Pyre Rakna-Kadaki are female Temnocerans and Subspecies of Rakna-Kadaki first introduced in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.
Pyre Rakna-Kadaki is similar in appearance to a standard Rakna-Kadaki, but with several key differences; her body is now light gray with glowing orange hooks, and her webbing is now black. Her horns are now much longer, giving her a demonic appearance.
Like a regular Rakna-Kadaki, she uses her now explosive webs to capture prey; however, she now inflicts Blastblight alongside using fire. She also uses her young, the Pyrantulas, in more attacks than a standard Rakna-Kadaki, attaching fuse-like webs to them and igniting them to cause explosions. Some of her standard attacks will cause an explosion as well, which in addition, also leaves behind the Pyrantulas on the ground, in which she can give command to either attack or strategically positions to set up the "fuse bomb" attacks. Pyre Rakna-Kadaki uses a special sound-producing organ which allows her to issue very advanced chain of commands to the Pyrantulas.
Pyre Rakna-Kadki is an aggressive and cunning monster. She uses the Pyrantulas to lure in prey for an ambush, in which she then commands her minions to overwhelm and subdue the prey before using her flames to finish it off. One of the known prey is the Volvidon.
Pyre Rakna-Kadaki can be found in the Lava Caverns of Kamura and the Citadel of Elgado.
Game Appearances
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Main Series
- Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (Introduced)
In-Game Description
General Notes
- Pyre Rakna-Kadaki, alongside her young, are the first Temnocerans to use Blastblight.
- Pyre Rakna-Kadaki's inspiration, while still using the Jorōgumo like the base species, it is more in line with the yokai, such as her abilities to command the Pyrantula, sending out her offspring from several attacks to stand by, and the behavior of tethering herself with them in more attacks rather than movement-based.
- Pyre Rakna-Kadaki was voted 188th place in the Hunters' Choice for Top Monster during Monster Hunter's 20th Anniversary.[1]
- It shares this placement with Bishaten.
Monster Hunter Rise
▷ Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (edit) | |
Herbivore | Anteka Gowngoat Kelbi Kestodon Popo Rhenoplos Slagtoth |
Amphibian | Zamite Tetranadon |
Fish | Gajau |
Fanged Beast | Bombadgy Bullfango Arzuros Apex Arzuros Bishaten Blood Orange Bishaten Garangolm Goss Harag Lagombi Rajang Furious Rajang Volvidon |
Lynian | Felyne Melynx |
Carapaceon | Ceanataur Hermitaur Daimyo Hermitaur Shogun Ceanataur |
Neopteron | Altaroth Bnahabra Hornetaur Vespoid |
Temnoceran | Pyrantula Rachnoid Rakna-Kadaki Pyre Rakna-Kadaki |
Bird Wyvern | Baggi Boggi Gargwa Izuchi Jaggi Jaggia Velociprey Wroggi Aknosom Great Baggi Great Izuchi Great Wroggi Kulu-Ya-Ku Pukei-Pukei |
Brute Wyvern | Anjanath Barroth |
Fanged Wyvern | Jagras Lunagaron Magnamalo Scorned Magnamalo Tobi-Kadachi Zinogre Apex Zinogre |
Leviathan | Ludroth Uroktor Almudron Magma Almudron Mizutsune Violet Mizutsune Apex Mizutsune Royal Ludroth Somnacanth Aurora Somnacanth |
Piscine Wyvern | Delex Jyuratodus |
Snake Wyvern | Remobra |
Flying Wyvern | Astalos Barioth Basarios Bazelgeuse Seething Bazelgeuse Diablos Apex Diablos Espinas Flaming Espinas Khezu Nargacuga Lucent Nargacuga Rathalos Silver Rathalos Apex Rathalos Rathian Gold Rathian Apex Rathian Seregios Tigrex |
Elder Dragon | Amatsu Chameleos Risen Chameleos Crimson Glow Valstrax Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax Gaismagorm Kushala Daora Risen Kushala Daora Malzeno Primordial Malzeno Shagaru Magala Risen Shagaru Magala Teostra Risen Teostra Thunder Serpent Narwa Narwa the Allmother Velkhana Wind Serpent Ibushi |
??? | Gore Magala Chaotic Gore Magala |