Usage Notes[]
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A - F[]
Skill Tree | Jewel Name | Materials | width="10%" Cost |
Affinity Sliding | Slider Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Lagombi Plastron+ x1 Spongy Hide+ x1 |
1000z |
Agitator | Challenger Jewel 2 | Lazurite Jewel x4 Anjanath Scale+ x2 Almudron Scale+ x3 Beast Gem x1 |
3000z |
Aim Booster | Precise Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x5 Narwa Claw+ x2 Zinogre Claw+ x3 Diablos Medulla x1 |
3000z |
Ammo Up | Capacity Jewel 3 | Bloodrun Jewel x5 Ibushi Windsac x3 Nargacuga Fang+ x3 Jyuratodus Fang+ x2 |
3000z |
Artillery | Artillery Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x4 Magnamalo Scale+ x4 Pukei-Pukei Sac+ x2 Tetranadon Beak+ x1 |
3000z |
Attack Boost | Attack Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x5 Rajang Blackfur x3 Goss Harag Claw+ x3 Magnamalo Plate x1 |
3000z |
Blast Attack | Blast Jewel 2 | Lazurite Jewel x4 Bazelgeuse Fuse x2 Bazelgeuse Carapace x1 Magna Soulprism x2 |
3000z |
Blast Resistance | Antiblast Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Inferno Sac x2 Bombadgy Igniter x2 |
500z |
Blight Resistance | Resistor Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x1 Freezer Sac x1 Thunder Sac x1 Torrent Sac x1 |
1500z |
Bludgeoner | Blunt Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x4 Goss Harag Brace+ x3 Diablos Ridge+ x2 Rajang Tail x1 |
2000z |
Bombardier | Bomber Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Inferno Sac x1 Magna Ghostprism x2 |
1000z |
Botanist | Botany Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Great Izuchi Pelt+ x2 |
500z |
Bubbly Dance | Bubble Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x1 Bubblefoam+ x2 Torrent Sac x2 |
1500z |
Carving Pro | Carver Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Tetra Carapace+ x2 |
500z |
Constitution | Physique Jewel 2 | Aquaglow Jewel x2 Volvi Carapace x3 Fucium Ore x1 |
1000z |
Counterstrike | Counter Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x2 Rathalos Scale+ x3 Ibushi Horn+ x1 |
1500z |
Critical Boost | Critical Jewel 2 | Lazurite Jewel x5 Apex Blaze Sac x2 Magnamalo Horn+ x2 Almudron Plate x1 |
3000z |
Critical Draw | Draw Jewel 3 | Bloodrun Jewel x4 Ibushi Claw+ x3 Majestic Horn x2 Amber Fang+ x1 |
3000z |
Critical Element | Crit Element Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x4 Elder Dragon Blood x2 Block of Ice+ x2 Tobi-Kadachi Electrode+ x1 |
3000z |
Critical Eye | Expert Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x4 Elder Dragon Blood x3 Rajang Blackfur x3 Ibushi Bluespike x1 |
3000z |
Defense Boost | Defense Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x2 Basarios Carapace x2 Barroth Ridge+ x1 |
1000z |
Diversion | Diversion Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Remobra Hide+ x3 |
500z |
Divine Blessing | Protection Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x4 Somnacanth Scale+ x3 Mizutsune Fin+ x2 Wyvern Gem x1 |
1500z |
Dragon Attack | Dragon Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x2 Rathian Carapace x2 Dragonbone Relic x1 |
1000z |
Dragon Resistance | Dragon Res Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Monster Keenbone x2 Dragonhusk Shard x2 |
500z |
Earplugs | Earplug Jewel 3 | Bloodrun Jewel x4 Magnamalo Shell+ x4 Tigrex Maw x1 Lagombi Ear+ x1 |
2000z |
Evade Extender | Jumping Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x2 Zinogre Shocker+ x4 Tobi-Kadachi Scale+ x2 |
1500z |
Evade Window | Evasion Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x2 Barioth Claw+ x2 Tobi-Kadachi Pelt+ x2 Rathalos Carapace x1 |
1500z |
Fire Attack | Blaze Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x2 Rathian Scale+ x2 Inferno Sac x1 |
1000z |
Fire Resistance | Fire Res Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Aknosom Scale+ x2 |
500z |
Flinch Free | Brace Jewel 1 | Bloodrun Jewel x2 Zinogre Carapace x2 Mizutsune Claw+ x2 |
1500z |
Focus | Charger Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x5 Ibushi Windsac x3 Magnamalo Scute+ x3 Rathalos Medulla x2 |
3000z |
Fortify | Fortitude Jewel 2 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Arzuros Carapace x2 |
500z |
Free Meal | Satiated Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x2 Suspicious Fang+ x2 Kulu-Ya-Ku Beak+ x1 |
500z |
G - L[]
Skill Tree | Jewel Name | Materials | width="10%" Cost |
Geologist | Geology Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Kulu-Ya-Ku Scale+ x2 |
500z |
Good Luck | Fate Jewel 3 | Lazurite Jewel x8 Chameleos Hide+ x6 Chameleos Wing x4 Golden Almudron Orb x1 |
4000z |
Guard | Ironwall Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x4 Narwa Sparksac x3 Almudron Fin+ x3 Tetranadon Disc+ x2 |
3000z |
Guard Up | Shield Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x4 Narwa Carapace x3 Goss Harag Brace+ x3 Basarios Pleura+ x2 |
3000z |
Handicraft | Handicraft Jewel 3 | Lazurite Jewel x8 Daora Dragon Scale+ x6 Daora Horn+ x3 Purple Magna Orb x1 |
4000z |
Hellfire Cloak | Hellfire Jewel 3 | Lazurite Jewel x5 Magna Soulprism x3 Rathalos Scale+ x2 Rakna-Kadaki Glowgut x2 |
3000z |
Heroics | Potential Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x5 Rajang Tail x2 Majestic Horn x2 Tigrex Scale+ x2 |
3000z |
Horn Maestro | Sonorous Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Pukei-Pukei Sac+ x1 |
1000z |
Hunger Resistance | Hungerless Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Tetranadon Beak+ x1 |
500z |
Ice Attack | Frost Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x2 Lagombi Pelt+ x2 Great Baggi Claw+ x2 |
1000z |
Ice Resistance | Ice Res Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Lagombi Frozenclaw x2 |
500z |
Item Prolonger | Enduring Jewel 2 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Royal Ludroth Scale+ x2 |
1000z |
Jump Master | Leap Jewel 3 | Lazurite Jewel x5 Bazelgeuse Wing x3 Rathalos Wing x1 Bishaten Horn+ x2 |
3000z |
Latent Power | Throttle Jewel 2 | Lazurite Jewel x4 Anjanath Pelt+ x3 Zinogre Horn+ x1 Wyvern Gem x1 |
3000z |
Leap of Faith | Dive Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Bullfango Pelt+ x2 Stoutbone x1 |
500z |
Load Shells | Magazine Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x4 Goss Harag Horn+ x2 Bishaten Tailcase+ x2 Beast Gem x1 |
3000z |
M - R[]
Skill Tree | Jewel Name | Materials | width="10%" Cost |
Marathon Runner | Sprinter Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x4 Zinogre Electrofur x3 Diablos Carapace x3 Royal Ludroth Claw+ x2 |
3000z |
Master Mounter | Rodeo Jewel 2 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Aknosom Feather+ x2 |
500z |
Master's Touch | Mastery Jewel 2 | Lazurite Jewel x8 Fire Dragon Scale+ x6 Teostra Mane x4 Goss Harag Bile x1 |
4000z |
Maximum Might | Mighty Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x5 Narwa Claw+ x2 Goss Harag Fur+ x4 Rathian Plate x1 |
3000z |
Mind's Eye | Mind's Eye Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x5 Goss Harag Hide+ x2 Mizutsune Purplefur+ x3 Gold Rajang Pelt x2 |
3000z |
Muck Resistance | Muck Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Lagombi Plastron+ x2 Barroth Shell x1 |
500z |
Mushroomancer | Fungiform Jewel 3 | Bloodrun Jewel x5 Tigrex Maw x1 Anjanath Fang+ x3 Mandragora x3 |
3000z |
Normal/Rapid Up | Forceshot Jewel 3 | Lazurite Jewel x5 Majestic Horn x2 Goss Harag Horn+ x2 Wyvern Gem x2 |
3000z |
Offensice Guard | Guardian Jewel 3 | Bloodrun Jewel x5 Ibushi Hide+ x3 Volvidon Claw+ x3 Diablos Medulla x2 |
3000z |
Paralysis Attack | Paralyzer Jewel 2 | Lazurite Jewel x5 Omniplegia Sac x3 Golden Sludge x2 Elder Dragon Bone x3 |
3000z |
Paralysis Resistance | Antipara Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Bnahabra Carapace x3 Bnahabra Stinger x1 |
500z |
Partbreaker | Destroyer Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x1 Zinogre Claw+ x2 Amber Fang+ x1 Diablos Tailcase x1 |
1500z |
Peak Performance | Flawless Jewel 2 | Lazurite Jewel x4 Apex Bubblefoam x2 Ibushi Claw+ x3 Basarios Tears x1 |
3000z |
Pierce Up | Pierce Jewel 3 | Lazurite Jewel x5 Tigrex Fang+ x3 Rajang Horn+ x1 Mizutsune Plate x1 |
3000z |
Poison Attack | Venom Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x2 Pukei-Pukei Scale+ x2 Toxin Sac x1 |
1000z |
Poison Resistance | Antidote Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Great Wroggi Hide+ x2 Wroggi Scale+ x2 |
500z |
Power Prolonger | Enhancer Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x4 Block of Ice+ x2 Golden Sludge x2 Wyvern Gem x1 |
3000z |
Protective Polish | Sharp Jewel 2 | Lazurite Jewel x4 Magnamalo Blade+ x4 Narga Razor x3 Great Izuchi Tail+ x1 |
3000z |
Punishing Draw | Gambit Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x1 Zinogre Horn+ x1 Somnacanth Shell+ x2 Goss Harag Claw x1 |
1500z |
Quick Sheath | Sheath Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x2 Nargacuga Pelt+ x2 Tobi-Kadachi Claw+ x1 Bishaten Talon+ x1 |
1500z |
Rapid Fire Up | Salvo Jewel 3 | Lazurite Jewel x5 Narwa Horn+ x3 Rathian Spike+ x1 Anjanath Plate x6 |
3000z |
Rapid Morph | Quickswitch Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x3 Tigrex Claw+ x2 Somnacanth Talon+ x1 Rakna-Kadaki Silk x2 |
2000z |
Razor Sharp | Razor Jewel 2 | Lazurite Jewel x5 Magnamalo Scute+ x3 Rajang Claw+ x2 Rathalos Plate x1 |
3000z |
Recoil Down | Absorber Jewel 1 | Bloodrun Jewel x2 Rakna-Kadaki Sharpclaw x2 Anjanath Nosebone+ x1 |
2000z |
Recovery Speed | Recovery Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Jyuratodus Fin+ x2 |
1000z |
Recovery Up | Medicine Jewel 2 | Aquaglow Jewel x2 Basarios Pleura+ x2 Ancient Potion x1 |
1000z |
Reload Speed | Quickload Jewel 1 | Bloodrun Jewel x3 Magnamalo Scale+ x2 Diablos Carapace x2 Bishaten Fur+ x1 |
2000z |
Resentment | Furor Jewel 2 | Lazurite Jewel x4 Tigrex Claw+ x2 Barioth Pelt+ x3 Ibushi Carapace x2 |
3000z |
Resuscitate | Crisis Jewel 2 | Lazurite Jewel x4 Nargacuga Pelt+ x3 Tigrex Carapace x2 Beast Gem x1 |
3000z |
S - Z[]
Skill Tree | Jewel Name | Materials | width="10%" Cost |
Sleep Attack | Sleep Jewel 2 | Lazurite Jewel x5 Somnacanth Sedative x4 Coma Sac x2 Elder Dragon Bone x3 |
3000z |
Sleep Resistance | Pep Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Great Baggi Hide+ x2 Baggi Scale+ x2 |
500z |
Slugger | KO Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x1 Anjanath Nosebone+ x2 Barroth Scalp x1 |
1500z |
Spare Shot | Thrift Jewel 2 | Lazurite Jewel x5 Rajang Fang+ x3 Rakna-Kadaki Glowgut x2 Wyvern Gem x2 |
3000z |
Special Ammo Boost | Trueshot Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x4 Almudron Claw+ x2 Somnacanth Fin+ x2 Mizutsune Claw+ x2 |
3000z |
Speed Eating | Gobbler Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x2 Anjanath Fang+ x2 Tetranadon Beak+ x1 |
1500z |
Speed Sharpening | Grinder Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x2 Rath Wingtalon+ x2 Great Izuchi Tail+ x1 |
1000z |
Spread Up | Spread Jewel 3 | Lazurite Jewel x5 Bazelgeuse Fuse x3 Bazelgeuse Talon x2 Zinogre Plate x1 |
3000z |
Stamina Surge | Refresh Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x4 Tigrex Scale+ x3 Almudron Whisker+ x2 Royal Ludroth Crest+ x2 |
3000z |
Stamina Thief | Drain Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Barroth Claw+ x2 |
1000z |
Steadiness | Sniper Jewel 1 | Bloodrun Jewel x1 Mizutsune Scale+ x2 Rathalos Wing x1 |
1500z |
Stun Resistance | Steadfast Jewel 1 | Bloodrun Jewel x2 Rakna-Kadaki Carapace x2 Almudron Shell+ x2 |
2000z |
Thunder Attack | Bolt Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x2 Pearl Hide x2 Thunder Sac x1 |
1000z |
Thunder Resistance | Thunder Res Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Pearl Hide x2 |
500z |
Tremor Resistance | Footing Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x2 Diablos Ridge+ x2 Great Stoutbone x1 Tetra Carapace+ x2 |
2000z |
Wall Runner | Wall Run Jewel 2 | Aquaglow Jewel x2 Bishaten Talon+ x2 Quality Stomach x2 |
1000z |
Water Attack | Stream Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x2 Jyuratodus Carapace x2 Torrent Sac x1 |
1000z |
Water Resistance | Water Res Jewel 1 | Aquaglow Jewel x1 Tetranadon Hide+ x2 |
500z |
Weakness Exploit | Tenderizer Jewel 2 | Lazurite Jewel x5 Rakna-Kadaki Spike x3 Almudron Claw+ x3 Narga Medulla x1 |
3000z |
Wide-Range | Friendship Jewel 2 | Bloodrun Jewel x1 Mizutsune Claw+ x1 Nargacuga Scale+ x2 Lifepowder x2 |
1500z |
Windproof | Wind Res Jewel 1 | Bloodrun Jewel x1 Basarios Carapace x2 Tetra Carapace+ x2 |
1500z |
Wirebug Whisperer | Wirebug Jewel 2 | Aquaglow Jewel x2 Bishaten Feather+ x2 Monster Broth x2 |
1000z |