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The Wild Bone Lance is a Lance type weapon


Monster Hunter Freedom Unite[]

Lance-Icon Wild Bone Lance / (?) (MHFU)
Weapon355 Attack 230 Buying Cost Upgrade Cost
Attribute None 1,400z 1,400z
Affinity 0% Buying Materials Upgrade Materials
Sharpness SredMoraSyel Bullfango pelt (5),

Brute Bone (3),
Anteka Antlers (2),
Carpenterbug (5)

Bullfango Pelt (3),

Brute Bone (3),
Iron Ore (2)

Slots ---
Bonus None
Rarity 2
Description Lance made from boar material, Fills users with vigor and offensive lust!
Family Tree:
Upgraded From >> Lance-Icon Wild Bone Lance >> Upgraded Into
Longhorn Wild Bone Lance+,
MHFU: Lance and Gunlance Tree


  • This is a very good lance for beginners.
  • When upgrading it, if you want a stronger attack lance quicker upgrade to Wild Bone Lance+.