Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki


Body Carves x 3
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 30% 5%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 15%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 30% 30%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 35%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 30% 30% 15%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Wing 2% 2%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Wyvern Marrow 2% 8%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
RthlosBrainStem 8%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Flame Sac 8% 25%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Inferno Sac 25%

Tail Carves x 2
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 35% 8%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 35%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 25% 30%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Tail 38% 51% 45%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Wyvern Marrow 2% 6%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
RthlosBrainStem 6%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 5% 12%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 2%

Reward for breaking the Wing (Both)
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Claw Icon Red
Rathalos Claw 10%-75% 25%-75%
25% (x2)
75% (x2)

Reward for breaking the Head
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 4%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 4%

  • Unlike newer titles the percentage to get a material for breaking a part of a monster is determined by the quest. harder quests will have a better chance to yield the item. See the Guild Quests or Village Quests for more information.


Body Carves x 3
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 36%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 38%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 30%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 24%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 24% 15%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Wing 3%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Wyvern Marrow 2% 5%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Flame Sac 8% 15%

Tail Carves x 1
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 35%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 35%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 24%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 21%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Tail 38% 25%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Wyvern Marrow 2% 12%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 1% 6%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 1%

Shiny Drops
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 25%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 25%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 1%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 1%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Blue
Wyvern Tears 74% 74%


Body Carves x 3
Icon Material 1+2★ Guild Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 25% 30%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 38%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Hrd Rathalos Scl 37%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 20% 24%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 24%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
HvyRathalosShl 24%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 24% 14%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Wing 5%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
StrRathalosWing 20%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Flame Sac 5% 8%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Inferno Sac 15%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Blazing Fire Sac 15%

Tail Carves x 1
Icon Material 1+2★ Guild Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 40% 35%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 35%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Hrd Rathalos Scl 30%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 30% 22%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 22%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
HvyRathalosShl 20%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Tail 38% 25%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
LthrRathalosTail 38%
MH4G-Claw Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 3% 12%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 2% 6%
MH4G-Mantle Icon Red
HvnlyRathalosScl 2%

Shiny Drops
Icon Material 1+2★ Guild Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 6% 24%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 24%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Hrd Rathalos Scl 24%
MH4G-Claw Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 2%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 2%
MH4G-Mantle Icon Red
HvnlyRathalosScl 2%

Reward for breaking the Head
Icon Material 1+2★ Guild Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 65% 65%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 60%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Hrd Rathalos Scl 60%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 35% 31%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 30%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
HvyRathalosShl 30%
MH4G-Claw Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 4% 6%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 4% 6%
MH4G-Mantle Icon Red
HvnlyRathalosScl 4%

Reward for breaking the Wing (Both)
Icon Material 1+2★ Guild Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Wing 83% 83% 80% (x2)
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
StrRathalosWing 75%
MH4G-Claw Icon White
Wyvern Claw 17% (x4) 17% (x4) 20% (x5) 25% (x5)

Capture Rewards
Icon Material 1+2★ Guild Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 24% (x2)
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Hrd Rathalos Scl 24% (x2)
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 55% 52%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 60%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
HvyRathalosShl 60%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 33%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Wing 8% 8% (x2) 8% (x2)
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Tail 5%
MH4G-Claw Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 2% 6%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 2% 6%
MH4G-Mantle Icon Red
HvnlyRathalosScl 2%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Flame Sac 20%


Body Carves x 3
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 40%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 38%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 28%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 29%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 19% 18%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Marrow 5%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Medulla 5%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Flame Sac 8%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Inferno Sac 10%

Tail Carves x 1
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 23%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 38%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Tail 57% 28%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Marrow 17%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Medulla 20%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 3% 12%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 2%

Capture Rewards
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 23%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 42%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 34%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 29%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Tail 9% 12%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Marrow 18% 15%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Medulla 10%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 2% 3%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 3%

Reward for breaking the Head
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 66%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 65%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 31%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 31%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 3%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 4%

Reward for breaking the Wing (Both)
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 18%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 8%
MH4G-Claw Icon Red
Rath Talon 70% 60%
MH4G-Claw Icon White
Wyvern Claw 22% 22%

Shiny Drops
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 24% 23%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 2% 3%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Blue
Wyvern Tear 74% 74%


Body Carves x 3
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 40%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 38%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 28%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 29%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 19% 13%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Marrow 5%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Medulla 5%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Flame Sac 8%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Inferno Sac 15%

Tail Carves x 1
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 20% 7%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 22%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Tail 60% 48%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Marrow 17%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Medulla 10%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 3% 10%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 3%

Capture Rewards
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 42%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 38%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 29% 18% (x2)
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Tail 9% 12%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Marrow 18% 16%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Medulla 8%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 2% 5%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 3%

Reward for breaking the Head
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 66%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 57%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 30% 8% (x2)
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 25%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 4% 6%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 4%

Reward for breaking the Wing (Both)
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 15%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 15% 10% (x2)
MH4G-Claw Icon Red
Rath Talon 70% 60% (x2)
MH4G-Claw Icon White
Wyvern Claw 15% (x4) 15% (x5)

Shiny Drops
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 24%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 23%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 2%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 2%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Blue
Wyvern Tear 74% 38%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Blue
Lrg Wyvern Tear 37%


Body Carves x 3
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 40%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 38%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Shard 39%
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 28%
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 29%
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Cortex 28%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 19%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Wing 13%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Fellwing 16%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Marrow 5%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Medulla 5% 4%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Flame Sac 8%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Inferno Sac 15%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Conflagrant Sac 13%

Tail Carves x 1
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 20% 7%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 22%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Shard 20%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Tail 60% 48%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Lash 57%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Marrow 17%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Medulla 10% 16%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 3% 10%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 3% 5%
MH4G-Mantle Icon Red
Rathalos Mantle 2%

Capture Rewards
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 42%
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 38%
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Cortex 34%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 29% 18% (x2)
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Fellwing 18%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Tail 9% 12%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Lash 12%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Marrow 18% 16%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Medulla 8% 10% (x2)
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 2% 5%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 3% 5%
MH4G-Mantle Icon Red
Rathalos Mantle 2%

Reward for breaking the Head
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 66%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 57%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Shard 57%
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 30% 8% (x2)
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 25% 8% (x2)
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Cortex 28%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 4% 6%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 4% 5%
MH4G-Mantle Icon Red
Rathalos Mantle 2%

Reward for breaking the Wing (Both)
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 15%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Wing 25%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Fellwing 25%
MH4G-Claw Icon Red
Rath Talon 70% 60% (x2)
MH4G-Claw Icon Red
Rath Ripper 65%
MH4G-Claw Icon White
Wyvern Claw 15% (x4) 15% (x5) 10% (x10)

Shiny Drops
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 24%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 23%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Shard 24%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 2%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 2%
MH4G-Mantle Icon Red
Rathalos Mantle 1%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Blue
Wyvern Tear 74% 38% 25%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Blue
Lrg Wyvern Tear 37% 50%


Body Carves x 3
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 40%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 38%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Shard 38%
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 28%
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 29%
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Cortex 29%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 19%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Wing 13%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Fellwing 13%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Marrow 5%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Medulla 5% 5%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Flame Sac 8%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Inferno Sac 15%
MH4G-Sac Icon Red
Conflagrant Sac 15%

Tail Carves x 1
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 20% 7%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 22% 7%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Shard 22%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Tail 60% 48%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Lash 48%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Marrow 17%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Medulla 10% 10%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 3% 10%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 3% 10%
MH4G-Mantle Icon Red
Rathalos Mantle 3%

Shiny Drops
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 24%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 23%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Shard 33%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Medulla 10%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 2%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 2%
MH4G-Mantle Icon Red
Rathalos Mantle 2%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Blue
Wyvern Tear 74% 38%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Blue
Lrg Eyvern Tear 37% 55%

Capture Rewards
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 42%
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 38%
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Cortex 40%
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 29% 18% (x2)
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Wing 20% (x2)
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Tail 9% 12%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Lash 14%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Marrow 18% 16%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Medulla 8% 18%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 9% 5%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 3% 5%
MH4G-Mantle Icon Red
Rathalos Mantle 3%

Virus Reward
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Frenzy Wyvern Crystal Purple
Frenzy Crystal 100% 30%
MH4G-Frenzy Wyvern Crystal Purple
Frenzy Shard 50%
MH4G-Frenzy Wyvern Crystal Purple
Vile Frenzy Crystal 20% 50%
MH4G-Frenzy Wyvern Crystal White
Pure Frenzy Crystal 50%

Reward for breaking the Head
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale 66%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Scale+ 57%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Shard 57%
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 30% 8% (x2)
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 25% 8% (x2)
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Cortex 25%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 4% 6%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 4% 6%
MH4G-Mantle Icon Red
Rathalos Mantle 4%

Reward for breaking the Wing (Both)
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red
Rathalos Webbing 15%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Wing 25%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rathalos Fellwing 25%
MH4G-Claw Icon White
Wyvern Claw 15% (x4) 15% (x5)
MH4G-Claw Icon Red
Rathalos Wingtalon 70% 60% (x2)
MH4G-Claw Icon Red
Rathalos Wingtalon+ 75% (x2)

Reward for breaking the Back
Icon Material Low Rank High Rank G-Rank
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Shell 69%
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Carapace 69%
FourthGen-Carapace Icon Red
Rathalos Cortex 69%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Marrow 30%
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Red
Rath Medulla 30% 30%
MH4G-Scale Icon Red
Rathalos Plate 1%
MH4G-Ball Icon Red
Rathalos Ruby 1%
MH4G-Mantle Icon Red
Rathalos Mantle 1%
