MH4 | MH4U | MH4 | MH4 | MH4U |
MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 |
MH4U | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 |
MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 |
MH4 | MH4 | MH4 |
MH4 | MH4U | MH4 | MH4 | MH4U |
MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 |
MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 |
MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 |
Brachydios |
Deviljho |
MH4U | MH4U | MH4U |
MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | |
MH4U | MH4 | Rajang |
MH4 | MH4 |
MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4U | MH4U |
MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4U |
MH4U | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 |
MH4 | MH4 | MH4U | MH4 | MH4 |
MH4 | MH4U |
MH4U | MH4 | MH4 |
MH4 | MH4 | MH4 |
MH4 | MH4 |
MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | MH4 | |
MH4U | MH4 | MH4U |
MH4U | MH4U | MH4 |
MH4 | MH4U | MH4 |
MH4 | MH4U |
MH4U | MH4 | Dalamadur |
Shah Dalamadur |
MH4 | MH4 | |||
Kushala Daora |
MH4 | MH4 |
Gore Magala |
Number of Monsters - Comparison with Previous Games
General Information
- A total of 98 Monsters are in the game; 23 Small monsters and 75 Large monsters.
- 85 returning monsters are in the game; 23 Small monsters and 62 Large Monsters.
- Returning 1st Generation monsters are Apceros, Aptonoth, Basarios, Cephadrome, Cephalos, Diablos, Black Diablos, Felyne, Gendrome, Genprey, Gravios, Black Gravios, Gypceros, Purple Gypceros, Iodrome, Ioprey, Kelbi, Khezu, Red Khezu, Fatalis, Crimson Fatalis, Kirin, Melynx, Monoblos, White Monoblos, Rathalos, Azure Rathalos, Silver Rathalos, Rathian, Pink Rathian, Gold Rathian, Velocidrome, Velociprey, Yian Garuga, Yian Kut-Ku, and Blue Yian Kut-Ku.
- Returning 2nd Generation monsters are Akantor, Chameleos, Conga, Congalala, Emerald Congalala, Daimyo Hermitaur, Plum Daimyo Hermitaur, Hermitaur, Kushala Daora, Rusted Kushala Daora, Popo, Rajang, Remobra, Teostra, Tigrex, Ukanlos, and White Fatalis.
- Returning 3rd Generation monsters are Altaroth, Bnahabra, Brachydios, Brute Tigrex, Delex, Deviljho, Savage Deviljho, Gargwa, Great Jaggi, Jaggi, Jaggia, Lagombi, Rhenoplos, Slagtoth, Zinogre, and Stygian Zinogre.
- Returning 4th Generation monsters are Ruby Basarios, Dalamadur, Dah'ren Mohran, Gore Magala, Kecha Wacha, Oroshi Kirin, Konchu, Najarala, Nerscylla, Seltas, Seltas Queen, Shagaru Magala, Tetsucabra, Molten Tigrex, Zamite, and Zamtrios.
- 10 new monsters are in the game; no Small monsters and 10 Large Monsters.
- 8 New Subspecies for old monsters: Shah Dalamadur, Ash Kecha Wacha, Shrouded Nerscylla, Desert Seltas Queen, Desert Seltas, Berserk Tetsucabra, Tidal Najarala, and Tigerstripe Zamtrios.
- 1 New Flying Wyvern: Seregios.
- 1 New Elder Dragon: Gogmazios.
- The Carapaceon Monster Type, previously not present in Monster Hunter 3, Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and Monster Hunter 4, returns in this game.
Monsters with Minor Roles / References to Old Monsters
- Young Plesioth and Green Plesioth are catchable via the Palico Fishing Machine for materials but are unable to be fought by Hunters.
- Because of the introduction of Material Exchange in Monster Hunter 4, some monster materials present in the game do not automatically mean that the monster itself is available to be fought. The following are a list of monsters whose items, weapons or armor have been confirmed to exist, but the monster themselves are not physically seen in the game:
- Agnaktor, Amatsumagatsuchi, Arzuros, Barioth, Sand Barioth, Barroth, Blangonga, Ceadeus, Dire Miralis, Duramboros, Gobul, Hypnocatrice, Jhen Mohran, Lagiacrus, Ivory Lagiacrus, Abyssal Lagiacrus, Lao-Shan Lung, Lavasioth, Lunastra, Nargacuga, Lucent Nargacuga, Nibelsnarf, Qurupeco, Royal Ludroth, Shen Gaoren, Shogun Ceanataur, Terra Shogun Ceanataur, Uragaan, Steel Uragaan, Vespoid, Volvidon, and Yama Tsukami.
- Amatsumagatsuchi, Sand Barioth, Dire Miralis, Ivory Lagiacrus, Abyssal Lagiacrus, Lucent Nargacuga, Terra Shogun Ceanataur, and Steel Uragaan materials were not present in Monster Hunter 4 but are present in this game.
- Only Scraps for Amatsumagatsuchi were present in Monster Hunter 4.
- Weapons and Armor for Hypnocatrice are available, but its materials are not present in the game.
- Amatsumagatsuchi, Sand Barioth, Dire Miralis, Ivory Lagiacrus, Abyssal Lagiacrus, Lucent Nargacuga, Terra Shogun Ceanataur, and Steel Uragaan materials were not present in Monster Hunter 4 but are present in this game.
- Agnaktor, Amatsumagatsuchi, Arzuros, Barioth, Sand Barioth, Barroth, Blangonga, Ceadeus, Dire Miralis, Duramboros, Gobul, Hypnocatrice, Jhen Mohran, Lagiacrus, Ivory Lagiacrus, Abyssal Lagiacrus, Lao-Shan Lung, Lavasioth, Lunastra, Nargacuga, Lucent Nargacuga, Nibelsnarf, Qurupeco, Royal Ludroth, Shen Gaoren, Shogun Ceanataur, Terra Shogun Ceanataur, Uragaan, Steel Uragaan, Vespoid, Volvidon, and Yama Tsukami.
- The following are a list of monsters whose materials and Equipment are not available in the game, but its Scraps (used for creating Palico Equipment) are available and are only obtainable at Palico Quests: