By Size
Small Monsters
Large Monsters
By Type
Tetsucabra |
Drilltusk Tetsucabra |
Zamtrios |
Zamite |
Bird Wyverns
Gargwa |
Gendrome |
Genprey |
Giaprey |
Great Maccao |
Gypceros |
Malfestio |
Iodrome |
Ioprey |
Jaggi |
Jaggia |
Maccao |
Velocidrome |
Velociprey |
Yian Garuga |
Deadeye Yian Garuga |
Yian Kut-Ku |
Brute Wyverns
Brachydios |
Deviljho |
Duramboros |
Glavenus |
Hellblade Glavenus |
Uragaan |
Crystalbeard Uragaan |
Ceanataur |
Hermitaur |
Daimyo Hermitaur |
Stonefist Hermitaur |
Shogun Ceanataur |
Fanged Beasts
Arzuros |
Redhelm Arzuros |
Blango |
Blangonga |
Bullfango |
Bulldrome |
Gammoth |
Kecha Wacha |
Lagombi |
Snowbaron Lagombi |
Rajang |
Volvidon |
Fanged Wyverns
Zinogre |
Thunderlord Zinogre |
Flying Wyverns
Akantor |
Astalos |
Khezu |
Nargacuga |
Silverwind Nargacuga |
Rathalos |
Dreadking Rathalos |
Silver Rathalos |
Rathian |
Dreadqueen Rathian |
Gold Rathian |
Seregios |
Tigrex |
Grimclaw Tigrex |
Ukanlos |
Anteka |
Apceros |
Aptonoth |
Kelbi |
Larinoth |
Mosswine |
Moofah |
Popo |
Rhenoplos |
Slagtoth |
Agnaktor |
Lagiacrus |
Ludroth |
Mizutsune |
Nibelsnarf |
Royal Ludroth |
Uroktor |
Felyne |
Melynx |
Altaroth |
Bnahabra |
Hornetaur |
Konchu |
Seltas |
Seltas Queen |
Vespoid |
Piscine Wyverns
Cephalos |
Cephadrome |
Lavasioth |
Plesioth |
Snake Wyverns
Najarala |
Remobra |
Elder Dragons
Alatreon |
Amatsu |
Chameleos |
Kirin |
Kushala Daora |
Nakarkos |
Shagaru Magala |
Teostra |
Gore Magala |
Number of Monsters - Comparison with Previous Games
General Information
- A total of 105 monsters are in the game; 34 Small monsters and 71 Large monsters.
- 83 returning monsters are in the game; 31 Small monster and 52 Large monsters.
- Returning 1st Generation monsters are Apceros, Aptonoth, Bullfango, Cephalos, Cephadrome, Felyne, Gendrome, Genprey, Hornetaur, Iodrome, Ioprey, Kelbi, Khezu, Kirin, Melynx, Mosswine, Plesioth, Rathalos, Silver Rathalos, Rathian, Gold Rathian, Velocidrome, Velociprey, Vespoid, Yian Garuga, and Yian Kut-Ku.
- Returning 2nd Generation monsters are Akantor, Anteka, Blango, Blangonga, Bulldrome, Ceanataur, Chameleos, Daimyo Hermitaur, Giaprey, Gypceros, Hermitaur, Kushala Daora, Lavasioth, Nargacuga, Popo, Rajang, Furious Rajang, Remobra, Shogun Ceanataur, Teostra, Tigrex, and Ukanlos.
- Returning 3rd Generation monsters are Alatreon, Amatsu, Agnaktor, Altaroth, Arzuros, Bnahabra, Brachydios, Deviljho, Savage Deviljho, Duramboros, Gargwa, Jaggi, Jaggia, Lagiacrus, Lagombi, Ludroth, Nibelsnarf, Rhenoplos, Royal Ludroth, Slagtoth, Uragaan, Uroktor, Volvidon and Zinogre.
- Returning 4th Generation monsters are Gore Magala, Kecha Wacha, Konchu, Najarala, Seltas, Seltas Queen, Seregios, Shagaru Magala, Tetsucabra, Zamtrios and Zamite.
- 22 new monsters are in the game; 3 Small monsters and 19 Large monsters.
- The Leviathan Monster Type, previously not present in Monster Hunter 4 and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, returns in this game.
Monsters with Minor Roles / References to Old Monsters
- A corpse of a Shen Gaoren can be found in Area 10 of the Jurassic Frontier.