Violet Mizutsune is a male Leviathan and Rare Species of Mizutsune first introduced in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.
All Violet Mizutsune are male, as just like their regular counterpart, the females are not seen. Violet Mizutsune has whitish-lilac scales with light streaks of indigo running down his body, as well as indigo fins and black fur. During his empowered state, his fur glows a faintblue. Like many Rare Species, Violet Mizutsune is slightly larger than a regular Mizutsune.
Violet Mizutsune have rarely been spotted at all, with very few being found at the Infernal Springs and Forlorn Arena.
On top of the graceful agility of Mizutsune, Violet Mizutsune's body produces a type of oil-like secretion instead of Bubblefoam, which it can ignite using friction from its body to bathe its surroundings in a beautiful but deadly inferno. It can use this to launch flaming bubbles that home in on hunters after a delay, streams of fluid that ignite on impact, and fiery puddles that explode once ignited. By increasing the secretion rate of this fluid, it can wreath itself in white-hot flames, giving its physical attacks fiery impact and improving all of its existing ones. Dealing enough damage to these flaming parts will knock it out of this state.
Like its counterpart, Violet Mizutsune likes to sleep when not fighting and will react with violence should an intruder appear. It can easily defeat monsters like the Tigrex with ease. However it must contend with dangerous monsters such as Apex Monsters, equally powerful Rare Species, and Elder Dragons for territory.
Game Appearances[]
Main Series[]
- Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (Introduced)
In-Game Description[]
General Notes
- Violet Mizutsune was added to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (and introduced in the series as a whole) in the second Title Update along with Flaming Espinas and Risen Chameleos on September 29, 2022.
- Violet Mizutsune is the second Rare Species in the series as a whole to be introduced prior to a Subspecies of its standard form, following Silver Hypnocatrice, and the only instance of this in the main series.
- Violet Mizutsune was voted 63rd place in the Hunters' Choice for Top Monster during Monster Hunter's 20th Anniversary.[1]
Monster Hunter Rise
- Some of these additions specifically require other quest completions to unlock, Primordial Malzeno requiring Amatsu to be defeated, both Rath Rare Species requiring Seething Bazelgeuse's defeat, and Violet Mizutsune requring Flaming Espinas' defeat. The player must speak to Doctor Tadori to accept the quest.
- In its Hazard Quest, its theme will play for the entire battle.
- It will immediately enter its flaming aura state instead of enraging normally first.
- Its charged blast creates a sequential line of explosions instead of one.
- Several of its attacks can now immediately combo into each other and hit multiple times in succession.
- Can leave behind trails of homing bubbles while sliding.
- Immediately spins towards the hunter after launching a cluster bubble.
- When summoning its giant bubble, it will immediately also shoot out a large amount of homing bubbles before spinning its water beam in a circle around itself.
▷ Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (edit) | |
Herbivore | Anteka Gowngoat Kelbi Kestodon Popo Rhenoplos Slagtoth |
Amphibian | Zamite Tetranadon |
Fish | Gajau |
Fanged Beast | Bombadgy Bullfango Arzuros Apex Arzuros Bishaten Blood Orange Bishaten Garangolm Goss Harag Lagombi Rajang Furious Rajang Volvidon |
Lynian | Felyne Melynx |
Carapaceon | Ceanataur Hermitaur Daimyo Hermitaur Shogun Ceanataur |
Neopteron | Altaroth Bnahabra Hornetaur Vespoid |
Temnoceran | Pyrantula Rachnoid Rakna-Kadaki Pyre Rakna-Kadaki |
Bird Wyvern | Baggi Boggi Gargwa Izuchi Jaggi Jaggia Velociprey Wroggi Aknosom Great Baggi Great Izuchi Great Wroggi Kulu-Ya-Ku Pukei-Pukei |
Brute Wyvern | Anjanath Barroth |
Fanged Wyvern | Jagras Lunagaron Magnamalo Scorned Magnamalo Tobi-Kadachi Zinogre Apex Zinogre |
Leviathan | Ludroth Uroktor Almudron Magma Almudron Mizutsune Violet Mizutsune Apex Mizutsune Royal Ludroth Somnacanth Aurora Somnacanth |
Piscine Wyvern | Delex Jyuratodus |
Snake Wyvern | Remobra |
Flying Wyvern | Astalos Barioth Basarios Bazelgeuse Seething Bazelgeuse Diablos Apex Diablos Espinas Flaming Espinas Khezu Nargacuga Lucent Nargacuga Rathalos Silver Rathalos Apex Rathalos Rathian Gold Rathian Apex Rathian Seregios Tigrex |
Elder Dragon | Amatsu Chameleos Risen Chameleos Crimson Glow Valstrax Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax Gaismagorm Kushala Daora Risen Kushala Daora Malzeno Primordial Malzeno Shagaru Magala Risen Shagaru Magala Teostra Risen Teostra Thunder Serpent Narwa Narwa the Allmother Velkhana Wind Serpent Ibushi |
??? | Gore Magala Chaotic Gore Magala |