Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki
MHRise Item Icon-Question Mark Red Unofficial Japanese Translations
Some names in this Article may use unofficial translations, these are obtained through different means, official localizations from other games in the series take precedent over fan translations where possible, otherwise the Staff will provide temporary translations.

The Solitude Island (絶島) is a new area introduced in Monster Hunter Frontier Season 7.0. It is comprised by three extremely remote islands being inhabited only by Laviente and Violent Laviente, and are characterized by multiple signs of volcanic activity such as geysers and acid pools. Beyond the Island stretches an ocean. Travel to this area is by Caravan airship.

It's possible on the second island to step over a geyser and wait for it to blast hunters across the whole area, or, on certain geysers, blast hunters off the island onto a smaller one out of reach from direct attacks of Laviente. These smaller islands include a mining location and a hot spring.

