Ok, so far this is the page I've managed to set as a posible standard for each weapon. Why a standard? It's best to have info well packaged.
Anyway, I would really appreciate feedback on this page, I'm not 100% of the colors I used are appropiate, and, well, I pulled the images and knowdledge out of my own, there are lots of awesome guides out there in gamefaqs.com, but thats copyrighted stuff there, so I can't use the damage formula for each arrow, most likely this problem will come out in the other pages as theres no way to put the info or detals on damage in a numeric way without having to run endless hours of testing or having to recurr to asking the guys in the gamefaqs for permision to use their stuff. But now I'm just ranting here, back to bussines, what are your opinions on the page, whats missing, whats not necesary, just go to My talk or add something in here please ^^.
Xariamaru 19:46, 7 January 2009 (UTC)
Auto-Target Arrow Rain (MH3U 3DS)[]
So as I was playing the demo, I spent some time getting used to the "Target Lock" system and getting comfortable with it, as I dont really intend to get a Circle Pad Pro or whatever it's called. I did notice, though, that whenever I used the Arrow Rain, it seemed to instantly target and hit the monster while I was "Target Locked." Maybe it was just a whole bunch of random coincidences on my part with lucky firing, so I'm seeing if others have noticed this before making a note of it on the main page. King of Noobs 04:41, February 23, 2013 (UTC)