Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki
MHRise Item Icon-Question Mark Red Unofficial Japanese Translations
Some names in this Article may use unofficial translations, these are obtained through different means, official localizations from other games in the series take precedent over fan translations where possible, otherwise the Staff will provide temporary translations.


One Star Quests


Harvest 'Shroom
MHP3-Delivery Box Icon MH4U-Mushroom Quest Icon

Main Goal:

Deliver 10 Unique Mushroom

Locale: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 300z
HR Points: 40
Contract Fee: 0z

Monsters: Jaggi, Gargwa

今はやりのキノコダイエット! ぜひとも試してみたいざます。 そこのハンターさん、 渓流に行って特産キノコ10個を がっつり採ってきて頂戴! 頼みましたわよ。ヲホホホホホ。

Unofficial Translated Description:

I'm mad! I hate this mushroom diet, I hate it! Please hunter, could you fetch me 10 Unique Mushrooms from the Misty Peaks? -- Long-haired Girl

Prescription Pick-Up
MHP3-Delivery Box Icon MH4U-Bone Quest Icon

Main Goal:

Deliver 3 Kelbi Horn

Locale: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 300z
HR Points: 40
Contract Fee: 0z

Monsters: Kelbi, Jaggi

誕生日に、ケルビの角の首飾り が欲しいと妹がうるさい。 まったくわがままなやつだ。 取りあえず…角が3つもあれば 十分首飾りが作れる。 ちょっと渓流まで頼まれてくれ。

Unofficial Translated Description:

It's my annoying sister's birthday. She wants a necklace made from Kelbi Horns as a gift! She's selfish, but I love her. Please, could you bring me 3 Kelbi Horns? -- Shy Brother

Jaggi Takedown Key Quest
MHP3-Jaggi Icon

Main Goal:

Slay 5 Jaggi

Locale: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 300z
HR Points: 40
Contract Fee: 0z

Monsters: Great Jaggi, Jaggia

森の中で寝転がっていたら、 ジャギィたちが襲いかかって きたニャ! 気持ちよくお昼寝 するためにも、アイツらを倒して 欲しいんだニャ。ハンターさん、 今すぐ渓流に来いニャ!

Unofficial Translated Description:

Nya! When I was resting in the Misty Peaks, a Great Jaggi appeared from nowhere, and tried to eat me. Nyaaa! Hunter, take down that beast for me! -- Resting Felyne

Bully The Bullfango Key Quest
MHP3-Bullfango Icon

Main Goal:

Slay 3 Bullfango

Locale: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 300z
HR Points: 40
Contract Fee: 0z

Monsters: Bullfango, Jaggi

し、尻が! 尻が痛い!  憎らしきブルファンゴ! お袋に 命じられ、渓流にキノコ狩りに 行ったら、オイラの後ろから突然 ドカンと来やがった。オイラの尻 のカタキをとってくれ!

Unofficial Translated Description:

I was picking some mushrooms when suddenly a pack of Bullfango appeared behind me! They ran me down and hurt my back. It's painful! Please go and get revenge for me. -- Gatekeeper

Harbinger Of Terror Key Quest
MHP3-Delivery Box Icon MH4U-Honey Quest Icon

Main Goal:

Deliver 5 Royal Honey

Locale: Misty Peaks (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 300z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 0z

Monsters: Jaggi, Altaroth, Arzuros

ロイヤルハニーを採りに渓流に 行ったんだけど、何かが近付いて くる音が聞こえた気がして 逃げ帰ってきたの。恐ろしくて もう一度行く気にならないわ。 代わりにお願いできない?

Unofficial Translated Description:

I regularly visit the Misty Peaks to collect Royal Honey. Recently I heard a scary sound approaching me. I ran and hid! I can't go out again until the culprit has been found. -- Worried Old Traveller

  • Players will meet Arzuros in this quest, it can be hunted but doing so is not necessary.

Blue Bear: Arzuros Urgent Quest
MHP3-Arzuros Icon

Main Goal:

Hunt the Arzuros

Locale: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 1200z
HR Points: 180
Contract Fee: 200z

Monsters: Jaggi, Gargwa

アオアシラは、この村ではなじみ 深いモンスターなのですが、最近 村の近くに現れる事が多くなって 村の子達も困っておりますの。 村に来たばかりで申し訳ないので すけど、是非お願いしますわ。

Unofficial Translated Description:

Arzuros is a common monster to the village. However, it's terrorizing the children. This can't happen any longer! Hunter, please eradicate this threat! -- Village Chief

Two Stars Quests


Harvest Tour: Misty Peaks
MHP3-Delivery Box Icon MH4U-Gathering Quest Icon

Main Goal:

Survive until Time Over or Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket

Locale: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 12z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 0z

Monsters: Jaggi, Gargwa

渓流で素材集めが出来ますの。 旅の費用はギルドで持ちますので 存分に採取にいそしんできて 下さいまし。支給品ボックスの 中にあるネコタクチケットを納品 すれば、クエストクリアですわ。

Unofficial Translated Description:

Materials can be collected from the Misty Peaks. As I worked hard, I can give you the expenses to your trip. If you deliver the paw pass ticket to the supply box, the quest is clear! -- Village Chief

Harvest Tour: Sandy Plains
MHP3-Delivery Box Icon MH4U-Gathering Quest Icon

Main Goal:

Survive until Time Over or Deliver Paw Pass Ticket

Locale: Sandy Plains (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 12z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 0z

Monsters: Jaggi, Delex

砂原で素材集めが出来ますの。 旅の費用はギルドで持ちますので 存分に採取にいそしんできて 下さいまし。支給品ボックスの 中にあるネコタクチケットを納品 すれば、クエストクリアですわ。

Unofficial Translated Description:

Materials can be collected from the Sandy Plains. As I worked hard, I can give you the expenses to your trip. If you deliver the paw pass ticket to the supply box, the quest is clear! -- Village Chief

Harvest Tour: Flooded Forest
MHP3-Delivery Box Icon MH4U-Gathering Quest Icon

Main Goal:

Survive until Time Over or Deliver Paw Pass Ticket

Locale: Flooded Forest (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 12z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 0z

Monsters: Ludroth, Slagtoth

水没林で素材集めが出来ますの。 旅の費用はギルドで持ちますので 存分に採取にいそしんできて 下さいまし。支給品ボックスの 中にあるネコタクチケットを納品 すれば、クエストクリアですわ。

Unofficial Translated Description:

Materials can be collected from the Flooded Forest. As I worked hard, I can give you the expenses to your trip. If you deliver the paw pass ticket to the supply box, the quest is clear! -- Village Chief

Blue Bear: Arzuros
MHP3-Arzuros Icon

Main Goal:

Hunt an Arzuros

Locale: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 1200z
HR Points: 180
Contract Fee: 200z

Monsters: Jaggi, Gargwa

アオアシラは、この村ではなじみ 深いモンスターなのですが、最近 村の近くに現れる事が多くなって 村の子達も困っておりますの。 村に来たばかりで申し訳ないので すけど、是非お願いしますわ。

Unofficial Translated Description:

Arzuros is a common monster to the village. However, it's terrorizing the children. This can't happen any longer! Hunter, please eradicate this threat! -- Village Chief

Forest Murmur Key Quest
MHP3-Bulldrome Icon MHP3-Question Mark Icon

Main Goal:

Hunt the Bulldrome

Locale: Misty Peaks (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 1200z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 200z

Monsters: Bullfango, Jaggi, Zinogre

いつもは森の奥にいるはずの ドスファンゴがうちのタケノコ畑 を荒らしに来たんだ! いつにも 増して気性が荒かったよ…。 何だか森の様子もおかしいし、 退治しに行ってくれないかな?

Unofficial Translated Description:

From the depths of the forest, the Bulldrome ruins my bamboo plants and it never grows back. Can you confront this monster for me? -- Family-minded Youth

  • Zinogre will invade after hunting Bulldrome, this hunt is optional and introduces the Unstable Environment mechanic.

Field Trip
MHP3-Great Jaggi Icon

Main Goal:

Hunt the Great Jaggi

Locale: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 900z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 150z

Monsters: Jaggi, Jaggia
Unofficial Translated Description:

My students want to watch a brave fight between a hunter and a monster. Please show them a wonderful brawl. A Great Jaggi is close by! -- Excited Teacher

Jaggia Extermination
MHP3-Jaggia Icon

Main Goal:

Slay 3 Jaggia

Locale: Misty Peaks (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 900z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 150z

Monsters: Great Jaggi, Jaggia

最近、渓流のジャギィノスが 増えてきていると思わないか? まさか、群れでうちの畑を荒らし まわろうとしているんじゃ…。 いや、そうに違いない! 今すぐ ジャギィノスを討伐してくれ!

Under The Yolk
MHP3-Delivery Box Icon

Main Goal:

Deliver 3 Gargwa Eggs

Locale: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 900z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 150z

Monsters: Bulldrome, Gargwa

ウチの娘、今日が誕生日なのよ。 娘をお遣いに行かせてる間に、 あの子の大好きなガーグァの 卵料理をたくさん用意して びっくりさせてあげたいの。 ハンターさん、頼んだわよ!!

An Afternoon In The Forest
MHP3-Delivery Box Icon

Main Goal:

Deliver 5 Ripened Mushrooms

Locale: Misty Peaks (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 900z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 150z

Monsters: Arzuros, Altaroth

お遣いでキノコ採りに行ったの。 でも、生えてたキノコは、どれも 頼まれたものと少し違ってたわ。 お母さんは虫がなんとか…って 言ってた気がするんだけど…。 お願い。一緒に手伝ってくれる?

Pain In The Plains Key Quest
MHP3-Great Jaggi Icon

Main Goal:

Hunt the Great Jaggi

Locale: Sandy Plains (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 900z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 150z

Monsters: Jaggi, Jaggia

ドスジャギィがジャギィを従え、 砂原を我が物顔で歩き回って おる。村の男衆総掛かりで立ち 向かったのじゃが、全く歯が 立たん。やはり狩猟の専門家に 任せるのが一番だな。頼む!

Bring Peace To The Sandy Plains!
MHP3-Jaggi Icon

Main Goal:

Hunt 10 Jaggi

Locale: Sandy Plains (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 900z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 150z

Monsters: Jaggi, Jaggia

リーダーの不在を良いことに ジャギィたちが、砂原を好き放題 荒らしまわっているらしいぜ。 統率を失ったやつらのせいで、 砂原はもはや混乱の極みだ。 砂原に秩序を取り戻してくれ!

Ancients? Crystal Bones!
MHP3-Delivery Box Icon

Main Goal:

Deliver 5 Crystal Bones

Locale: Sandy Plains (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 900z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 150z

Monsters: Great Jaggi, Jaggi

古代のモンスターを語る上で、 竜骨結晶は欠かすことができない わ。研究用に、竜骨結晶を5つ 採掘してきてちょうだい! 採掘 だから、予備のピッケルを用意 しておいた方がいいかもよ。

Quick And Strong Bulldrome!
MHP3-Bulldrome Icon

Main Goal:

Hunt the Bulldrome

Locale: Flooded Forest (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 1200z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 200z

Monsters: Bullfango, Ludroth

近づく者に見境無く襲いかかる ドスファンゴというモンスターが 非常に厄介でしてな。水没林の 大きな脅威となっておるのです。 どうか、この脅威を退けて 欲しい。お願いしますよ。

Fanged Beast Taking A Bath
MHP3-Arzuros Icon

Main Goal:

Hunt the Arzuros

Locale: Flooded Forest (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 1200z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 200z

Monsters: Wroggi, Ludroth

ニャ…ニャっくしゅん!! ややや、やられたのニャ~ッ! アオアシラのヤツが、水没林で 大暴れ、巻き込まれたオイラは 泥まみれの濡れ鼠ニャ! ゆ…許せないのニャ…!!

No Love For Ludroth Key Quest
MHP3-Ludroth Icon

Main Goal:

Slay 5 Ludroth

Locale: Flooded Forest (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 900z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 150z

Monsters: Ludroth, Wroggi

息子のおねしょが治らないの。 毎日毎日布団を干して……でね、 ルドロスの素材って吸水性抜群 らしいから、これでおねしょ カバーを作ろうと思うの。ルドロ スは主に、水辺にいるらしいわ。

Poisonous Wroggi Key Quest
MHP3-Wroggi Icon

Main Goal:

Slay 10 Wroggi

Locale: Flooded Forest (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 900z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 150z

Monsters: Arzuros, Wroggi

僕らの村の近くにフロギィが 棲み着いて大変なんだ! あいつの吐く毒液で作物も家畜も 駄目にされてしまった…。 フロギィを10頭討伐して 村を元通りにしてくれないか?

Hair Of The Dog
MHP3-Delivery Box Icon

Main Goal:

Deliver 5 Slagtoth Oils

Locale: Flooded Forest (Day)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 900z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 150z

Monsters: Bulldrome, Slagtoth

パパったら、おやすみの日なのに アタマが痛いって遊んでくれない の! フツカヨイなんですって! よく効くお薬をつくってあげたい のだけれど、材料が足りないわ。 水没林から垂皮油をとってきて!

Dancing Qurupeco Urgent Quest
MHP3-Qurupeco Icon

Main Goal:

Hunt a Qurupeco

Locale: Flooded Forest (Night)
Time Limit: 50 min.
Environment: Stable
Reward: 1500z
HR Points: 0
Contract Fee: 300z

Monsters: Jaggi, Bullfango

クルペッコは、鳴き真似をする ことで、他のモンスターを呼び 寄せたり、独特な踊りで、自らを 鼓舞することもあるとか…。 ちょっと変わったモンスターです から、くれぐれもお気をつけて。

Three Star Mission Quests

Three Star Quests
Name Objective Location Time Reward Contract Fee
Harvest Tour: Deserted Island Deliver Paw Pass Ticket Deserted Island Day 12z 0z
Harvest Tour: Tundra Deliver Paw Pass Ticket Tundra Day 12z 0z
Dancing Qurupeco Hunt Qurupeco Misty Peaks Day 1500z 300z
Violent Carnival Hunt 10 Bullfango Misty Peaks Day 900z 150z
Leading The Charge! Hunt Barroth Sandy Plains Day 1500z 350z
Chasing The Trickster!! Hunt Qurupeco Sandy Plains Night 1500z 300z
Rhenoplos Rampage Hunt 8 Rhenoplos Sandy Plains Night 900z 150z
Delicious Swimmers On Desert? Deliver 5 Monster Guts Sandy Plains Day 1200z 200z
Toxic Troublemaker Hunt Great Wroggi Flooded Forest Day 1500z 250z
Save Our Boat Hunt Royal Ludroth Flooded Forest Day 1500z 350z
Facing Delicacy? Hunt 20 Bnahabra Flooded Forest Day 900z 150z
Big Game Hunting Hunt Great Jaggi Deserted Island Night 900z 150z
Current Events Hunt Royal Ludroth Deserted Island Night 1500z 350z
Pirates On A Deserted Island Hunt 10 Ludroth Deserted Island Day 900z 150z
Unique Mushrooms Make Future Deliver 15 Unique Mushrooms Deserted Island Day 900z 150z
Bulldrome Onslaught Hunt 2 Bulldrome Tundra Day 2400z 400z
The Snowbound Slider Hunt Lagombi Tundra Day 1500z 250z
Hypnotic Blue Hunt 10 Baggi Tundra Day 900z 150z
Designer Antlers Deliver 5 Anteka Antlers Tundra Night 900z 150z
Queen Dancing In The Mountain Hunt Rathian Misty Peaks Day 3000z 500z

Four Star Mission Quests

Four Star Quests
No. Objective Location Time Reward Contract Fee
Harvest Tour: Volcano Deliver Paw Pass Ticket Volcano Day 12z 0z
Dancin At Misty Peaks!? Hunt 1 Rathian Misty Peaks Day 3000z 500z
Rockslide Hunt 1 Volvidon Sandy Plains Day 2400z 400z
Sand Table Manners Hunt 1 Nibelsnarf Sandy Plains Day 2700z 450z
Queen's Challenge Hunt 1 Rathian Sandy Plains Night 3000z 500z
Qurupeco Bird Hunting! Hunt Qurupeco Deserted Island Day 1500z 300z
Deserted Island Dustup Hunt 2 Arzuros Deserted Island Night 2400z 400z
Sleep Traps Hunt Great Baggi Tundra Day 1500z 300z
The Creeping Venom Hunt Gigginox Tundra Night 2700z 450z
On Thin Ice Hunt 2 Lagombi Tundra Night 3000z 500z
Advance! Tundra Expedition Hunt 20 Baggi Tundra Day 1200z 200z
Cold Stones Deliver 8 Bloodstones Tundra Day 1200z 200z
Walk'n Roll Hunt Volvidon Volcano Day 2400z 400z
Field Study Hunt 2 Great Wroggi Volcano Night 3000z 500z
Roll The Uroktor Hunt 8 Uroktor Volcano Day 1200z 200z
Poison Rain Hunt 20 Wroggi Volcano Day 1200z 200z
Hidden Coal Deliver 15 coal Volcano Day 1200z 200z
Howl At The Moon Hunt Zinogre Misty Peaks Day 3600z 600z

Five Star Mission Quests

Five Star Quests
Name Objective Location Time Reward Contract Fee
Howl At The Moon Hunt Zinogre Misty Peaks Night 3600z 600z
Hungry Eyes Hunt Nargacuga Misty Peaks Night 3300z 550z
Jumping At Shadows Hunt Nargacuga Flooded Forest Night 3300z 550z
Terrible Twosome Hunt 2 Royal Ludroth Flooded Forest Day 4200z 700z
King Of The Sky! Hunt Rathalos Deserted Island Day 3600z 600z

Stop The Intruder

Hunt Zinogre Deserted Island Day 3600z 600z
The Lost Expedition Hunt Barioth Tundra Day 3300z 550z
A Fight Against Sleep Hunt 2 Great Baggi Tundra Night 3600z 600z
The Volcano's Fury! Hunt Uragaan Volcano Day 3600z 600z
In Need Of A Hero Hunt Rathalos Volcano Night 3600z 600z
Knuckle Balls of the Volcano Hunt 2 Volvidon Volcano Night 4800z 800z
Watch Your Step Hunt 15 Uroktor Volcano Day 1500z 350z
A Flood Of Queens Hunt 3 Rathian Deserted Island Day 3600z 600z
Embraced By Silver Hunt Bulldrome, Great Baggi, Lagombi Tundra Day 4200z 700z
Aggressive Pair Hunt Volvidon, Nibelsnarf Sandy Plains Day 4800z 800z
A Fight Without Honor! Hunt Great Wroggi, Royal Ludroth Flooded Forest Day 3600z 600z
Island Visitor Hunt Arzuros, Rathian Deserted Island Day 4200z 700z
Hammer Time Hunt Duramboros Misty Peaks 3900z

Six Star Mission Quests

Six Star Quests
Name Objective Location Time Reward Contract Fee
Hammer Time Hunt Duramboros Misty Peaks Day 3900z 650z
Horned Wyvern Hunt Hunt Diablos Sandy Plains Day 4200z 700z
Tigrex Interception Hunt Tigrex Sandy Plains Night 4200z 700z
Duramboros Watershed Hunt Duramboros Flooded Forest Night 3900z 650z
Mountain Storm Flooding Hunt Duramboros, Royal Ludroth Flooded Forest Day 6000z 1000z
Roar Of The Tundra Hunt Tigrex Tundra Day 4200z 700z
Dancing White Wind Hunt 2 Barioth Tundra Night 6600z 1100z
Battle Of The Tundra Hunt Tigrex, Gigginox Tundra Day 6900z 1150z
Leviathan In The Fire! Hunt Agnaktor Volcano Day 3900z 650z
Rumbling Volcano Hunt 2 Uragaan Volcano Night 7200z 1200z
Heaven And Earth! Hunt Rathalos, Rathian Deserted Island Day 8400z 1400z
Fast Lightning Defense Hunt Nargacuga, Zinogre Misty Peaks Day 6900z 1150z
Sandy Plains Aid Request Hunt Barroth, Diablos Sandy Plains Night 6300z 1050z
The Twin Flame Hunt Rathalos, Agnaktor Volcano Day 7500z 1250z
The Desert Feast! Hunt Jhen Mohran Great Desert Day 9000z 1500z
The Last Supper* Hunt Deviljho, Tigrex, Nargacuga Land Arena Day 21000z 3500z

Special*: After all other village quests are complete, this quest will be unlocked.
Deviljho will be in Rage Mode as soon as the quest begins. After Deviljho is defeated, Tigrex and Nargacuga are fought simultaneously.


Not all quests listed will be available as soon as you unlock each level tier, some may require completion of a similar mission in the same level rank (for example, the 6th 6* mission quest of hunting a Tigrex will not be available until you have completed the 3rd 6* mission quest of hunting a Tigrex).

Warning Signs

You might have already experienced this at the 2 star Bulldrome quest. When you see a "Warning!" sign, there is another monster that needs to be hunted. You actually have an option: either hunt the monster, or leave the special quest.

Zinogre Invasion Warning

There is a possibility across a number of Misty Peaks quests listed before Five Star (and thus the first quest involving the main objective as hunting Zinogre directly), that once you have completed whatever assigned tasks you have for the quest, you will be prompted by a warning sign, informing your quest status has now changed to also hunting Zinogre.

However, you will not fail your initial quest should you KO three times or abandon quest, and will still receive the reward you would have otherwise gained, but since this is a free opportunity to fight Zinogre where failure means nothing, it is recommended that, if nothing else, you engage him and learn his movements for a while.

There is a possibility that Zinogre will show up at 2* Bulldrome key quest (marked by a question mark beside the Bulldrome icon). If you do kill Zinogre during the invasion, the "quest clear" will change to "special quest clear".
