Contents |
Low-rank Quests (1-3★)
HR1 Hunters Hub Quests
Tackling the Tetsucabra |
鬼蛙テツカブラの狩猟 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Tetsucabra |
Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster twice | ||||
Monsters: | Rhenoplos, Maccao |
Rock hard! That just about sums up what it's like to fight that thing and see your attacks bounce off those boulders it digs up... I give up! How about you, though? Up for a challenge? -Wounded Hunter |
Lost in the Jurassic Frontier |
盗まれて古代林! |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Gypceros |
Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Larinoth, Altaroth |
My luck is so bad lately. First a Gypceros swipes my Book of Combos, and then a Melynx runs off with my BBQ Spit! At this rate, I'm gonna have to quit hunting! Can you help me out here!? -Compassionate Hunter |
Ingredient Hunter |
新たな食材ハンターの誕生!? |
Main Objective: Deliver 20 Tropical Berries |
Location: Dunes | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 3 Piscine Livers | ||||
Monsters: | Konchu, Cephalos |
I can see the desire in your eyes... The desire for new ingredients, miao! If you purrcure some Tropical Berries for me, I'll paw over some of my special ingredients! -Street Cook |
Local Threat |
大怪鳥イャンクックを倒せ! |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Yian Kut-Ku |
Location: Verdant Hills (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster twice | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Hornetaur |
Yian Kut-Ku have been going after people all over the place, and during my patrol earlier, I spotted one wandering close to town. That curious bugger must be after some Konchu. Can you get rid of it? -Foothills Guardsman |
Shells of Steel |
鉄壁の盾蟹 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur |
Location: Dunes | ||||
Subquests: | Break Daimyo's shell | ||||
Monsters: | Hermitaur, Cephalos, Gendrome |
I hate to ask hunters for help, but there's a huge Hermitaur out in the Dunes that just won't go down nicely. No matter what I do, I can't hurt it. I need you to go after it for me. -Defeated Warrior |
Snow with Occasional Lagombi |
雪のちウルクスス |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Lagombi |
Location: Arctic Ridge (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster twice | ||||
Monsters: | Anteka, Blango |
[REPORT BEGINS] Lagombi spotted in the Arctic Ridge [STOP] Requesting support from all qualified hunters [STOP] We are snowed in and cannot render assistance [REPORT ENDS] -Eagle-eyed Observer |
The Ingredient of Legend |
伝説のメニューに不可欠なモノ |
Main Objective: Hunt an Arzuros |
Location: Misty Peaks (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 5 Royal Honeys | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Bullfango |
I have tracked down a legendary ingredient in ze Misty Peaks! Keep ze Arzuros busy, and I will purrcure ze ingredient! Then we will be un paw de plus to a legendary dish! -Itinerant Cook |
Royal Spit Take |
ロアルドロスを狩猟せよ |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Royal Ludroth |
Location: Misty Peaks (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Royal Ludroth's mane | ||||
Monsters: | Gargwa, Ludroth |
Ick! I got splattered with weird gunk that sapped my Stamina, so I couldn't even run! Luckily, a Felyne came by and saved me, but now whenever I see anything yellow...urgh! -Middle-aged Fisherman |
The New Tenant |
雪山の主、ドドブランゴ |
Urgent Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Blangonga |
Location: Arctic Ridge (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Blangonga's fangs | ||||
Monsters: | Popo, Blango |
A Blangonga has taken up residence in the Arctic Ridge, which spells trouble for us being able to gather firewood. Hurry and take that ugly ape out before we freeze to death! -Arctic Villager |
HR2 Hunters Hub Quests
The Desert Gourmand |
砂上のテーブルマナー |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Nibelsnarf |
Location: Dunes | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster twice | ||||
Monsters: | Apceros, Hermitaur |
One minute I was rattlin' along the Dunes in me barrel buggy, mindin' me own. And then, RAAARRR! Cart goes flyin' -- and me with it! What gives!? The barrel business is s'pposed t'be safe, by gum! -Master Cooper |
Noise Violation |
ガララアジャラの狩猟 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Najarala |
Location: Verdant Hills (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster twice | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Bullfango |
The Najarala around the village is making some pawful sounds! Does it think it's some kind of mewsician? Hunter, make it shut up before it drives me up the wall! -Sleepless Felyne |
In Search of the Yian Garuga |
失われた黒狼を求めて |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Yian Garuga |
Location: Verdant Hills (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Sever Yian Garuga's tail | ||||
Monsters: | Mosswine, Velociprey |
In researching the mysteries of the Garuga King, I've come to the theory that the Yian Garuga is the key to solving it all. Hunt me one, and your name will go down in history! Under mine, of course. -Inquisitive Historian |
Finishing the Job |
無謀な弟子の、後始末 |
Main Objective: Hunt 2 Velocidrome |
Location: Verdant Hills (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Velociprey |
My appurrentice in Pokke Village is in fur a world of trouble! Can't even beat a Velociprey, and she agreed to hunt Velocidrome -- two! To avoid catastrophe, can you go hunt them instead? -Palico Armory |
Fresh is Best |
食材の価値は鮮度なり |
Main Objective: Hunt 20 Bullfango |
Location: Verdant Hills (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Bullfango, Velociprey, Velocidrome |
I need you to procure some groceries for me. To be specific, I want meat, and you can get plenty off some Bullfango. Think you can go to the Verdant Hills and hunt me 20 of them? -Village Grocer |
Operation: Secure Specimen |
研究サンプル捕獲作戦 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Capture a Nargacuga |
Location: Misty Peaks (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Gargwa, Jaggi |
My boss from hell is making me write up a report on Nargacuga eating habits! No way can I do that on my own! Can you go capture one for me, Hunter? I'll... I'll get the cage ready! -Rookie Wycademy Researcher |
Royal Assassination |
女王、降臨す |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Rathian |
Location: Misty Peaks (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver a Wyvern Egg | ||||
Monsters: | Gargwa, Jaggia |
The Misty Peaks aren't safe for normal travelers now that a Rathian's built her nest there. Can you do something about her so people like me can pass through there in peace!? -Drifting Botanist |
Ahoy! Royal Ludroth! |
輸送中!水獣の追従! |
Main Objective: Hunt 2 Royal Ludroth |
Location: Misty Peaks (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Gargwa, Ludroth |
Shimpai... I worried because no hear word from Felyne carrying Neko's luggage! If it met Royal Ludroth, all that water would... Taihen! Please shuryo them! "Shuryo" means hunt! -Argosy Captain |
Malfestio Festival |
夜鳥の鱗粉を掻い潜れ |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Malfestio |
Location: Deserted Island | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Malfestio's tail | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Ludroth |
selacs s'oitseflaM !gnizamA lortnoc esol uoy ekam yllaer tsum ylpmis I !ydob ruoy fo ,esaelP !selpmas erom evah !em rof emos hctef ...Though the effects seem to be short-lived. *sigh* -Somatic Researcher |
A Shocking Scoundrel |
電の反逆者 |
Urgent Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Astalos |
Location: Verdant Hills (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster twice | ||||
Monsters: | Vespoid, Hornetaur |
Sounds like an Astalos showed up in the Verdant Hills. It may be pretty for a monster, but don't be fooled: its attacks are lethal, and it won't hold back. Go prepared. -Guild Manager |
HR3 Hunters Hub Quests
Tigrex by the Tail |
轟竜ティガレックス |
Main Objective: Hunt a Tigrex |
Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Bnahabra, Jaggi, Great Maccao |
I've got a distress signal from a hunter in the Jurassic Frontier who's run into a Tigrex! Anyone who finds this message is requested to head there and take it down ASAP! -Guild Epistle |
Dark Wings, Dark Work |
黒き衣を纏う竜 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Gore Magala |
Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Altaroth |
Beneath the azure skies of the Jurassic Frontier lurks a mysterious monster cloaked in black. Writhing in pain, it glares from unseen eyes. The hunter or the hunted: Which will you be? -Black-cloaked Hunter |
Fossilized Memories |
化石に眠る太古の記憶 |
Main Objective: Deliver 3 Eternal Fossils |
Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Rhenoplos, Melynx, Rathalos |
Could you help me gather some Eternal Fossils for a fellow merchant in the Jurassic Frontier? If you do, I'll hook you up with a soft toy that can help you fall asleep! -Wycoon |
A Thousand Scales of Dread |
千刃、襲来 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Seregios |
Location: Dunes | ||||
Subquests: | Break Seregios's horn | ||||
Monsters: | Hermitaur, Konchu |
Breaking news from the Elder Hall: A Seregios has shown up in the Dunes! Any and all skilled hunters are asked to help hunt it as soon as possible. Beware its blades! -Elder Hall Minister |
Fury Run Afoul |
憤激する巨獣 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Gammoth |
Location: Arctic Ridge (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Beast Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Popo, Blango |
A shortage of food has got a Gammoth goin' crazy up on the ridge. No one can sleep at night, fearin' it'll come a-chargin' through the walls! I beg ya, put it down so we can rest easy! -Village Elder |
Moonlit Bubble Bath |
月夜に映える泡の華 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Mizutsune |
Location: Misty Peaks (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster twice | ||||
Monsters: | Bullfango, Ludroth |
What a beautiful creature that Mizutsune is. And the way it uses bubbles to catch its prey... You gotta put a stop to it! What if people slip on those bubbles in the dark? Safety first! -Tepid Traveler |
Topple the Monarch |
狩られる前に狩れ! |
Main Objective: Hunt a Zinogre |
Location: Misty Peaks (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Gargwa, Jaggi, Bulldrome |
Many a poor soul has tried to hunt a Zinogre, only to end up being the one hunted instead. It's truly worthy of its title, "The Hunter." Isn't there anyone who can defy it? -Dejected Hunter |
Lagiacrushed |
孤島に渦巻く恐怖 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Lagiacrus |
Location: Deserted Island | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Jaggi, Arzuros |
The mighty Lagiacrus is feared even by the most hardened men of the sea, and one has shown up where our villagers fish and work! Please, for their safety, hunt the Lagiacrus! -Moga Chief's Son |
Isle About that Bass |
孤島を揺るがす剛音 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Brachydios |
Location: Deserted Island | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster twice | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Jaggi |
This time, I have a Quest for you. You hear that rumbling sound out of the Deserted Island? I want to know what's causing it. If it seems to be something dangerous, then I want you to eliminate it! -Moga Chief's Son |
Heaven and Earth |
天と地の領域! |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: |
Location: Deserted Island | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Jaggi |
A Rathalos and a Rathian appeared on the Deserted Island. Do you know just how deadly they are when they're together? And during mating season, it's suicide! Still up for the hunt? -Head of Island Guard |
Fro Shizzle |
パッション炸裂☆究極アフロ |
Main Objective: Hunt a Astalos |
Location: Marshlands | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Vespoid, Hornetaur |
Oh baby, I just had the grooviest idea: using an Astalos's lightning to style the ultimate 'fro! That's right, so hit the Marshlands and do your thang for me, baby! -Funky Felyne |
Bladed Glavenus |
ブレイド・ディノバルド |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Capture a Glavenus |
Location: Volcano | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Apceros, Ioprey |
I hear there are wyverns in this land that can wield katanas... Where I'm from, no such creatures exist. How do they do it? I'd really like to see one up close. Capture it for me. -Foreign Traveler |
The Shogun's Encampment |
鎌将軍の包囲陣 |
Main Objective: Hunt 2 Shogun Ceanataur |
Location: Volcano | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Crab Pearl | ||||
Monsters: | Ceanataur, Uroktor |
Did you hear that two giant Carapaceon appeared at the Volcano!? This is where you hunters leap into action, yeah? If you really are a hunter, then you'll be first in line to take out those beasts! -Hunter-in-Training |
Wyvern Sand Runners |
砂上の竜脚 |
Main Objective: |
Location: Dunes | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 700 Wycademy Points | ||||
Monsters: | Genprey, Cephalos |
On hunts, your footwork must be light, yet sturdy. That's why I always train on the sand! I also look to bird wyverns and Seregios for inspiration. Fight a few so I can study their movements! -Aspiring Hunter |
Emperor of Flame |
煉獄の主、怒れる炎帝 |
Main Objective: Slay a Teostra or repel it |
Location: Volcano | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Teostra's head | ||||
Monsters: | Vespoid |
I beg of you, help me in carrying out my last task. I've chased a Teostra to the Volcano. Beware its flames, for they may roast you alive if you are careless. Godspeed, Hunter! -Heroic General |
Stop the Wheel |
廻り集いて回帰せん |
Main Objective: Slay Shagaru Magala |
Location: Sanctuary | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Shagaru Magala's wingarms | ||||
Monsters: | None |
I've only known the gods from their legends -- never did I expect to see one in my lifetime. Dare you attempt to halt the cycle of death and etch your own name into legend, Hunter? -Wizened Storyteller |
Two-headed Carcass |
双頭の骸 |
Urgent Quest | |||
Main Objective: Repel Nakarkos |
Location: Wyvern's End | ||||
Subquests: | Break Nakarkos's outer shell | ||||
Monsters: | None |
Attention all hunters. Repelling Nakarkos is now the Wycademy's top priority. Combine your efforts and bring this task to fruition. May luck be with you. -Guild Manager |
High-rank Quests (4-7★)
HR4 Hunters Hub Quests
Swing into Action |
悪戯好きの奇猿狐を狩猟せよ |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Kecha Wacha |
Location: Ancestral Steppe | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster twice | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Jaggi, Great Maccao, Deviljho |
That danged dirty primate, swinging all over the place, knocking over my cart, hocking up mucus everywhere! I'll be looking for a new line of work if this keeps up. Help me out, Hunter! -Distressed Merchant |
Bug Appétit |
美味との遭遇? |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Seltas |
Location: Primal Forest | ||||
Subquests: | Slay 10 Konchu | ||||
Monsters: | Konchu, Genprey, Velocidrome, Deviljho |
Legends tell of a faraway land where the people make bugs into burgers. I must partake in this culinary adventure! Someone saw a Seltas in the Primal Forest. Go for it! -Feckless Gourmet |
Tackling the Tetsucabra |
鬼蛙テツカブラの狩猟 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Tetsucabra |
Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 3 Ancient Berries | ||||
Monsters: | Rhenoplos, Maccao, Seltas, Yian Kut-Ku, Deviljho |
Rock hard! That just about sums up what it's like to fight that thing and see your attacks bounce off those boulders it digs up... I give up! How about you, though? Up for a challenge? -Wounded Hunter |
So Notable: Great Maccao |
超☆メモ帳~跳狗竜狩猟編~ |
Main Objective: Hunt 2 Great Maccao |
Location: Jurassic Frontier | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Great Maccao's head | ||||
Monsters: | Larinoth, Maccao |
You've seen Great Maccao hopping around on their tails and throwing punches, right? My notebook hasn't! At least, not until you go hunt two of them for me so I can make an accurate sketch! -Guildmarm |
The Land Sharq |
大地を泳ぐモンスター |
Main Objective: Hunt a Cephadrome |
Location: Dunes | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 5 Piscine Liver | ||||
Monsters: | Hermitaur, Cephalos, Gendrome, Deviljho |
Argh, my wagon just got marooned in the Dunes! Now, I haven't seen anything fishy out here -- yet -- but I just know there's something waiting to get at my stuff! Find it and let 'em have it! -Oasis Village Chief |
Shells of Steel |
鉄壁の盾蟹 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur |
Location: Dunes | ||||
Subquests: | Slay 10 Hermitaurs | ||||
Monsters: | Hermitaur, Cephalos, Gendrome, Deviljho |
I hate to ask hunters for help, but there's a huge Hermitaur out in the Dunes that just won't go down nicely. No matter what I do, I can't hurt it. I need you to go after it for me. -Defeated Warrior |
Birds of a Feather |
迷惑な怪鳥と毒怪鳥 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Yian Kut-Ku and a Gypceros |
Location: Verdant Hills (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Hornetaur |
The Verdant Hills are littered with fiery goo and poison. The culprits are obvious, but we can't let them roam around freely. Forgive us, Hunter, but we ask you to please eliminate these two threats. -Hunter's Guild |
Delicious White Livers |
肴のキモはホワイトレバー |
Main Objective: Deliver 3 White Livers |
Location: Verdant Hills (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Slay 6 Kelbi | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Velociprey, Yian Kut-Ku |
There's nothing like sharing a drink with good friends... Only, I forgot to bring food to pair it with! Can you bring me some White Livers? Just remember not to bruise them with bluntified weapons! -Cathar Elder |
Clash of Rivals |
ライバルの激突!! |
Main Objective: |
Location: Moat Arena | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Bullfango, Rhenoplos |
The Arena overflow with Bullfango and Rhenoplos. Too much for little Cha- Cha! And if they breaka-lake the place, Cha-Cha be in more of a pickle! Hunt-hunt them for me... Please? -Cha-Cha |
A Powerful Team |
集いし強豪 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Velocidrome, a Great Maccao, a Seltas, a Bulldrome and a Gendrome |
Location: Arena | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Hornetaur |
The Grandmeowster's Trials |
大師範の試練 |
Main Objective: Slay 15 Konchu |
Location: Ancestral Steppe | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Konchu, Jaggi |
As Meowster of Moves, the time has come for me to give you the ultimate test. Muster all your strength! Show no weakness! Now go, and do me purroud! -Palico Grandmeowster |
A Plesioth in the Misty Peaks |
渓流の水竜 |
Urgent Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Plesioth |
Location: Misty Peaks (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Plesioth's top fin | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Jaggi, Royal Ludroth, Deviljho |
HR5 Hunters Hub Quests
So Notable: Kecha Wacha |
超☆メモ帳~奇猿狐狩猟編~ |
Main Objective: Hunt 2 Kecha Wacha |
Location: Ancestral Steppe | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Large Beast Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Jaggi |
When two Kecha Wacha meet, do they just carry on as usual, or do they break into the craziest dance the world has never seen? My notebook and I need to know! I'll be waiting for a full report! -Guildmarm |
Dragon Lady |
女王・リオレイアの狩猟 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Rathian |
Location: Primal Forest | ||||
Subquests: | Sever Rathian's tail | ||||
Monsters: | Slagtoth, Genprey, Gypceros, Malfestio, Deviljho |
Gah! Again my cargo is kaput. What use is guard if he guard nothing? Always, I hire guard! Always, I hear same story: monster too strong! But not immortal, yes? So, you hunt him? I reward. We understand? -Simple Fur Trader |
The Intelligent Malfestio |
知性溢れる?夜鳥狩猟 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Malfestio |
Location: Primal Forest | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Malfestio's head & wing | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Konchu, Gendrome, Gypceros, Deviljho |
What a clever creature, confusing its prey before it sinks in its claws... Just like me! A quill pen made of one of its feathers would be the perfect symbol of my intelligence and class! -Merciless Woman |
Serpentine Samba |
絞蛇竜は踊り奏でる |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Najarala |
Location: Primal Forest | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Narjarala's back | ||||
Monsters: | Slagtoth, Genprey, Iodrome, Gypceros, Deviljho |
My huntin' is near as bad as my dancin', but my little sis? Best moves in the tribe! I wanna make her a costume of serpent scales for the big festival. Could ya help me bag a big snake!? -Youth of the Dancing Tribe |
Spotted Beauty |
マダラなアイツにご執心 |
Main Objective: Hunt 2 Gendrome |
Location: Primal Forest | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Genprey |
Beasts with lovely spots roam the Primal Forest. The patterns of Gendrome... Simply breathtaking. Hunt a few so I can see them up close, and I'll reward you with this Rainbow Ore. -Weird Researcher |
Fin Finder |
ザボアザギルの狩猟依頼 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Zamtrios |
Location: Frozen Seaway | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 5 Monster Guts | ||||
Monsters: | Popo, Zamite, Lagombi, Khezu, Deviljho |
The uneducated masses call it a "monster Sharq." What nonsense! It's a most magnificent creature, able to shift into so many forms... I must have a specimen for my research! -Researcher in a Bind |
The Walls Have Eyes |
壁に耳あり、天井に目あり? |
Main Objective: Hunt a Khezu |
Location: Frozen Seaway | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Popo, Konchu, Tetsucabra, Zamtrios, Deviljho |
I was in the Frozen Seaway, I was, and that's when I felt it -- like me blood turned ta ice. Somethin' was a-spyin' on me. Cross me heart and hope ta die. Mind sussin' out the creepy peeper? -Adventure-mad Hunter |
Liver and Let Die |
キモ・キモ・キモ!!! |
Main Objective: Deliver 5 Monster Guts |
Location: Frozen Seaway | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Melynx, Zamite, Zamtrios |
Lightly grilled over charcoal, stir-fried with spicy and sweet sauce, or boiled to the perfect texture... Mmm... I'm hungry just thinking about it! Please, bring me some delicious Monster Guts! -Tanzia Sweetheart |
Fight or Uragaan! |
脅威!火山の鉄槌! |
Main Objective: Hunt an Uragaan |
Location: Volcanic Hollow | ||||
Subquests: | Slay 10 Rhenoplos | ||||
Monsters: | Rhenoplos, Ioprey, Iodrome, Tetsucabra, Deviljho |
Don't bother readin' any further unless you're a true hunter -- the type who loves that quiver in your guts when you're livin' on the razor's edge. Still with me? Go to the Volcano. Somethin's waitin'. -Scarred Hunter |
Worst. Trip. Ever! |
イャンガルルガの洗礼 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Yian Garuga |
Location: Volcanic Hollow | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Yian Garuga's wingtalons | ||||
Monsters: | Slagtoth, Ioprey, Iodrome, Deviljho |
Ugh... I think I was a little too ambitious to try climbing the Volcanic Hollow. I forgot my Cool Drinks and ran out of Stamina. Worst of all, I was attacked by a Yian Garuga. Somebody help me, please! -Greenhorn Hunter |
Nargacuga Throwdown |
疾き迅竜の狩猟披露 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Nargacuga |
Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Sever Nargacuga's tail | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Jaggi, Yian Gaurga, Deviljho |
This is the kind of Quest that the G Rank hunters that used to come to Pokke would finish in their SLEEP! You look like you're at least half-awake, so it should be no sweat for you! Good luck! -Pokke Sweetheart |
Insomnia? Meet Hypnotism x 2 |
不眠のあなたに催眠療法×2 |
Main Objective: Hunt 2 Malfestio |
Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Maccao |
My wife gave me a Malfestio to help me deal with insomnia, but one doesn't seem to be enough. I'm also afraid that using two at once may have some ill side effects. Could you test it out for me? -Insomniac Man |
Line in the Sand |
サンドのメシよりドスガレオス |
Main Objective: Hunt 2 Cephadrome |
Location: Dunes | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Cephalos, Bnahabra |
Sandboarding! It's the latest craze! ...Or it will be, as soon as I finish inventing it. But I can't do anything with these darned Cephadrome in the way. Get rid of 'em and I'll give you some Rainbow Ore! -Bumbling Entrepreneur |
Twin Velocidrome |
2頭のドスランポス |
Main Objective: Hunt 2 Velocidrome |
Location: Verdant Hills (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Velociprey |
A pair of Velocidrome is leading around a menacing pack of Velociprey. If you can take them out and help restore peace to the Hills, I'll give you this Rainbow Ore! -Regional Lord |
The New Tenant |
雪山の主、ドドブランゴ |
Main Objective: Hunt a Blangonga |
Location: Arctic Ridge (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Slay 10 Blangos | ||||
Monsters: | Bullfango, Blango, Bulldrome, Lagombi, Deviljho |
A Blangonga has taken up residence in the Arctic Ridge, which spells trouble for us being able to gather firewood. Hurry and take that ugly ape out before we freeze to death! -Arctic Villager |
Awful Guest |
孤島の迷惑客 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Plesioth |
Location: Deserted Island | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Ludroth |
The Loc Lac Tourism Board will not sit idly by as this Plesioth eats into our tourism revenues. We would like you to deal with this nuisance and help our other guests return home safely. -Tourism Board Executive |
Poisonous Pair |
イーオスの親玉たち |
Main Objective: Hunt 2 Iodrome |
Location: Marshlands | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Mosswine, Ioprey |
Ioprey ain't nothin' I can't handle, but this pack had two bosses. I couldn't pin 'em down and they got away, but if you can take 'em down for me, I'll give you some Rainbow Ore. -Rugged Mercenary |
You Caught This? I Caught This |
溶岩竜ヴォルガノス出現! |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Lavasioth |
Location: Volcano | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster twice | ||||
Monsters: | Apceros, Ceanataur, Iodrome, Volvidon, Deviljho |
So my brother thinks he's the best fisher in our castle. We'll see about that! Catch me a Lavasioth and I can prove him wrong! I'm a genius! Now, off you go. Don't keep me waiting! -Selfish Kid Princess |
Status: Effected |
毒、麻痺、混乱にご用心! |
Main Objective: Hunt a Volvidon, a Malfestio, and a Yian Garuga |
Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Earn 1500 Wycademy Points | ||||
Monsters: | Larinoth, Jaggi |
For a year I researched safe hunting practices: Antidotes, anti-Paralysis, you name it. The results of my research? The safest one you've pushed off onto someone else! Good luck! -Circumspect Hunter |
Desert Brawlers |
熱砂の喧嘩は武器の素 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur, a Rathian, and a Nibelsnarf |
Location: Dunes | ||||
Subquests: | Earn 1500 Wycademy Points | ||||
Monsters: | Hermitaur, Cephalos |
The Dunes are crawling with big ol' monsters that won't even let me NEAR the materials I need to make my weapons! Think you can head out and whip 'em for me? -Wyverian Artisan |
The Hunter Games |
グレート・ハンター・ゲーム |
Main Objective: Hunt a Khezu, an Uragaan, and a Shogun Ceanataur |
Location: Moat Arena | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | None |
I've gathered only the most unique monsters to display the best tournament ever hosted. Shockers, rollers, slicers... Expect no shortage of mayhem. Just try not to embarrass yourself out there! -Proud Tournament Sponsor |
Hunt, Sweat, and Tears |
汗と涙の連続狩猟 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Cephadrome, an Arzuros, an Iodrome, a Lagombi and a Volvidon |
Location: Arena | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | None |
I simply love the sight of brave hunters only barely escaping death! And this lineup of five awful beasties is sure to grant me just that. Now, be a dear and give me a good show! -Bloodthirsty Noblewoman |
A Bewitching Dance |
妖艶なる舞 |
Urgent Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Mizutsune |
Location: Primal Forest | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Slagtoth, Genprey |
A Mizutsune has laid claim to the Primal Forest. But the forest is not for it alone. You must go and reclaim what is all of ours. Beware its peculiar bubbles, Hunter. -Guild Manager |
The Unshakable Mountain God |
不動の山神 |
Urgent Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Gammoth |
Location: Frozen Seaway | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 5 Popo Tongues | ||||
Monsters: | Bnahabra, Zamite |
The beast known as the God of the Mountain is quite a challenge, indeed, but it's certainly nothing that a Wycademy Hunter can't handle! Go, Hunter, and bring honor to our name. -Guild Manager |
HR6 Hunters Hub Quests
The Lightning Crown |
素敵な素敵な電竜頭 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Astalos |
Location: Ancestral Steppe | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Jaggi, Rathalos, Tigrex, Deviljho |
The Astalos's head is so cool! Its crest looks like some kind of crown. Man, I'd love to see it up close! Then I could do some really great research... Can you please hunt one for me? -Boyish Researcher |
Watch Your Steppe |
遺跡平原の黒蝕竜調査 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Gore Magala |
Location: Ancestral Steppe | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Jaggi |
Gore Magala... Its name sends grown men running for their mothers. Don't expect a cheery hunt with this one -- its black mist swallows all. Can you drive away this relentless evil? -Wizened Storyteller |
Bug Buffet |
最も危険な晩餐 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Seltas Queen |
Location: Primal Forest | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Seltas Queen's tail | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Genprey, Seltas |
Legend tells of a faraway land where they boil up bugs and swallow them down. Say, I hear a Seltas Queen was spotted nearby. Sounds yummy! Hmm? How was the last bug I ate? ...No comment. -Feckless Gourmet |
Topple the Monarch |
狩られる前に狩れ! |
Main Objective: Hunt a Zinogre |
Location: Frozen Seaway | ||||
Subquests: | Sever Zinogre's tail | ||||
Monsters: | Popo, Konchu, Zamtrios, Gammoth, Deviljho |
I suppose I'm being too harsh on myself. I'm far from the only hunter who has challenged the Zinogre in the Frozen Seaway only to become the hunted. Why else would the monster be known as "The Hunter"? Still... -Dejected Hunter |
Master of the Molten Deep |
火の海に棲む竜! |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Agnaktor |
Location: Volcanic Hollow | ||||
Subquests: | Slay 10 Uroktor | ||||
Monsters: | Rhenoplos, Uroktor, Rathalos, Deviljho |
For the past few years, my people have lived in ever- mounting fear of the wrath of the volcano, and the great wyvern who sleeps in its flames. Please, save my people! -Fire Country Chieftain |
Duel in the Volcanic Hollow |
出陣!地底火山の果し合い! |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Glavenus |
Location: Volcanic Hollow | ||||
Subquests: | Sever the Glavenus' tail | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Konchu, Uragaan, Tigrex, Deviljho |
I fought a Glavenus in a duel, but I was soundly defeated. To think that such a master of sword- play could exist... You would do well to see it for yourself. -Eastern Blademaster |
From Beyond the Sands |
砂漠の彼方から |
Main Objective: Hunt a Glavenus |
Location: Dunes | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Apceros, Konchu, Daimyo Hermitaur, Tigrex, Deviljho |
I was roaming the Dunes when I happened to see a Glavenus blocking one of the major trade routes! Normally I keep to myself, but I can't live without my delivery of Moga curry! -Wandering Recluse |
Astalos Territory |
ライゼクスの支配圏 |
Main Objective: Hunt an Astalos |
Location: Verdant Hills (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Astalos's back | ||||
Monsters: | Vespoid, Hornetaur, Rathalos, Deviljho, Savage Deviljho |
Our caravan wandered into an Astalos's territory, and it didn't seem to like us. I barely escaped with my life, but my friends are still in the Verdant Hills. Please hunt it down and save my friends! -Trade Caravan Leader |
Bl-Bl-Blangongas! |
ドドドドブランゴ! |
Main Objective: Hunt 3 Blangongas |
Location: Arctic Ridge (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Territorial Dung+ | ||||
Monsters: | Bullfango, Blango |
It's bad enough that we've got a gig out in the middle of nowhere for a bunch of lushes, but now we're liable to get stranded in the mountains because of these Blangongas! Help! -Talent Manager |
For Whom the Gong Tolls |
ドボルがために銅鑼は鳴る |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Duramboros |
Location: Marshlands | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Duramboros's hump | ||||
Monsters: | Bullfango, Hornetaur, Najarala, Rathian, Deviljho |
A friend of mine who rings gongs for a living says she'd like to model her movements after those of a Duramboros. Could you hunt one for her? Then maybe she'll finally get back to work! -Sailor-suited Gal |
Coal Hearted |
たんと掘れ燃石炭 |
Main Objective: Deliver 10 pieces of Coal or a Paw Pass Ticket |
Location: Volcano | ||||
Subquests: | Break Rajang's horns | ||||
Monsters: | Ceanataur, Ioprey, Rajang |
Me and Grampaw Maple got somethin' amazin' in the works, but we need some Coal! Gather about ten for us, would ya? Use the Paw Pass Ticket to come back once ya do! -Yukumo Smithy |
Dances with Wyverns |
飛竜たちの乱舞 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Rathian, a Yian Kut-Ku and a Astalos |
Location: Ancestral Steppe | ||||
Subquests: | Earn 1500 Wycademy Points | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Jaggi |
Wyverns attacked my airship the other day! Just WHAM, right out of the sky with their claws and fire and... *sigh* My trip was ruined, but you can save others by hunting those beasts! -Rich Airship Enthusiast |
Bugging Out |
原生林の曲者たち |
Main Objective: Hunt a Malfestio, a Mizutsune and a Seltas Queen |
Location: Primal Forest | ||||
Subquests: | Earn 1500 Wycademy Points | ||||
Monsters: | Slagtoth, Genprey |
I heard the Primal Forest had some big bugs, so I went to check it out, but something put me to sleep and I woke up covered in bubbles! Could you go look for the bugs instead? -Reckless Bug-lover |
A Three Hour Tour |
スリルとショックの氷海ツアー |
Main Objective: |
Location: Frozen Seaway | ||||
Subquests: | Earn 1500 Wycademy Points | ||||
Monsters: | Popo, Zamite |
This was supposed to be a nice trip to see the aurora, but all we saw here were monsters! Nothing is so beautiful it's worth risking our lives for! Hunt them so we can finish our trip! -Frozen Seaway Tourist |
A Hollow Defense |
地底火山に響く侵略の足音 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Yian Garuga, a Tetsucabra and a Glavenus |
Location: Volcanic Hollow | ||||
Subquests: | Earn 1500 Wycademy Points | ||||
Monsters: | Konchu, Ioprey |
Just our luck that we go digging for ore, only to dig up a shortcut to a bunch of monsters! We threw up a makeshift barrier, but we can't hold them off anymore... Help! -Miner |
Wild Gunman |
ワイルドバレット |
Main Objective: |
Location: Deserted Island | ||||
Subquests: | Earn 1500 Wycademy Points | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Jaggi |
I'm a bullet researcher by trade. Yes, we exist. By studying the unique ranged attacks of monsters, I can craft better tools to fight them. By helping me, you'll be doing yourself a favor. -Bullet Technician |
Marshlands Rag |
沼地の狂騒楽団 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Bulldrome, a Najarala and a Duramboros |
Location: Marshlands | ||||
Subquests: | Earn 1500 Wycademy Points | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Bullfango |
Can you hear that...? The perfect melody of wildlife in the Marshlands! Bulldrome footsteps, Najarala rustles through the treetops, and the bass-like drumming of a Duramboros! Bravo! Bravo! -Solitary Composer |
Firefight to the Finish! |
燃えたぎれ!火山の熱闘!! |
Main Objective: Hunt a Shogun Ceanataur, a Lavasioth and a Agnaktor |
Location: Volcano | ||||
Subquests: | Earn 1500 Wycademy Points | ||||
Monsters: | Apceros, Uroktor |
I heard some monsters were making a mess at the Volcano, so I'm like BAM! Let me at 'em! But then they were like BAM! No way, bro! I can't let them burn me like that, man! Please, avenge me! -Fired-up Hunter |
At the Slayground |
狂乱の立体闘技場 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Rathalos, a Kecha Wacha and a Rajang |
Location: Slayground | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | None |
We thought we'd found the perfect place to train, but it's been overrun by both a Kecha Wacha and a Rathalos! And now a Rajang is on its way, too! Help us newbies out! -Fleeing Novice Hunter |
Triple Toady Terror |
3頭寄れば獰猛蛙 |
Main Objective: Hunt 3 Hyper Tetsucabra |
Location: Volcanic Hollow | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Large Toad Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Slagtoth, Ioprey |
I hate to ask for even more help, Hunter, but could you take care of a Tetsucabra for us? It's one of 'em Hyper beasties, but if you take it out, we should be able to make some great gear! -Harth Chief |
The Coal Still Burns |
心を燃やせ、燃石炭! |
Main Objective: Deliver 30 pieces of Coal |
Location: Volcanic Hollow | ||||
Subquests: | Hunt an Uragaan | ||||
Monsters: | Slagtoth, Ioprey, Uragaan |
My pop seems pretty set on creating the perfect set of armor, but I just want him to get some bed rest! Can you please get him some Coal so he doesn't overexert himself!? Pretty please!? -Lil Miss Forge |
Woe Malfestio |
夜鳥の会・危機一髪! |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Malfestio |
Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Malfestio's head & wings | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Maccao |
A merchant looking for a Malfestio came to me, and I accidentally pointed her to a Hyper one. Oops! She has a bodyguard, but he's no hunter. Please take out that Hyper Malfestio! -Bherna Gal |
Nibeling on Apples |
幻のハップル? |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Nibelsnarf |
Location: Dunes | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Nibelsnarf's front legs | ||||
Monsters: | Apceros, Hermitaur |
I've discovered the ultimate apple! If only that Hyper Nibelsnarf weren't keeping me from harvesting more... But, the world must know of its deliciousness! Help me, Hunter! -Master Tool |
The Plesioth Adventure |
ガノトトス冒険記 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Plesioth |
Location: Misty Peaks (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Plesioth's head & top fin | ||||
Monsters: | Gargwa, Jaggi |
I was walking in the Misty Peaks when I came across a Plesioth all riled up. And you know what? I think that sucker would be perfect practice for you! Now, go get 'em, sport! -Master Shipwright |
The Magma's Rage |
極秘依頼!獰猛なる溶岩竜! |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Lavasioth |
Location: Volcano | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Lavasioth's head & top fin | ||||
Monsters: | Apceros, Ceanataur |
A certain...someone...needs you to complete this highly classified Quest. Even I am not sure why. Your target: a Hyper Lavasioth. I'm sure this goes without saying, but be careful. -Felcote |
Minion Audition Imposition |
子分・取り分・イイ気分♪ |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Yian Kut-Ku and a Hyper Shogun Ceanataur |
Location: Marshlands | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster 4 times | ||||
Monsters: | Apceros, Ceanataur |
If you really want to be Cha-Cha's minion, you must prove yourself-self! In the Marshlands, Hyper Yian Kut-Ku and Shogun Ceanataur need hunting! Cha-Cha will be watcha-latching you! -Cha-Cha |
Seer of Swords |
千刃竜セルレギオス |
Urgent Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Seregios |
Location: Dunes | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster twice | ||||
Monsters: | Konchu, Cephalos, Tigrex, Deviljho, Savage Deviljho |
Seregios, or the "Wyvern of One Thousand Blades," has made an appearance. Razor- sharp scales and strength that may even surpass that of Rathalos. Keep your wits about you, young Hunter. -Guild Manager |
HR7 Hunters Hub Quests
Stop the Wheel |
廻り集いて回帰せん |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Slay a Shagaru Magala |
Location: Sanctuary | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster twice | ||||
Monsters: | None |
I've only known the gods from their legends -- never did I expect to see one in my lifetime. Dare you attempt to halt the cycle of death and etch your own name into legend, Hunter? -Wizened Storyteller |
A Gathering of Wyverns |
熱愛発覚!?竜達の密会! |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: |
Location: Ancestral Steppe | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Konchu |
You'll never guess what I saw! An Astalos trying to pick up a Rathian! Clearly, this is a case of forbidden love... Or it is in my book! This is simply too scandalous! Please do something! -Gullible Housekeeper |
A Song of White and Lapis |
白と瑠璃の輪舞曲 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: |
Location: Primal Forest | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Genprey |
I had a dream where I was covered in white bubbles and surrounded by lapis-colored feathers. When I woke up, I saw a Mizutsune and a Malfestio fighting. Please drive them off so I can sleep! -Romanticist Explorer |
A Cold Set of Armor |
冷たき甲冑 |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: |
Location: Frozen Seaway | ||||
Subquests: | Earn 500 Wycademy Points | ||||
Monsters: | Popo, Zamite |
I've heard that monsters in the Frozen Seaway have armor of ice and snow. If I knew their secrets, I could make some truly splendid armor. I'm not a fighter, so could you do some research on my behalf? -Industrious Armorer |
Rocked and Rolled |
炸裂!爆砕拳! |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: Hunt a Brachydios |
Location: Volcanic Hollow | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Rhenoplos, Ioprey, Rathalos, Deviljho |
Ever take a knockout punch? I know a monster who packs a wallop. And don't get me started on its sticky goop. Good thing it came off before I went down for the count. You up for a round? -Focused Grappler |
So Notable: Seregios |
超☆メモ帳~千刃竜捕獲編~ |
Main Objective: Capture a Seregios |
Location: Volcanic Hollow | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Seregios's wingtalon | ||||
Monsters: | Slagtoth, Ioprey, Yian Garuga, Brachydios, Deviljho |
I need your help ASAP! I've got a fresh notebook page just screaming to be filled with facts, and I know just what will do the trick: a freshly captured Seregios! Good luck! -Guildmarm |
Hammer vs. Blade |
鎚と刀の鍔迫り合い |
Key Quest | |||
Main Objective: |
Location: Volcanic Hollow | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Konchu |
I found two monsters in the Volcanic Hollow, both wielding finely honed weapons: a sharp sword and a crushing hammer. Dangerous weapons like those must be apprehended. -Ecological Observer |
The Hapless Bodyguard |
容赦なき、金獅子相手に用心棒 |
Main Objective: Hunt 3 Rajang |
Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Large Beast Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Jaggi |
If I'm gonna follow this plan to a T, I'm going to need all the materials I can get! And I can't get them with a bunch of Rajang hanging on my back. That's where you come in! -Manvil Smithy |
The Yukumo Gal Special |
受付嬢オススメ!雷狼竜×2 |
Main Objective: Hunt 2 Zinogres |
Location: Misty Peaks (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | Gargwa, Jaggi |
That Quest the Yukumo Gal recommended to me was ridiculous! Did she really expect me to take on a pair of Zinogres by myself!? Be a pal and take this Quest off my hands! -Injured Ranger |
Repaying the Favor |
無理した弟子の、後始末 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Brachydios |
Location: Deserted Island | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Brachydios's head | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Jaggia, Lagiacrus, Zinogre, Deviljho |
My apprentice in Bherna got into some trouble. I want to repay the kind purrson who bailed him out with Brachydios materials, but my paws are tied with work! Could you go instead? -Palico Armory |
A Man's Arena is His Castle |
住めば都の闘技場暮らし |
Main Objective: |
Location: Arena | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | None |
I walk away for five minutes and the place is crawling with monsters! Lagombi, Blangonga, Zamtrios, and a Gammoth! Someone's gotta teach 'em their proper place! Hm? You're saying that's my job? -Arena Manager |
The Hunter Games |
グランド・ハンター・ゲーム |
Main Objective: Hunt a Mizutsune, a Royal Ludroth, a Plesioth and a Seltas Queen |
Location: Moat Arena | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | None |
We've got an intense lineup for everyone today! Foxes, beasts, fish, and even bugs! This gauntlet's sure to have challengers quaking in their booties. Hahaha! Well, have fun out there! -Proud Tournament Sponsor |
The Flames of War |
熱気で熱狂!炎の軍勢! |
Main Objective: Hunt a Yian Garuga, an Uragaan, an Agnaktor, a Rathalos and a Glavenus |
Location: Arena | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | None |
The Arena is blazing with action today! Why, you ask? Because it's stoked with lava, exploding rocks, flaming breath, and red-hot blades! Got what it takes to burn through the competition? -Arena Manager |
A Shocking Revelation! |
ビリビリバリバリパニック!! |
Main Objective: Hunt a Khezu, a Lagiacrus, a Zinogre, a Rajang and a Astalos |
Location: Arena | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | None |
Every time I walk around, I get zapped with static! Mom says it's 'cause there's so many Thunder monsters around. I dunno about that, but I do know that these shocks hurt! Please help! -Staticky Girl |
Hellfire Star |
奈落の妖星 |
Urgent Quest | |||
Main Objective: Slay Nakarkos |
Location: Wyvern's End | ||||
Subquests: | None | ||||
Monsters: | None |
Attention all hunters. Slaying Nakarkos is now the Wycademy's top priority. Combine your efforts and bring this task to fruition. May luck be with you. -Guild Manager |
Putting the Gore in Magala |
顕現せし黒蝕竜 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Gore Magala |
Location: Ancestral Steppe | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Gore Magala's feelers & arm | ||||
Monsters: | Hermitaur, Konchu |
We've received word that a Hyper Gore Magala is in the Ancestral Steppe. I'd like for you to head out there right away. A Hyper specimen of Gore Magala is a deadly foe. Be careful out there. -Ace Commander |
Tigrex, Tigrex, Burning Bright |
轟虎馮海 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Tigrex |
Location: Frozen Seaway | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Tigrex's head & claw | ||||
Monsters: | Hermitaur, Konchu |
A certain...someone...needs you to complete this highly classified Quest. Even I am not sure why. Your target: a Hyper Tigrex. I'm sure this goes without saying, but be careful. -Felcote |
A Fiery Temper |
獰にして猛だが火でもある |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Rathalos |
Location: Volcanic Hollow | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Rathalos's wings & tail | ||||
Monsters: | Slagtoth, Uroktor |
Help! A Hyper Rathalos is in the Volcanic Hollow! I told the Kokoto Gal that if we didn't act now, we'd all be done for, but she just laughed! I can't be the only one who thinks we're in big trouble! -Gossipy Villager |
Wyverns All Around Us |
空の飛竜と陸の飛竜 |
Main Objective: |
Location: Verdant Hills (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Velociprey |
You look ready to rumble with some tough monsters! Lucky for you, a pair of Hyper wyverns are tearin' through the Verdant Hills. Dangerous, sure, but I'm sure you can handle 'em! -Black Hell Hunter |
試練の帰結点 |
Main Objective: |
Location: Dunes | ||||
Subquests: | Topple monster while mounted four times | ||||
Monsters: | Hermitaur, Konchu |
まだ見ぬ秘湯をもとめて |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Royal Ludroth, a Hyper Duramboros and a Hyper Zinogre |
Location: Misty Peaks (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Wound the Zinogre's head and front legs | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Jaggi |
森丘の黒い霧 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Yian Garuga, a Hyper Yian Kut-Ku and a Hyper Rathian |
Location: Verdant Hills (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Deliver 2 Large Wyvern Tears | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Velociprey |
汝ノチカラヲ、見セテミヨ |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Rathalos, a Hyper Zinogre and a Hyper Lagiacrus |
Location: Deserted Island | ||||
Subquests: | Topple monster while mounted five times | ||||
Monsters: | Kelbi, Jaggi |
沼地酔夢譚 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Khezu, a Hyper Shogun Ceanataur and a Hyper Astalos |
Location: Marshlands | ||||
Subquests: | Topple monster while mounted five times | ||||
Monsters: | Aptonoth, Ceanataur |
The Birds of Prey |
奇奇怪怪のハードビーク |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Yian Kut-Ku, a Hyper Malfestio and a Hyper Yian Garuga |
Location: Arena | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster 5 times | ||||
Monsters: | None |
Beware the beaks that bite, the claws that catch! The shrieking Yian Kut-Ku; the colorful Malfestio; and the war machine, Yian Garuga! Slay these beasts and bring safety to the skies! -Festive Man |
The Fanged Beasts |
勇猛果敢なブレイブタスク |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Gammoth, a Hyper Kecha Wacha and a Hyper Blangonga |
Location: Arena | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster 5 times | ||||
Monsters: | None |
Beware the beasts that pierce with tusk and fang. The giant Gammoth; the erratic Kecha Wacha; and the wily Blangonga! Can you avoid the skewer of these sharp challengers? -Festive Man |
The Winged Wyverns |
震天動地なグランドウイング |
Main Objective: |
Location: Arena | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster 5 times | ||||
Monsters: | None |
Beware the skies and those that rule it! The new rival, Astalos; the divebombing Rathalos; and the flesh- tearing Seregios. Do you have what it takes to reclaim the skies? -Festive Man |
The Beasts of Brawn |
鎧袖一触のパワフルアームズ |
Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Uragaan, a Hyper Duramboros, a Hyper Brachydios and a Hyper Glavenus |
Location: Arena | ||||
Subquests: | Mount and topple monster 5 times | ||||
Monsters: | None |
Beware the beasts of strength and savagery! The massive Uragaan; the whirling might of Duramboros; the brute strength of Brachydios; and the razor-bladed Glavenus. Who will reign king? -Festive Man |
Child of Destruction |
破壊と滅亡の申し子 |
Main Objective: Hunt a Furious Rajang |
Location: Volcano | ||||
Subquests: | Break Rajang's horns | ||||
Monsters: | Ceanataur, Ioprey |
The Rajang has shown its true colors at last. Left un- checked, it will visit utter destruction upon us. I must entrust you with its defeat, as I have another task, and dear ones awaiting my return. -Elite Hunter |
憤怒の雄叫び |
Main Objective: Hunt a Savage Deviljho |
Location: Dunes | ||||
Subquests: | N/A | ||||
Monsters: | Apceros, Konchu |
The Frozen Dictator |
氷点下の支配者 |
Main Objective: Slay a Kushala Daora or repel it |
Location: Arctic Ridge (Night) | ||||
Subquests: | Sever Kushala Daora's tail | ||||
Monsters: | Vespoid |
I saw it! I know I did! A pair of black wings among a flurry of snow... Then a gust of wind nearly blew me off the mountain! Take my advice and don't even go near that thing! -Fleeing Villager |
The Elder Dragon of Mist |
古の霞龍、オオナズチ |
Main Objective: Slay a Chameleos or repel it |
Location: Verdant Hills (Day) | ||||
Subquests: | Break Chameleos's horn | ||||
Monsters: | (?) |
Emperor of Flame |
煉獄の主、怒れる炎帝 |
Main Objective: Slay a Teostra or repel it |
Location: Volcano | ||||
Subquests: | Sever Teostra's tail | ||||
Monsters: | Vespoid |
I beg of you, help me in carrying out my last task. I've chased a Teostra to the Volcano. Beware its flames, for they may roast you alive if you are careless. Godspeed, Hunter! -Heroic General |
Grim Tidings |
獄炎に座す、覇たる者 |
Main Objective: Slay an Akantor |
Location: Ingle Isle | ||||
Subquests: | Wound Akantor's back | ||||
Monsters: | None |
(?) |