Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki

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  • Monsters in the "Advanced" quests have less health but deal more damage.

Low Rank Quests (1-3★)[]

1★ Quests[]

Key Quest: Shady Monster
MHRise-Aknosom Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Aknosom
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 3240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Aknosom
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
SAy tHeRe, hUNter~ eVEr sEeN A mOnSTeR tHAt hOPs oN One lEg? i hAvE... aND i'Ve nEveR bEen tHe sAMe sINcE—Hahaha! *hack* Those old ghost stories don't scare me none. HOW ABOUT YOU? -- Creepy Old Lady

Key Quest: Tired and Feathered
MHRise-Kulu-Ya-Ku Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 2880z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Kulu-Ya-Ku
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Think he's number one, does he? Just because he snatched my Gold Gargwa Egg? Well, you're gonna show him. You got that!? I'm number one around here. I'M NUMBER ONE! -- Kamura's No. 1 Egg Lover

Key Quest: Jumped in the Frost Islands
MHRise-Great Izuchi Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Great Izuchi
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 1800z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Great Izuchi
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Psst! Hey, pal. I just got ruffed up by a gang of Izuchi and their "great" bozo leader. They took my pouch, my zenny—even my pants! Think ya could do me a solid and take care of 'em for me? And maybe, uh, get me some pants too, huh? -- Hunter Hiding Behind a Bush

Key Quest: No Cure for the Common Baggi
MHRise-Great Baggi Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Great Baggi
Location: Frost Islands (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 1800z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Great Baggi
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
YUCK! Fur-st a Great Baggi *sniff* spits all over me! *sniff* THEN I fall asleep out in the Frost Islands, and now *sniff* I think I'm coming down with somethig! Nya... Nya... *sniff* Nya... NYACHOO! *sniff* -- Sneezing Felyne

Key Quest: A Snowball's Chance...
MHRise-Lagombi Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Lagombi
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 2160z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Lagombi
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
I absolutely cannot believe how awful my luck is. No way that thing could've hit me! There I was... bobbing... weaving. Zigging... Zagging. Just when I thought I had gotten away from this Lagombi *BAM* me and all my goods crushed by a snowball. Unbeliavable... -- Hapless Trader

Key Quest: Wroggi Place, Wroggi Time
MHRise-Great Wroggi Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Great Wroggi
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 2880z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Great Wroggi
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
I was out on my morning jog through the Ruins and out pops a Great Wroggi spittin' poison all over my new running shoes. What is wrong with these monsters!? Hunter, please avenge my shoes, would you? -- Fleetfooted Courier

A Grizzly Encounter
MHRise-Arzuros Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Arzuros
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 2160z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Arzuros
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
What are we gonna do, Hunter? WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!? An Arzuros attacked the latest delivery of honey into Kamura and now there are no sweets— WHAT!? Who cares if they are OK! Did you hear me? NO SWEETS! -- Sweet-toothed Villager

Off the Beaten Path
MHRise-Izuchi Icon MHRise-Altaroth Icon

Main Objective: Slay a total of 20 Izuchi or Altaroth
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 1080z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Izuchi, Altaroth
Kelbi, Bullfango, Altaroth, Bnahabra, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
My friend and I heard about this amazing secret spot up in the Shrine Ruins where you can relax and watch the Torchbugs glow. We wanted to take a hike up there and check it out, but there's a bunch of monsters in the way... -- Aspiring Explorer

Hot Topic Hooligans
MHRise-Zamite Icon MHRise-Bnahabra Icon

Main Objective: Slay a total of 20 Zamite or Bnahabra
Location: Frost Islands (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 1080z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Zamite, Bnahabra
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
I heard from my brother's mother's cousin that the Frost Islands are crawling with monsters these days. And get this, my mailman's uncle was just ruffed up out there the other day. It used to be such a nice place. Wish someone'd do something about it... -- Gossiping Lady

Urgent Quest: Dead Ringer
MHRise-Tetranadon Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Tetranadon
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 3960z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Tetranadon
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Me and my big mouth... I saw a picture of a Tetranadon and blurted out "It looks exactly like Master Hojo!" He overheard me and now he thinks I was talking about a Mizutsune! If he finds out the truth, he'll croak! -- Minoto the Hub Maiden
*Must complete three 1★ Key Quests to unlock.

2★ Quests[]

Key Quest: I Want Off This Ride
MHRise-Bishaten Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Bishaten
Location: Flooded Forest (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 5400z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Bishaten
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
I was coming home FUR-OM WORK when suddenly I SAW A BISHATEN spinning on its TAIL AND SUDDENLY it started spinning AROUND ME! Then everything STARTED SPINNING! And then I started SPINNING! AND meow I can't stop! PLEASE HELP! -- Spinning Felyne

Key Quest: Way of the Pukei
MHRise-Pukei-Pukei Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Pukei-Pukei
Location: Sandy Plains
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 5400z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Pukei-Pukei
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
Master Utsushi does those monster impressions, right? Maybe if I, like, learned one, we'd have something in common. I bet I could do Pukei-Pukei. Seems easy. I'm already pretty good at sticking out my tongue. If you hunt one for me, I can watch and take notes! -- Utsushi Fangirl

Key Quest: The Flooding Flooded Forest
MHRise-Royal Ludroth Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Royal Ludroth
Location: Flooded Forest (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 4320z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Royal Ludroth
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
It's utter chaos! Our couriers are under attack from a Royal Ludroth and its mates! "Mates" as in females, by the way, not frie—wait, that doesn't even— Look, we just need you to hunt that Royal Ludroth ASAP! -- Trade Ship Crewman

Key Quest: So Muddy Hardheaded!
MHRise-Barroth Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Barroth
Location: Sandy Plains (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 5400z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Barroth
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
"You're so hardheaded, you'd put a Barroth to shame!" Heh, can you believe my wife said that to me? She thinks my head's harder than a Barroth's! There's no way! So I'm goin' out to get me a Barroth skull to prove it! And ain't no one gonna change my mind! -- Stubborn Husband

Key Quest: A Pale Shadow
MHRise-Khezu Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Khezu
Location: Frost Islands (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 3960z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Khezu
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
" Whiskers fur-ozen... Tail fur-ozen... Paws— Wha...What's that? A fur-iendly smile? So...warm...meow... Everything...warm—" (The diary ends there. You feel compelled to rescue its owner.) -- A Felyne's Journal

Key Quest: Reinventing the Wheel
MHRise-Volvidon Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Volvidon
Location: Sandy Plains (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 4320z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Volvidon
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
Wheels get stuck in the sand, limiting trade across deserts; and yet, Volvidon traverse the Plains with ease—wait, that's it! Allow me to observe how a Volvidon rolls, and I shall design an unstoppable wheel! -- Desert Inventor

Key Quest: Blasted Basarios!
MHRise-Basarios Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Basarios
Location: Sandy Plains (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 5400z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Basarios
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
*cough* Dang Basarios! *wheeze* One minute you're sittin' on what you thought was a rock, tryin' to get the dirt out of yer boots, *hack* and the next, you're huffin' *cough* all kinds of who-knows-what! *hack* -- Sandy Plains Miner

Key Quest: The Path to Royalty
MHRise-Rathian Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Rathian
Location: Flooded Forest (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 5400z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Rathian
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
Oh, what I wouldn't give to be a queen! "Queen of the Land"? Who wouldn't love a title like that!? Perhaps I may learn a thing or two from the queen herself! Valiant Knight of Kamura! I order you to hunt a Rathian! -- Aspiring Monarch

Dead Ringer
MHRise-Tetranadon Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Tetranadon
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 3960z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Tetranadon
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Me and my big mouth... I saw a picture of a Tetranadon and blurted out "It looks exactly like Master Hojo!" He overheard me and now he thinks I was talking about a Mizutsune! If he finds out the truth, he'll croak! -- Minoto the Hub Maiden

Dawn of the Kestodon
MHRise-Kestodon Male Icon MHRise-Kestodon Female Icon

Main Objective: Slay 20 Kestodon
Location: Sandy Plains (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 1440z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Kestodon
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
What do I do? WHAT DO I DO!? There's Kestodon all around me! Here, there, yonder, whither— they're everywhere, I tell ya, EVERYWHERE! Even in my mind! There's nowhere left to run! You gotta stop 'em before it's too late! -- Utterly Confused Man

Hide, Hide, Hide!
MHRise-Jagras Icon MHRise-Ludroth Icon

Main Objective: Slay a total of 20 Jagras or Ludroth
Location: Flooded Forest (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 1800z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Jagras, Ludroth
Remobra, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
Darling, a special order has come in for a very special client and I'm all out of materials. Be a dear and fetch some for me, will you? Only the finest materials will do. None of that faux nonsense! Now, off you go! -- Master Tailor

Bouncing Brawlers
MHRise-Lagombi Icon MHRise-Tetranadon Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Lagombi and a Tetranadon
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 5400z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Lagombi, Tetranadon
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
I haven't slept in days and it's all because of those two stupid monsters. Fighting all day... Fighting all night! They never let up! The roaring. The rumbling. I can't take it anymore! Please, I need some sleep! SHUT THEM UP! -- Weary Observatory Staffer

Fried and Baptized
MHRise-Royal Ludroth Icon MHRise-Rathian Icon

Main Objective: Hunt all target monsters
Location: Flooded Forest (Night)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 6840z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Royal Ludroth, Rathian
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
I tend to ignore these little "tiffs" between monsters while out in the field. Especially since I have a special cloak to protect me. But it becomes increasingly difficult to ignore when the forest is flooding and burning at the same time... -- Unflappable Biologist

Urgent Quest: Hellfire
MHRise-Magnamalo Icon

Main Objective: Hunt Magnamalo
Location: Lava Caverns (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 8640z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Magnamalo
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
That dreadful Magnamalo has been spotted! Quick, Hunter, you must leap into action at once! We cannot allow it to feed on the hordes or it may become too powerful to defeat! No time to waste! Hop to it-to it! -- Guild Master Hojo
*Must complete five 2★ Key Quests to unlock,

3★ Quests[]

Key Quest: Beckoning Slumber
MHRise-Somnacanth Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Somnacanth
Location: Flooded Forest (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 6480z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Somnacanth
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
I've been suffering from insomnia... So I figured, hey, why don't I create a sedative using Somnacanth powder? At this point, I don't care how crazy it sounds. Just get me that powder, please. -- Exhausted Woman

Key Quest: The Blizzard Blender
MHRise-Goss Harag Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Goss Harag
Location: Frost Islands (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 9360z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Goss Harag
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Yo, I heard those Goss Harag's can turn their arms into these sick ice blades that'll carve a hunter up like, "Shwa! Shwa! Shwashwashwa SHWA!" Dude, I gotta see it! Come on, go pick a fight with one! Just, uh, don't get all "shwa-shwa-shwa"-ed up out there! -- Martial Artist in Training

Key Quest: Zigzagging Zapper
MHRise-Tobi-Kadachi Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 6480z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Tobi-Kadachi
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Blargh! I was trying to hunt a stupid Tobi-Kadachi but the squirrely monster just wouldn't stay still! When I finally got an opening to strike, it scurried off and hid in a tree! Is it gonna come down anytime soon? You know what? I'm outta here! I don't got all day for this! -- Impatient Hunter

Key Quest: Down 'n' Dirty
MHRise-Almudron Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Almudron
Location: Sandy Plains (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 9360z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Almudron
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
Doggone Almudron! That thing came through the farm slingin' its mud all over the dern place. Now there's mud all over my dern crops. All in my dern house. Heck, even got mud in my dern pants! Well, least the Poogies is happy... -- Distressed Farmer

Key Quest: Bully of the Caverns
MHRise-Anjanath Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Anjanath
Location: Lava Caverns (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 7560z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Anjanath
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
I can see why that Anjanath likes to bully all those little monsters. Them Raths always pickin' on 'em for having those li'l stubby "wings" and a funny lookin' schnoz. But that don't make it right. I don't like bullies. And I won't have any of it! -- Scarred Old Woman

Key Quest: Twilit Twin Stars
MHRise-Nargacuga Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Nargacuga
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 7560z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Nargacuga
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
It was a quiet night in the Ruins; that's when I saw two red stars glowing in the darkness. I felt a gust of wind, and the next thing I knew, I awoke on a hospital bed. I did not know such frightening things exist out there... -- Convalescing Hunter

Key Quest: My Muse the Mizutsune
MHRise-Mizutsune Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Mizutsune
Location: Flooded Forest (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 8280z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Mizutsune
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
My husband is one of those artsy- fartsy types, you know the kind. Sees a sunset...cries. Well, he heard Mizutsune are "creatures that inspire creativity" so he ran off with his easel to find one. *sigh* Can you go save him for me? -- Wife of a Reckless Artist

Key Quest: Champion of the Caverns
MHRise-Rathalos Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Rathalos
Location: Lava Caverns (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 8280z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Rathalos
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
Meow, I've seen my share of Raths before. Never thought they were that tough, just fly around and yowl at ya. Mewboy, I was so wrong... I got the big idea to take one on, paw-to-claw, and it one only took one fireball for me to hightail it out of there! Youch! -- Felyne with a Singed Tail

Key Quest: Wavering Moon and Thunder
MHRise-Zinogre Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Zinogre
Location: Flooded Forest (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 8280z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Zinogre
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
My guards have turned craven after hearing of a Zinogre in the area. Nonetheless, I must press on through the Forest, no matter what... Which is why I implore you, brave Hunter, to vanquish the beast instead. -- Well-dressed Youth

Key Quest: White Knight vs. Hunter
白騎士 対 狩人
MHRise-Barioth Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Barioth
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 6480z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Barioth
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
I am a warrior, roaming these lands to hone my skills. I've come to the Islands to observe the so-called "White Knight." I long to challenge it, however, it is custom in my country to allow you the honor first. Have at it, brave Hunter! -- Wandering Swordsman

Key Quest: A Friend in Need
MHRise-Tigrex Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Tigrex
Location: Lava Caverns (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 9360z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Tigrex
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
My Popo, Posey, is my best friend. She helps me every day and is the sweetest companion I've ever had. A Tigrex was spotted along my trade route and you know what they do to Popo... Hunter, please. I can't lose Posey. If I lose her, I lose everything! -- Kind Trader

Key Quest: A Few Bumps Along the Way
MHRise-Diablos Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Diablos
Location: Sandy Plains (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 9360z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Diablos
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
A buddy of mine told me about this "great shortcut" he found. The road was so bumpy I fell off my cart right into a cactus patch. And to make matters worse, a Diablos appeared out of nowhere and turned my cart into splinters... Why do these things always happen to me!? -- Hapless Trader

MHRise-Magnamalo Icon

Main Objective: Hunt Magnamalo
Location: Lava Caverns (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 8640z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Magnamalo
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
That dreadful Magnamalo has been spotted! Quick, Hunter, you must leap into action at once! We cannot allow it to feed on the hordes or it may become too powerful to defeat! No time to waste! Hop to it-to it! -- Guild Master Hojo

Tail to Tail
MHRise-Bishaten Icon MHRise-Almudron Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Bishaten and an Almudron
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 10080z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Bishaten, Almudron
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Both Bishaten and Almudron are known for using their powerful tails when they attack. I'm collecting information on these monsters. Could you possibly assist me? I need to ascertain which tail is stronger. The one like a fist, or the one like a whip? -- Well-informed Man

Beastly Chaos
MHRise-Tigrex Icon MHRise-Goss Harag Icon

Main Objective: Hunt all target monsters
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 12240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Tigrex, Goss Harag
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Oh meow! A Tigrex and a Goss Harag are going berserk out in the Frost Islands! If someone doesn't stop 'em, the island's gonna get carved up like a scratching post! Help! -- Distressed Felyne

Disastrously Beautiful
MHRise-Barroth Icon MHRise-Tobi-Kadachi Icon MHRise-Magnamalo Icon

Main Objective: Hunt all target monsters
Location: Arena (Day)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 11160z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Barroth, Tobi-Kadachi, Magnamalo
Ah. A Barroth, Tobi-Kadachi, and Magnamalo—quite the trio. Is anyone capable of dancing with three such aggressive partners, one after the other? If you intend to take to this stage, I'll be your audience. -- Captivating Kimono Woman

Urgent Quest: The Blue Apex
MHRise-Great Izuchi Icon MHRise-Great Wroggi Icon MHRise-Apex Arzuros Icon

Main Objective: Slay an Apex Arzuros
Location: Red Stronghold
Environment: None
Reward: 6480z

Monsters: Horde 1: Great Izuchi
Horde 2: Great Wroggi
Horde 3: Apex Arzuros

Horde 1: Great Izuchi, Tetranadon, Aknosom
Horde 2: Arzuros, Great Izuchi, Khezu, Aknosom
Horde 3: Great Izuchi, Great Wroggi, Tetranadon, Aknosom
You must leap into action at once! The approaching Rampage horde is led by an Apex Arzuros! Since it's too strong to take down, focus on defending the Stronghold. As long as it's protected, victory is ours! -- Guild Master Hojo
*Must complete six 3★ Key Quests to unlock.

High Rank Quests (4-7★)[]

4★ Quests[]

Key Quest: The Swirling Gale
MHRise-Great Izuchi Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Great Izuchi
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 3240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Great Izuchi
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
For crying out loud! I moved near the Shrine Ruins because it was a nice and quiet neighborhood... Now there's a Great Izuchi and its little gang making a ruckus. I tried to give 'em a piece of my mind but they pulled their blades on me! Hunter, please get rid of 'em! -- Woman Living By the Ruins

Key Quest: Divine Comedy
MHRise-Arzuros Icon MHRise-Kulu-Ya-Ku Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Arzuros and a Kulu-Ya-Ku
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 5760z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Arzuros, Kulu-Ya-Ku
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
You're kidding me! Why's there gotta be an Arzuros AND a Kulu-Ya-Ku on my route when I've got honey and eggs to deliver!? Is this some kind of punishment from the gods!? -- Agricultural Trader

Key Quest: Didn't Get the Memo
MHRise-Great Baggi Icon MHRise-Great Baggi Icon

Main Objective: Hunt 2 Great Baggi
Location: Frost Islands (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 5400z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Great Baggi
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
I can take a Great Baggi, no problemo! But TWO!? Nobody said anything about two of 'em! I mean, maybe if I had like a heads up or something, I'd be alright. Someone should have told me! What—!? It's written in the quest description? Come on! Nobody reads that stuff! -- Overly Defensive Hunter

Key Quest: Dancing A-purr-ition
MHRise-Aknosom Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Aknosom
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 4320z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Aknosom
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Help, Hunter! I just saw this su-purr creepy umbrella monster! I tried to get close to see if it was real or if I was just i-meow-gining it and it tried to attack me! I've never been more tra-mew-tized in all my nine lives! Make it go away! -- Rain-soaked Felyne

Key Quest: The Frost Islands Arena
MHRise-Tetranadon Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Tetranadon
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 5040z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Tetranadon
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Oh~yeah! You're going nowhere. I've got you for fifty minutes...Fifty minutes of huntin' time! Heard this Tetranadon was out there talkin' smack. You gonna stand there and take that!? Or are ya gonna go out there and put 'em in a world of hurt!? -- Up-and-coming Wrestler

Key Quest: Even Cute Things Have Fangs
MHRise-Lagombi Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Lagombi
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 3600z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Lagombi
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
I have this Felyne friend, and she got all scared about some big fluffy bunny. But I don't get it, 'cause bunnies are supposed to be cute! Can you go check it out so she'll stop being such a scaredy-cat? -- Felyne-loving Girl

Key Quest: Night of the Khezu
MHRise-Khezu Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Khezu
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 5040z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Khezu
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
I was out fishing; everything dark and gloomy. When suddenly down flew a Khezu; slimy and gooey. Horrified to find there were no eyes that would twinkle, only a blubbery neck...veiny and wrinkled. -- Poetically Spoken Man

Dango Duty
MHRise-Izuchi Icon MHRise-Baggi Icon

Main Objective: Slay a total of 20 Izuchi or Baggi
Location: Frost Islands (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 2520z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Izuchi, Baggi
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
I heard the Frost Islands are crawling with Izuchi and Baggi! My ingredients supplier will be passing through there and the last thing I want is for them to get pounced on by some dumb monsters! Could you maybe go and check it out, pleeeeeeease? -- Yomogi the Chef
*Unlocks the Hap-peanut dango.

Totally Not Cool, Kulu!
たまごだんご争奪戦! の巻
MHRise-Kulu-Ya-Ku Icon MHRise-Kulu-Ya-Ku Icon

Main Objective: Hunt 2 Kulu-Ya-Ku
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 5760z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Kulu-Ya-Ku
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
A pair of Kulu-Ya-Ku is after the eggs I had dibs on for my dango! No fair, AND rude! But if you can keep them occupied, I can grab the eggs before they eat 'em. You'll help me out, right? Right? -- Yomogi the Chef
*Unlocks the Invigorating dango.

Study the Sword & Shield
会得せよ! 片手剣の型
MHRise-Aknosom Icon

Main Objective: Capture an Aknosom
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 5760z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Aknosom
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Alright, Ace, lesson time! An Aknosom makes clever use of its big crest to fight, right? Understand how to maneuver around these kinds of attacks and you'll learn the very essence of the sword & shield! -- Master Utsushi
*Unlocks Sword & Shield's switch skills.

Honing Your Hunting Horn
理解せよ! 狩猟笛の型
MHRise-Great Izuchi Icon MHRise-Tetranadon Icon

Main Objective: Hunt all target monsters
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 6120z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Great Izuchi, Tetranadon
Kelbi]], Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Alright, Ace, lesson time! Harmonize with the sounds of nature as you serenade these monster to permanent sleep and you're sure to find a new tune for the hunting horn! -- Master Utsushi
Unlocks Hunting Horn's switch skills.

Study the Switch Axe
変幻せよ! 剣斧の型
MHRise-Lagombi Icon MHRise-Khezu Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Lagombi and a Khezu
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 6480z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Lagombi, Khezu
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Alright, Ace, lesson time! The Lagombi and the Khezu may both be white but that's where their similarities end. If you can take on this contrasting pair at once, you'll discover the essence of the switch axe. -- Master Utsushi
*Unlocks Switch Axe's switch skills.

Learning the Light Bowgun
学べ! 軽弩の型
MHRise-Great Baggi Icon MHRise-Great Wroggi Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Great Baggi and a Great Wroggi
Location: 5760z
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 5760z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Great Baggi, Great Wroggi
Alright, Ace, lesson time! The path to light bowgun mastery is paved by the Great Baggi and the Great Wroggi. Their sly and agile combat is full of potential for new hit and run tactics for this weapon! -- Master Utsushi
*Unlocks Light Bowgun's switch skills

Donning Toxicity
MHRise-Great Wroggi Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Great Wroggi
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 3600z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Great Wroggi
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
I've hit a bit of a slump, and I'm looking for something to rekindle my creativity. Hmm... Aha! Yes, a Great Wroggi hide! Its vivid hues make for great inspiration, and there just so happens to be one in the area! -- Village Dyer

Lost and Found
MHRise-Jagras Icon MHRise-Bullfango Icon

Main Objective: Slay a total of 20 Jagras or Bullfango
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 2520z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Jagras, Bullfango
Bullfango, Gargwa, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Felyne, Izuchi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Oh, man... On my way home, I dropped my wallet somewhere near the Ruins. My mom's gonna be SO mad if I don't bring it back, but there're too many monsters around there to go look for it... Please help me, Hunter! --Boy Running Errands

Blue, Round, and Cute
MHRise-Arzuros Icon

Main Objective: Capture an Arzuros
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 4680z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Arzuros
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
You there! Tell me, don't you think Arzuros are the cutest!? Fuzzy blue fur, a soft tubby belly; what I wouldn't give to hug 'em! Sooo, can you capture one for m— Whaddya mean, "only if I promise not to hug it?" -- Whimsical Researcher

Urgent Quest: The Restless Swamp
MHRise-Jyuratodus Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Jyuratodus
Location: Flooded Forest (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 7200z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Jyuratodus
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
One of our scouts tracking a Jyuratodus has gone missing in the Flooded Forest. If you would hunt the beast so that it is safe enough to dispatch a search party, it would be much appreciated. Now, hop to it-to it! -- Guild Master Hojo
*Must complete five 4★ Key Quests to unlock.

5★ Quests[]

Key Quest: Foul Play in the Forest
MHRise-Royal Ludroth Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Royal Ludroth
Location: Flooded Forest (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 5760z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Royal Ludroth
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
Hey, listen here. Don't go tellin' people what I'm about to tell you, capiche? Some of our "special ingredients" come from the Flooded Forest, but now some rivals are tryin' to move in on our turf. This is not good for business. And, we can't have that, can we? -- Restaurant Owner

Key Quest: Rise above the Mud
MHRise-Barroth Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Barroth
Location: Sandy Plains (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 5760z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Barroth
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
Aaaargh! I was SO close! *sigh* Right as I was about to land the final blow on a Barroth, my feet got stuck in some mud! Not only did it proceed to stomp the crap out of me, but then it got away! Once I'm better—*ouch* I'm gonna go and finish what I started! -- Determined Hunter

Key Quest: Bowled Over
MHRise-Volvidon Icon MHRise-Volvidon Icon

Main Objective: Hunt 2 Volvidon
Location: Sandy Plains (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 8280z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Volvidon
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
Man, I cannot catch a break! I was making my way through the Plains when I started hearing this, *boingy* *boingy* *boingy* noise. Then suddenly two Volvidon appear out of nowhere and roll over my cart! To make matters worse, any produce that didn't get squashed was covered in their nasty spit! -- Hapless Trader

Key Quest: Rotten Fruit
MHRise-Bishaten Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Bishaten
Location: Flooded Forest (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 7200z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Bishaten
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
It was my fur-st time seeing a Bishaten up close. It looked so playful and fur- iendly! It even started throwing fruit to me. I thought they were purr-esents but one of them blinded me with a flash and the other zapped my tail! What a meanie! Go teach it a lesson fur me! -- Innocent Felyne

Key Quest: Go Away, Pukei!
MHRise-Pukei-Pukei Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Pukei-Pukei
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 7200z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Pukei-Pukei
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
I am absolutely fuming right now! I spent months, MONTHS, breaking my back to have a good harvest this year, and it takes only one day for that googly-eyed monster to wipe out all my crops. Think you can go harvest its hide for me? -- Hungry Woman

Key Quest: Miner Problem
MHRise-Basarios Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Basarios
Location: Sandy Plains (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 7200z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Basarios
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
Had a new guy on the team get pretty messed up by a Basarios. He came across a boulder juttin' up out of the ground and thought he hit the jackpot. Poor kid didn't know what he was doing when he planted a pickaxe square in the monster's rocky rear. -- Veteran Miner

Key Quest: Charmed by a Queen
MHRise-Rathian Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Rathian
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 7200z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Rathian
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Hunter Hunter HUNTER! We must go at once! As we speak the queen herself is gracing the Shrine Ruins! I must capture her majesty in all its glory! But I hear Rathian are rather... difficult to work with. Perhaps you can assist me? -- Reckless Artist

The Restless Swamp
MHRise-Jyuratodus Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Jyuratodus
Location: Flooded Forest (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 7200z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Jyuratodus
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
One of our scouts tracking a Jyuratodus has gone missing in the Flooded Forest. If you would hunt the beast so that it is safe enough to dispatch a search party, it would be much appreciated. Now, hop to it-to it! -- Guild Master Hojo

Grasp the Great Sword
見極めよ! 大剣の型
MHRise-Bishaten Icon MHRise-Bishaten Icon

Main Objective: Hunt 2 Bishaten
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 10080z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Bishaten
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Alright, Ace, lesson time! The Bishaten may move and attack in its own unique way, but when it hits big, it hits BIG! See for yourself what I mean, and you'll definitely find new ways to swing a great sword! -- Master Utsushi
*Unlocks Great Sword's switch skills.

Honing Your Hammer
体で覚えよ! ハンマーの型
MHRise-Barroth Icon MHRise-Pukei-Pukei Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Pukei-Pukei and a Barroth
Location: Sandy Plains (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 9720z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Barroth, Pukei-Pukei
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
Alright, Ace, lesson time! The secret to hammer— Well, let's not kid ourselves here... Hammer equals thrashing and pummeling your target. Go hunt this Pukei-Pukei and Barroth and you'll know exactly what I mean! -- Master Utsushi
*Unlocks Hammer's switch skills.

Learn the Lance
心得よ! ランスの型
MHRise-Rathian Icon

Main Objective: Capture a Rathian
Location: Sandy Plains (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 9360z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Rathian
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
Alright, Ace, lesson time! A knight wields their lance to protect the weak—just like a Rathian fiercely protects her young! Capture the queen and you'll acquire some new Skills for your lance! -- Master Utsushi
*Unlocks Lance's switch skills.

Charge Blade Coalescing
一体となれ! 盾斧の型
MHRise-Royal Ludroth Icon MHRise-Jyuratodus Icon

Main Objective: Hunt all target monsters
Location: Flooded Forest (Day)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 9720z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Royal Ludroth, Jyuratodus
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
Alright, Ace, lesson time! Like the Royal Ludroth and Jyuratodus, you'll need to be in water—Wait, no... You'll need to be "AS water." Meaning you'll have to be flexible according to the situation. Understanding this is the key to unlocking the charge blade's potential! -- Master Utsushi
*Unlocks Charge Blade's switch skills.

Hone Your Heavy Bowgun
狙い穿て! 重弩の型
MHRise-Volvidon Icon MHRise-Basarios Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Basarios and a Volvidon
Location: Arena (Night)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 9720z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Volvidon, Basarios
Alright, Ace, lesson time! Strategically strike from a distance like the Volvidon, or get up close and personal like a Basarios. Add their fighting styles to the long-range, high-powered heavy bowgun, and you should learn something new! -- Master Utsushi
*Unlocks Heavy Bowgun's switch skills.

Bad Review
MHRise-Rhenoplos Icon MHRise-Kestodon Male Icon MHRise-Kestodon Female Icon

Main Objective: Slay a total of 20 Rhenoplos or Kestodon
Location: Sandy Plains (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 3240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Rhenoplos, Kestodon
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
I just got done talking to my best friend and her neighbor's daughter had THE WORST experience out in the Sandy Plains. Apparently, the locals were extremely rude and wouldn't stop butting in to her business. The nerve... -- Gossiping Lady

Flooded Forest Fiasco
MHRise-Ludroth Icon MHRise-Wroggi Icon

Main Objective: Slay a total of 20 Ludroth or Wroggi
Location: Flooded Forest (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 3240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Ludroth, Wroggi
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
*sniff* Papa promised we'd go fishin' 'cuz I was a good boy, I did all my chores. Brushed my teeth. Even cleaned my room! But now we can't *sniff* because *sniff* a bunch of dumb monsters. *sob* It's not fair! *sniff* -- Teary-eyed Boy

Shadows Over the Frost
MHRise-Khezu Icon MHRise-Tetranadon Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Khezu and a Tetranadon
Location: Frost Islands (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 8280z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Khezu, Tetranadon
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
It has come to the board's attention that one of our members has not returned from the Frost Islands. We have to assume that the trader must have been attacked thus we are requiring the assistance of a hunter. We will send out a rescue team (or cleap-up crew) once you have completed your task. -- Traders' Representative

Urgent Quest: A Bewitching Dance
MHRise-Mizutsune Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Mizutsune
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 10800z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Mizutsune
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Ah, *Hunter's name* . A Mizutsune has become quite aggressive in the Shrine Ruins. They're normally not like this— What could have caused it to go hopping mad!? We'll investigate while you take care of it. -- Guild Master Hojo
*Must complete five 5★ Key Quests to unlock.

6★ Quests[]

Key Quest: Skies Flash, Clouds Boom
MHRise-Zinogre Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Zinogre
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 10800z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Zinogre
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Eep! WH-WHAT WAS THAT!? Don't sneak up on me, Hunter! I-I've been on edge ever since a Zinogre j-jumped out on me! fur's still on end from the fear...a-and static! Could y-you help me-me-meow-t? -- Jittery Felyne

Key Quest: A Somniferous Elegy
MHRise-Somnacanth Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Somnacanth
Location: Lava Caverns (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 8640z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Somnacanth
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
Had a group of travelers come in last night fleeing a Somnacanth. Dang monster must have got 'em good because they're still sleepin'! I can't have guests stayin' past check out time! Hunter, can ya go do something 'bout that thing? -- Inn Keeper

Key Quest: Sharpening Amber Fangs
MHRise-Barioth Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Barioth
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 8640z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Barioth
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
My boyfriend's on his way here for my birthday. Oh, thank you! Anyway, he'll be passing through the Frost Islands to get here and I just heard that a Barioth has been spotted! Hunter, I didn't get all dolled up for nothing! You gotta get rid of it so he (and his presents) arrive safely! -- Waiting Woman

Key Quest: Skies are Gray
MHRise-Tobi-Kadachi Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi
Location: Flooded Forest (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 8640z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Tobi-Kadachi
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
When the skies cloud over, ya think there's rain on the way, don'tcha? Well, this time, it weren't no storm, it was a dang Tobi-Kadachi! Can't do no fishin' when you're gettin' zapped in the rear every other minute! I want that varmint gone, ya hear me!? -- Energetic Fisherwoman

Key Quest: Closer Than it Appears
MHRise-Anjanath Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Anjanath
Location: Lava Caverns (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 10080z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Anjanath
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
I was en route to do some business when I started hearing this stomping noise behind me. It was faint at first, but then started getting louder and louder! I turn around and there's an Anjanath right behind me! I've never screamed and run so hard in my life! -- Terrified Courier

Key Quest: The Abyss Stares Back
MHRise-Nargacuga Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Nargacuga
Location: Flooded Forest (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 10080z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Nargacuga
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
I still see it. Even now when I close my eyes. A moving void. The darkest dark you could ever imagine. You don't even know it's there until it's too late. From the abyss of night, two streaks of red surge towards you. Before you can even react, it has you. -- Shaken Hunter

Key Quest: Red Skies at Night
MHRise-Rathalos Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Rathalos
Location: Lava Caverns (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 10800z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Rathalos
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
I saw it one night: a stunning firework rising up above the Caverns, so bright, the night looked like day. If that was the doing of a monster, it's got to be a pro at using fire. I need to know what it was. -- Chic Firework-Maker

A Bewitching Dance
MHRise-Mizutsune Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Mizutsune
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 10800z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Mizutsune
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Ah, *Hunter's name* . A Mizutsune has become quite aggressive in the Shrine Ruins. They're normally not like this— What could have caused it to go hopping mad!? We'll investigate while you take care of it. -- Guild Master Hojo

Do It for the Dango!
かけっこ泥んこ大騒ぎ! の巻
MHRise-Jyuratodus Icon MHRise-Nargacuga Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Nargacuga and a Jyuratodus
Location: Flooded Forest (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 12240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Jyuratodus, Nargacuga
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
Grrrr! Stupid. Monsters. Everywhere! Why won't they leave me alone? I go to one fishing spot—Monster. I go to a different spot—ANOTHER MONSTER. Why are they so rude!? Can you go let those meanies know just how mad I am!? -- Yomogi the Chef
*Unlocks the Blastslash dango.

Learn the Long Sword
研ぎ澄ませ! 太刀の型
MHRise-Zinogre Icon MHRise-Mizutsune Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Zinogre and a Mizutsune
Location: Flooded Forest (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 14040z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Zinogre, Mizutsune
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
Alright, Ace, lesson time! Sharp, flowing strikes are the soul of long sword combat. The fearlessness of a Zinogre and the elegance of a Mizutsune combined are just the thing you'll need to master 'em! -- Master Utsushi
*Unlocks Long Sword's switch skills.

Dissect the Dual Blades
乱れ裂け! 双剣の型
MHRise-Anjanath Icon MHRise-Rathian Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Anjanath and a Rathian
Location: Sandy Plains (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 12240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Anjanath, Rathian
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
Alright, Ace, lesson time! Fending off an Anjanath and a Rathian at the same time may sound crazy, but it's just the challenge for any hunter who's looking to develop their dual blade technique! -- Master Utsushi
*Unlocks Dual Blades' switch skills.

Grasp the Gunlance
磨け! 銃槍の型
MHRise-Barioth Icon

Main Objective: Capture a Barioth
Location: Frost Islands (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 11520z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Barioth
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Alright, Ace, lesson time! Getting in your target's face and remaining calm is the key to unleashing the true potential of the gunlance. And no monster teaches "in-your-face" better than the Barioth! -- Master Utsushi
*Unlocks Gunlance's switch skills.

Invoke the Insect Glaive
修練せよ! 操虫棍の型
MHRise-Somnacanth Icon MHRise-Aknosom Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Somnacanth and an Aknosom
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 10440z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Somnacanth, Aknosom
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Alright, Ace, lesson time! Swift, graceful, dance-like: that sounds like the attacks of a Somnacanth, an Aknosom, and an insect glaive, right? Try combining the three, and see what you end up learning! -- Master Utsushi
*Unlocks Insect Glaive's switch skills.

Be One with the Bow
鍛えよ! 弓の型
MHRise-Tobi-Kadachi Icon MHRise-Tobi-Kadachi Icon

Main Objective: Hunt 2 Tobi-Kadachi
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 12240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Tobi-Kadachi
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Alright, Ace, lesson time! Speed, agility, and positioning are the signatures of the Tobi- Kadachi. Have you ever noticed how similar they are to the bow? Well, now you know, go see it for yourself! -- Master Utsushi
*Unlocks Bow's switch skills.

The Lava Caverns Sweep
MHRise-Uroktor Icon MHRise-Rachnoid Icon

Main Objective: Slay a total of 20 Uroktor or Rachnoid
Location: Lava Caverns (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 4320z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Uroktor, Rachnoid
Melynx, Remobra, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
A great horde of monsters has gathered in the Lava Caverns, but I must pass through! My guards and I cannot defeat them, I know this—but I also know that a hunter as skilled as you can. Will you help us? -- Well-dressed Youth

Showdown in the Arena
MHRise-Anjanath Icon MHRise-Mizutsune Icon MHRise-Zinogre Icon

Main Objective: Hunt all target monsters
Location: Arena (Day)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 16200z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Anjanath, Mizutsune, Zinogre
Gather 'round, gather 'round! Today we have a show packed with fur and fury! Anjanath! Mizutsune! Zinogre! Sparks will fly! Fire will burn! Bubbles— d-does that say bubbles? It does. Uh... OK. Bubbles will, um, bubble! Who dares challenge this trifecta of trepidation! -- Rowdy Showman

Urgent Quest: Serpent God of Wind
MHRise-Great Izuchi Icon MHRise-Bishaten Icon MHRise-Wind Serpent Ibushi Icon

Main Objective: Repel Ibushi
Location: Red Stronghold
Environment: None
Reward: 12960z

Monsters: Horde 1: Great Izuchi
Horde 2: Bishaten
Horde 3: Wind Serpent Ibushi

Horde 1: Arzuros, Khezu, Aknosom
Horde 2: Great Izuchi, Rathian, Basarios, Pukei-Pukei
Horde 3: Mizutsune, Zinogre, Tetranadon, Rathalos
The Rampage approaches, roused by the Wind Serpent. Our village defenders will target Ibushi and lure it out to the Stronghold, where you'll be waiting. And then it's all up to you. Johoho! We're counting on you, now! -- Guild Master Hojo
*Must complete three 6★ Key Quests to unlock.

Urgent Quest: Can't Kill It with Fire
MHRise-Rakna-Kadaki Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Rakna-Kadaki
Location: Lava Caverns (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 12240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Rakna-Kadaki
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
Rakna-Kadaki inhabit a select few regions, and yet one has just been sighted in the Lava Caverns... I just don't get it-get it! All of this strange activity around the region. And now Minoto is acting strange as well... -- Guild Master Hojo
*Must complete five 6★ Key Quests to unlock.

7★ Quests[]

Key Quest: It's Gonna Get You!
MHRise-Goss Harag Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Goss Harag
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 12240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Goss Harag
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Mom always says, "If you don't behave, the snow demon from the Frost Islands is gonna come and gobble you up!" Yeah, right! There's no snow demon out there! ...Is there? Uh, on second thought, maybe you could go check for me? -- Young Prankster

Key Quest: Clad in Hellfire
MHRise-Magnamalo Icon

Main Objective: Hunt Magnamalo
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 12240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Magnamalo
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
What an embarrassment. My best armor was about as effective as wet paper against Magnamalo. I tell ya, that hellfire is a one-way ticket back to camp... I guess I need to hit up the Smithy again. Think you can finish up the quest for me? -- Armored Hunter

Key Quest: A Muddy Invitation
MHRise-Almudron Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Almudron
Location: Flooded Forest (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 12240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Almudron
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
Just look at me... Yuck! Covered from head to tail in mud. Meow I have to take a bath with Meowster... And you know Felynes hate baths! Can you go take care of that nasty creature while I go scrub Meowster's back? -- Mud-caked Felyne

Key Quest: Subterranean Disturbances
MHRise-Diablos Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Diablos
Location: Sandy Plains (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 12240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Diablos
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
We've recently been getting earthquakes, as if something is shuffling beneath our feet. Everyone's scared and rightly so! It's hard enough trying to keep it together when we can barely keep things on the shelves! -- Nearby Village's Elder

Key Quest: A Resounding Roar
MHRise-Tigrex Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Tigrex
Location: Sandy Plains (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 12240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Tigrex
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
Did you hear that? It was that Tigrex! That monster's invaded the Plains and has been hollerin' up a storm ever since. Now all our Popo are spooked and won't budge. Can't blame 'em...they are a Tigrex's favorite snack. Please, Hunter. You gotta help us out! -- Sandy Plains Trader

Key Quest: Evil Afoot
MHRise-Rajang Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Rajang
Location: Lava Caverns (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 13680z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Rajang
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
A d-d-demon, I tell you! A demon! No one's safe with that thing around! No one! The Felynes, the dango, the twins—ME! Oh my Gog! ME! I'm not safe! AHHHHHH! Hunter! What are you doing!? Go get rid of that thing! -- Unnerved Traveler

Can't Kill It with Fire
MHRise-Rakna-Kadaki Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Rakna-Kadaki
Location: Lava Caverns (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 12240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Rakna-Kadaki
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
Rakna-Kadaki inhabit a select few regions, and yet one has just been sighted in the Lava Caverns... I just don't get it-get it! All of this strange activity around the region. And now Minoto is acting strange as well... -- Guild Master Hojo

Seared Situation
火加減注意! 紫炎と火球の巻
MHRise-Magnamalo Icon MHRise-Rathalos Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Rathalos and Magnamalo
Location: Lava Caverns (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 15840z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Magnamalo, Rathalos
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
Bunny Dango slow-cooked over lava: sounds super yummy, right!? I was gonna go out to the Lava Caverns to try it out... WAS until I heard there was a Rathalos and Magnamalo. How rude! Could you go get rid of them please!? -- Yomogi the Chef
*Unlocks the Super Bestnut dango.

A Quartet of Horns
うさ団子貫く四つの角! の巻
MHRise-Diablos Icon MHRise-Diablos Icon

Main Objective: Hunt 2 Diablos
Location: Sandy Plains (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 16560z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Diablos
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
UGH! I was gathering herbs for my new menu out in the Sandy Plains, and guess what? Two dumb Diablos showed up to stab my lunch dango on their horns! Grr, I want payback on those jerks! -- Yomogi the Chef
*Unlocks the Magnacrisp dango.

Ruckus in the Ruins
MHRise-Almudron Icon MHRise-Mizutsune Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Almudron and a Mizutsune
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 16200z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Almudron, Mizutsune
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Whoa! It is TOTALLY going down right now in the Shrine Ruins! One minute there's mud everywhere. Then the next, there's bubbles everywhere. Mud. Bubbles. Mud! Bubbles! I think you need to go out and clean up this mess! -- Bewildered Girl

A Frosty Stalemate
MHRise-Goss Harag Icon MHRise-Tetranadon Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Goss Harag and a Tetranadon
Location: Frost Islands (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 15120z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Goss Harag, Tetranadon
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Hey, um, sorry to interrupt you, but I think there's something out in the Frost Islands that "may" need your attention. These two monsters have been going at it for a while now and it seems to be getting worse. Just, uh, thought you should know. -- Returning Villager

Fought, Failed, Fired Up
MHRise-Diablos Icon MHRise-Anjanath Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Diablos and an Anjanath
Location: Sandy Plains (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 15840z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Diablos, Anjanath
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
*sigh* I took on a Diablos and failed... I took on an Anjanath—failed. I just can't anymore. How can it even be done? You've challenged all sorts of beasts, surely these are nothing to you. Maybe if I watch you defeat them, it'll rekindle the fire inside me. -- Warrior in Training

Occupational Hazards
MHRise-Rajang Icon MHRise-Zinogre Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Rajang and a Zinogre
Location: Flooded Forest (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 16560z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Rajang, Zinogre
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
I love when monsters keep destroying my carts and my livelihood—said no trader ever! First a Lagombi, then a Diablos, then two Volvidon, and NOW a Rajang and Zinogre! I just want, for once, to get from point A to point B without getting beat up by monsters! -- Hapless Trader

Omnidirectional Threats
MHRise-Rakna-Kadaki Icon MHRise-Khezu Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Rakna-Kadaki and a Khezu
Location: Lava Caverns (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 15120z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Rakna-Kadaki, Khezu
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
Hi, I'd like to speak to whoever is in charge here. Yes, I heard that there were two monsters in the Lava Caverns. This is completely unacceptable! If something is not done about this right away, I WILL be contacting the guild to file a complaint! -- Plainly Dressed Lady

A Whirlwind of a Stage
MHRise-Tobi-Kadachi Icon MHRise-Nargacuga Icon MHRise-Tigrex Icon

Main Objective: Hunt all target monsters
Location: Arena (Night)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 18000z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Tobi-Kadachi, Nargacuga, Tigrex
I've been suffering from a severe case of writer's block, so I asked an acquaintance of mine to set up a grand stage performance. All you have to do, Hunter, is play your part, and surely I will find the inspiration I need to finish my romance novel! -- Eccentric Writer

Urgent Quest: Serpent Goddess of Thunder
MHRise-Thunder Serpent Narwa Icon

Main Objective: Slay the Thunder Serpent Narwa
Location: Coral Palace
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 17280z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Thunder Serpent Narwa
At last! The chance to end this miserable calamity is at hand! You must defeat Thunder Serpent Narwa once and for all! Hunter of Kamura, go and be victorious! I and the rest of your family are awaiting your triumphant return! -- Guild Master Hojo
*Must complete five 7★ Key Quests to unlock.

A Blaze Among Beasts
MHRise-Rathian Icon MHRise-Tigrex Icon MHRise-Rakna-Kadaki Icon

Main Objective: Hunt all target monsters
Location: Lava Caverns (Day)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 22320z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Rathian, Tigrex, Rakna-Kadaki
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
Got a real challenge here for ya, Squirt! Bwahaha! Look at those ears perk up! I knew it'd be right up your alley! Best these beasties and ol' Fugen will give ya a new Petalace. Sounds good, don't it!? Now go get to it! -- Fugen the Elder
*Unlocks the Abslolute Petalace.

May Fire Quell Fury
MHRise-Rajang Icon

Main Objective: Capture a Rajang
Location: Frost Islands (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 18000z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Rajang
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Bein' flexible in any situation's the mark of a true hunter, and I've got just the quest to test ya! If you can capture me a Rajang, you pass—and ya get yourself a new Petalace too! Now, go get to it! -- Fugen the Elder
*Unlocks the Underworld Petalace.

Death from Above
MHRise-Bazelgeuse Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Bazelgeuse
Location: Sandy Plains (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 15120z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Bazelgeuse
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
I've never seen anything like it! From the skies I heard a distant roar and then "it" came. Like hell falling from the heavens, fire rained down, scorching the earth. Time almost stood still as everything around me was consumed by flame. -- Mid-tier Hunter
*Alternates with "Return of the Bazelgeuse".

Return of the Bazelgeuse
MHRise-Bazelgeuse Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Bazelgeuse
Location: Various
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 15120z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Bazelgeuse
That cursed thing has returned! And with it, fire and destruction! Where it will strike next, we do not know. All we can do is follow the trail of devastation it has left behind. Hunter we ask that you stop this terror from the skies! -- Nearby Village's Militia
*Alternates with "Death from Above".
  • Location always changes.

The Avaricious Apex Arzuros
MHRise-Apex Arzuros Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Apex Arzuros
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 17280z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Apex Arzuros
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
I've spent a lot time hiking through the Ruins and I've seen more than my share of Arzuros... But the one I saw earlier was no ordinary Arzuros. I think this one was of those Apex monsters I've heard about. And if it was I won't be taking any more hiking trips through the Ruins anytime soon. -- Hiking Enthusiast
*Must complete at least one Apex Arzuros Rampage Quest to unlock.

Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 1
MHRise-Almudron Icon MHRise-Zinogre Icon

Main Objective: Hunt all target monsters
Location: Flooded Forest (Day)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 19080z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Almudron, Zinogre
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
Yo, Ace! You've been making some totally gnarly progress recently! Does a man good to see his pupil train so hard! In fact, let's kick it up a notch! Got just the quest for you, and it's a real banger! -- Master Utsushi

Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 2
MHRise-Goss Harag Icon MHRise-Rajang Icon

Main Objective: Hunt all target monsters
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 20160z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Goss Harag, Rajang
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Yo, Ace! You've been making some totally gnarly progress recently! Does a man good to see his pupil train so hard! In fact, let's kick it up a notch! Got just the quest for you, and it's a real banger! -- Master Utsushi

Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 3
MHRise-Magnamalo Icon MHRise-Nargacuga Icon

Main Objective: Hunt all target monsters
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 19800z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Magnamalo, Nargacuga
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Yo, Ace! You've been making some totally gnarly progress recently! Does a man good to see his pupil train so hard! In fact, let's kick it up a notch! Got just the quest for you, and it's a real banger! -- Master Utsushi

Urgent Quest: Ancient Illusion
MHRise-Chameleos Icon

Main Objective: Slay a Chameleos
Location: Shrine Ruins (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 17280z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Chameleos
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
A Chameleos has shown itself— A Chameleos has appeared—*sigh* A Chameleos has been spot—We know it's out there! Go hunt the cursed thing before it unleashes toadal chaos! Now, hop to it-to it! -- Guild Master Hojo
*Must reach HR 20 to unlock.

Urgent Quest: The Steely Storm
MHRise-Kushala Daora Icon

Main Objective: Slay a Kushala Daora
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 17280z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Kushala Daora
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Johoho! This quest will just "blow" your socks off, Hunter! *ahem* Pardon me! The Kushala Daora is an elder dragon shrouded in mystery. How they are able to summon tempests simply, joho, "blows" our mind! Johoho! *ahem* -- Guild Master Hojo
*Must reach HR 30 to unlock.

Urgent Quest: The Emperor of Flame
MHRise-Teostra Icon

Main Objective: Slay a Teostra
Location: Lava Caverns (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 17280z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Teostra
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
A Teostra has been spotted in the Lava Caverns. Wreathed in flame, Teostra are of such a fierce and deadly nature that the Guild keeps track of their movements whenever possible. You must leap into action at once and extinguish this threat! -- Guild Master Hojo
*Must reach HR 40 to unlock.

The Graceful Apex Rathian
MHRise-Apex Rathian Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Apex Rathian
Location: Flooded Forest (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 18000z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Apex Rathian
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
I TOTALLY thought that Rathian was 'bout done for, 'cause it looked like, SUPER beat up. But then it got mad, and it was, like, soooo STRONG! Like, what even is its problem, y'know? Anyway, can you hunt it for me? Thaaanks! -- Ditzy Hunter
*Must complete at least one Apex Rathian Rampage Quest and reach HR 41 to unlock.

The Harlequin Apex Mizutsune
MHRise-Apex Mizutsune Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Apex Mizutsune
Location: Frost Islands (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 19080z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Apex Mizutsune
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Good evening, Master Hunter. I hate to disturb you in this late hour, but I have received word that an Apex Mizutsune was spotted along my employer's route home. I ask that you guarantee his safe return. -- Austere Maid
*Must complete at least one Apex Mizutsune Rampage Quest and reach HR 45 to unlock.

Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 4
MHRise-Tigrex Icon MHRise-Anjanath Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Tigrex and an Anjanath
Location: Sandy Plains (Day)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 21240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Tigrex, Anjanath
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
Yo, Ace! You've been making some totally gnarly progress recently! Does a man good to see his pupil train so hard! In fact, let's kick it up a notch! Got just the quest for you, and it's a real banger! -- Master Utsushi

Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 5
MHRise-Rakna-Kadaki Icon MHRise-Rathalos Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Rakna-Kadaki and a Rathalos
Location: Lava Caverns (Night)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 22320z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Rakna-Kadaki, Rathalos
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
Yo, Ace! You've been making some totally gnarly progress recently! Does a man good to see his pupil train so hard! In fact, let's kick it up a notch! Got just the quest for you, and it's a real banger! -- Master Utsushi

Urgent Quest: The Allmother
MHRise-Wind Serpent Ibushi Icon MHRise-Thunder Serpent Narwa Icon MHRise-Narwa the Allmother Icon

Main Objective: Slay Ibushi and Narwa
Location: Coral Palace
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 27000z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Wind Serpent Ibushi, Thunder Serpent Narwa, Narwa the Allmother
Magnamalo, Kushala Daora, Teostra
Ibushi and Narwa have convened at the Coral Palace—that means we're running out of time... You must give them both the paddling of their lives, and break the chains shackling our village! -- Guild Master Hojo
*Must reach HR 50 to unlock.
  • Upon reaching the second phase, Narwa eats Ibushi and transforms into Narwa the Allmother.
  • Magnamalo, Kushala Daora or Teostra will invade halfway through the quest and can be ridden to damage Narwa.
  • It is considered the story's final mission.

The Fearsome Apex Rathalos
MHRise-Apex Rathalos Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Apex Rathalos
Location: Lava Caverns (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 20160z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Apex Rathalos
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
Talk about a bad fur day! Just when my tail healed up, I come across an even meaner Rathalos! An Apex one, too! As soon as it spotted me it barfed up this meowssive fireball! At this point, the fur on my tail will never grow back... -- Felyne with a Singred Tail
*Must complete at least one Apex Rathalos Rampage Quest to unlock.

Urgent Quest: The Crimson Glow
MHRise-Crimson Glow Valstrax Icon

Main Objective: Slay a Crimson Glow Valstrax
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Reward: 21600z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Crimson Glow Valstrax
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Ancient texts speak of the Crimson Glow Valstrax as the "Scourge of the World." Well, now that it's returned, we won't let it destroy the peace that Kamura has fought so hard for! Time to hop to it-to it! -- Guild Master Hojo
*Must reach HR 100 to unlock.

The Evil Star from Beyond
MHRise-Crimson Glow Valstrax Icon

Main Objective: Slay a Crimson Glow Valstrax
Location: Various
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 21600z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Crimson Glow Valstrax
The Valstrax has returned. If you plan on takin' it on, beware its wings! If they don't burn you to a crisp, they'll dang sure poke you full of holes. Be quick and stay on your toes out there! Got it? Well, good luck to ya! -- Scarred Old Woman
*Location always changes.

The Devastating Apex Diablos
MHRise-Apex Diablos Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Apex Diablos
Location: Sandy Plains (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 20520z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Apex Diablos
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
I saw it! I saw that terrifying—Wait... What was it I saw? A three-eyed goat? No... A beady-eyed ghost? Dern it! OH! It was a Diablos! But it wasn't a Diablos...know what I mean? No...? Well, it had horns...And... Well, shoot. I forget... Just go hunt the dang thing! -- Absentminded Old Man
*Must complete at least one Apex Diablos Rampage Quest to unlock.

The Voltaic Apex Zinogre
MHRise-Apex Zinogre Icon

Main Objective: Hunt an Apex Zinogre
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 21240z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Apex Zinogre
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
I was out on patrol in the Ruins, when suddenly, lightning struck all around me. I thought perhaps I had angered the gods enshrined there. But it wasn't any god, it was worse. It was a Zinogre. But this was no ordinary Zinogre. Tread carefully out there, Hunter. -- Vigilant Hunter
*Must complete at least one Apex Zinogre Rampage Quest to unlock.

Advanced: Dual Calamities
MHRise-Magnamalo Icon MHRise-Bazelgeuse Icon

Main Objective: Hunt Magnamalo and a Bazelgeuse
Location: Shrine Ruins (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 24120z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Magnamalo, Bazelgeuse
Kelbi, Bullfango, Gajau, Gargwa, Izuchi, Wroggi, Jagras, Bombadgy
Magnamalo AND a Bazelgeuse!? At the SAME time!? What are we gonna do!? We're doomed I tell ya! DOOMED! There's nowhere to run! There's nowhere to hide! I'm gonna get gobbled up—No! I'm gonna get blown to bits! Maybe even both! -- Panicked Lady

Advanced: Monsters in Ink
MHRise-Goss Harag Icon MHRise-Tigrex Icon MHRise-Mizutsune Icon

Main Objective: Hunt a Goss Harag, a Tigrex and a Mizutsune
Location: Frost Islands (Day)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 26640z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Goss Harag, Tigrex, Mizutsune
Felyne, Popo, Anteka, Gajau, Bnahabra, Baggi, Zamite, Izuchi
Hunter Hunter HUNTER! A Goss Harag, a Tigrex, and a Mizutsune are all out in the Frost Islands right at this moment! If you'd be willing to take the three of them on, I shall observe you, painting a masterpiece of the action! It will be my finest work! -- Reckless Artist

Advanced: Of Storm and Fire
MHRise-Kushala Daora Icon MHRise-Teostra Icon

Main Objective: Slay a Kushala Daora and a Teostra
Location: Sandy Plains (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 27720z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Kushala Daora, Teostra
Kelbi, Rhenoplos, Altaroth, Kestodon, Jaggi, Jaggia, Delex, Rachnoid
Really? TWO elder dragons!? Why, this is THE observation opportunity of two lifetimes! Here: you just slay them as you would usually, while we carry out our research. Easy, right? Nothing to worry about! -- Excited Ecologist

Advanced: Scaredy-Cat
MHRise-Chameleos Icon MHRise-Rajang Icon

Main Objective: Slay a Chameleos and hunt a Rajang
Location: Flooded Forest (Night)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sighted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 24840z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Chameleos, Rajang
Bullfango, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Wroggi, Gajau, Ludroth, Slagtoth, Jagras
It was so scary, Hunter! I was trying to get home when I got caught in this creepy mist. It was so thick, I could barely see my whiskers! I heard a rustling noise and when I spun around, I saw it! A two-horned demon! Please! Don't let it get me! -- Fearful Felyne

Advanced: The Fallen Comet
MHRise-Crimson Glow Valstrax Icon MHRise-Rakna-Kadaki Icon

Main Objective: Slay a Crimson Glow Valstrax and hunt a Rakna-Kadaki
Location: Lava Caverns (Day)
Environment: Wild Monsters Sigted
Unstable Environment
Reward: 27360z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Crimson Glow Valstrax, Rakna-Kadaki
Melynx, Rhenoplos, Gajau, Wroggi, Ludroth, Uroktor, Slagtoth, Rachnoid
Oh, wow! I just saw a comet fall into the Lava Caverns! While I really wanna check it out, I'm also not trying to go there by myself. Not with all the creepy crawly things that live there. Hey, what if it wasn't a comet but that legendary elder dragon!? C'mon! Let's go! -- Amateur Stargazer

Advanced: Proof of Power
MHRise-Diablos Icon MHRise-Rathalos Icon MHRise-Magnamalo Icon

Main Objective: Hunt all target monsters
Location: Infernal Springs (Day)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 27000z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Diablos, Rathalos, Magnamalo
I. AM. PUMPED! Now that I'm a hunter, I cannot WAIT to see some action! And this quest is EXACTLY the type of action I'm looking for! Whattaya say, Hunter? Think you can best all three of these bad boys? -- Hot-blooded Novice Hunter
*Must complete all previous Advanced quests to unlock.

Advanced: Those Crowned Apex
MHRise-Apex Mizutsune Icon MHRise-Apex Rathalos Icon MHRise-Apex Zinogre Icon

Main Objective: Slay all target monsters
Location: Infernal Springs (Night)
Environment: Quest Target Only
Reward: 32040z
Time Limit: 50 mins.

Monsters: Apex Mizutsune, Apex Rathalos, Apex Zinogre
Gather 'round, gather 'round! Tonight we have a grand show of magnitude and might! Apexes galore for your viewing pleasure! Mizutsune! Rathalos! Zinogre! Who will step up to the challenge!? Come one 'n' all to find out! -- Rowdy Showman
*Must complete "Advanced: Proof of Power" to unlock.
