Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki
Great Sword Icon White Long Sword Icon White Sword and Shield Icon White Dual Blades Icon White Hammer Icon White Hunting Horn Icon White Lance Icon White Gunlance Icon White
GS LS SnS DB Hammer HH Lance GL
Switch Axe Icon White Charge Blade Icon White Insect Glaive Icon White MH4-Kinsect Cutting Icon White MH4-Kinsect Blunt Icon White Light Bowgun Icon White Heavy Bowgun Icon White Bow Icon White
SA CB IG Kinsect LBG HBG Bow

Element and Status Effect Legend:
Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon Fire Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon Water Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon Thunder Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon Ice Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon Dragon
Paralysis Paralysis Poison Poison Sleep Sleep Blastblight Blastblight

Rarity Legend:
Sword and Shield Icon White Rare 1 Sword and Shield Icon White Rare 2 Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Rare 3 Sword and Shield Icon Green Rare 4
Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Rare 5 Sword and Shield Icon Blue Rare 6 Sword and Shield Icon Purple Rare 7 Sword and Shield Icon Orange Rare 8
Sword and Shield Icon Red Rare 9 Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Rare 10 Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Rare 11 Sword and Shield Icon White Rare 12


  • This list includes weapons from Monster Hunter: World and the Iceborne Expansion. For a list with only the weapons in the base game (up to Rarity 8), see the Monster Hunter: World Sword and Shield Weapon Tree.
  • Weapon Names in italics can be crafted from the Forge Weapons menu.
  • Weapon Names in bold are the final upgrade(s) to that Weapon Tree.
  • Weapon Names with an underline cannot be rolled back to a previous version if there is one.
  • Click on the Weapon's Name for more detailed information about the Weapon.
  • When a value under the heading "Special" is in parentheses, this is the value of the Element/Ailment when the Armor Skill "Free Elem/Ammo Up" is in effect.

Defender Warhatchet Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon White Defender Warhatchet I 182 Blastblight 150 Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
Indent01 Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Defender Warhatchet II 238 Blastblight 180 Green/Blue --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent01 Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Defender Warhatchet III 266 Blastblight 210 Blue/Blue --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndent01 Sword and Shield Icon Blue Defender Warhatchet IV 294 Blastblight 240 Blue/Blue --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Sword and Shield Icon Purple Defender Warhatchet V 308 Blastblight 270 White/White --- 0% - N/A
Hunter's Knife Tree
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon White Hunter's Knife I 112 N/A Yellow/Green --- 0% - N/A
Indent01Sword and Shield Icon White Hunter's Knife II 126 N/A Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon White Hunter's Knife III 140 N/A Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Steel Knife I 168 N/A Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Green Steel Knife II 182 N/A Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Steel Knife III 196 (Sleep 120) Blue/Blue 1-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Chrome Slicer I 224 (Sleep 150) Blue/Blue 1-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Blue Chrome Slicer II 252 (Sleep 240) Blue/White 11- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Red Chrome Knight Sword I 308 (Sleep 270) White/White 11- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Chrome Knight Sword II 336 (Sleep 300) White/White 11- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Chrome Knight Sword III 364 (Sleep 330) White/Purple 11- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Purple Nergal Jack 280 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 120 Blue 1-- 0% High N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Orange Eradication Vanguard 294 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 150 Blue 1-- 0% High N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Sword and Shield Icon White Ruinous Madness 406 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 180 White 1-- 0% High N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Green Flame Knife I 182 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 120 Green/Green --- 10% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Flame Knife II 196 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 120 Green/Blue 1-- 10% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Heat Edge 224 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 150 Blue/Blue 1-- 20% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Purple Corona 266 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 180 Blue/White 1-- 20% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Corona+ 308 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 210 Blue/White 1-- 20% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Blue Corona 336 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 240 White/White 1-- 20% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Sword and Shield Icon White Platinum Dawn 378 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 390 White/Purple 2-- 20% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Green Heavy Bang 210 N/A Green/Green --- 0% - +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Heavy Bang+ 252 (Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 270) Blue/Blue 2-- 0% - +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Purple Master Bang 280 (Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 330) Blue/Blue 3-- 0% - +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Legacy Bang 336 (Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 390) White/White 3-- 0% - +35
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Legendary Bang 364 (Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 450) White/Purple 3-- 0% - +35
IndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon White Aqua Messer I 140 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 90 Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent02Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Aqua Messer II 168 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 120 Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent02Sword and Shield Icon Green Aqua Messer III 196 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 150 Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Rogue Wave I 210 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 180 Green/Blue 2-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Rogue Wave II 224 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 210 Blue/Blue 2-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Rogue Wave III 252 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 240 Blue/White 2-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Red Rogue Wave IV 294 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 330 White/White 2-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Red Laguna Blossom I 308 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 360 White/White 21- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Laguna Blossom II 336 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 420 White/Purple 21- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Icicle Spike 294 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 210 White/White --- 20% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Icicle Spike+ 308 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 270 White/White --- 20% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Nardebosche 350 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 330 White/White --- 30% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Silverbosche 378 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 420 Purple/Purple --- 15% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Green Glacial Grace I 182 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 210 Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Glacial Grace II 196 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 240 Blue/Blue 1-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Rimespire 210 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 300 Blue/Blue 1-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Orange Legia Rimespire 224 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 330 White/White 1-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Legia Rimespire+ 294 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 360 White/White 1-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Hoarcry Rimespire 308 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 450 White/White 1-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Nephilim Glacia 336 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 480 White/Purple 1-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent02Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Princess Rapier 168 Poison 150 Green/Green --- 10% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Queen Rapier 210 Poison 180 Blue/Blue 1-- 10% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Queen Rose 238 Poison 210 Blue/Blue 1-- 10% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Purple Royal Rose 266 Poison 240 Blue/White 1-- 10% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Red Royal Rose+ 308 Poison 270 Blue/White 1-- 10% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Rose Highness 364 Poison 300 White/White 1-- 10% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon White Lunatic Rose 406 Poison 360 White/White 1-- 10% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Lumu Knife I 168 N/A Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Green Lumu Knife II 182 N/A Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Lumu Tabar I 210 (Blastblight 270) Blue/Blue 11- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Lumu Tabar II 224 (Blastblight 300) Blue/Blue 21- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Lumu Tabar III 238 (Blastblight 330) Blue/White 21- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Red Lumu Nightmare I 336 (Blastblight 360) White/White 31- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Lumu Nightmare II 350 (Blastblight 480) White/Purple 31- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Red Nyx Tabar I 308 Sleep 270 White/White 2-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Nyx Tabar II 336 Sleep 330 White/White 2-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon White Blooming Knife I 154 Poison 210 Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Blooming Knife II 182 Poison 240 Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Green Blooming Knife III 196 Poison 270 Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Datura Blossom I 210 Poison 330 Blue/Blue 21- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Datura Blossom II 224 Poison 360 Blue/Blue 21- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Datura Blossom III 238 Poison 390 Blue/Blue 21- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Red Datura Florescence I 280 Poison 420 White/White 21- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Datura Florescence II 336 Poison 450 White/Purple 21- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Dios Edge 322 Blastblight 300 White/White --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Booming Barrage 350 Blastblight 360 White/White 1-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Girros Knife I 168 Paralysis 120 Green/Green --- 10% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Green Girros Knife II 182 Paralysis 150 Green/Green --- 10% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Malady's Tabar I 196 Paralysis 180 Blue/Blue --- 20% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Malady's Tabar II 210 Paralysis 210 Blue/Blue --- 20% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Malady's Tabar III 224 Paralysis 240 Blue/White --- 20% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Red Naaga Seax I 280 Paralysis 270 Blue/White --- 20% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Naaga Seax II 336 Paralysis 300 Blue/White --- 20% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Hidden Edge 294 (Poison 270) White/White --- 10% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Hidden Edge+ 308 (Poison 330) Purple/Purple --- 15% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Flash in the Night 336 (Poison 390) Purple/Purple --- 20% - N/A
Bone Kukri Tree
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon White Bone Kukri I 140 N/A Yellow/Green --- 0% - N/A
Indent01Sword and Shield Icon White Bone Kukri II 154 N/A Yellow/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon White Bone Kukri III 168 N/A Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent02Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Chief Kukri I 196 N/A Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Green Chief Kukri II 210 N/A Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Chief Kukri III 224 (Paralysis 180) Green/Blue --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Grand Barong I 238 (Paralysis 240) Blue/Blue 2-- 0% - +10
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Grand Barong II 266 (Paralysis 300) Blue/Blue 3-- 0% - +10
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Red Radobaan Os I 322 (Paralysis 330) Blue/White 3-- 0% - +35
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Radobaan Os II 350 (Paralysis 330) Blue/White 3-- 0% - +35
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Radobaan Os III 392 (Paralysis 360) Blue/White 3-- 0% - +35
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Icegale 364 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 210 White/Purple 4-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon White Noble Ana Palas 378 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 270 White/Purple 4-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Spiked Edge I 182 Sleep 120 Green/Green --- 0% - +15
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Green Spiked Edge II 196 Sleep 120 Green/Green --- 0% - +15
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Baan Claw I 238 Sleep 150 Green/Blue --- 0% - +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Baan Claw II 252 Sleep 180 Blue/Blue --- 0% - +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Baan Claw III 266 Sleep 210 Blue/Blue --- 0% - +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Red Radobaan Osseus I 322 Sleep 240 Blue/White --- 0% - +35
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Radobaan Osseus I 350 Sleep 270 White/White --- 0% - +35
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Acid Razor I 378 (Paralysis 180) Blue/White 4-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Acid Razor II 406 (Paralysis 210) Blue/Purple 4-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon White Jagras Edge I 168 N/A Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent02Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Jagras Edge II 196 N/A Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Green Jagras Edge III 210 N/A Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Jagras Garotte I 238 (Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 300) Blue/Blue 21- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Jagras Garotte II 252 (Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 330) Blue/Blue 22- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Jagras Garotte III 266 (Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 360) Blue/Blue 32- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Red Saber's Gullet I 322 (Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 390) Blue/Blue 33- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Saber's Gullet II 364 (Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 450) White/White 33- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Rex Talon 350 (Blastblight 180) White/White --- -20% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Rex Talon+ 378 (Blastblight 210) White/White --- -20% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Tigrex Sword 392 (Blastblight 300) White/White --- -20% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Accursed Claw 392 (Sleep 180) White/White --- -30% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon White Stonebite 406 (Sleep 210) White/Purple --- -30% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Thunder Edge I 182 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 90 Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Green Thunder Edge II 210 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 120 Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Lightning Nemesis I 224 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 150 Green/Blue 2-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Lightning Nemesis II 252 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 180 Blue/Blue 2-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Lightning Nemesis III 266 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 210 Blue/Blue 2-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Red Lightning Nemesis IV 308 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 240 Blue/White 2-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Usurper's Firebolt 336 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 300 White/White 2-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Usurper's Firebolt+ 350 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 330 White/Purple 2-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon White Despot's Crookbolt 364 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 360 White/Purple 2-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon White Carapace Edge I 182 N/A Green/Green --- -10% - +10
IndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Carapace Edge II 196 N/A Green/Green --- -10% - +10
IndentIndentIndent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Green Carapace Edge III 224 N/A Green/Green --- -10% - +10
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Barroth Club I 252 (Paralysis 120) Green/Blue 1-- -10% - +15
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Barroth Club II 266 (Paralysis 150) Blue/Blue 11- -10% - +15
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Barroth Club III 294 (Paralysis 180) Blue/Blue 11- -10% - +15
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Red Barroth Slicer I 336 (Paralysis 240) Blue/White 22- -10% - +25
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Barroth Slicer II 378 (Paralysis 270) Blue/White 22- -10% - +25
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Glavenus Razor I 336 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 150 White/White 1-- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Glavenus Razor II 350 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 240 White/Purple 11- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Blazing Edge I 196 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 150 Green/Green --- -20% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Green Blazing Edge II 224 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 180 Green/Green --- -20% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Flammensucher 266 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 210 Blue/Blue --- -20% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Purple Gnashing Flammensucher 294 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 240 Blue/Blue --- -20% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Red Gnashing Flammensucher+ 322 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 330 Blue/White --- -20% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Lohensieger 378 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 450 Blue/White --- -20% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Donnersieger 336 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 210 Blue/White --- 5% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Donnersieger+ 350 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 240 Blue/White --- 10% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Fulguration's Talon 364 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 270 Blue/White --- 15% - N/A
Dragonbone Sword Tree
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Dragonbone Sword I 140 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 270 Green/Green --- 0% Low N/A
Indent02Sword and Shield Icon Green Dragonbone Sword II 154 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 330 Green/Green --- 0% Low N/A
Indent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Dragonbone Sword III 196 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 450 Blue/White 1-- 0% Low N/A
Indent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Dragonseal Aldsword I 294 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 480 Blue/White 11- 0% Average N/A
Indent03IndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Dragonseal Aldsword II 336 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 540 Blue/White 11- 0% Average N/A
Indent03IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon White Manifested Lotus 392 (Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 450) White/Purple 11- 0% High +30
Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Green Fulminator 154 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 270 Green/Green --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Thunderbolt Sword I 210 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 300 Blue/Blue --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Purple Thunderbolt Sword II 224 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 360 Blue/Blue --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Ephemeral Fulminator 336 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 510 White/White --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Hydros Discus 378 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 360 White/White 1-- 10% - N/A
Blacksteel Sword Tree
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Blacksteel Sword I 140 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 120 Yellow/Blue --- 0% Low N/A
Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Blue Blacksteel Sword II 154 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 150 Green/Blue --- 0% Low N/A
IndentIndent02Sword and Shield Icon Purple Teostra's Spada 252 Blastblight 210 Blue/White --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Orange Teostra's Emblem 266 Blastblight 240 Blue/White --- 0% - N/A
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Teostra's Medal 364 Blastblight 270 White/White --- 15% - N/A
IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon Orange Xeno Mabura 238 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 270 White/White 33- 15% Low N/A
IndentIndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon White Xeno Mabura+ 392 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 330 White/White 44- 15% Low N/A
Fatal Jho Tree
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon Blue Fatal Jho 280 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 150 Blue/White --- -20% High N/A
Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Purple Fatal Bite 308 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 210 Blue/White --- -20% High N/A
IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon White Fate's Shear 392 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 240 White/Purple --- -20% High N/A
Empress Edge Tree
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon Purple Empress Edge 266 Blastblight 120 White/White 1-- 0% - N/A
Indent02Sword and Shield Icon Orange Empress Edge "Blaze" 266 Blastblight 150 White/White 1-- 20% - N/A
Indent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon White Soulfire Barb "Blaze" 350 Blastblight 180 White/Purple 21- 20% - N/A
Indent02Sword and Shield Icon Orange Empress Edge "Ruin" 280 Blastblight 120 White/White 2-- 0% - N/A
Indent03Indent01Sword and Shield Icon White Soulfire Barb "Ruin" 378 Blastblight 150 White/Purple 22- 0% - N/A
Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Orange Empress Edge "Styx" 266 Blastblight 210 White/White 31- 10% - N/A
IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon White Soulfire Barb "Styx" 350 Blastblight 240 White/Purple 33- 10% - N/A
Rajang Club Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Rajang Club 406 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 60 Blue/White 4-- -15% - N/A
Indent01Sword and Shield Icon White Banned Rajang Club 434 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 90 Blue/White 4-- -15% - N/A
Demonlord Mace Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon White Demonlord Mace 406 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 300 Purple/Purple --- 15% - N/A
Brimstren Drakescale Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Brimstren Drakescale 350 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 180 Purple/Purple 2-- 0% Average N/A
Indent01Sword and Shield Icon White Stygian Luxuria 378 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 240 Purple/Purple 2-- 0% Average N/A
Lightbreak Sword Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon White Lightbreak Sword 420 Blastblight 180 Purple 43- 0% - N/A
Alatreon Sword Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Alatreon Sword 350 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 450 Purple/Purple 2-- 0% Low N/A
Indent01Sword and Shield Icon White Alatreon Star 392 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 570 Purple/Purple 22- 0% Low N/A
Fatalis Sword Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon Yellow Fatalis Sword 434 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 60 Purple/Purple 44- -40% High N/A
Indent01Sword and Shield Icon White True Fatalis Sword 490 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 120 Purple/Purple 44- -30% High N/A
Event Quest Only
The Witcher Tree
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon Purple Witcher's Silver Sword 252 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon300 White 1-- 0% High N/A
Indent01Sword and Shield Icon Orange Witcher's Silver Sword+ 266 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 330 White 1-- 0% High N/A
IndentIndent01Sword and Shield Icon White Witcher's Silver Sword++ 364 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 480 White 21- 0% High N/A
Guild Palace Sword Path
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon Light Blue Guild Palace Sword 350 (Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 330) White/Purple 3-- 10% - +30
Indent01Sword and Shield Icon White Royal Nova Sword 378 (Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 420) White/Purple 3-- 15% - +30
Kulve Taroth
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon Blue Gold Blast Scimitar 224 (Blastblight 180) Blue/White --- 0% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Blue Gold Dragon Scimitar 196 (Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 210) Blue/White --- 0% Average +20
Sword and Shield Icon Blue Drifter Gold Scimitar 210 Blastblight 120 Blue/White --- 0% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Blue Glutton Gold Scimitar 238 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 120 Blue/Blue --- 0% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Blue King Gold Scimitar 210 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 120 Blue/White --- 30% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Blue Mud Gold Scimitar 252 (Paralysis 180) Blue/Blue 1-- -10% - +25
Sword and Shield Icon Blue Myth Gold Scimitar 196 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 180 Blue/White --- 0% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Blue Numb Gold Scimitar 196 Paralysis 120 Blue/White --- 30% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Blue Rage Gold Scimitar 224 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 120 Blue/White --- -20% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Blue Spew Gold Scimitar 224 Poison 180 Blue/Blue 1-- 0% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Blue Stream Gold Scimitar 195 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 150 White/White --- 0% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Blue Tar Gold Scimitar 224 Sleep 120 Blue/Blue --- 10% - +30
Sword and Shield Icon Blue Gold Water Scimitar 224 (Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 210) Blue/Blue --- 10% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Purple Taroth Slicer "Drifter" 252 Blastblight 270 Blue/White --- 0% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Purple Taroth Slicer "Glutton" 266 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 270 Blue/Blue --- 0% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Purple Taroth Slicer "King" 266 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 180 Blue/White --- 30% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Purple Taroth Slicer "Mud" 308 (Paralysis 180) Blue/Blue 1-- -10% - +25
Sword and Shield Icon Purple Taroth Slicer "Myth" 224 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 360 Blue/White --- 0% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Purple Taroth Slicer "Numb" 224 Paralysis 240 Blue/White --- 30% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Purple Taroth Slicer "Rage" 294 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 240 Blue/White --- -20% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Purple Taroth Slicer "Spew" 252 Poison 390 Blue/Blue 1-- 0% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Purple Taroth Slicer "Stream" 224 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 330 White/White --- 0% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Purple Taroth Slicer "Tar" 266 Sleep 210 Blue/Blue --- 10% - +30
Sword and Shield Icon Orange Taroth Slicer "Blast" 238 (Blastblight 390) White/White 3-- 0% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Orange Taroth Slicer "Dragon" 224 (Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 450) Blue/White 3-- 0% Low +20
Sword and Shield Icon Orange Taroth Slicer "Water" 266 (Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 420) Blue/White 3-- 10% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Orange Taroth Slicer "Fire" 252 (Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 390) White/White 3-- 0% - +20
Sword and Shield Icon Orange Kjárr Slicer "Blast" 224 Blastblight 330 White/White 1-- 10% - N/A
Sword and Shield Icon Orange Kjárr Slicer "Dragon" 238 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 360 Blue/White 1-- 10% - N/A
Sword and Shield Icon Orange Kjárr Slicer "King" 266 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 240 Blue/White 1-- 15% - N/A
Sword and Shield Icon Orange Kjárr Slicer "Myth" 238 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 330 Blue/White 1-- 10% - N/A
Sword and Shield Icon Orange Kjárr Slicer "Numb" 252 Paralysis 210 Blue/White 1-- 10% - N/A
Sword and Shield Icon Orange Kjárr Slicer "Stream" 238 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 300 White/White 1-- 10% - N/A
Sword and Shield Icon Orange Kjárr Slicer "Water" 252 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 330 Blue/White 1-- 15% - N/A
Weapon Name Attack Special Sharpness Slots Affinity Elderseal DEF
Sword and Shield Icon White Safi's Hellfang 378 Status Effect-Fireblight MH4 Icon 150 White/White 4-- 5% - N/A
Sword and Shield Icon White Safi's Aquafang 378 Status Effect-Waterblight MH4 Icon 150 White/White 4-- 5% - N/A
Sword and Shield Icon White Safi's Boltfang 378 Status Effect-Thunderblight MH4 Icon 150 White/White 4-- 5% - N/A
Sword and Shield Icon White Safi's Frostfang 378 Status Effect-Iceblight MH4 Icon 150 White/White 4-- 5% - N/A
Sword and Shield Icon White Safi's Drakfang 378 Status Effect-Dragonblight MH4 Icon 150 White/White 4-- 5% Average N/A
Sword and Shield Icon White Safi's Venomfang 378 Poison 180 White/White 4-- 5% - N/A
Sword and Shield Icon White Safi's Bindfang 378 Paralysis 90 White/White 4-- 5% - N/A
Sword and Shield Icon White Safi's Dreamfang 378 Sleep 90 White/White 4-- 5% - N/A
Sword and Shield Icon White Safi's Shatterfang 378 Blastblight 180 White/White 4-- 5% - N/A