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MHP3rd-Barioth Subspecies Icon

The Barioth subspecies have adapted to the natural harshness of the Sandy Plains, making it its home. Like most subspecies the sand Barioth's texture is camouflaged in its surroundings making hunting prey a little easy and also proof to match its title.

Habitat Range

Barioth Subspecies are found in the Sandy Plains.

Ecological Niche

The Barioth subspecies preys on Rhenoplos, Delex, Aptonoth and possibly Jaggi if food is short. It is a large Flying Wyvern and a top predator in the Sandy plains; even a Tigrex will think twice before challenging it.

Barioth Subspecies faces competition from both Tigrex species, Hapurubokka and Deviljho, although it is capable of holding its own in combat with all of these creatures.

Biological Adaptations

Much like the Tundra suited Barioth, Barioth Subspecies is well adapted to its environment. It is coloured a yellow-orange, which does provide camouflage with the desert terrain, and this helps it to ambush prey such as unsuspecting Rhenoplos (which may not see the large monster due to their poor eyesight). However, the Barioth subspecies does have a darker red coloured face, with deep blue tusks; these may act like a warning sign or could be used to intimidate larger monsters.

Its fangs are huge and make for deadly weapons; they are more than capable of piercing the thick of hide of a Rhenoplos to inflict massive internal damage. Their sheer size makes them effective weapons against a whole host of other species however, and a bite may well be enough to mortally wound even large monsters, like Great Jaggi or Qurupeco.

The spikes on its forearms allow it great agility on the loose desert sands, although it is only partially impaired if the spikes are broken.

Perhaps Barioth Subspecies most dramatic adaption is its ability to produce large, whirling tornadoes by projecting a mysterious product from its mouth. It will use these tornados for its own purposes; it is light enough to be drawn up by them, then swoop down on its enemy below.
