The Third Fleet Master (Japanese 3期団の期団長) is the leader of the Third Fleet in Astera.
The Third Fleet Master enjoys the journey rather than the destination.[1] She is well versed in all biological sciences, ranging from humans to lynians to monsters, but specializes in neuroscience.[2] Her bearing unsettles a few people, including her older brother, the Analytics Director. She is considered young to have reached such a position, and she and her brother are distinguished by the originality of their thoughts.[3]
The Third Fleet Master is a Wyvernian, meaning that while she appears human; there are noticeable differences. As a Wyverian the Third Fleet Master has pointed ears, four fingered hands, and digitigrade legs. She has straight back hair that reaches a little past her shoulders. Her hair is swept back and tied in a bun with a pendant and some feathers. She has two parts of hair that drapes down over her ears and to her shoulders, which have been tied near the ends by cloth. She possesses dark smokey gray colored eyes and a fair complexion. She wears a purple coat lined in white fur that drapes over her shoulders, as well as purple baggy pants that are cropped. She has three red markings on the left side of her forehead.
When the third fleet made it to the New World they disassembled their ship and rebuilt it, making it into an airship. The airship was used to travel through a vast canyon but was knocked out of the sky by a Legiana. The third fleet has made their base in the Coral Highlands with the Third Fleet Master acting as its leader. The Third Fleet Master has been helping the third fleet discover the truth about the Elder Crossing by studying the Rotten Vale, looking for answers about the monsters there and its ecosystem. Twenty years ago, they reported a strange Elder Dragon, Vaal Hazak, covered in effluvium in the Rotten Vale but never got a good look at the beast until recently. Twenty years later, their airship is fixed up by the Airship Engineer.
- She relies on the Tracker to keep her informed of Astera's current affairs and dealings. She doesn't like leaving the Research Base, preferring to stay near the Rotten Vale.
- ↑ Third Fleet Master dialogue: "Just when you think you found the truth, it dances out of reach again. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't necessarily want to reach the truth, because then it would all be over."
- ↑ Analytics Director dialogue
- ↑ Cheerful Scholar dialogue