Shrouded Nerscylla are Temnocerans and a Subspecies of Nerscylla introduced in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.
It is very similar to its common counterpart; however, its body is a dark gray with white stripes and purple markings, its underside and spikes are a bright yellow, its hairs are a light turquoise, and its front claws are pink. Instead of a Gypceros hide, Shrouded Nerscylla wears a Khezu hide.
Its different ability likely comes from its diet of the Khezu, just like how the common Nerscylla can secrete poison due to feeding on Gypceros.
Shrouded Nerscylla can inflict paralysis with its back spikes and claws, and seems to demonstrate a mastery of web traversal, able to change direction mid-air by swinging on a different thread.
Shrouded Nerscylla can be found within the Dunes and the Everwood.
Game Appearances
Click on Expand to see contents.
In-Game Description
MH4U Breakable Parts
Hide (x1) | |
Poison Spikes (x2) | |
Claw (x1) | |
General Notes
- The prefix Shrouded was chosen because it describes the way that the monster wears a hide as a hood, and at the same time associates it with death and the grim reaper.
- Its back can be broken twice, along with its legs and claws.
- Unlike the regular Nerscylla, Shrouded Nerscylla can perform several web pendulum attacks before it lands.
- Getting hit by its back spines will cause Paralysis.
- Breaking the back spines prevents Shrouded Nerscylla to inflict Paralysis with the pendulum attack.
- Shrouded Nerscylla was voted 179th place in the Hunters' Choice for Top Monster during Monster Hunter's 20th Anniversary.[1]
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
- During the localization process, potential name candidates for Shrouded Nerscylla included Reaper Nerscylla and Grim Nerscylla.
External Links
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate: Localization & The Apex Predator!
▷ Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (edit) | |
Herbivore | Apceros Aptonoth Kelbi Popo Rhenoplos Slagtoth |
Amphibian | Zamite Tetsucabra Berserk Tetsucabra Zamtrios Tigerstripe Zamtrios |
Fanged Beast | Conga Congalala Emerald Congalala Kecha Wacha Ash Kecha Wacha Lagombi Rajang Furious Rajang |
Lynian | Felyne Melynx |
Carapaceon | Hermitaur Daimyo Hermitaur Plum Daimyo Hermitaur |
Neopteron | Altaroth Bnahabra Konchu Seltas Desert Seltas Seltas Queen Desert Seltas Queen |
Temnoceran | Nerscylla Shrouded Nerscylla |
Bird Wyvern | Gargwa Genprey Ioprey Jaggi Jaggia Velociprey Gendrome Great Jaggi Gypceros Purple Gypceros Iodrome Velocidrome Yian Garuga Yian Kut-Ku Blue Yian Kut-Ku |
Brute Wyvern | Brachydios Raging Brachydios Deviljho Savage Deviljho |
Fanged Wyvern | Zinogre Stygian Zinogre |
Piscine Wyvern | Delex Cephalos Cephadrome |
Snake Wyvern | Remobra Najarala Tidal Najarala |
Flying Wyvern | Akantor Basarios Ruby Basarios Diablos Black Diablos Gravios Black Gravios Khezu Red Khezu Monoblos White Monoblos Rathalos Azure Rathalos Silver Rathalos Rathian Pink Rathian Gold Rathian Seregios Tigrex Brute Tigrex Molten Tigrex Ukanlos |
Elder Dragon | Chameleos Dalamadur Shah Dalamadur Dah'ren Mohran Fatalis Crimson Fatalis White Fatalis Gogmazios Kirin Oroshi Kirin Kushala Daora Rusted Kushala Daora Shagaru Magala Teostra |
??? | Gore Magala Chaotic Gore Magala |