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Rare 1
Saffron Serpentblade / 蛇剣【黄蛇】


Level: Attack: Special: Affinity: Slots: Defense:
LV1 170 Paralysis Paralysis 38 0% OO- N/A

Level: Sharpness: Sharpness +1: Sharpness +2:
LV1 Blue Blue White

Description: The Saffron Fangblade's final form has fangs that beckon prey closer.

Acquirement and Upgrade Method:
Buy-able from Store: No Buying Cost: N/A
Creation Materials: Upgrade Materials:


Hyper Fang+ / 獰猛な鋭牙 x2
Omniplegia Sac / 強力麻痺袋 x1
Bird Wyvern Gem / 鳥竜玉 x1
HR Gendrome Materials x12

Creation Cost: Upgrade Cost:
N/A 18000z
Creation Byproduct: Upgrade Byproduct:
N/A Genprey Scrap+ X2

Weapon Path:
Upgraded From: >> Saffron Serpentblade >> Upgrades Into:
Rare 1 Saffron Fangblade (Level 5) N/A
MHGen: Great Sword Weapon Tree