By Size
Small Monsters
Large Monsters
By Type
Bird Wyverns
Brute Wyverns
Fanged Beasts
Fanged Wyverns
Flying Wyverns
Piscine Wyverns
Snake Wyverns
Elder Dragons
Number of Monsters - Comparison with Previous Games
General Information
- A total of 72 monsters are in the game so far; 26 Small monsters and 46 Large monsters.
- 50 returning monsters were added in Rise; 23 Small monsters and 27 Large monsters.
- Returning 1st Generation monsters are Basarios, Bullfango, Diablos, Felyne, Kelbi, Khezu, Melynx, Rathalos, and Rathian.
- Returning 2nd Generation monsters are Anteka, Chameleos, Kushala Daora, Nargacuga, Popo, Teostra, Tigrex, Rajang, and Remobra.
- Chameleos, Kushala Daora and Teostra were added in update 2.0.
- Returning 3rd Generation monsters are Altaroth, Arzuros, Baggi, Barioth, Barroth, Bnahabra, Delex, Gajau, Gargwa, Great Baggi, Great Wroggi, Jaggi, Jaggia, Lagombi, Ludroth, Rhenoplos, Royal Ludroth, Slagtoth, Volvidon, Wroggi, Uroktor, and Zinogre.
- Returning 4th Generation monsters are Mizutsune and Zamite.
- Returning monsters from Monster Hunter: World are Anjanath, Bazelgeuse, Jagras, Jyuratodus, Kestodon, Kulu-Ya-Ku, Pukei-Pukei, and Tobi-Kadachi.
- Bazelgeuse was added in update 2.0.
- 22 new monsters were added in Rise; 3 Small monsters and 19 Large monsters.
- 1 new Amphibian: Tetranadon.
- 3 new Bird Wyverns: Aknosom, Izuchi, and Great Izuchi.
- 4 new Elder Dragons: Thunder Serpent Narwa, Narwa the Allmother, Wind Serpent Ibushi and Crimson Glow Valstrax.
- Crimson Glow Valstrax and Narwa the Allmother were added in update 3.0.
- 3 new Fanged Beasts: Bishaten, Bombadgy, and Goss Harag.
- 1 new Fanged Wyvern: Magnamalo.
- 2 new Leviathans: Almudron and Somnacanth.
- 2 new Temnocerans: Rachnoid and Rakna-Kadaki.
- 6 new Apex Monsters: Apex Arzuros, Apex Diablos, Apex Mizutsune, Apex Rathalos, Apex Rathian and Apex Zinogre.
- Apex Diablos and Apex Rathalos were added in update 2.0.
- Apex Zinogre was added in update 3.0.