By Size
Small Monsters
Large Monsters
By Type
Bird Wyverns
Brute Wyverns
Fanged Beasts
Fanged Wyverns
Flying Wyverns
Piscine Wyverns
Snake Wyverns
Elder Dragons
Number of Monsters - Comparison with Previous Games
General Information
A total of 112 monsters are in the game; 34 Small monsters and 78 Large monsters.
- 21 returning monster were added in Sunbreak; 5 Small monsters, 16 Large monsters.
- Returning 1st Generation monsters are Gold Rathian, Hornetaur, Silver Rathalos, Velociprey, and Vespoid.
- Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos were added in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's first title update.
- Returning 2nd Generation monsters are Ceanataur, Daimyo Hermitaur, Furious Rajang, Hermitaur, and Shogun Ceanataur.
- Returning 3rd Generation monsters are Lucent Nargacuga, and Amatsu.
- Lucent Nargacuga was added in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's first title update.
- Amatsu was added in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's fifth title update.
- Returning 4th Generation monsters are Astalos, Gore Magala, Chaotic Gore Magala, Seregios, and Shagaru Magala.
- Chaotic Gore Magala was added in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's third title update.
- Returning 5th Generation monster are Seething Bazelgeuse and Velkhana.
- Seething Bazelgeuse was added in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's first title update.
- Velkhana was added in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's fourth title update.
- Returning Frontier Generation monster are Espinas and Flaming Espinas.
- Flaming Espinas was added in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's second title update.
- 19 new monsters were added in Sunbreak; 3 Small monsters, 16 Large monsters.
- 1 new Bird Wyvern: Boggi.
- 8 new Elder Dragons: Gaismagorm, Malzeno, Risen Chameleos, Risen Kushala Daora, Risen Teostra, Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax, Risen Shagaru Magala, and Primordial Malzeno.
- Risen Chameleos was added in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's second title update.
- Risen Kushala Daora and Risen Teostra were added in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's third title update.
- Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax was added in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's fourth title update.
- Risen Shagaru Magala was added in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's fifth title update.
- Primordial Malzeno was added in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's bonus update.
- 2 new Fanged Beasts: Blood Orange Bishaten and Garangolm.
- 2 new Fanged Wyverns: Lunagaron and Scorned Magnamalo.
- 1 new Herbivore: Gowngoat.
- 3 new Leviathans: Aurora Somnacanth, Magma Almudron, and Violet Mizutsune.
- Violet Mizutsune was added in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's second title update.
- 2 new Temnocerans: Pyrantula and Pyre Rakna-Kadaki.