practices: Antidotes, anti-Paralysis, you name it. The results of my research? The safest one you've pushed off onto someone else! Good luck! -Circumspect Hunter


Desert Brawlers
MH4U-Daimyo Hermitaur Icon MH4U-Rathian Icon MHGen-Nibelsnarf Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur, a Rathian, and a Nibelsnarf

Location: Dunes
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 13800z
HR Points: 850
Subquest Reward: 3000z
Subquest HR Points: 90
Contract Fee: 1400z

Subquests: Earn 1500 Wycademy Points
Monsters: Hermitaur, Cephalos

The Dunes are crawling with big ol' monsters that won't even let me NEAR the materials I need to make my weapons! Think you can head out and whip 'em for me? -Wyverian Artisan

  • Must complete 6★ Village Quest "The Hero's Journey" to unlock.
  • Unlocks the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Coal Hearted".
  • Unlocks the Rare 6 Hero Gunlance, Rare 6 Hero Strongarm and the Rare 6 Hero Blaster.

The Hunter Games
MH4U-Khezu Icon MHGen-Uragaan Icon MHGen-Shogun Ceanataur Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Khezu, an Uragaan, and a Shogun Ceanataur

Location: Moat Arena
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 16500z
HR Points: 980
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 1700z

Subquests: None
Monsters: None

I've gathered only the most unique monsters to display the best tournament ever hosted. Shockers, rollers, slicers... Expect no shortage of mayhem. Just try not to embarrass yourself out there! -Proud Tournament Sponsor


Hunt, Sweat, and Tears
MH4U-Cephadrome Icon MHGen-Arzuros Icon MH4U-Iodrome Icon MH4U-Lagombi Icon MHGen-Volvidon Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Cephadrome, an Arzuros, an Iodrome, a Lagombi and a Volvidon

Location: Arena
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 14400z
HR Points: 730
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 1500z

Subquests: None
Monsters: None

I simply love the sight of brave hunters only barely escaping death! And this lineup of five awful beasties is sure to grant me just that. Now, be a dear and give me a good show! -Bloodthirsty Noblewoman


A Bewitching Dance
Urgent Quest
MHGen-Mizutsune Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Mizutsune

Location: Primal Forest
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 12000z
HR Points: 630
Subquest Reward: 2700z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 1200z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Slagtoth, Genprey

A Mizutsune has laid claim to the Primal Forest. But the forest is not for it alone. You must go and reclaim what is all of ours. Beware its peculiar bubbles, Hunter. -Guild Manager

  • Must complete all 5★ Hunters Hub Key Quests to unlock.

The Unshakable Mountain God
Urgent Quest
MHGen-Gammoth Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Gammoth

Location: Frozen Seaway
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 12000z
HR Points: 630
Subquest Reward: 300z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 1200z

Subquests: Deliver 5 Popo Tongues
Monsters: Bnahabra, Zamite

The beast known as the God of the Mountain is quite a challenge, indeed, but it's certainly nothing that a Wycademy Hunter can't handle! Go, Hunter, and bring honor to our name. -Guild Manager

  • Must complete all 5★ Hunters Hub Key Quests to unlock.
  • Increases the level of Palicos scouted by the Palico Scouts.
  • Adds Wyvern Amber Ale to the ingredients list.

HR6 Hunters Hub Quests


The Lightning Crown
Key Quest
MHGen-Astalos Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Astalos

Location: Ancestral Steppe
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 12000z
HR Points: 630
Subquest Reward: 2700z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 1200z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Aptonoth, Jaggi, Rathalos, Tigrex, Deviljho

The Astalos's head is so cool! Its crest looks like some kind of crown. Man, I'd love to see it up close! Then I could do some really great research... Can you please hunt one for me? -Boyish Researcher

Watch Your Steppe
MH4U-Gore Magala Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Gore Magala

Location: Ancestral Steppe
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 11700z
HR Points: 610
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 1200z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Aptonoth, Jaggi

Gore Magala... Its name sends grown men running for their mothers. Don't expect a cheery hunt with this one -- its black mist swallows all. Can you drive away this relentless evil? -Wizened Storyteller


Bug Buffet
Key Quest
MH4U-Seltas Queen Icon MH4U-Seltas Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Seltas Queen

Location: Primal Forest
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 10500z
HR Points: 590
Subquest Reward: 1800z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 1100z

Subquests: Wound Seltas Queen's tail
Monsters: Kelbi, Genprey, Seltas

Legend tells of a faraway land where they boil up bugs and swallow them down. Say, I hear a Seltas Queen was spotted nearby. Sounds yummy! Hmm? How was the last bug I ate? ...No comment. -Feckless Gourmet

Topple the Monarch
MH4U-Zinogre Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Zinogre

Location: Frozen Seaway
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 11400z
HR Points: 590
Subquest Reward: 1800z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 1200z

Subquests: Sever Zinogre's tail
Monsters: Popo, Konchu, Zamtrios, Gammoth, Deviljho

I suppose I'm being too harsh on myself. I'm far from the only hunter who has challenged the Zinogre in the Frozen Seaway only to become the hunted. Why else would the monster be known as "The Hunter"? Still... -Dejected Hunter


Master of the Molten Deep
Key Quest
MHGen-Agnaktor Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Agnaktor

Location: Volcanic Hollow
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 11400z
HR Points: 610
Subquest Reward: 3000z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 1200z

Subquests: Slay 10 Uroktor
Monsters: Rhenoplos, Uroktor, Rathalos, Deviljho

For the past few years, my people have lived in ever- mounting fear of the wrath of the volcano, and the great wyvern who sleeps in its flames. Please, save my people! -Fire Country Chieftain

Duel in the Volcanic Hollow
Key Quest
MHGen-Glavenus Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Glavenus

Location: Volcanic Hollow
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 12000z
HR Points: 630
Subquest Reward: 1800z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 1200z

Subquests: Sever the Glavenus' tail
Monsters: Kelbi, Konchu, Uragaan, Tigrex, Deviljho

I fought a Glavenus in a duel, but I was soundly defeated. To think that such a master of sword- play could exist... You would do well to see it for yourself. -Eastern Blademaster

From Beyond the Sands
MHGen-Glavenus Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Glavenus

Location: Dunes
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 12000z
HR Points: 630
Subquest Reward: 2700z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 1200z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Apceros, Konchu, Daimyo Hermitaur, Tigrex, Deviljho

I was roaming the Dunes when I happened to see a Glavenus blocking one of the major trade routes! Normally I keep to myself, but I can't live without my delivery of Moga curry! -Wandering Recluse


Astalos Territory
MHGen-Astalos Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt an Astalos

Location: Verdant Hills (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 12000z
HR Points: 630
Subquest Reward: 1800z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 1200z

Subquests: Wound Astalos's back
Monsters: Vespoid, Hornetaur, Rathalos, Deviljho, Savage Deviljho

Our caravan wandered into an Astalos's territory, and it didn't seem to like us. I barely escaped with my life, but my friends are still in the Verdant Hills. Please hunt it down and save my friends! -Trade Caravan Leader

MHGen-Blangonga Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 3 Blangongas

Location: Arctic Ridge (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 16200z
HR Points: 780
Subquest Reward: 2700z
Subquest HR Points: 80
Contract Fee: 1700z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Territorial Dung+
Monsters: Bullfango, Blango

It's bad enough that we've got a gig out in the middle of nowhere for a bunch of lushes, but now we're liable to get stranded in the mountains because of these Blangongas! Help! -Talent Manager

  • Must complete the Pokke Gal request to unlock.
  • Unlocks the Helper S and Healer S Armor Sets (Blademaster/Gunner), the Helper U and Healer U Armor Sets (Blademaster/Gunner), and the F Helper S Palico Armor.

For Whom the Gong Tolls
Key Quest
MHGen-Duramboros Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Duramboros

Location: Marshlands
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 12600z
HR Points: 610
Subquest Reward: 1800z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 1300z

Subquests: Wound Duramboros's hump
Monsters: Bullfango, Hornetaur, Najarala, Rathian, Deviljho

A friend of mine who rings gongs for a living says she'd like to model her movements after those of a Duramboros. Could you hunt one for her? Then maybe she'll finally get back to work! -Sailor-suited Gal


Coal Hearted
MH4U-Ore Quest Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Deliver 10 pieces of Coal or a Paw Pass Ticket

Location: Volcano
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 4500z
HR Points: 300
Subquest Reward: 1800z
Subquest HR Points: 30
Contract Fee: 500z

Subquests: Break Rajang's horns
Monsters: Ceanataur, Ioprey, Rajang

Me and Grampaw Maple got somethin' amazin' in the works, but we need some Coal! Gather about ten for us, would ya? Use the Paw Pass Ticket to come back once ya do! -Yukumo Smithy

  • Must complete 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Desert Brawlers" to unlock.
  • Unlocks the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Hapless Bodyguard".
  • Unlocks the F Master's Blade and the F Master's Palico Armor.

Dances with Wyverns
MH4U-Rathian Icon MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon MHGen-Astalos Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Rathian, a Yian Kut-Ku and a Astalos

Location: Ancestral Steppe
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 16800z
HR Points: 940
Subquest Reward: 4200
Subquest HR Points: 90
Contract Fee: 1700z

Subquests: Earn 1500 Wycademy Points
Monsters: Aptonoth, Jaggi

Wyverns attacked my airship the other day! Just WHAM, right out of the sky with their claws and fire and... *sigh* My trip was ruined, but you can save others by hunting those beasts! -Rich Airship Enthusiast


Bugging Out
MHGen-Malfestio Icon MHGen-Mizutsune Icon MH4U-Seltas Queen Icon MH4U-Seltas Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Malfestio, a Mizutsune and a Seltas Queen

Location: Primal Forest
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 20700z
HR Points: 1130
Subquest Reward: 4200
Subquest HR Points: 110
Contract Fee: 2100z

Subquests: Earn 1500 Wycademy Points
Monsters: Slagtoth, Genprey

I heard the Primal Forest had some big bugs, so I went to check it out, but something put me to sleep and I woke up covered in bubbles! Could you go look for the bugs instead? -Reckless Bug-lover


A Three Hour Tour
MH4U-Khezu Icon MH4U-Zamtrios Icon MHGen-Gammoth Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Khezu, a Zamtrios and a Gammoth

Location: Frozen Seaway
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 17700z
HR Points: 1020
Subquest Reward: 4200
Subquest HR Points: 100
Contract Fee: 1800z

Subquests: Earn 1500 Wycademy Points
Monsters: Popo, Zamite

This was supposed to be a nice trip to see the aurora, but all we saw here were monsters! Nothing is so beautiful it's worth risking our lives for! Hunt them so we can finish our trip! -Frozen Seaway Tourist


A Hollow Defense
MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon MH4U-Tetsucabra Icon MHGen-Glavenus Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Yian Garuga, a Tetsucabra and a Glavenus

Location: Volcanic Hollow
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 18900z
HR Points: 1040
Subquest Reward: 4200
Subquest HR Points: 100
Contract Fee: 1900z

Subquests: Earn 1500 Wycademy Points
Monsters: Konchu, Ioprey

Just our luck that we go digging for ore, only to dig up a shortcut to a bunch of monsters! We threw up a makeshift barrier, but we can't hold them off anymore... Help! -Miner


Wild Gunman
MHGen-Nargacuga Icon MHGen-Plesioth Icon MHGen-Lagiacrus Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Nargacuga, a Plesioth and a Lagiacrus

Location: Deserted Island
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 18300z
HR Points: 1060
Subquest Reward: 4200
Subquest HR Points: 110
Contract Fee: 1900z

Subquests: Earn 1500 Wycademy Points
Monsters: Kelbi, Jaggi

I'm a bullet researcher by trade. Yes, we exist. By studying the unique ranged attacks of monsters, I can craft better tools to fight them. By helping me, you'll be doing yourself a favor. -Bullet Technician


Marshlands Rag
MHGen-Bulldrome Icon MH4U-Najarala Icon MHGen-Duramboros Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Bulldrome, a Najarala and a Duramboros

Location: Marshlands
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 16800z
HR Points: 870
Subquest Reward: 4200
Subquest HR Points: 90
Contract Fee: 1700z

Subquests: Earn 1500 Wycademy Points
Monsters: Aptonoth, Bullfango

Can you hear that...? The perfect melody of wildlife in the Marshlands! Bulldrome footsteps, Najarala rustles through the treetops, and the bass-like drumming of a Duramboros! Bravo! Bravo! -Solitary Composer


Firefight to the Finish!
MHGen-Shogun Ceanataur Icon MHGen-Lavasioth Icon MHGen-Agnaktor Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Shogun Ceanataur, a Lavasioth and a Agnaktor

Location: Volcano
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 18600z
HR Points: 1090
Subquest Reward: 4200
Subquest HR Points: 110
Contract Fee: 1900z

Subquests: Earn 1500 Wycademy Points
Monsters: Apceros, Uroktor

I heard some monsters were making a mess at the Volcano, so I'm like BAM! Let me at 'em! But then they were like BAM! No way, bro! I can't let them burn me like that, man! Please, avenge me! -Fired-up Hunter


At the Slayground
MH4U-Rathalos Icon MH4U-Kecha Wacha Icon MH4U-Rajang Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Rathalos, a Kecha Wacha and a Rajang

Location: Slayground
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 21600z
HR Points: 1120
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 2200z

Subquests: None
Monsters: None

We thought we'd found the perfect place to train, but it's been overrun by both a Kecha Wacha and a Rathalos! And now a Rajang is on its way, too! Help us newbies out! -Fleeing Novice Hunter


Triple Toady Terror
MH4U-Tetsucabra Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 3 Hyper Tetsucabra

Location: Volcanic Hollow
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 15900z
HR Points: 740
Subquest Reward: 1800z
Subquest HR Points: 70
Contract Fee: 1600z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Large Toad Tear
Monsters: Slagtoth, Ioprey

I hate to ask for even more help, Hunter, but could you take care of a Tetsucabra for us? It's one of 'em Hyper beasties, but if you take it out, we should be able to make some great gear! -Harth Chief

  • Must complete 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Coal Still Burns" to unlock.
  • Unlocks the Hyper armor sets.

The Coal Still Burns
MH4U-Ore Quest Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Deliver 30 pieces of Coal

Location: Volcanic Hollow
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 6o00z
HR Points: 320
Subquest Reward: 11700z
Subquest HR Points: 600
Contract Fee: 600z

Subquests: Hunt an Uragaan
Monsters: Slagtoth, Ioprey, Uragaan

My pop seems pretty set on creating the perfect set of armor, but I just want him to get some bed rest! Can you please get him some Coal so he doesn't overexert himself!? Pretty please!? -Lil Miss Forge

  • Must complete the Lil Miss Forge (1) request to unlock.
  • Unlocks the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Triple Toady Terror".
  • Adds Magma Pork to the ingredients list.

Woe Malfestio
MHGen-Malfestio Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Malfestio

Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 8400z
HR Points: 480
Subquest Reward: 2100z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Wound Malfestio's head & wings
Monsters: Kelbi, Maccao

A merchant looking for a Malfestio came to me, and I accidentally pointed her to a Hyper one. Oops! She has a bodyguard, but he's no hunter. Please take out that Hyper Malfestio! -Bherna Gal

  • Must complete 4★ Village Quest "A Unique Cuppa" to unlock.
  • Unlocks the Scholarly S Armor Set (Blademaster/Gunner), F Quest Book S and the F Scholarly S Palico Armor.

Nibeling on Apples
MHGen-Nibelsnarf Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Nibelsnarf

Location: Dunes
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 7800z
HR Points: 520
Subquest Reward: 2100z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 800z

Subquests: Wound Nibelsnarf's front legs
Monsters: Apceros, Hermitaur

I've discovered the ultimate apple! If only that Hyper Nibelsnarf weren't keeping me from harvesting more... But, the world must know of its deliciousness! Help me, Hunter! -Master Tool

  • Adds Nibelapple to the ingredients list.
  • Rewards the Poogie costume "Great Poogie".

The Plesioth Adventure
MHGen-Plesioth Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Plesioth

Location: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 9000z
HR Points: 520
Subquest Reward: 2100z
Subquest HR Points: 50
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Wound Plesioth's head & top fin
Monsters: Gargwa, Jaggi

I was walking in the Misty Peaks when I came across a Plesioth all riled up. And you know what? I think that sucker would be perfect practice for you! Now, go get 'em, sport! -Master Shipwright

  • Adds Blessed Wine to the ingredients list.
  • Rewards the Rare 6 Anchor Hammer.

The Magma's Rage
MHGen-Lavasioth Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Lavasioth

Location: Volcano
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 9000z
HR Points: 560
Subquest Reward: 2100z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 900z

Subquests: Wound Lavasioth's head & top fin
Monsters: Apceros, Ceanataur

A certain...someone...needs you to complete this highly classified Quest. Even I am not sure why. Your target: a Hyper Lavasioth. I'm sure this goes without saying, but be careful. -Felcote


Minion Audition Imposition
MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon MHGen-Shogun Ceanataur Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Yian Kut-Ku and a Hyper Shogun Ceanataur

Location: Marshlands
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 12000z
HR Points: 630
Subquest Reward: 2100z
Subquest HR Points: 60
Contract Fee: 1200z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster 4 times
Monsters: Apceros, Ceanataur

If you really want to be Cha-Cha's minion, you must prove yourself-self! In the Marshlands, Hyper Yian Kut-Ku and Shogun Ceanataur need hunting! Cha-Cha will be watcha-latching you! -Cha-Cha


Seer of Swords
Urgent Quest
MH4U-Seregios Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Seregios

Location: Dunes
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 12600z
HR Points: 740
Subquest Reward: 2100z
Subquest HR Points: 70
Contract Fee: 1300z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster twice
Monsters: Konchu, Cephalos, Tigrex, Deviljho, Savage Deviljho

Seregios, or the "Wyvern of One Thousand Blades," has made an appearance. Razor- sharp scales and strength that may even surpass that of Rathalos. Keep your wits about you, young Hunter. -Guild Manager

  • Must complete all 6★ Hunters Hub Key Quests to unlock.

HR7 Hunters Hub Quests


Stop the Wheel
Key Quest
MH4U-Shagaru Magala Icon

Main Objective:

Slay a Shagaru Magala

Location: Sanctuary
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 15600z
HR Points: 800
Subquest Reward: 2100z
Subquest HR Points: 80
Contract Fee: 1600z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster twice
Monsters: None

I've only known the gods from their legends -- never did I expect to see one in my lifetime. Dare you attempt to halt the cycle of death and etch your own name into legend, Hunter? -Wizened Storyteller

A Gathering of Wyverns
Key Quest
MHGen-Astalos Icon MH4U-Rathian Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Astalos and a Rathian

Location: Ancestral Steppe
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 13800z
HR Points: 850
Subquest Reward: 2700z
Subquest HR Points: 90
Contract Fee: 1400z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Aptonoth, Konchu

You'll never guess what I saw! An Astalos trying to pick up a Rathian! Clearly, this is a case of forbidden love... Or it is in my book! This is simply too scandalous! Please do something! -Gullible Housekeeper

A Song of White and Lapis
Key Quest
MHGen-Mizutsune Icon MHGen-Malfestio Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Mizutsune and a Malfestio

Location: Primal Forest
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 13500z
HR Points: 820
Subquest Reward: 2700z
Subquest HR Points: 80
Contract Fee: 1400z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Kelbi, Genprey

I had a dream where I was covered in white bubbles and surrounded by lapis-colored feathers. When I woke up, I saw a Mizutsune and a Malfestio fighting. Please drive them off so I can sleep! -Romanticist Explorer

A Cold Set of Armor
Key Quest
MHGen-Gammoth Icon MH4U-Zamtrios Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Gammoth and a Zamtrios

Location: Frozen Seaway
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 13500z
HR Points: 820
Subquest Reward: 1800z
Subquest HR Points: 80
Contract Fee: 1400z

Subquests: Earn 500 Wycademy Points
Monsters: Popo, Zamite

I've heard that monsters in the Frozen Seaway have armor of ice and snow. If I knew their secrets, I could make some truly splendid armor. I'm not a fighter, so could you do some research on my behalf? -Industrious Armorer

Rocked and Rolled
Key Quest
MH4U-Brachydios Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Brachydios

Location: Volcanic Hollow
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 12600z
HR Points: 740
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 1300z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Rhenoplos, Ioprey, Rathalos, Deviljho

Ever take a knockout punch? I know a monster who packs a wallop. And don't get me started on its sticky goop. Good thing it came off before I went down for the count. You up for a round? -Focused Grappler

  • Unlocks the Arena Quest "Grudge Match: Brachydios".

So Notable: Seregios
MH4U-Seregios Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Capture a Seregios

Location: Volcanic Hollow
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 16500z
HR Points: 890
Subquest Reward: 2100z
Subquest HR Points: 90
Contract Fee: 1700z

Subquests: Wound Seregios's wingtalon
Monsters: Slagtoth, Ioprey, Yian Garuga, Brachydios, Deviljho

I need your help ASAP! I've got a fresh notebook page just screaming to be filled with facts, and I know just what will do the trick: a freshly captured Seregios! Good luck! -Guildmarm


Hammer vs. Blade
Key Quest
MHGen-Glavenus Icon MHGen-Uragaan Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Glavenus and an Uragaan

Location: Volcanic Hollow
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 15300z
HR Points: 900
Subquest Reward: 2700z
Subquest HR Points: 90
Contract Fee: 1600z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Kelbi, Konchu

I found two monsters in the Volcanic Hollow, both wielding finely honed weapons: a sharp sword and a crushing hammer. Dangerous weapons like those must be apprehended. -Ecological Observer

The Hapless Bodyguard
MH4U-Rajang Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 3 Rajang

Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 22500z
HR Points: 1120
Subquest Reward: 1800z
Subquest HR Points: 110
Contract Fee: 2300z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Large Beast Tear
Monsters: Kelbi, Jaggi

If I'm gonna follow this plan to a T, I'm going to need all the materials I can get! And I can't get them with a bunch of Rajang hanging on my back. That's where you come in! -Manvil Smithy


The Yukumo Gal Special
MH4U-Zinogre Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt 2 Zinogres

Location: Misty Peaks (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 16200z
HR Points: 940
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 1700z

Subquests: None
Monsters: Gargwa, Jaggi

That Quest the Yukumo Gal recommended to me was ridiculous! Did she really expect me to take on a pair of Zinogres by myself!? Be a pal and take this Quest off my hands! -Injured Ranger

  • Must complete 5★ Village Quest "Hunt-a-thon: Khezu" to unlock.
  • Unlocks the Dianthus and Campanile Armor Sets (Blademaster/Gunner) and the F Beautiful Palico Armor.

Repaying the Favor
MH4U-Brachydios Icon MH4U-Unstable Quest Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Brachydios

Location: Deserted Island
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Unstable
Reward: 12600z
HR Points: 740
Subquest Reward: 2100z
Subquest HR Points: 70
Contract Fee: 1300z

Subquests: Wound Brachydios's head
Monsters: Aptonoth, Jaggia, Lagiacrus, Zinogre, Deviljho

My apprentice in Bherna got into some trouble. I want to repay the kind purrson who bailed him out with Brachydios materials, but my paws are tied with work! Could you go instead? -Palico Armory

  • Must complete 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Finishing the Job" to unlock.
  • Unlocks the F Transpurrter Palico Armor.

A Man's Arena is His Castle
MH4U-Lagombi Icon MHGen-Blangonga Icon MH4U-Zamtrios Icon MHGen-Gammoth Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Lagombi, a Blangonga, a Zamtrios, and a Gammoth

Location: Arena
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 21600z
HR Points: 1190
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 2200z

Subquests: None
Monsters: None

I walk away for five minutes and the place is crawling with monsters! Lagombi, Blangonga, Zamtrios, and a Gammoth! Someone's gotta teach 'em their proper place! Hm? You're saying that's my job? -Arena Manager


The Hunter Games
MHGen-Mizutsune Icon MHGen-Royal Ludroth Icon MHGen-Plesioth Icon MH4U-Seltas Queen Icon MH4U-Seltas Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Mizutsune, a Royal Ludroth, a Plesioth and a Seltas Queen

Location: Moat Arena
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 25200z
HR Points: 1400
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 2600z

Subquests: None
Monsters: None

We've got an intense lineup for everyone today! Foxes, beasts, fish, and even bugs! This gauntlet's sure to have challengers quaking in their booties. Hahaha! Well, have fun out there! -Proud Tournament Sponsor


The Flames of War
MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon MHGen-Uragaan Icon MHGen-Agnaktor Icon MH4U-Rathalos Icon MHGen-Glavenus Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Yian Garuga, an Uragaan, an Agnaktor, a Rathalos and a Glavenus

Location: Arena
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 36900z
HR Points: 1980
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 3700z

Subquests: None
Monsters: None

The Arena is blazing with action today! Why, you ask? Because it's stoked with lava, exploding rocks, flaming breath, and red-hot blades! Got what it takes to burn through the competition? -Arena Manager


A Shocking Revelation!
MH4U-Khezu Icon MHGen-Lagiacrus Icon MH4U-Zinogre Icon MH4U-Rajang Icon MHGen-Astalos Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Khezu, a Lagiacrus, a Zinogre, a Rajang and a Astalos

Location: Arena
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 38700z
HR Points: 2040
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 3900z

Subquests: None
Monsters: None

Every time I walk around, I get zapped with static! Mom says it's 'cause there's so many Thunder monsters around. I dunno about that, but I do know that these shocks hurt! Please help! -Staticky Girl


Hellfire Star
Urgent Quest
MHGen-Nakarkos Icon

Main Objective:

Slay Nakarkos

Location: Wyvern's End
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 21000z
HR Points: 1200
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 2100z

Subquests: None
Monsters: None

Attention all hunters. Slaying Nakarkos is now the Wycademy's top priority. Combine your efforts and bring this task to fruition. May luck be with you. -Guild Manager

Putting the Gore in Magala
MH4U-Gore Magala Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Gore Magala

Location: Ancestral Steppe
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 14100z
HR Points: 730
Subquest Reward: 2400z
Subquest HR Points: 70
Contract Fee: 1500z

Subquests: Wound Gore Magala's feelers & arm
Monsters: Hermitaur, Konchu

We've received word that a Hyper Gore Magala is in the Ancestral Steppe. I'd like for you to head out there right away. A Hyper specimen of Gore Magala is a deadly foe. Be careful out there. -Ace Commander


Tigrex, Tigrex, Burning Bright
MH4U-Tigrex Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Tigrex

Location: Frozen Seaway
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 15300z
HR Points: 730
Subquest Reward: 2400z
Subquest HR Points: 70
Contract Fee: 1600z

Subquests: Wound Tigrex's head & claw
Monsters: Hermitaur, Konchu

A certain...someone...needs you to complete this highly classified Quest. Even I am not sure why. Your target: a Hyper Tigrex. I'm sure this goes without saying, but be careful. -Felcote


A Fiery Temper
MH4U-Rathalos Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Rathalos

Location: Volcanic Hollow
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 12600z
HR Points: 710
Subquest Reward: 2400z
Subquest HR Points: 70
Contract Fee: 1300z

Subquests: Wound Rathalos's wings & tail
Monsters: Slagtoth, Uroktor

Help! A Hyper Rathalos is in the Volcanic Hollow! I told the Kokoto Gal that if we didn't act now, we'd all be done for, but she just laughed! I can't be the only one who thinks we're in big trouble! -Gossipy Villager

  • Must complete the Kokoto Gal request to unlock.
  • Unlocks the Maiden S and French Maid S Armor Sets (Blademaster/Gunner), and the F Maiden S Palico Armor.

Wyverns All Around Us
MH4U-Rathalos Icon MH4U-Rathian Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Rathalos and a Hyper Rathian

Location: Verdant Hills (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 15300z
HR Points: 980
Subquest Reward: 2700z
Subquest HR Points: 100
Contract Fee: 1600z

Subquests: Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Monsters: Aptonoth, Velociprey

You look ready to rumble with some tough monsters! Lucky for you, a pair of Hyper wyverns are tearin' through the Verdant Hills. Dangerous, sure, but I'm sure you can handle 'em! -Black Hell Hunter

  • Rewards the EX Rathalos Ticket S to make the EX Rathalos S Armor Set (Blademaster/Gunner).

MH4U-Tigrex Icon MH4U-Seregios Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Tigrex and a Hyper Seregios

Location: Dunes
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 21300z
HR Points: 1130
Subquest Reward: 2400
Subquest HR Points: 110
Contract Fee: 2200z

Subquests: Topple monster while mounted four times
Monsters: Hermitaur, Konchu

MHGen-Royal Ludroth Icon MHGen-Duramboros Icon MH4U-Zinogre Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Royal Ludroth, a Hyper Duramboros and a Hyper Zinogre

Location: Misty Peaks (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 25200z
HR Points: 1300
Subquest Reward: 2400
Subquest HR Points: 130
Contract Fee: 2600z

Subquests: Wound the Zinogre's head and front legs
Monsters: Kelbi, Jaggi

MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon MH4U-Rathian Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Yian Garuga, a Hyper Yian Kut-Ku and a Hyper Rathian

Location: Verdant Hills (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 17400z
HR Points: 1020
Subquest Reward: 5100
Subquest HR Points: 100
Contract Fee: 1800z

Subquests: Deliver 2 Large Wyvern Tears
Monsters: Kelbi, Velociprey

MH4U-Rathalos Icon MH4U-Zinogre Icon MHGen-Lagiacrus Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Rathalos, a Hyper Zinogre and a Hyper Lagiacrus

Location: Deserted Island
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 27300z
HR Points: 1490
Subquest Reward: 2400
Subquest HR Points: 150
Contract Fee: 2800z

Subquests: Topple monster while mounted five times
Monsters: Kelbi, Jaggi

MH4U-Khezu Icon MHGen-Shogun Ceanataur Icon MHGen-Astalos Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Khezu, a Hyper Shogun Ceanataur and a Hyper Astalos

Location: Marshlands
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 21900z
HR Points: 1290
Subquest Reward: 2400
Subquest HR Points: 130
Contract Fee: 2200z

Subquests: Topple monster while mounted five times
Monsters: Aptonoth, Ceanataur

The Birds of Prey
MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon MHGen-Malfestio Icon MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Yian Kut-Ku, a Hyper Malfestio and a Hyper Yian Garuga

Location: Arena
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 17100z
HR Points: 990
Subquest Reward: 2400
Subquest HR Points: 100
Contract Fee: 1800z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster 5 times
Monsters: None

Beware the beaks that bite, the claws that catch! The shrieking Yian Kut-Ku; the colorful Malfestio; and the war machine, Yian Garuga! Slay these beasts and bring safety to the skies! -Festive Man


The Fanged Beasts
MHGen-Gammoth Icon MH4U-Kecha Wacha Icon MHGen-Blangonga Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Gammoth, a Hyper Kecha Wacha and a Hyper Blangonga

Location: Arena
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 20700z
HR Points: 1200
Subquest Reward: 2400
Subquest HR Points: 120
Contract Fee: 2200z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster 5 times
Monsters: None

Beware the beasts that pierce with tusk and fang. The giant Gammoth; the erratic Kecha Wacha; and the wily Blangonga! Can you avoid the skewer of these sharp challengers? -Festive Man


The Winged Wyverns
MHGen-Astalos Icon MH4U-Rathalos Icon MH4U-Seregios Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Astalos, a Hyper Rathalos and a Hyper Seregios

Location: Arena
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 29700z
HR Points: 1650
Subquest Reward: 2400
Subquest HR Points: 170
Contract Fee: 3000z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster 5 times
Monsters: None

Beware the skies and those that rule it! The new rival, Astalos; the divebombing Rathalos; and the flesh- tearing Seregios. Do you have what it takes to reclaim the skies? -Festive Man


The Beasts of Brawn
MHGen-Uragaan Icon MHGen-Duramboros Icon MH4U-Brachydios Icon MHGen-Glavenus Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Hyper Uragaan, a Hyper Duramboros, a Hyper Brachydios and a Hyper Glavenus

Location: Arena
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 39600z
HR Points: 2080
Subquest Reward: 2400
Subquest HR Points: 210
Contract Fee: 4000z

Subquests: Mount and topple monster 5 times
Monsters: None

Beware the beasts of strength and savagery! The massive Uragaan; the whirling might of Duramboros; the brute strength of Brachydios; and the razor-bladed Glavenus. Who will reign king? -Festive Man


Child of Destruction
MH4U-Furious Rajang Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Furious Rajang

Location: Volcano
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 18000z
HR Points: 900
Subquest Reward: 2100
Subquest HR Points: 90
Contract Fee: 1800z

Subquests: Break Rajang's horns
Monsters: Ceanataur, Ioprey

The Rajang has shown its true colors at last. Left un- checked, it will visit utter destruction upon us. I must entrust you with its defeat, as I have another task, and dear ones awaiting my return. -Elite Hunter

  • Must be HR45 or higher to unlock.
  • Unlocks the Hunter Art "Demon Riot III".

MH4U-Savage Deviljho Icon

Main Objective:

Hunt a Savage Deviljho

Location: Dunes
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 18000z
HR Points: 900
Subquest Reward: N/A
Subquest HR Points: N/A
Contract Fee: 1800z

Subquests: N/A
Monsters: Apceros, Konchu

The Frozen Dictator
MH4U-Kushala Daora Icon

Main Objective:

Slay a Kushala Daora or repel it

Location: Arctic Ridge (Night)
Time Limit: 35 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 18000z
HR Points: 1000
Subquest Reward: 2100z
Subquest HR Points: 100
Contract Fee: 1800z

Subquests: Sever Kushala Daora's tail
Monsters: Vespoid

I saw it! I know I did! A pair of black wings among a flurry of snow... Then a gust of wind nearly blew me off the mountain! Take my advice and don't even go near that thing! -Fleeing Villager


The Elder Dragon of Mist
MH4U-Chameleos Icon

Main Objective:

Slay a Chameleos or repel it

Location: Verdant Hills (Day)
Time Limit: 35 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 18000z
HR Points: 1000
Subquest Reward: 2100z
Subquest HR Points: 100
Contract Fee: 1800z

Subquests: Break Chameleos's horn
Monsters: (?)

Emperor of Flame
MH4U-Teostra Icon

Main Objective:

Slay a Teostra or repel it

Location: Volcano
Time Limit: 35 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 18000z
HR Points: 1000
Subquest Reward: 2100z
Subquest HR Points: 100
Contract Fee: 1800z

Subquests: Sever Teostra's tail
Monsters: Vespoid

I beg of you, help me in carrying out my last task. I've chased a Teostra to the Volcano. Beware its flames, for they may roast you alive if you are careless. Godspeed, Hunter! -Heroic General

  • Must be HR35 or higher to unlock.
  • Unlocks the Hunter Art "Super Nova III".

Grim Tidings
MH4U-Akantor Icon

Main Objective:

Slay an Akantor

Location: Ingle Isle
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 19200z
HR Points: 1000
Subquest Reward: 2100z
Subquest HR Points: 100
Contract Fee: 2000z

Subquests: Wound Akantor's back
Monsters: None


  • Must be HR60 or higher to unlock.
